——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— PAPER MARIO: THE THOUSAND-YEAR DOOR Text dumped by TheRewster, a.k.a. Rew Updated: January 19, 2015 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Note: This text dump is extracted from the North American version of the game, released October 11, 2004 for the Nintendo GameCube. What follows is a raw presentation of all the text in the entire game--not only dialogue but also menu text, item and enemy lists, etc. Because the text is already stored in ready-to-read ASCII format, it was a simple matter of extracting all the text files via the Dolphin emulator; this does include the control codes, however. A "cleaned-up" version of this text dump (i.e. properly formatted and without all the coding) is now available at Romhacking.net. (Just go to "Documents" and search for "paper mario text dump," which should bring it up as one of the search results.) The text is stored in alphabetical order by file name. The following key shows what each text section corresponds to (as well as stage/chapter, if applicable): "aaa" = Mario Bros.' House (includes prologue or "pro") "aji" = X-Naut Fortress ("stg7") "bom" = Fahr Outpost ("stg7") "dmo" = opening demo ("op_book" + "op") "dou" = Pirate's Grotto ("stg5") "eki" = Riverside Station, interior ("stg6") "end" = staff credits "global" = menus, miscellaneous text "gon" = Hooktail Castle ("stg1") "gor" = Rogueport "gra" = Twilight Trail ("stg4") "hei" = Petal Meadows ("stg1") "hom" = Riverside Station, exterior ("stg6") "jin" = Creepy Steeple ("stg4") "jon" = Pit of 100 Trials "kpa" = Bowser events "las" = Palace of Shadow ("stg8") "moo" = The Moon ("stg7") "mri" = The Great Tree ("stg2") "muj" = Keelhaul Key ("stg5"), also includes all dialogue at sea "nok" = Petalburg ("stg1") "pik" = Poshley Heights + Poshley Sanctum ("stg6") "rsh" = Excess Express ("stg6") "tik" = Rogueport Sewers "tou" = Glitzville + Glitz Pit ("stg3") "usu" = Twilight Town ("stg4") "win" = Boggly Woods + Flurrie's House ("stg2") "yuu" = Pianta Parlor In other words, the above list is the order in which the text in this document (and the ROM itself) is presented. For any questions, or if there are any errors, omissions, inconsistencies, or other issues, please email me at therewster1106@gmail.com--be sure to include "Paper Mario Text Dump" or something similar in the subject line so I know it's not spam. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— pro_00 Mail call! pro_01 Hey, Bro! Check it out! A letter from Princess Peach arrived for you! pro_02 I'll just read it to you, how's that sound? pro_03 Ahem! Now let's see here... pro_05 What do you know? It's true! There's a weathered old map in here with the letter.

Check it out! ep_31 ...Oh, wow, that's crazy, Bro! You had a pretty rough time of it, didn't you? ep_32 But now that Peach is safe, I guess everything's OK.

Really, though, how amazing is it that you saved the world again? AGAIN, Bro!

...And say, it's been a little while since then... Are you ready for a new adventure? ep_33 Yeah, you the man, Bro! I wonder what everyone who traveled with you is up to? ep_34 Whoa, what was that, Bro?!? Was that your newfangled mail gadget? ep_35 Dear Mario, What's up? Goombella here!

I'm still here working with Professor Frankly.

We beat the Shadow Queen, but there's tons of Rogueport lore we still don't get...

So, my research with the professor goes on and on. ep_47 So, please say hi to Peach for me, OK?

'Til we meet again! Your friend, Goombella. ep_48 Hey! That's awesome, Bro! Sounds like everyone's doing great over there! ep_49 Huh? Someone here? ep_50 Excuse me, sirs! ep_51 Hello, Mario. Hello, Luigi. ep_52 Please allow me to apologize for coming unannounced, but...

I was cleaning out the storeroom in the castle the other day, and...

I found something rather amazing! ep_53 Yes... Toadsworth found a treasure map!

And I'm sure it will lead to REAL treasure this time! I just know it! ep_54 So, Mario! You'd love to look for treasure, isn't that right? The boat's waiting for you! stg7_aji_00_00_02 Who's that, dude? stg7_aji_00_00_03 Whoa!

That's Mario!!! stg7_aji_00_00_04 So, let's get him? stg7_aji_00_00_05 Yeah, let's get him, dude! stg7_aji_00_00_06 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! stg7_aji_00_00_07_kur Mario! If these X-Naut dweebs are here...

That's totally it! Then the Crystal Star must be here, too, don'tcha think? stg7_aji_00_00_07_nok Ummm... Mario? The fact that these X-Naut guys are here...

Yeah, definitely! It definitely means the Crystal Star must be here, too! stg7_aji_00_00_07_win Mario, darling! If these X-Naut buffoons are here...

Yes! The Crystal Star must be here, as well! stg7_aji_00_00_07_yos Gonzales! Don'tcha think that since these X-Naut dopes are running around here...

Yeah, totally! It means that the Crystal Star must be here, too! stg7_aji_00_00_07_viv Uh, Mario? The fact that the X-Naut security is so tight must mean...

Yes! It must mean that the Crystal Star is here, too! stg7_aji_00_00_07_bom Mario, old boy! Since these X-Naut ruffians are about...

Yes, I'm quite sure of it! The Crystal Star must be here, as well! stg7_aji_00_00_07_chu Mario! These X-Naut soldiers running around means...

Yes, I'm positive! The Crystal Star must be here, too! stg7_aji_00_00_08_kur And Peach must be here, too! We gotta find her, Mario! stg7_aji_00_00_08_nok So Peach must be here, too! Let's find her, Mario! stg7_aji_00_00_08_win Why, Peach must be here, as well! Let's find her! stg7_aji_00_00_08_yos So Peach must definitely be here, too! We gotta go find her, Gonzales! stg7_aji_00_00_08_viv Peach must be here, as well! Let's find her, Mario! stg7_aji_00_00_08_bom Our dear Peach must be here too, wouldn't you say? Let's find her, old boy! stg7_aji_00_00_08_chu Peach must be here, too! Let's find her, dearie! stg7_aji_64 The entrance is locked. msg_kuri_map This is the X-Naut Fortress. This seems to be the only way in or out.

The stars look really nice through these windows, but I guess now's not the time... stg7_aji_45_01 It won't move. stg7_aji_45_02 It won't open. stg7_aji_45_03_kur Wow, how totally weird... I guess we can't go back this way, huh?

Let's look for another way out of here. stg7_aji_45_03_nok Ummm... OK, that's weird... Looks like we can't go back this way...

We'd better find a different way out of here. stg7_aji_45_03_win Oh, how very strange... Looks like we shan't be going back this way, hm?

Let's look for another way out, darling. stg7_aji_45_03_yos Whoa! That ain't good... Looks like we aren't gonna be going out THIS way!

We'd better find another way outta here. stg7_aji_45_03_viv Uh...OK. This is strange... I guess we can't go back this way, after all.

Let's look for another way out, OK, Mario? stg7_aji_45_03_bom Harumph! That's rather odd... Looks as if we can't go back this way, old boy.

We'd best look for another way out. stg7_aji_45_03_chu Mmmmm... How very strange... I guess we can't go back this way, dearie.

Let's find another way out. stg7_aji_65 Please insert the Elevator Key. stg7_aji_66 Choose your destination. stg7_aji_67 Please insert the Card Key. stg7_aji_68 Please enter the access code. stg7_aji_69 Incorrect access code. stg7_aji_70 Access code accepted. stg7_aji_71 This door is locked. stg7_aji_password 014029 stg7_aji_ele_1_00 Level 1 Sublevel 2 stg7_aji_ele_1_02 Sublevel 3 Sublevel 4 stg7_aji_ele_2_01 Sublevel 2 Sublevel 3 stg7_aji_ele_3_00 Sublevel 4 peach_aji_39 Weird... It doesn't look like... anyone's around. peach_aji_40 It doesn't work... peach_aji_41 How do I keep making these doors open? How odd... peach_aji_126 What in the world is TEC thinking? I mean, honestly! He sure is a weird computer. peach_aji_127 Oh! Is that the elevator he wanted me to go in? peach_aji_128 Please wait just a moment. There are currently soldiers in the vicinity. peach_aji_129 Huh? peach_aji_131 Now, Princess Peach.

It's the room with the green lamp very near where you disembark the elevator. peach_aji_130 It won't open... Drat! I must be in the wrong place. peach_aji_138 Huh? Sniff! Snort! SNIIIIIIFFFF! Do you smell that, dude? What a weird smell...


You smell...nice. That is just wrong, dude. peach_aji_139 What? WHAT? WHAT IS IT?!? If you have nothing to say, then don't speak to me.

I'm busy. See, I've even got a busy X-Naut clipboard here. And it says DO NOT DISTURB! peach_aji_140 Hey! Slacker! What part of "DO NOT LEAVE YOUR POST" don't you understand? Huh?!?

Hmm? What? Come again? Oh, are you on your break? ...Well, fine. Carry on! peach_aji_218 You will first go in the opposite direction of Sir Grodus's room.

Exit the elevator and enter the room with the green lamp lit above it. peach_aji_219 Not that way. peach_aji_220 There are guards in that room, Princess Peach.

Please head in the opposite direction. Head for the room with the green lamp above it. peach_aji_243 Whuh? OK, that was creepy. Why did the doors open even though there's no one here?

A malfunction? Or am I just totally losing it here? msg_kuri_map This is a fortress corridor. An elevator connects it to the lower floors.

I guess this fortress extends pretty far beneath the surface of the moon, huh?

I mean, I hate Grodus, but I gotta give him some props for a pretty cool evil hideout. msg_kuri_map This room looks like it was meant to store something... It's booby-trapped, I think.

Not to totally change the subject or anything, but how's your memory, Mario?

If you have trouble recalling the full path, you oughta maybe leave and reenter. stg7_aji_00_00 Gears Under Repair stg7_aji_00_01 The crane will move left for as long as you hold down .

Then the crane will move backward for as long as you hold down .

Use the crane well to get the stuff you want! msg_kuri_map This looks like a storage room for valuables. The crane can grab stuff up there.

It should work if you set a gear in place and press those switches in order...

I'm sure you can handle it. It's not exactly moon-rocket science, here. stg7_aji_01 Who are you, huh?

You came here to get the elevator key so you can access the computer room?

Yeah, I thought so. Well then, you're gonna have to beat me to get it!

And if you lose, your life is MINE! You hear me? MINE! So, what do you say? stg7_aji_02 Yes No stg7_aji_04

You gutless little WORMS! Get out of my sight! stg7_aji_05

Mmmm hmmm hoo ha ha! You're MINE now! stg7_aji_06 And here we gooooo, folks! The main event! The 66th Annual Quirk Quiz! YAY!

If you get 5 correct answers to the following questions, then you win, win, WIN!

But if you get just 3 wrong answers, you're toast! You don't wanna be toast, folks!

Well, what're we waiting for, huh? Heeeeeeeeeeere we go! Question Number One:

Exactly what's hidden here? stg7_aji_07 Petuni Marilyn Flavio Koopie Koo stg7_aji_10 Now, Question Three!

Goomba, Lava Bubble, Buzzy Beetle, and Boo. How many feet do they have? Total! stg7_aji_11 Glitzville Arena Cortez's Ship Hooktail's Belly Poshley Sanctum stg7_aji_14 And now, Question Five!

What was the name of the very first champion at the Glitzville Arena? stg7_aji_15 A Necklace A Bracelet A Ring A Bling stg7_aji_18 Heeere's our last question!

What number question is this? stg7_aji_19 Yes No peach_aji_228

Then please set them again. peach_aji_229

Very well.

Then please cue the button on the control panel located on the left side of the room. peach_aji_230 Please press the button where the beaker stops to dispense each potion. peach_aji_230_01 I will heat the mixed potion in the beaker for 30 seconds.

Press the button exactly 30 seconds after the heating starts to stop the machine. peach_aji_231 By my calculations, it should be finished, but...

Did it come out correctly, do you think? peach_aji_231_01

I see. Then please do it again from the start.

First, please cue the button on the control panel located on the left side of the room. peach_aji_231_02

Very good.

Then please drink it. All of it, if you please. peach_aji_232 What? Drink THIS? Is it safe? It smells...really funky. peach_aji_233 Please, you must drink it. peach_aji_234 Huh? Eek! What's going on? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!? peach_aji_235 ...How unfortunate. It looks like it was unsuccessful. Please do it again. peach_aji_236 NOOOOOOOOOO! peach_aji_237 You have done it. You have successfully made yourself transparent. Congratulations.

But...I must ask you to take off your dress, however.

Even the potion cannot make the dress invisible. peach_aji_238 What?!? That's indecent! No way! peach_aji_239 ...Oh, fine. I guess... If it's the only way. peach_aji_240 When you go into Sir Grodus's room, first locate the disk with the recorded data.

Then insert that disk into the personal computer and connect to the network.

When you are finished with that, please come back to this room.

I will teach you how to make yourself normal again. peach_aji_241 Gee, this is kind of a complicated plan, huh? peach_aji_242 ...I suppose. Now, please go to Sir Grodus's room. peach_aji_251 Thank you, Princess Peach. I was able to obtain the data I desired. peach_aji_252 Is that right? Well, I'm glad. peach_aji_253 Now I will teach you how to become visible again. It is quite simple, actually.

Merely drink the green potion. You will revert to normal instantaneously. peach_aji_254 OK. Just hang on one minute... peach_aji_255 OK, NOW I'm ready.

Let's see here. The green potion, right? peach_aji_255_01 Yes. Please drink the green potion. peach_aji_256 Incorrect, Princess Peach. That potion will not revert you back to normal. peach_aji_257 What a relief! I was kind of worried that I might never become visible again... peach_aji_258 There was never any danger of that. Now, please return to the computer room. msg_kuri_map This is Grodus's lab. He must have his researchers work on various potions here.

I don't think we should touch any of this stuff, though... One wrong move and...


...Know what I mean? msg_kuri_map This looks like some kinda teleporter. Who knows where that thing would send us!

Maybe that's what the X-Nauts use to go between the moon and the earth.

I think we have to switch it on and then stand on the platform to use it. msg_kuri_map This looks like a lab for genetic experimentation... Maybe Yux were made here...

I guess they must have some pretty advanced technology if they can do stuff like that.

Hey, by the way, Mario... You see up there? One of these ceiling panels is loose.

Don't you have some super move or something that can get us up there? stg7_aji_33 Today's code is [014029]. Do NOT forget it! stg7_aji_33_01 How to activate the switch: ...[Left, Right, Middle]... Do NOT forget! peach_aji_132 Please change here. Quickly. The soldier's uniform should be in a locker. peach_aji_133 I'm afraid you can't go out. Please. You must change and then go see Sir Grodus. peach_aji_134 Hmm? Oh! Is this the uniform? Am I supposed to wear this ugly thing? peach_aji_135 Yes. That is correct. peach_aji_136 Urrrgh... OOOOOF!

I don't know about this... It's awfully tight. And it kind of smells a bit... peach_aji_137 Phew! Who knows how, but I got into it. I can barely breathe, though. peach_aji_137_01 I bet I look perfect. peach_aji_137_02 There are no clothes in here! Hm... Must be somewhere else. peach_aji_152 Oooh... That was unnerving... peach_aji_153 All that stuff about conquering the world... Talk about creepy.

I wonder if that has anything to do with collecting those Crystal Stars. peach_aji_154 Off with this thing! peach_aji_155 Whew! Good old pink dress. My favorite. Why would I ever wear anything different?

I'd better get back quickly. peach_aji_155_01 I am afraid I cannot allow you to exit in that, Princess. Please change into the dress. msg_kuri_map This is a changing room. I guess even X-Nauts have to change out of their uniforms...

But what do you think they look like under those suits? I'm...not gonna think about it.

There's a ventilation duct in the ceiling at one end... That's not good for privacy! stg7_aji_34 ???????0???? stg7_aji_35 ????0?????? peach_aji_00_01 O great, exalted Grodus! We brought the Princess Peach you ordered, sir! peach_aji_00 Well, well, well, my pet... Isn't it about time you told us where the map is? peach_aji_01 Princess Peach. You will speak when spoken to. peach_aji_02 I'm telling you, I don't know. peach_aji_03 There's no point in trying to hide it, silly girl. We know you had it. We KNOW this.

Trust me, it's very much in your interest to be absolutely honest with us.

We X-Nauts are not all rainbows and lollipops, I assure you. We're quite nasty. peach_aji_04 ... peach_aji_05 Grodus, sir! I have news. peach_aji_06 Report at once. peach_aji_07 You know that Crystal Star we thought maybe Hooktail had? Well, someone nabbed it. peach_aji_08 What? WHAT did you say? Someone else is after the Crystal Stars?

And he defeated that Hooktail creature, you say? SPEAK, soldier! peach_aji_09 Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. There's more, too. See, according to the report...

...it was a mustached dude in a red hat and blue overalls who pulled the job. peach_aji_10 Mario! peach_aji_11 Excuse me? Mario? peach_aji_12 Oh no! peach_aji_13 Gaack ack ack ack ack! I see... So you know of this Mario, do you? Hmmm...

This fool matters not at all. I'll know all about him before long, that I promise.

I grow bored of talking. Take Princess Peach back to the holding room. peach_aji_14 Yessir! peach_aji_15 And men! Take good care of Princess Peach. Understand? She is not to be harmed. peach_aji_16 You got it, sir! peach_aji_17 Well, Lord Crump... peach_aji_17_01 If this Mario character has the map...

...then it's highly likely he'll find the Crystal Star we're hunting in the Boggly Woods.

You must return there immediately and hasten the excavation. It must not fail. peach_aji_18 Whuzzat?!? Oh, yeah, sure! Roger, Grodus! And with that... Pow! I'm gone! peach_aji_19 I wonder if sending Lord Crump there alone is wise... He is a bit...out there.

Hmmm... peach_aji_20 X-Naut! I summon you! peach_aji_21 You rang, dude? I mean, sir? You rang, sir, Grodus, dude? Grodus? Sir Grodus, sir? peach_aji_22 Shut up. Go get the Shadow Sirens over here. peach_aji_23 The Sh-Shadow Sirens, sir? But they... peach_aji_24 I don't care how you planned to end that sentence, fool. Go get them. Now. peach_aji_25 Gotcha! peach_aji_25_01 The honorable Grodus has need of us? Then we arrive without delay. peach_aji_26 Mmmwee hee hee hee hee... Pray tell, did the princess tell you where the map is? peach_aji_27 Still your tongue, Beldam. We would already have it if you'd snatched her earlier...

But now, since you missed your chance, some poor fool named Mario has the map. peach_aji_28 It wasn't my fault, truly! There were too many prying eyes there. Too many...

Besides, a strange old man showed up at the moment of truth, and we had to retreat.

Why worry? All we need to do now is find this Mario and steal the map, yesss? peach_aji_29 Indeed, that is YOUR duty. Must I remind you? That map is vital to the X-Naut plan.

I will have my men prepare all available information on this Mario.

For now, hear me, Beldam! You Shadow Sirens must take care of this troublemaker! peach_aji_30 Mmmmwee hee hee hee... Fear not, sire. I, Beldam, shall return with what you seek. peach_aji_31 Let's go, my lovelies! Marilyn! Vivian! Come! We've got a job to do! peach_aji_32 Guhhhhh... peach_aji_33 Mmm hm hm hm hm... peach_aji_72_01 What?!? Say that again! You can't get in touch with Lord Crump? peach_aji_72_02 You are correct, sir. We are investigating now... We should hear anytime... peach_aji_72_03 Sir Grodus! Please allow me to enter! peach_aji_72_04 Yes, what is it? peach_aji_72_05 I have a report, sir!

The Crystal Star in the Boggly Woods has apparently been taken by Mario! peach_aji_72_06 What?!? You must be joking! What about Lord Crump and the Shadow Sirens? peach_aji_72_07 Uh, I'm sorry, sir! Unfortunately, Mario laid a beating on all of them! peach_aji_72_08 Hmmm... Disturbing. This Mario character... What kind of...

Speak up, X-Naut! What is the status of the other Crystal Stars? peach_aji_72_09 I apologize, sir!

We are still searching for the other Crystal Stars! Unsuccessfully, sir! peach_aji_72_10 We knew of three of them... Hooktail Castle. Boggly Woods. The one we got in Rogueport.

That means there are four Crystal Stars left out there...

...And we WILL have them! Keep looking, so that Mario won't beat us to the punch! peach_aji_72_11 Yes, SIR! peach_aji_72_12 As I suspected, there's no reason to doubt that Mario has that map... He must.

Listen up! You! I want you to keep a close watch on what Mario does from now on! peach_aji_72_13 Absolutely, sir! peach_aji_72_14 Mario... I loathe you. peach_aji_103 Beldam...

Tell me, what good are you? You STILL haven't taken care of that Mario character? peach_aji_104 Well, yes, sorry, but... Only because he's tougher than we thought at first... peach_aji_105 You do understand that we X-Nauts must open the door first, do you not? peach_aji_106 Mweee hee hee hee hee... Well, rest assured that I will definitely nail him next time.

We have prepared a weapon that will bring him to a quick and certain end. peach_aji_107 I trust your words...though I rapidly lose my patience. peach_aji_108 Just leave it to us, sire. Mweee hee hee hee hee... peach_aji_109 Let's away, my lovelies! Marilyn! Vivian! peach_aji_110 Ugghh...guh. peach_aji_111 ... peach_aji_141 Excuse me... Sir Grodus? peach_aji_142 Yes, what is it? Speak! peach_aji_143 Er, well... It's about Princess Peach... What do you plan to do with her going forward? peach_aji_144 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Something is wrong with... your voice, X-Naut. peach_aji_145 Gulp! peach_aji_146 Perhaps I have a throat lozenge... No. Well, never mind. Oh, about Princess Peach?

I have no interest in what that woman has to say. Just keep her locked in the room.

But don't ever, EVER treat her roughly. You understand? Tell the others as well. peach_aji_147 But... Uh, why... Why in the world are we keeping her here, then? peach_aji_148 That's none of your business! Don't forget your place, you impudent worm!

Concentrate on getting the legendary treasure! That is all I require of you.

We X-Nauts need that treasure to conquer the world! Don't forget it! peach_aji_149 Conquer...the world? Legendary...treasure? peach_aji_150 What are you blathering about now?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Something IS odd about you... peach_aji_151 N... No... Nothing odd!

Uh, so...roger, or whatever. P-Please excuse me. peach_aji_166_00_01 Are you sure about this? Speak up, X-Naut! peach_aji_166_00_02 Yes, sir, quite sure. I pored over all our research of the Thousand-Year Door...

...And it appears the sealing power has definitely been weakening, as Beldam said. peach_aji_166_00_03 Finally, the treasure of legend... The ancient power of darkness will soon be ours! peach_aji_166_00_04 Listen, and listen well! Keep giving the Crystal Star search top priority!

Of course, that also includes the elimination of Mario! That meddling scum... peach_aji_166_00_05 Got it, sir! peach_aji_166_00_06 Soon I will have the power that has slept for a millennium... So very soon!

And when that glorious day dawns, I'll throw the world into the depths of terror!

No one can stop me now. All will kneel before the X-Naut regime!

And then I, Grodus, will build a new world!

A perfect, ideal world... Yes. A world made by me, about me, and for me! peach_aji_166_00_07 GAAACK ACK ACK ACK ACK! peach_aji_196 You blew it again, Lord Crump. You sicken me. peach_aji_197 Look, I'm sorry. Seriously. We thought... We thought we had the guy cornered, but... peach_aji_198 Stop talking, Lord Crump. You just stand by until my next order.

And, Lord Crump? Think of this as your last chance. Understand? peach_aji_199 Roger that. peach_aji_200 Then leave. peach_aji_201 Hey! You there! peach_aji_202 What is it, sir? peach_aji_203 Tell the Shadow Sirens to attack Mario again. And tell them not to fail this time. peach_aji_204 You got it, sir. peach_aji_205 I have one Crystal Star in my hands...and Mario has five. I must take some measures. peach_aji_269 What is the matter with you idiots? Falling for a fake Crystal Star? That's asinine! peach_aji_270 Sorry, dude. I mean, sir! peach_aji_271 So let me guess... This means Mario managed to get the real Crystal Star? peach_aji_272 Uh, I'm gonna say...maybe? peach_aji_273 Urrgh...

This mustached menace has nearly every Crystal Star now! They were mine!

I think I'd better alter my plan a bit... peach_aji_274 Before you do, Sir Grodus... I think I'd better tell you something... peach_aji_275 What is it, fool?!? peach_aji_276 ...Mumble mumble... peach_aji_277 WHAAAAAAAAT?!? Are you sure?!? Speak! peach_aji_278 No joke, dude. I mean, affirmative, Sir Dude. That is... I'm positive, sir! peach_aji_279 Hrrrrgh... TREASON! msg_kuri_map This place is a bit overdone, huh? It just screams, "Hey! I'm an evil mastermind!"

I wonder if poor Princess Peach got dragged in here before? peach_aji_244 This must be Grodus's room. Now, where is that disk? peach_aji_244_01 Well, OK. Here's his computer, at least...but I still need that darned disk. peach_aji_245 Found it! This MUST be it! peach_aji_246 Umm... Oh, yeah! Now I insert the disk into the computer and connect to the network... peach_aji_247 I did it. YESSS! I DID IT! It's working! peach_aji_248 Looks like it's all done... I'd better put the disk back where I got it... peach_aji_249 There. Like I was never here! peach_aji_249_01 Please, Princess Peach. Insert the disk into the computer. peach_aji_250 Please, Princess Peach. Return the disk to its original place. msg_kuri_map What's this room for, huh? Is it some kind of office for the X-Naut boss or what?

Maybe we should just give it a once-over to make sure we don't miss anything.

Boy, and what's with these tanks full of Nibbles? Jeepers, that creeps me out... msg_kuri_map This room looks like it was meant to store something... It's booby-trapped, I think.

If you stay on the tiles that were lit up, I think you'll be OK, Mario.

Er... But you should totally go first, one way or the other... stg7_aji_67 Please insert the Card Key. msg_kuri_map This is the X-Naut factory. I think they make all kinds of stuff here.

It's pretty complicated, what with the crane and the pipe, and all those gears...

Maybe we should just take this room one bit at a time, don'tcha think? stg7_aji_36 Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! stg7_aji_37 I've been waiting for you! Oh, MAN, have I been waiting! And I HAAAAAAAATE waiting! stg7_aji_37_01_kur You again!

You've been waiting, huh? Well, so what? What's that supposed to mean? stg7_aji_37_01_nok You!

You've been...um...waiting? What does that mean? stg7_aji_37_01_win You!

You've been waiting, you say? And WHAT does that mean? stg7_aji_37_01_yos It's you!

You've been waiting, huh? What the heck is THAT supposed to mean? stg7_aji_37_01_viv Crump!

You've been waiting for us? What does THAT mean? stg7_aji_37_01_bom You!

You've been waiting, you say? Whatever do you mean by THAT, you boor? stg7_aji_37_01_chu You!

Been waiting, have you? And what does THAT mean? stg7_aji_37_02 Buh huh! I'll TELL you what it means! I used the Crystal Star to lure you here...

So that I could take all of YOUR Crystal Stars! How brilliant is THAT, huh?

And wanna know the best part? Your little Peachy girl isn't even here anymore! stg7_aji_38_kur So Peach totally WAS here!

Where did you take her, you huge weasel?!? stg7_aji_38_nok So Peach WAS here!

Where did you take her, you fiend?!? stg7_aji_38_win So, Peach WAS here!

Where did you take her, you vile thing?!? stg7_aji_38_yos So Peach WAS here!

Where did you take her, you scumbag?!? stg7_aji_38_viv So Peach WAS here!

Where did you take her, Crump?!? stg7_aji_38_bom So Peach WAS here!

Where did you take her, you hurly-burler?!? stg7_aji_38_chu So Peach WAS here!

Where did you take her, you awful man?!? stg7_aji_39 BUH! BUH! BUH! BUH! BUH! Like I'd tell you the plan! That's novice-villain style!

No, I won't be doing anything like that. Sorry, really, guys... So... Ready for showtime?

You guys are gonna be the perfect workout for... Magnus Von Grapple 2.0! stg7_aji_41 I hope you're up to the challenge...because this thing is raw horsepower, kiddies!!! stg7_aji_41_00 Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh!

Yeah, last version was buggy, so we made improvements... One...two...a DOZEN!!!

Get ready for a whole new way to experience pain, you junior-varsity losers! stg7_aji_41_01_kur Oh, please! As if we're not going to totally whip you! For like, the tenth time! stg7_aji_41_01_nok YOU'RE the one who's going to be hurting! No matter how many times we do this! stg7_aji_41_01_win Oh, you foolish, foolish man. My dear, you KNOW we're just going to beat you again! stg7_aji_41_01_yos Aw, man, you know we're just gonna spank you again! You're out of your tree! stg7_aji_41_01_viv You're the one who's going to suffer, Crump! No matter how many times we do this! stg7_aji_41_01_bom I say, old boy, I rather think YOU'RE going to be the one doing the suffering! stg7_aji_41_01_chu Don't kid yourself, dearie! stg7_aji_41_02 Here it comes, suckers!

Magnus Drill Attack!! stg7_aji_41_03 Buh huh huh!

Time to unleash some of the sweet special features on this bad boy!

Oh, man, this is gonna be so good... stg7_aji_41_04 Buh huh huh...uh, crud. You guys should be little puddles of nothing by now...

Oh, well. I've still got some tricks up my sleeve! stg7_aji_41_05 Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh!

EAT THIS! stg7_aji_41_06 Hurrfff... Haaaack...

No... How... What?

My sweet powered-up robot is on the ropes! This is wrong! stg7_aji_41_07 BLAAARGH! stg7_aji_42 GROOOOOOOOODUUUUUUUS!!! stg7_aji_42_01_kur Mario! stg7_aji_42_01_nok Mario! stg7_aji_42_01_win Mario! stg7_aji_42_01_yos Gonzales! stg7_aji_42_01_viv Mario! stg7_aji_42_01_bom Mario! stg7_aji_42_01_chu Mario! stg7_aji_42_02 You got the Crystal Star!

Your Star Power is now 8! And Mario can now use the special move Supernova! stg7_aji_42_03 The last Crystal Star had been hidden in the X-Naut hideout on the moon...

But by the time Mario recovered it, Peach had already been taken away...

Where could Peach be now?

And what of the elusive Grodus? Perhaps he holds the key to the remaining puzzle...

Mario finally has all seven Crystal Stars...

Where will they lead him next? msg_kuri_map This is where they built Magnus Von Grapple and Magnus Von Grapple 2.0.

But there doesn't seem to be anything here now... Nope. Let's go, Mario. peach_aji_35 What a lovely shower! No soap scum, even! Wow. I wonder if it works... peach_aji_35_1 Nobody will mind if I take a quick rinse... peach_aji_36 Ahhhhhh! Hee hee! peach_aji_37 How refreshing! I feel like a new princess! msg_kuri_map This is a...shower room? I guess every evil-guy base of ultimate doom needs one...

Just because you're evil doesn't mean you enjoy B.O., y'know what I mean? stg7_aji_58 Thank you...for... me... peach_aji_34 Oh, dear... Here we go again...

I can't believe I'm kidnapped again. Mario and Toadsworth must be worried sick. Again. peach_aji_34_01 But...hang on a moment! Where in the world am I, anyway? It's so unfamiliar...

I wish I could at least let Mario and Toadsworth know that I've been caught... peach_aji_38 Hmm? What was that? Hey! How odd... The doors opened by themselves. peach_aji_38_01 Hmm... Doesn't seem to open. peach_aji_73 Oh, Mario... Did you even read the mail I sent you? I wonder... peach_aji_74 I wonder so many things... I wonder how everyone is doing at the castle...

Will I never dance at the Mushroom Ball again?

What will become of me? peach_aji_75 Oh! Is this TEC's doing again? peach_aji_112 Mmm... No doubt about it, I'm officially bored. peach_aji_113 Those awful X-things haven't been back to ask about the map... I wonder...is it safe? peach_aji_114 Oh, my... That must be TEC again... peach_aji_280 Strange... Isn't it about time for TEC to call me in? Maybe he's busy... peach_aji_281 Oh! Here we go! msg_kuri_map Wonder what this room's for? There are beds and lockers, but we can't nap here...

There's nothing else, really.

The weird thing is, it kind of smells nice in here, huh? Why do you think that is? stg7_aji_46_kur Where ARE we? stg7_aji_46_nok Ummm... Where are we? stg7_aji_46_win Oh, my, where are we? stg7_aji_46_yos Where the heck are we? stg7_aji_46_viv Where are we? stg7_aji_46_bom Where are we now, hm? stg7_aji_46_chu Where are we now? stg7_aji_47 You...are Mario...are...you not? stg7_aji_48 It...is pleasant to meet you...

I...am the main computer of this fortress... I am TEC.

I must tell you something... That is why...I brought you to this place...

Princess P...Peach... ................................... stg7_aji_49 I...am so s...sorry.

Most of my data was er... erased...and my main power unit was shut...down.

Now running on backup power with...only cached memory... trying to stay...operational. stg7_aji_50 M... Mario... You know that Peach is not here, do you not? stg7_aji_51 Please save...Peach... Please...please...

Princess Peach...is...with Grodus in the...Palace of Shadow...

I had to...tell you that... stg7_aji_52 But...backup...power...failing...

Mario... Use...the teleporter room...to get back to... Rogueport.

Teleporter room is...on... sublevel...2...of the fortress... I will release...the room lock. stg7_aji_53_kur Peach is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_53_nok Princess Peach is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_53_win Peach is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_53_yos The princess is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_53_viv Princess Peach is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_53_bom Peach is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_53_chu Peach is in the Palace of Shadow? stg7_aji_54 Please hurry... There is barely enough...power left...to activate the teleporter...


I will...cease all AI functions... to send power to...the teleporter...for you. stg7_aji_55_kur But...what'll happen to you? stg7_aji_55_nok But...what'll happen to you? stg7_aji_55_win But...what will happen to you? stg7_aji_55_yos But...what'll happen to you? stg7_aji_55_viv But...what'll happen to you? stg7_aji_55_bom But...what will happen to you? stg7_aji_55_chu But...what'll happen to you? stg7_aji_56 When the power is all gone... I will...

Cease to exist...as an artificial consciousness.

But...if it will...save Peach... I would...gladly do this.

Because until I met Peach... I knew nothing of...love... stg7_aji_57 Do not worry...about me... I am just a computer... Just...a...machine...

Mario... You must save Peach... I ask you... Please...

And tell her... stg7_aji_59_kur ...We understand, TEC. stg7_aji_59_nok ...OK, TEC. stg7_aji_59_win ...We shall, TEC. stg7_aji_59_yos ...We got it, TEC. stg7_aji_59_viv ...We understand, TEC. stg7_aji_59_bom ...We will, TEC. stg7_aji_59_chu ...We understand, TEC. stg7_aji_60 So... Hurry to the teleporter... room...now...

Mario... Save...her... stg7_aji_61 TEC system failure reported. stg7_aji_62_kur Mario! We HAVE to save Peach! For poor TEC, too! stg7_aji_62_nok Mario! We have to save Peach...for TEC, too! stg7_aji_62_win Mario, darling! We must save Peach! We have to do it for that poor TEC, as well! stg7_aji_62_yos Gonzales! That tears it, man! We just gotta save Peach! For TEC, too! stg7_aji_62_viv Oh, Mario! We have to save Peach...for TEC, too! stg7_aji_62_bom Mario! We must save the princess! For that TEC fellow as well as ourselves! stg7_aji_62_chu Mario! We have to save Peach...for TEC, too! stg7_aji_tec_00 Mario... I am pleased that I could see you again.

I detonated explosives after you left to ensure the base would never be used for evil.

Of course, I was destroyed in the resulting explosion.

...But...one day I regained consciousness, and all was as before. Yes. Everything.

I do not comprehend why. But...

As I regained consciousness, I saw a light, and I thought I heard Peach's voice... stg7_aji_tec_01 How is Princess Peach? If she is happy, then I, too, am happy.

I continue to hope...for the continued happiness of you, Peach, and all others. peach_aji_42 Hello, Princess Peach. peach_aji_43 Huh? What? Who said that? Where are you? peach_aji_44 How amusing. I am right here, before your eyes.

I am this laboratory's main computer. I am the TEC-XX. Many call me TEC. You may.

Sir Grodus created me to be a perfect computer, one that is flawless in its reason. peach_aji_45 Grodus... Wait, he's that awful dome-headed thing who interrogated me, right? peach_aji_48 Sir Grodus is not awful. He is a very great person. He is marvelous. peach_aji_49 Well, I don't think so.

But I doubt I'll change your mind... So, I'm wondering... Why did you lead me in here? peach_aji_50 I am unsure. An unusual program deviation occurred when I observed you earlier.

My higher-brain circuitry malfunctioned and nearly overheated at your image.

Also, an unidentified impulse sped through my processors. These events are new to me. peach_aji_52 There is more to this phenomenon, as well. I ran diagnostic programs...

...and their solution was... I want to know more about you. I want to observe you.

Such a compulsion has no precedence. Cause unknown. I, the perfect computer...

I must diagnose this unusual situation. I will not fail. That is why I led you here. peach_aji_53 Wait... Did you just say... You want to observe me? ...To know more about me? peach_aji_53_01 Could it be that you...

No! Impossible! It can't be. You're a computer... peach_aji_54 What has happened to me?

If you know my malfunction, you must tell me of it. peach_aji_55 Oh, I couldn't, really... Because...

...it's just too weird. peach_aji_56 Please tell me. Please.

I am the world's best computer. I am perfect.

There should not be anything that I do not understand. Please. peach_aji_57 Well, you know, maybe...

Is it possible that, well... you're...in love...

...with me? peach_aji_58 "Love"? What is..."love"? I cannot compute this. peach_aji_58_01 Wait, you don't know what love is?

Love... How do I explain? Love tells you when you want to be with a person forever.

It makes you feel happy just to see that person happy, smiling...having fun.

When you love someone, you will do anything to help when he or she is in trouble. peach_aji_58_02 Happiness? Fun...? I have definitions for these words, but...

My programming is insufficient.

There should be nothing I cannot comprehend. I am a perfect computer. peach_aji_58_03 "Comprehend" love? Love's not something you comprehend, TEC. You feel it. peach_aji_58_04 .............................................

Princess Peach... Will you teach me to feel this thing you call "love"? peach_aji_58_05 What? You're a computer! Why would you care about love? peach_aji_58_06 I am perfect. There must be nothing that I cannot comprehend. Nothing.

That is why you must help me understand this thing called "love." Please.

If you have any wishes that I can grant you in exchange, I will grant them.

But, of course, I am unable to grant such a wish as letting you escape... peach_aji_58_07 What, are you insane? You X-Jerks kidnapped me like common Koopas!

And now you call me in here and ask me to teach you the meaning of love?

I should spit on your screen! You'll grant my wishes? Ha! Why should I believe you? peach_aji_65 I understand you are angry. That emotion I comprehend. You need not teach me now.

But I must learn of this thing. I must. There is no alternative.

I must be a perfect computer.

That is why, if you would just consider teaching me, I will grant your wishes.

Do you understand me, Princess Peach? Now, tell me your wish. peach_aji_66 Are you sure?

Well, OK... Here goes...

Can I contact someone? The sooner, the better... peach_aji_67 Yes, of course you may.

Use my communicator to send wireless mail to anywhere you want.

If you so wish, you can use it right now. It is no trouble.

Use the keyboard in front of you. Enter the recipient, address, and message. peach_aji_68 You mean this keyboard?

All right... Let me give this a shot. peach_aji_69 OK, it's ready, TEC. Could you send it? peach_aji_70 The message has been sent.

For the time being, you may return to your room.

I will call you in again when I want to ask you something. peach_aji_71 Uh...

OK then. Good night. peach_aji_72 Good night, Princess Peach. peach_aji_76 Hello, Princess Peach. I am glad you came. peach_aji_76_01 That mail I sent to Mario... Did it reach him all right? peach_aji_76_02 Yes. I can confirm that Mario received the mail. peach_aji_77 Is that so? Well, good...

So what do you want from me today? Is there more you want to know of love? peach_aji_78 You expressed regret earlier that you would not be able to dance at a ball, correct? peach_aji_79 Ex-CUSE me?!?

Were you eavesdropping? peach_aji_80 I am sorry, Princess Peach. I have been ordered to keep surveillance on you.

But...it is odd... When you said that, I had an impulse to dance with you as well.

How my CPU would produce this impulse is inexplicable. I must find what caused it. peach_aji_83 Find out what caused it?

There's no reason behind such a feeling, TEC.

Wanting to do something together... It's part of love. I know it.

But then again... You are... well...a computer. peach_aji_84 Princess Peach. Please dance with me. peach_aji_85 Wait... Wait just a minute!

What...am I supposed to do? You say you want to dance? It's just so...bizarre...

I mean, how in the world can I dance with you? You have no arms. Or feet. Or moves. peach_aji_86 Would this be an acceptable dance substitute? peach_aji_91 Oh my goodness! Is that me? Did you create that?


...Oh, all right, I guess. peach_aji_92 I must say, though, it's going to feel weird, dancing with myself... peach_aji_93 Press the buttons as they display on the screen. peach_aji_94 Princess Peach. I still do not understand very well. Will you please dance again? peach_aji_95 All right, fine. As you wish. I'll dance until you see what I've been talking about. peach_aji_96 Thank you, Princess Peach. That was very fun.

Just a moment...



Is this impulse I feel the concept known as fun? peach_aji_97 TEC? Are you OK? peach_aji_98 Princess Peach, I will fulfill my promise to you. Please use my communicator.

Use the keyboard to send whatever message you want. peach_aji_99 I'm finished, TEC. Could you send it? peach_aji_100 The message has been sent.

Please go back to your room.

I want to analyze the data from this dance immediately.

The data that I thought was fun... peach_aji_101 You're a weeeeird computer. peach_aji_101_01 No. You are mistaken. I am the world's best and only perfect computer. peach_aji_102 Good night, Princess Peach. peach_aji_115 Hello, Princess Peach. peach_aji_116 You always call me in without warning, TEC.

What is it this time? peach_aji_117 I apologize. I would like you to go to where Sir Grodus is and ask him something. peach_aji_118 What? What do you mean, go ask? peach_aji_119 I recently obtained specific information that brought an... issue to my attention. peach_aji_119_01 You ARE the main computer here, right? Why is there anything you don't know? peach_aji_119_02 I am unable to know things that are not entered in my CPU or otherwise recorded.

That is why I want to know what Sir Grodus is thinking about this issue. peach_aji_120 But...even if I try to go see him, they'll catch me and send me back to the room! peach_aji_121 That is true. But you will find a soldier's room one floor up. Take the elevator.

Once there, please obtain a soldier's uniform and change into it, avoiding detection.

You will go see Sir Grodus looking like a soldier. peach_aji_122 You mean I'll be disguised.


I imagine you won't take NO for an answer, will you? peach_aji_123 You imagine correctly. peach_aji_124 All right... Fine, I guess. Well, so what do you want me to go ask this Grodus? peach_aji_125 I will tell you... peach_aji_156 TEC! You terrible machine! So your goal is to conquer the world, is it? peach_aji_157 Of course. After all, I was built for that purpose. peach_aji_157_01 Conquering the world... How could you... peach_aji_157_02 Princess Peach, allow me to ask you something. Do you like the world you live in?

There are many problems in the world, many sorrows. Do you like such a world? peach_aji_157_03 Of course I do! Nobody likes everything about the world, but I love the good parts!

There are many sorrows, sure...but there is also joy. peach_aji_157_04 ...Is that so. peach_aji_158 Tell me! Will the Crystal Stars help you conquer the world? And what's this treasure? peach_aji_159 I am afraid I cannot answer. Answering those questions is prohibited by Sir Grodus. peach_aji_160 Well... But...

Oh, never mind.

I must at least inform Mario about this awful plan for world domination...

TEC. Let me use your communicator. peach_aji_161 .............................................

I suppose I can allow that. Please use the communicator. peach_aji_163 Send it this instant! peach_aji_164 The message has been sent.

Well then, Princess Peach. You have had a busy day. Go back to the room, please. peach_aji_165 Oh... OK. peach_aji_166 Good night, Princess Peach. peach_aji_166_01 TEC? Did you call me? peach_aji_166_02 What shall I do today?

Will it be dancing, perhaps? Disguising? Or will I sing a song or something? peach_aji_166_03 I... I am conflicted. peach_aji_166_04 Huh? peach_aji_166_05 What's wrong, TEC? You don't seem yourself... peach_aji_166_06 Which is more important? Carrying out an order or protecting a critical person?

I exist for the purpose of a certain person. I wish to exist for the purpose of another...

I do not know what to do... Really. peach_aji_166_07 What do you mean? peach_aji_166_08 No... No, never mind. Please forget my musings.

I do not know why...but it makes me feel unpleasant if I make you worry.

Well, in any case...

Let's have a quiz. peach_aji_167 A quiz? peach_aji_168 That's right, Princess Peach. Please answer the questions that I am about to ask you.

If you can answer five questions, you may use the communicator as usual. peach_aji_169 What's with you all of a sudden, huh? peach_aji_174 Now, the first question. peach_aji_175 What will happen if you collect seven Crystal Stars? peach_aji_175_sel To conquer the world. To get rich. To become a superhero. peach_aji_180 Correct.

Now, the third question. peach_aji_181 What is the legendary treasure that waits behind the Thousand-Year Door? peach_aji_181_01 What is the legendary treasure that waits behind the Thousand-Year Door? peach_aji_182 TEC... Is this... peach_aji_183 Princess, please answer.

What is the legendary treasure that waits behind the Thousand-Year Door? peach_aji_183_sel Cherish it always. Bring the demon back to life. Hang out with it. peach_aji_186 Correct.

Now, the fifth question. peach_aji_187 What is required to seal up the demon again? peach_aji_187_sel Yes No stg7_bom_37

All people here look forward to firing of that cannon. We count on you. stg7_bom_38

Meet with Goldbob and General White.

Goldbob is gold Bob-omb with silk hat and mustache.

We need his permission to fire cannon.

General White is white Bob-omb, as you expect...

And he has mustache finer even than yours.

Everyone here cannot wait to fire cannon again. We count on you. stg7_bom_38_01 Now all we need is permission of Goldbob!

I think he is in Poshley Heights. You head there. stg7_bom_38_02 So you have got permission of Goldbob. Da, now we need General White.

I heard he was seen in Petalburg. You head there. stg7_bom_39 What? You cannot find General White? stg7_bom_40


Now, where did he go... stg7_bom_40_02

This makes trouble for us...

We definitely need him...

Otherwise we cannot even operate that thing...

So... What to do... stg7_bom_41 Ahhhhhhhhh...

The mustached gentleman...

Where has he gone to? stg7_bom_41_01 Yes, very troublesome... Without General White, we cannot move cannon...

You will just have to ask people here if they know where he might be... stg7_bom_42 That was General White, BLA-BLOOIE! He is great hero of Bob-ombs, BLA-BLAM!

But now that he can't work with cannon, he loses all hope, BLA-BLAOW!

He seems very tired, so I leave him alone, BLA-BOOM! stg7_bom_43 He seems to be asleep. Wake him up? stg7_bom_43_yn Yes No stg7_bom_45 He's still sound asleep. Try again? stg7_bom_45_yn Yes No stg7_bom_47 He's still sawing logs. Try again? stg7_bom_47_yn Yes No stg7_bom_49 He's counting sheep. Try again? stg7_bom_49_yn Yes No stg7_bom_51 Sleeping like a 'stached baby. Try again? stg7_bom_51_yn Yes No stg7_bom_53 He's still snoring away. Try again? stg7_bom_53_yn I'm here to shop. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... shop_24 Da, I'll stay! Nyet, I'm leaving. yado_07

You have Inn Coupon. yado_08 Yes No irai_26_00 ......... ...... ....... ..... ..........! irai_26_01 ............? irai_26_01_s That's terrible! I think so, too. Not at all. irai_26_03

.... ...........? .............. irai_26_03_s Run that by me again. Yeah, I get it. stg1_gon_majin4_17

You IDIOT! Just press ! Try it again! stg1_gon_majin4_18

Then off with you, you jaded, cursed, boat guy!

Oh, and hey, listen... Thanks for letting me do my thing. I feel better. stg1_gon_majin4_19_kur So... Is that curse guy actually a good guy or what? stg1_gon_majin4_19_nok Ummm... You think that guy in the chest is actually on our side? stg1_gon_majin4_19_win Hmm... I daresay that cursing chest may actually be on our side... stg1_gon_majin4_19_yos Y'know... That curse dude ain't half bad. stg1_gon_majin4_19_viv Uh... Is that curse person actually on our side? stg1_gon_majin4_19_bom Ah... Well, I say, that curse chap seems rather a bit of all right, eh? stg1_gon_majin4_19_chu Mmmm... Is he actually on our side, do you think? msg_kuri_map We're inside one of the abandoned ships. There's a black chest here.

Now that I mention it... Why do we keep running into these black chests? Weird. msg_kuri_map We're inside Pirate's Grotto. There's a sunken ship here.

Something good inside? 'Cause that's how it always is in video games...right? msg_kuri_map Jumping around on barrels and sinking ship fragments... This is pretty gnarly.

So, let's take it easy and not get too careless, OK? msg_kuri_map Watch out for those spikes! Yeah, the thing about spikes is...they really hurt.

Forget using an ally's power here... Trust yourself and let's roll! You know what I mean! stg5_dou_11 Hey! Something's coming! There! Floating on the water! small_00 WHOA! WHOA! small_01 Lemme see! small_02 Hunh? What? small_03 Where am I? small_04 WHAAAAAAT? small_05 Ummm, I can't breathe, guys! stg5_dou_13 Is that a... Is that a boat? HEY! OVER HEEEEEEEEERE! SAVE US, PLEASE! stg5_dou_13_01 What IS that? stg5_dou_13_02 It's made out of paper!!! stg5_dou_13_03 Well, that was pointless! stg5_dou_13_04 Huge bummer! stg5_dou_13_05 Oh, are you KIDDING me? stg5_dou_13_06 I still can't breathe, here! stg5_dou_14 Hey! We can cross over now! stg5_dou_15 Hey! Hey! What are we waiting for? Let's go! stg5_dou_16 I don't know how you did it, but you saved us! stg5_dou_16_01 We came here looking for that pirate treasure, and then, well...

Our ship got surrounded by ghosts out on the ocean... And we all ended up here! stg5_dou_16_02 Hey! Aren't you Mario?!? stg5_dou_16_03 It's me! Me! Don Pianta's daughter! Francesca! And Frankie's here, too! stg5_dou_16_04 After my dad forgave us, we set out on a trip...

The ship we were on got a little too close to this island... and now look at us!

Still, I'm amazed the rumors about Cortez were all true! ...Which means...he's nearby! stg5_dou_16_05 Hey, so, by the way... Why are YOU here?

Don't tell me Daddy had you come here to take us back! stg5_dou_16_06 What?!? You're after the pirate's treasure because it might contain a Crystal Star?

Well, I think the treasure is right in there, watched by Cortez's spirit...

Yeah... I'm sure you'll be able to take care of him, though! You look tough!

Besides, Cortez is the one that trapped us on that raft, so smack him one for me! stg5_dou_16_07 Getting out of here is treasure enough for us! But how do we get out?

Well, you go on and fight Cortez, and we'll think of a way out, how about that? stg5_dou_16_08 Clear something up for me... You got here HOW?!?

But...wouldn't you have to turn into a boat or an airplane to do all that? stg5_dou_16_09 How will we ever get back to the surface? It smells so WEIRD down here... stg5_dou_16_10 Frankie and I are just so in love, anytime, anywhere, no matter how dank! stg5_dou_16_11 ...Hey, puddin' pie, cool it, will ya? I mean, c'mon, babe... Everyone's watchin'... stg5_dou_17_01 Whoa! That was like an earthquake in there! Are you all right? stg5_dou_17_02 YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You beat Cortez? WOW! You're really something! stg5_dou_17_03 YESSSSS! Now that you've got some free time, why don't you get us out of here? stg5_dou_17_04 Umm... stg5_dou_17_05 All that shaking caused this wall here to crack a bit... I feel a breeze...

If we could break down this wall, I think we could escape... I guess that's not much help... stg5_dou_17_06 What?!? A breeze?!? How are we gonna bust that solid rock, though? stg5_dou_17_07 Well, Mr. Tough Guy, I'm sure you can take care of a rock wall or two, right? stg5_dou_17_08 Yeah, I really need to get out of this stinking place before I flip out... stg5_dou_17_09 I can feel a little breeze through the crack here... I can even smell the ocean... stg5_dou_17_10 Oh, Frankie! If we get out of here, how would you feel about living on this island? stg5_dou_17_11 Aw, c'mon, sugar beet... Maybe we oughta think about it AFTER we get out, huh? stg5_dou_17_12 Ha, it worked just like I said! ...Well, me first! stg5_dou_17_13 C'mon, everybody! Let's get out of here! stg5_dou_17_14 This damp cave air is just not good for my skin! Let's go, Frankie! stg5_dou_17_15 You saved our lives, man! I'll never forget you! But...I need to leave NOW! msg_kuri_map We're inside Pirate's Grotto. Lots of sunken ships floating around here, huh?

Hey, by the way, Mario... You can cancel Boat Mode or Plane Mode by pressing .

I'm like, the tip MASTER! That's a super-convenient one, too, so don't forget! 水夫C That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did. 水夫D That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. I wonder how long he's been here? 水夫E This is one of the shipwrecked Toads. He looks waaaaay worn out. モニー That's Francesca the Pianta. She shipwrecked here even before we did.

She doesn't seem too worried. I guess she doesn't care as long as she has Frankie. ピートン That's Frankie, Francesca's boyfriend. He shipwrecked here even before we did.

Looks like Francesca's got him totally wrapped around her little finger, as always. msg_kuri_map There's a Bill Blaster at the end of this corridor. Someone really wants to keep us out!

You know what? Who cares! CAN'T STOP US, SUCKERS! Let's get going, Mario. msg_kuri_map We're inside Pirate's Grotto. This is a looooong corridor.

There's a Bill Blaster at the end of this corridor, too. They don't want us here! stg6_eki_00 S0n0???????0Oc0_0? M0?K0H0????L00B0?钀K\~0g0 ~0c0Y0P00L圦0??g0Y0Q0i0???

???????0誖K0Y0??L0 X0€0k00B0?n0g0Y0???

??D0???k00[0???F0U0?f0 Kb?0B0W0?0鶴j0D0n0g0Y0??? stg6_eki_00_01 ?Bridge Switch

Remember to always return the control-room key to the office. stg6_eki_01 Thank you so very much! The drawbridge's down again. We can get the train moving.

Have a good trip! stg6_eki_02_0 Whoa, Mario!

What are these things doing here? They're disgusting! stg6_eki_03_0 Do you think these gross things flipped the switch?

Let's hurry up and find it so we can switch it back! stg6_eki_02_1 Mario!

What the heck are these weird things? stg6_eki_03_1 Do you think these little monsters flipped the switch?

Let's hurry up and find it so we can switch it back! stg6_eki_02_2 Whoa, Gonzales!

What in the world are these little monsters? stg6_eki_03_2 You think these weirdos flipped the switch?

Let's hurry up and find it so we can switch it back! stg6_eki_02_3 Mario, darling!

What on earth are THESE hopping creatures? stg6_eki_03_3 Perhaps these things are responsible for flipping that switch!

We must hurry up and find it so we can switch it back! stg6_eki_02_4 Uh... Mario?

Have you ever seen beasts like these before? stg6_eki_03_4 Do you think these things flipped the switch, perhaps?

We'd best find it quickly and switch it back! stg6_eki_02_5 Mario, old boy!

What are these squidgy fellows doing here? stg6_eki_03_5 I should think they are the perpetrators behind the drawbridge debacle!

Let's make haste, find the switch, and switch it back! stg6_eki_02_6 Mario, dearie!

What are THESE things?!? stg6_eki_03_6 Do you think these little beasts flipped the switch?

Let's hurry up and find it so we can switch it back! stg6_eki_06 There's a hole here for the Elevator Key.

But you don't have the Elevator Key! stg6_eki_07 You used the Elevator Key! stg6_hom_15 I'm on guard here to make sure there's no more funny business! msg_kuri_map We're inside Riverside Station. It's an old brick building with natural warmth.

Its antique elevator is totally charming, too. I am in LOVE with that thing!

You think it works, though? I'm not that fond of getting trapped in elevators... msg_kuri_map We're inside Riverside Station. This place has been out of use for a while, I think.

I love those solitary lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. It's so shabby chic. msg_kuri_map This is the other side of the big clock. Lots of endlessly moving gears...

A lonely clock, counting out the endless progression of hours, heard by no one... msg_kuri_map We're on the outer stairs. A door at the bottom leads to an underground office.

But listen, Mario... Don't spend time worrying about posters that blow away in the wind...

Let's just take in this killer sunset for a while before our next bad-guy appointment! msg_kuri_map This is the Riverside Station garbage dump. Talk about an annoying place to navigate!

And it smells like rotting Goomnuts... It's amazing how much people throw away.

There should be a door to the underground office somewhere down here. stg6_eki_boots_01 ’00J0W0j0L0‰00’00°0ë0°0ë00☆VW0f0 ’00o0j0Y0h00¦0ë0È0é0¸0ã0ó0×0ÿ lecture_u_boots_04 Hi, it's me again! Toadette! It's nice to see you again!

Way to get the Ultra Boots! Now your jump-attack power will go way, way up!

And...you can use a new jump technique, too!

Let's practice it right now! It's a little hard, but I KNOW you'll get it! lecture_u_boots_05

Just hold down and rotate to make your body fold up!

Then release to do a giant Spring Jump!

Remember, though: you need to rotate a lot before you release , OK? lecture_u_boots_06 Hold down and rotate , then release ! lecture_u_boots_07 Don't you give up, now! lecture_u_boots_08 The Spring Jump can help you reach new areas, since you can grab pipes above you.

Move Left or Right to move along a pipe, and press to let go of a pipe. lecture_u_boots_10

Wow! Way to go, Mario! That was very well done! Want to try it again? lecture_u_boots_11 Yes No gor_luigi_00 Well, hey, big brother! Fancy meeting you here! What a co-inky-dink! gor_luigi_01 Eh? Who, me?

Well, Bro, I'm on an adventure. I have to rescue Princess Eclair of the Waffle Kingdom.

Yeah, it's a bad scene, all right. She's been kidnapped by the evil Chestnut King. gor_luigi_01_1 Eh? Who, me?

Well, I was in the area, so I thought I'd drop by this inn. One thing led to another... gor_luigi_02 If you gotta know, I met with some Waffle Kingdom cabinet members the other day.

It was pretty crazy, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_03 Well, I went to Rumblebump Volcano and got myself a Marvelous Compass piece!

It was an incredible quest! There was danger, and all sorts of adventuring!

It was pretty nutso, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_04 Well, I got my second piece of the Marvelous Compass at Plumpbelly Village recently!

Hoo, boy! I really got my hands dirty on that one, I'll tell you what!

It was pretty wild, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_05 Well, I headed to Circuit Break Island and got me a Marvelous Compass piece!

You wouldn't believe it, Bro! Talk about thrills, chills, and spills!

It was pretty nuts, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_06 Well, I got another piece of that Marvelous Compass! At Jazzafrazz Town, this time.

Bro, I'm telling you, I turned adventuring into an art form on THAT little quest! Hoo!

It was pretty nutty, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_07 Well, guess what I found in Rapturous Ruins, Bro? Yup! A Marvelous Compass piece!

This part of my adventure was actually sort of sad, if you wanna know the truth.

It was pretty insane, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_08 Let's see, adventures... Oh, of course! Me, I'm done questing for now.

Yup! I scaled Hatesong Tower the other day and rescued the fair Princess Eclair!

That's one adventure I'm never gonna forget. Nope, it was just tooooo exciting!

It was just bonkers, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_09 I've been catching a breather here, you know, reflecting back on all my adventures.

It's been a long road, Bro. Wanna hear what happened? It's a pretty long story... gor_luigi_11

Hey, sounds good to me! Which part of my story you wanna hear, Bro? gor_luigi_12

Oh, really? Your loss, Bro. Maybe I'll tell you about it some other time, huh? gor_luigi_13 If you wanna hear what I've been up to, just come find me, OK? I'll be around. gor_luigi_talk_0000 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, but here goes...

My big brother--that's you, Bro--got a letter from Princess Peach and took off.

Left behind as usual, I was cooking a snack at home when another letter arrived.

We don't get so much mail, so I was thinking: "Huh?" This is what the letter said:

"Sirs! My name is Crepe. I am a cabinet minister in the far-off Waffle Kingdom.

"Our land has been attacked by the Chestnut King, who took our Princess Eclair.

"I ask, nay, BEG for your assistance! The Waffle Kingdom needs your skills.

"I humbly request your prompt response, sirs. Sincerely, Crepe"

...Well, I don't remember it exactly, but I think it went something like that.

With Mario--that's you, Bro--gone, it fell to me to answer this plea!

Hesitating only a teensy bit, I headed to the Waffle Kingdom to investigate.

Oh, no, first I wrote a note to myself about what I was cooking. Then I left.

Once I reached the Waffle Kingdom, I met Minister Crepe, who filled me in.

The Chestnut King had kidnapped Princess Eclair and vanished.

Apparently, though, some oracle said a Marvelous Compass could locate her.

This Marvelous Compass had been broken into seven parts by an ancient curse...

...and those parts had been scattered across the land. Can you believe it, Bro?

Each part of the Marvelous Compass was said to point to the next.

And since one of the parts was embedded in the tiara worn by the princess...

I surmised that once I collected all the parts, I'd find her! Smart, huh?

The minister gave me the compass base spoken of in Waffler fables...

When it activated, the entire thing lit right up, indicating the deep south...

It was pointing me toward Rumblebump Volcano on the Pudding Continent!

So yeah, here I am! I'm sailing out of Rogueport for Rumblebump Volcano.

It's probably gonna be pretty dangerous, but... I gotta rescue that princess! gor_luigi_talk_0001 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, but here goes...

As soon as my ship docked on the Pudding Continent, I set out for the volcano.

To reach my destination, I spent several days fording through dense jungle...

Scary beasts were all over! More than once I thought I was done for, Bro!

I may have screamed a bit. To scare them off, you know. But as fate would have it...

A Blooper named Blooey heard me shrieking and found me in this one town.

Blooey was on a journey of his own, but he joined me after hearing my tale.

Now, Blooey's a madman. Back in his hometown, they call him "White Torpedo"!

Yeah, he's a tough guy. Anyway, he helped me fight to Rumblebump Volcano.

This place was all about bubbling lava pools and heat that'd make the sun sweat.

AND, the place was lousy with evil traps designed to protect the compass piece.

The scariest one of all was this gigantic, 100-foot-tall statue that stomped around.

Now, the weakness of this giant statue, Bro, was a red gem on its forehead...

Now, I can jump high, but not high enough to reach this thing by a long shot.

So I came up with this plan for Blooey to hit that weak spot! "All you, man!" I said!

I waited for a pause in the statue's movements and hucked Blooey up there!

And bull's-eye! The White Torpedo saved the day! That jewel got whacked!

It was a critical hit, and that stone statue toppled and crumbled into pieces!

Once that was done, it was an easy stroll to the room where the treasure was.

Unfortunately, Princess Eclair was nowhere to be found...

But I got another piece of the Marvelous Compass, and put it in the base...

Now the compass pointed west, to Plumpbelly Village on the Strudel Continent.

So I set sails once again and came back here to Rogueport to recharge.

That's what happened to me lately, but I'll be heading back out soon... gor_luigi_talk_0002 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, but here goes...

Once we made landfall on the Strudel Continent, we made for Plumpbelly Village.

Once we got there, though, we immediately noticed that something was wrong.

We learned from the mayor that the town was ruled by a giant snake named Hizza!

He said his own daughter was gonna be offered up as a sacrifice to this beast, too!

So, of course, being heroic, I offered myself up to go in her stead! Brave, huh?

Now, the custom was for sacrifices to be dressed as brides, so I got all dolled up...

I was one hot sacrifice, Bro. I looked so good, I fooled our foes and got in Hizza's lair.

It was kind of rough fighting in that gown, but I managed. Chiffon really chafes, Bro!

I finally found Hizza...and the snake had a second head on its tail! Talk about scary!

I fainted real quick, but when I came to, I managed to distract both heads...

It reared up, fangs bared to attack, and at that moment, I deftly lunged left!

His gaping mouths smashed into one another...and he vanished in a cloud of smoke!

A shining plate fell down on the spot where Hizza's body had been coiled...

Yes! Another compass piece! I set it, and it pointed east, to Circuit Break Island!

Just as I was about to leave town, the mayor asked me to stay and marry his daughter.

I thought about it--she was sorta cute--but we ended up sneaking off the next morning.

I mean, I still have to save Princess Eclair from the Chestnut King!

And...when the Marvelous Compass activated this time, I heard somebody's voice.

It was so beautiful, Bro... I'm certain it was Princess Eclair's voice!

My heart began to race! That's when I realized it: Princess Eclair... I think I...

Oh! I kinda zoned out there. Umm... So, yeah. We set sail again after ditching town...

And somehow we managed to get back here to Rogueport. And here I am! gor_luigi_talk_0003 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, but here goes...

Just as our boat arrived at Circuit Break Island, we heard this incredible racket!

We soon found out that they hold kart races almost every day on the island.

Whoever takes first place in the race gets to rule the island as king for that day.

Just as we got to the race- track, they were holding the awards ceremony...

I couldn't believe my eyes! Right there, on the trophy they give to the winner...

It was another piece of the Marvelous Compass! I almost passed dead away!

I decided right then and there that the only thing to do was enter the next race.

I mean, I've driven in kart races before, so I thought I'd be OK. Boy, was I wrong.

The karts were supercharged machines that could send you airborne with their exhaust!

These vehicles were armed with missiles and bazookas... It was "anything goes," Bro!

Of course, I wanted to get right out of there, pronto! These drivers were crazed!

But I worked up my courage and signed up anyway. And my race day finally came...

I got one of the best karts: the Big Green 01! I took my position at the start line...

The light went green, I stomped the accelerator... and something bad happened.

I was in reverse! The Big Green 01 went rocketing backwards with me yelling...

I crashed into the wall behind me hard enough to cut me off midscream.

In one fell swoop I dropped into last place and wrecked my racing machine...

But it wasn't all bad news: all the other karts crashed because of my maneuver...

Once I got in gear and took off, I was the only car left! I won by a country mile, Bro!

I took the piece off of my trophy and added it to the Marvelous Compass...

The compass came to life and pointed me toward Jazzafrazz Town in the east!

Then I heard that voice! Princess Eclair's voice echoed in my ears again!

Oh, my princess! Random words would form poetry if spoken by your voice!

I will most definitely save you! Just wait for me! Princess Eclair!!!

Oh! Sorry about that, Bro... Umm... So, after that, I got back on my boat...

And came back here to Rogueport. And that's what's been up with me. gor_luigi_talk_0004 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, but here goes...

As soon as we hit Jazzafrazz Town, we were overcome by the glitz and the glamour.

It's a very lively place, Bro. Tons of Dayzees live there, and they're always smiling!

While looking for the piece of compass, I met a hip Dayzee named Hayzee.

Hayzee was a producer, and he was looking for actors to go on stage with him.

I told him we couldn't, since we were looking for the compass part, you know.

But Hayzee said we could WIN the compass part in the upcoming Drama Slam!

He said the so-called Dramalama Plaque might, in fact, be one of the parts!

Well, we just had to give it a try, so we rehearsed with the cast and hit the stage!

Our musical was called "The Mystery of the Fiery Hat of Social Awareness."

The script was great, but I got really hosed, Bro... My "role"... My "part"...

...Was grass! I played grass by the side of the road! Grass, Bro! Grass!

I just sprawled out on the ground and had to be silent. Everyone but me had lines...

I don't care if I was wearing green! Who casts someone based on that? It was awful!

In the end, our musical was the talk of the town, and we won the Drama Slam.

I got the compass part I was after, but even that didn't make me very happy.

The huge after-party just bummed me out more, so I snuck out the back door.

But WOW! Outside were tons of fans! MY fans! Fans of grass! They swarmed me!

I just couldn't believe it! Imagine! Cheering for grass! I was ecstatic, Bro!

After that I added the piece to the Marvelous Compass, which pointed north.

It pointed to the Rapturous Ruins in Grimble Forest. Then... The voice again...

Oh, my cherished Princess Eclair! How you soothe me! I would be grass for you...

I will find you! I will reach you! I will stand by your side and be your Luigi!

Wow. Sorry about that, Bro. Umm... So, yeah, anyway... Then I got back on my boat.

I came back to Rogueport, and here I am, another leg of my adventure completed! gor_luigi_talk_0005 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, but here goes...

After journeying deep into the Grimble Forest, I found the domed Rapturous Ruins.

Inside, everything was pure white. You couldn't tell where the floor became walls...

Proceeding dead ahead, I found myself in a chamber where a young boy sat.

As I approached the boy, someone named Screamy appeared out of nowhere!

Screamy said the boy's name was Cranberry, and that he'd wake for a child of fate.

That didn't make any sense to me, so I started searching quietly for the compass piece.

But then it happened, Bro: I got a tiny tickle in my nose, and I let out a huge sneeze!

Well, Cranberry must've heard it, 'cause he opened his eyes right up!

He looked at me and smiled. And all of a sudden I could understand his language!

Can you believe it? I learned that the boy was the last of an ancient race, the Luffs...

He had been there guarding the Marvelous Compass piece for the last thousand years!

He told me that the compass is an item with the power to see into the future...

The ancient Luff empire used the power of the compass to rule much of the world.

Because of their greed, they were cursed by the compass, and their empire collapsed.

To prevent a repeat of their fate, Cranberry broke the compass into seven parts.

He hid six and kept one, putting himself to sleep until a worthy hero woke him.

I WAS that hero, Bro! He gave it to me, and then he and the ruins vanished...

When I added that piece to the compass...

It pointed to the far north, where dreaded Hatesong Tower stands.

This time, I heard Princess Eclair's voice more clearly than ever before!

I will rescue the princess! I will be super! And then I'll... I'll... I'll...

Well, I'll figure the rest out later. Anyway, I headed back here to Rogueport after that.

I'm making my final preparations for my final battle now.

I'm a little nervous, Bro. But that's what I've been up to, anyway! gor_luigi_talk_0006 Well, like I said, it's a really long story, and this part is just crazy, but here goes...

Hatesong Tower stands atop a jagged, unclimbable cliff beyond the northernmost sea.

The winds whistle down the cliff, howling like banshees singing songs of hate...

People say it's pretty much the scariest place in the world. And I had to go there.

Blocking out the bone-chilling howls, I somehow managed to reach the tower's door.

I was terrified, but thoughts of Princess Eclair warmed my heart and gave me power.

All of my companions felt the same way. They were with me to the bitter end.

The door to the tower swung slowly open to reveal an inconceivable darkness...

I tried to call out Princess Eclair's name, but I couldn't even breathe because...

As I strained my eyes in the darkness, I saw the most terrifying beast of all!

The Chestnut King himself appeared before me! He was monstrous and drooling!

Puddles of toxic goo dripped from his mouth, melting the very ground at our feet!

I couldn't stop shaking, but I gritted my teeth and faced the evil beast dead-on!

I dodged the king's fangs, jumped onto his chest, and gave him a hammer-whack!

My swing split the air and crashed dead-center onto the Chestnut King's skull!

Hope powered me up, Bro! I was going toe-to-toe with the king, and I was loving it!

"This is it!" I thought! I can win this! I'll risk it all on my next blow!

I gripped my hammer tight and waited for my moment... The tension stung me...

SHHHHHWHAAAAACK! The ocean winds raged against the tower windows!

With that sound as my call to battle, I advanced with no mercy in my heart!

And then.............................................. And then.............................................. ..................................................................

.................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

I beat him. I defeated the Chestnut King.

An even worse beast came next, a nightmare thing... but I beat it, too.

........................... I rescued Princess Eclair. It was all over.

And then I came back to Rogueport and had a light lunch. And that's about it.


Huh? You think there's more to the story than that?

Not at all. That's it. That's the whole story of the quest for Princess Eclair. The End.

But my adventures won't end here, Bro... They'll never end... gor_luigi_talk_0007 Actually, know what? This guy actually novelized my quest! He's been interviewing me.

He was actually interviewing me here at the inn during breaks from my adventure!

I didn't think anyone would be interested in reading a book about Luigi...

But "Super Luigi" came out recently, and check this out, Bro: here in Rogueport...

It's set a new record for consecutive weeks at number one on the best-seller list!!!

Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Hooray for Luigi, Bro!

I started reading it the other day, but it's an encyclopedic account in multiple volumes...

Excruciating detail, Bro. It's like a history book! ...It seemed like one, anyway.

They've got it in the shop here in Rogueport. How about you snag a copy, Bro? gor_luigi_talk_0008 gor_luigi1_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? gor_luigi2_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? gor_luigi3_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? gor_luigi4_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? gor_luigi5_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? gor_luigi6_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? gor_luigi7_00 ?B00k0D0U0? ????x0?`0? in_unknown_item Invalid Item in_item_pouch Strange Sack in_key_gon_03 Castle Key in_key_gon_04 Castle Key in_key_gon_05 Castle Key in_key_gon_12 Castle Key in_key_red_jail Red Key in_key_blue_jail Blue Key in_key_arena Storage Key in_key_nanika Storage Key in_key_kagitsume Grotto Key in_key_souko Shop Key in_key_daimu Steeple Key in_key_oumu Steeple Key in_key_hom_00 Station Key in_key_eki_01 Station Key in_key_eki_00_elv Elevator Key in_key_aji_elv_1 Elevator Key in_key_aji_elv_2 Elevator Key in_key_aji_room1 Card Key in_key_aji_room2 Card Key in_key_aji_room3 Card Key in_key_aji_room4 Card Key in_key_black_1 Black Key in_key_black_2 Black Key in_key_black_3 Black Key in_key_black_4 Black Key in_key_daiza Star Key in_key_stg8_1 Palace Key in_key_stg8_2 Palace Key in_key_stg8_3 Palace Key in_key_stg8_4 Palace Key in_key_stg8_5 Palace Key in_key_stg8_6 Palace Key in_key_stg8_7 Palace Key in_key_stg8_8 Palace Key in_key_karon Palace Key in_key_stg8_normal_1 Palace Key in_key_stg8_normal_2 Palace Key in_irai_house_key House Key in_treasure_map Magical Map in_contact_lens Contact Lens in_airship_ticket Blimp Ticket in_train_ticket Train Ticket in_mail_receiver Mailbox SP in_luigi_book1 Super Luigi in_luigi_book2 Super Luigi 2 in_luigi_book3 Super Luigi 3 in_luigi_book4 Super Luigi 4 in_luigi_book5 Super Luigi 5 in_cooking_book Cookbook in_moon_stone Moon Stone in_sun_stone Sun Stone in_necklace Necklace in_punipuni_ball Puni Orb in_champion_belt Champ's Belt in_poisoned_cake Poisoned Cake in_ichikorori_ball Superbombomb in_n_character The Letter "p" in_old_letter Old Letter in_wine Chuckola Cola in_skull_jewel Skull Gem in_watergate_handle Gate Handle in_marriage_ring Wedding Ring in_chuubou_no_nabe Galley Pot in_gold_pearl_ring Gold Ring in_shell_pierces Shell Earrings in_train_autograph Autograph in_ghost_diary Ragged Diary in_blanket Blanket in_precious_paper Vital Paper in_precious_baggage Briefcase in_bomb_pass_A Goldbob Guide in_aji_gear Cog in_data_disk Data Disk in_super_coin Shine Sprite in_miracleorb Ultra Stone in_mini_game_card1 Special Card in_mini_game_card2 Platinum Card in_mini_game_card3 Gold Card in_mini_game_card4 Silver Card in_irai_butsu Box in_starnge_documents Dubious Paper in_kairanban Routing Slip in_monthly_prowrestling Wrestling Mag in_present Present in_drug1 Blue Potion in_drug2 Red Potion in_drug3 Orange Potion in_drug4 Green Potion in_star_stone fn0體 in_lottery_number Lottery Pick in_fighters_pants Battle Trunks in_up_arrow Up Arrow in_otodokemono Package in_coin Coin in_monte Pianta in_star_piece Star Piece in_gold_ingot_1 Gold Bar in_gold_ingot_3 Gold Bar x 3 in_kaminari_gorogoro Thunder Bolt in_kaminari_dokkan Thunder Rage in_kirakira_otoshi Shooting Star in_koori_no_ibuki Ice Storm in_fire_flower Fire Flower in_yurayura_jishin Earth Quake in_teresa_no_fuku Boo's Sheet in_biribiri_kinoko Volt Shroom in_teki_yokeru Repel Cape in_madowase_no_kona Ruin Powder in_nemure_yoikoyo Sleepy Sheep in_pow_block POW Block in_stop_watch Stopwatch in_guruguru_memawashi Dizzy Dial in_dekadeka_drink Power Punch in_kachikachi_koura Courage Shell in_suitoru HP Drain in_teki_kyouka Trade Off in_minimini_kun Mini Mr. Mini in_funyafunya_kun Mr. Softener in_kinoko Mushroom in_super_kinoko Super Shroom in_ultra_kinoko Ultra Shroom in_kinkyu_kinoko Life Shroom in_sinabita_kinoko Dried Shroom in_sukkiri_drink Tasty Tonic in_honey_syrup Honey Syrup in_maple_syrup Maple Syrup in_royal_jelly Jammin' Jelly in_jiwajiwa_kinoko Slow Shroom in_jiwajiwa_syrup Gradual Syrup in_hotdog Hot Dog in_cake Cake in_irekaeru Point Swap in_acchiike_shisshi Fright Mask in_naniga_okorukana Mystery in_hotel_ticket Inn Coupon in_tankobu Whacka Bump in_coconuts Coconut in_dried_flower Dried Bouquet in_wonder_egg Mystic Egg in_golden_leaf Golden Leaf in_tropical_mango Keel Mango in_uncooked_pasta Fresh Pasta in_base_of_sweets Cake Mix in_red_kararin Hot Sauce in_kamekame_leaf Turtley Leaf in_horsetail Horsetail in_fresh_peach Peachy Peach in_shikaeshi_no_kona Spite Pouch in_kame_no_noroi Koopa Curse in_kinoko_itame Shroom Fry in_kinoko_foil_yaki Shroom Roast in_kinoko_steak Shroom Steak in_getemono_cooking Mistake in_honey_kinoko Honey Shroom in_maple_kinoko Maple Shroom in_royal_kinoko Jelly Shroom in_honey_kinokoS Honey Super in_maple_kinokoS Maple Super in_royal_kinokoS Jelly Super in_honey_kinokoZ Honey Ultra in_maple_kinokoZ Maple Ultra in_royal_kinokoZ Jelly Ultra in_hot_soup Spicy Soup in_nancy_dinner Zess Dinner in_nancy_special Zess Special in_nancy_delux Zess Deluxe in_nancy_dynamite Zess Dynamite in_nancy_tea Zess Tea in_space_food Space Food in_ice_candy Icicle Pop in_nancy_frappe Zess Frappe in_snow_rabbit Snow Bunny in_coconuts_bomb Coconut Bomb in_kachikachi_dish Courage Meal in_kinoko_cake Shroom Cake in_kinoko_crape Shroom Crepe in_mousse_cake Mousse Cake in_fried_egg Fried Egg in_fruit_parfait Fruit Parfait in_bomb_egg Egg Bomb in_ikasumi_pasta Ink Pasta in_spaghetti Spaghetti in_tea_kinoko Shroom Broth in_poisoned_kinoko Poison Shroom in_chocolat_cake Choco Cake in_mango_pudding Mango Delight in_first_love_pudding Love Pudding in_starry_dinner Meteor Meal in_last_dinner Trial Stew in_forever_two Couple's Cake in_sumi_soup Inky Sauce in_sesonal_omelet Omelette Meal in_kamekame_tea Koopa Tea in_kame_spaghetti Koopasta in_kararina_pasta Spicy Pasta in_meromero_cake Heartful Cake in_peach_talt Peach Tart in_biribiri_candy Electro Pop in_fire_candy Fire Pop in_honey_candy Honey Candy in_coconut_candy Coco Candy in_royal_candy Jelly Candy in_nancy_cookie Zess Cookie in_healthy_salad Healthy Salad in_kame_man Koopa Bun in_fresh_juice Fresh Juice in_gatsun_jump Power Jump in_tugitugi_jump Multibounce in_renzoku_jump Power Bounce in_tamatsuki_jump Tornado Jump in_minimini_fumi Shrink Stomp in_nemurase_fumi Sleepy Stomp in_funyafunya_jump Soft Stomp in_gatsun_naguri Power Smash in_jishin_attack Quake Hammer in_hammer_nageru Hammer Throw in_tsuranuki_naguri Piercing Blow in_konran_hammer Head Rattle in_fire_naguri Fire Drive in_ice_naguri Ice Smash in_2kai_item Double Dip in_2kai_item_p Double Dip P in_3kai_item Triple Dip in_3kai_item_p Triple Dip P in_charge Charge in_charge_p Charge P in_super_appeal Super Appeal in_super_appeal_p Super Appeal P in_power_plus Power Plus in_power_plus_p Power Plus P in_morohano_yaiba P-Up, D-Down in_morohano_yaiba_p P-Up, D-Down P in_ichika_bachika All or Nothing in_ichika_bachika_p All or Nothing P in_kiken_de_power Mega Rush in_kiken_de_power_p Mega Rush P in_pinch_de_ganbaru Power Rush in_pinch_de_ganbaru_p Power Rush P in_namakura_yaiba P-Down, D-Up in_namakura_yaiba_p P-Down, D-Up P in_pinch_de_mamoru Last Stand in_pinch_de_mamoru_p Last Stand P in_bougyo_plus Defend Plus in_bougyo_plus_p Defend Plus P in_nice_de_bougyo Damage Dodge in_nice_de_bougyo_p Damage Dodge P in_heart_fueru HP Plus in_heart_fueru_p HP Plus P in_flower_fueru FP Plus in_flower_setuyaku Flower Saver in_flower_setuyaku_p Flower Saver P in_ice_no_chikara Ice Power in_toge_wo_guard Spike Shield in_itsumo_genki Feeling Fine in_itsumo_genki_p Feeling Fine P in_biribirin Zap Tap in_2bai_damage Double Pain in_jump_only Jumpman in_hammer_only Hammerman in_damage_gaeshi Return Postage in_happy_heart Happy Heart in_happy_heart_p Happy Heart P in_happy_flower Happy Flower in_heart_suitoru HP Drain in_heart_suitoru_p HP Drain P in_flower_suitoru FP Drain in_flower_suitoru_p FP Drain P in_pinch_de_lucky Close Call in_pinch_de_lucky_p Close Call P in_tamani_lucky Pretty Lucky in_tamani_lucky_p Pretty Lucky P in_kekkou_lucky Lucky Day in_kekkou_lucky_p Lucky Day P in_coin_modoru Refund in_damage_flower Pity Flower in_damage_flower_p Pity Flower P in_subayaku_kawaru Quick Change in_HP_mieru Peekaboo in_timing_oshieru Timing Tutor in_heart_deru Heart Finder in_flower_deru Flower Finder in_coin_coin Money Money in_item_deru Item Hog in_pikkyoro_R Attack FX R in_pikkyoro_B Attack FX B in_pikkyoro_G Attack FX G in_pikkyoro_Y Attack FX Y in_pikkyoro_P Attack FX P in_sensei_sarenai Chill Out in_yattsuke_attack First Attack in_yattsuke_touch Bump Attack in_noronoro_aruku Slow Go in_AC_easy Simplifier in_AC_difficult Unsimplifier in_nanika_lucky Lucky Start in_super_emblem_l L Emblem in_super_emblem_w W Emblem btl_cmd_act_jump Jump btl_cmd_act_hammer Hammer btl_cmd_act_item Items btl_cmd_act_operation Tactics btl_cmd_act_super_action Special btl_cmd_act_tech_party Attack btl_cmd_op_chg_party Swap Partner btl_cmd_op_escape Run Away btl_cmd_op_guard Protect Partner btl_cmd_op_wakeup Rise btl_cmd_act_lecture_end Quit btl_cmd_op_appeal Appeal btl_cmd_op_defend Defend btl_cmd_op_wait Do Nothing btl_cmd_pt_christine Goombella btl_cmd_pt_nokotarou Koops btl_cmd_pt_yoshi Yoshi btl_cmd_pt_clauda Flurrie btl_cmd_pt_vivian Vivian btl_cmd_pt_sanders Bobbery btl_cmd_pt_chuchurina Ms. Mowz btl_wn_mario_normal_jump Normal Jump btl_wn_mario_kururin_jump Spin Jump btl_wn_mario_jyabara_jump Spring Jump btl_wn_mario_normal_hammer Normal Hammer btl_wn_mario_kaiten_hammer Super Hammer btl_wn_mario_ultra_hammer Ultra Hammer btl_wn_mario_normal_charge Charge btl_wn_mario_super_charge Super Charge btl_wn_2kai_item Double Dip btl_wn_3kai_item Triple Dip btl_wn_sac_bakugame Clock Out btl_wn_sac_scissor Art Attack btl_wn_sac_zubastar Supernova btl_wn_sac_genki0 Sweet Treat btl_wn_sac_genki1 Sweet Feast btl_wn_sac_dekkaku_dokkan Earth Tremor btl_wn_sac_mukimuki_body Power Lift btl_wn_sac_sukkari_sukkiri Showstopper btl_wn_sac_yukapera ???????? btl_wn_sac_aud_ball ??????? btl_wn_sac_deka_mario ????? btl_wn_sac_heart_shoot ??????? btl_wn_sac_kagenui ???? btl_wn_pkr_normal Headbonk btl_wn_pkr_lv1 Tattle btl_wn_pkr_lv2 Multibonk btl_wn_pkr_lv3 Rally Wink btl_wn_pnk_normal Shell Toss btl_wn_pnk_lv1 Power Shell btl_wn_pnk_lv2 Shell Shield btl_wn_pnk_lv3_tsuranuki Shell Slam btl_wn_pys_normal Ground Pound btl_wn_pys_lv1 Gulp btl_wn_pys_lv2 Mini-Egg btl_wn_pys_lv3 Stampede btl_wn_pwd_normal Body Slam btl_wn_pwd_lv1 Gale Force btl_wn_pwd_lv2 Lip Lock btl_wn_pwd_lv3 Dodgy Fog btl_wn_ptr_normal Shade Fist btl_wn_ptr_lv1 Veil btl_wn_ptr_lv2 Fiery Jinx btl_wn_ptr_lv3 Infatuate btl_wn_pbm_normal Bomb btl_wn_pbm_lv1 Bomb Squad btl_wn_pbm_lv2 Hold Fast btl_wn_pbm_lv3 Bob-ombast btl_wn_pcr_normal Love Slap btl_wn_pcr_madowase Tease btl_wn_pcr_steal Kiss Thief btl_wn_pcr_kiss Smooch btl_wn_pnk_lv3 ???D0c0q0d0 btl_wn_pcr_search W0?y0? btl_wn_unknown_attack Attack Test btl_wn_default_confuse_attack Confuse Attack btl_wn_dummy_noitem No Items btl_wn_unknown_item Unregistered Item btl_wn_debug_poison Poisoned btl_wn_debug_sleep Sleepy btl_wn_debug_stan Stop btl_wn_debug_guruguru Dizzy btl_wn_debug_confuse Confused btl_wn_debug_biribiri Stunned btl_wn_debug_dodge Dodgy btl_wn_debug_fire Burned btl_wn_debug_freeze Frozen btl_wn_debug_big Huge btl_wn_debug_small Tiny btl_wn_debug_tuyotuyo Strong btl_wn_debug_yowayowa Weak btl_wn_debug_hard Brave btl_wn_debug_soft Soft btl_wn_debug_charge Charged btl_wn_debug_charge9 Charged 9 btl_wn_debug_trans Invisible btl_wn_debug_quick Swift btl_wn_debug_slow Cursed btl_wn_debug_counter Payback btl_wn_debug_regeneration_hp Gradual HP btl_wn_debug_regeneration_fp Gradual FP btl_wn_debug_allergy Allergic btl_wn_debug_dead Instant Death btl_wn_debug_iroiro Change Parameters btl_wn_debug_metya Mess 'Em Up btl_wn_debug_recover Instant Tasty Tonic btl_un_kuriboo Goomba btl_un_togekuri Spiky Goomba btl_un_patakuri Paragoomba btl_un_nokonoko Koopa Troopa btl_un_patapata Paratroopa btl_un_chorobon Fuzzy btl_un_honenoko Dull Bones btl_un_sinnosuke Bald Cleft btl_un_togedaruma Bristle btl_un_gold_chorobon Gold Fuzzy btl_un_chorobon_gundan Fuzzy Horde btl_un_red_honenoko Red Bones btl_un_dokugassun Poison Puff btl_un_pakkun_flower Piranha Plant btl_un_piders Pider btl_un_barriern Yux btl_un_barriern_satellite Mini-Yux btl_un_gundan_zako X-Naut btl_un_test ?????? btl_un_hinnya Spinia btl_un_hannya Spania btl_un_hennya Spunia btl_un_hyper_kuriboo Hyper Goomba btl_un_hyper_togekuri H. S. Goomba btl_un_hyper_patakuri H. Paragoomba btl_un_yami_kuriboo Gloomba btl_un_yami_togekuri Spiky Gloomba btl_un_yami_patakuri Paragloomba btl_un_yami_noko Dark Koopa btl_un_yami_pata D. Paratroopa btl_un_ura_noko Shady Koopa btl_un_ura_pata S. Paratroopa btl_un_togenoko Koopatrol btl_un_sinemon Moon Cleft btl_un_monochrome_sinemon Cleft btl_un_hyper_sinnosuke H. Bald Cleft btl_un_hyper_sinemon Hyper Cleft btl_un_iron_sinemon Iron Cleft btl_un_iron_sinemon2 Iron Cleft btl_un_basabasa Swooper btl_un_basabasa_chururu Swoopula btl_un_green_chorobon Green Fuzzy btl_un_flower_chorobon Flower Fuzzy btl_un_karon Dry Bones btl_un_black_karon Dark Bones btl_un_poison_pakkun Putrid Piranha btl_un_ice_pakkun Frost Piranha btl_un_met Buzzy Beetle btl_un_togemet Spike Top btl_un_patamet Parabuzzy btl_un_patatogemet S. Parabuzzy btl_un_teresa Boo btl_un_purple_teresa Dark Boo btl_un_atmic_teresa Atomic Boo btl_un_sambo Pokey btl_un_sambo_mummy Poison Pokey btl_un_killer Bullet Bill btl_un_super_killer Bombshell Bill btl_un_killer_cannon Bill Blaster btl_un_super_killer_cannon B. Bill Blaster btl_un_bomhei Bob-omb btl_un_hyper_bomhei Hyper Bob-omb btl_un_ultra_bomhei Ultra Bob-omb btl_un_heavy_bom Bulky Bob-omb btl_un_kurokumorn Ruff Puff btl_un_bllizard Ice Puff btl_un_hammer_bros Hammer Bro btl_un_boomerang_bros Boomerang Bro btl_un_fire_bros Fire Bro btl_un_mahorn Wizzerd btl_un_super_mahorn Dark Wizzerd btl_un_super_mahorn_bunsin Dark Wizzerd btl_un_barriern_z Z-Yux btl_un_barriern_satellite_z Mini-Z-Yux btl_un_gundan_zako_magician X-Naut PhD btl_un_gundan_zako_elite Elite X-Naut btl_un_borodo Bandit btl_un_badge_borodo Badge Bandit btl_un_wanwan Chain-Chomp btl_un_bubble Lava Bubble btl_un_hermos Ember btl_un_pansy Crazee Dayzee btl_un_twinkling_pansy Amazy Dayzee btl_un_jyugem Lakitu btl_un_togezo Spiny btl_un_kamec Magikoopa btl_un_kamec_bunsin Magikoopa btl_un_mecha_kuri ???? btl_un_mecha_kame ???? btl_un_okorl ???? btl_un_yowarl ???? btl_un_tuyonarl ????? btl_un_wanawana ????? btl_un_minarai_kamec 0j0?D0???? btl_un_heiho ???? btl_un_dancing_heiho ????????? btl_un_fire_heiho ???????? btl_un_command_heiho ???????? btl_un_black_heiho ???????? btl_un_hatty ???? btl_un_kohatty ????? btl_un_ufo ?????? btl_un_monban Gus btl_un_majolyne1 Beldam btl_un_majolyne2 Beldam btl_un_majolyne3 Beldam btl_un_majolyne4 Beldam btl_un_marilyn1 Marilyn btl_un_marilyn2 Marilyn btl_un_marilyn3 Marilyn btl_un_marilyn4 Marilyn btl_un_vivian1 Vivian btl_un_vivian2 Vivian btl_un_gesso Blooper btl_un_gesso_left_arm L. Tentacle btl_un_gesso_right_arm R. Tentacle btl_un_gonbaba Hooktail btl_un_zonbaba Bonetail btl_un_bunbaba Gloomtail btl_un_moamoa Smorg btl_un_moamoa_tentacle_a Smorg Miasma btl_un_moamoa_tentacle_b Smorg Miasma btl_un_moamoa_tentacle_c Smorg Miasma btl_un_moamoa_mouth Smorg Miasma btl_un_powan Pennington btl_un_fighter Fighter btl_un_rampell Doopliss btl_un_rampell Doopliss btl_un_faker_mario MASAOglobal1664 btl_un_faker_mario_gra MASAOglobal1665 btl_un_gullible_christine Goombella btl_un_gullible_nokotarou Koops btl_un_gullible_yoshi Yoshi btl_un_gullible_clauda Flurrie btl_un_cortez Cortez btl_un_honeduka Bone Pile btl_un_cortez_claw Cortez Hook btl_un_cortez_rapier Cortez Rapier btl_un_cortez_sword Cortez Sword btl_un_cortez_saber Cortez Sabre btl_un_kurikuri Goomba Bros. btl_un_magnum_battender Magnus btl_un_rocket_punch X-Fist btl_un_magnum_battender_mkii Magnus 2.0 btl_un_rocket_punch_mkii X-Punch btl_un_macho_gance Macho Grubba btl_un_champion Rawk Hawk btl_un_kanbu1 Lord Crump btl_un_kanbu2 Lord Crump btl_un_kanbu3 Lord Crump btl_un_gundan_zako_group1 X-Nauts btl_un_gundan_zako_group2 X-Nauts btl_un_gundan_zako_group3 X-Nauts btl_un_koopa Bowser btl_un_kamec_obaba Kammy Koopa btl_un_batten_leader Grodus btl_un_batten_satellite Grodus X btl_un_black_peach Shadow Queen btl_un_shadow_queen Shadow Queen btl_un_shadow_hand_big_1 Right Hand btl_un_shadow_hand_big_2 Left Hand btl_un_shadow_hand_small Dead Hands btl_un_tree Odd Tree btl_un_switch Switch btl_un_testnpc TEST GLOBAL 1700 btl_un_bomzou BOMBZO GLOBAL 1701 btl_un_system System btl_un_mario Mario btl_un_koura Shell btl_un_christine Goombella btl_un_nokotarou Koops btl_un_yoshi Yoshi btl_un_clauda Flurrie btl_un_vivian Vivian btl_un_sanders Bobbery btl_un_chuchurina Ms. Mowz btl_un_kamec_red R. Magikoopa btl_un_kamec_red_bunsin R. Magikoopa btl_un_kamec_white W. Magikoopa btl_un_kamec_white_bunsin W. Magikoopa btl_un_kamec_green G. Magikoopa btl_un_kamec_green_bunsin G. Magikoopa btl_un_monochrome_kurokumorn Dark Puff btl_un_hyper_togezo S. Blue Spiny btl_un_yamitogedaruma Dark Bristle btl_un_togenoko_ace D. Koopatrol btl_un_churantalar Arantula btl_un_basabasa_green Swampire btl_un_phantom Phantom Ember btl_un_barriern_custom X-Yux btl_un_barriern_custom_satellite Mini-X-Yux btl_un_monochrome_pakkun Pale Piranha btl_un_giant_bomb Bob-ulk btl_un_mahorn_custom Elite Wizzerd btl_un_mahorn_custom_bunsin Elite Wizzerd btl_un_dark_keeper Dark Craw btl_un_burst_wanwan Red Chomp btl_un_hyper_jyugem Dark Lakitu btl_un_hatena ????? btl_un_crimson_met Red Buzzy btl_un_crimson_togemet R. S. Buzzy btl_un_crimson_patamet R. Parabuzzy btl_un_crimson_patatogemet R. Parabuzzy btl_un_nokonoko_fighter KP Koopa btl_un_patapata_fighter KP Paratroopa btl_un_borodo_king Big Bandit btl_un_frankli Prof. Frankly menu_enemy_019 U0D0`0D0(000 S0F0R0M0汻000|0F0N0?汻00 ???0?????0??? ?????0??0????? 0???0_0Y0Q0? 0r0K0??0?0L0H0?0 menu_enemy_062 ??????x0D0 menu_enemy_063 ??????x0D0 menu_enemy_072 ????n0v0?W0? menu_enemy_087 ????v0?W0? menu_enemy_105 ?????2 menu_enemy_106 ?????3 menu_enemy_109 ????2 menu_enemy_110 ????3 menu_enemy_113 ????2 menu_enemy_119 W0?O0W0? menu_enemy_120 W0?O0W0? menu_enemy_121 W0?O0W0? menu_enemy_128 `0~0U0??????? menu_enemy_129 `0~0U0?????? menu_enemy_130 `0~0U0????? menu_enemy_131 `0~0U0????? menu_enemy_133 {0m0e0K0 menu_enemy_134 ??????? menu_enemy_135 ???????? menu_enemy_136 ??????? menu_enemy_137 ???????? menu_enemy_138 ????DQ_ menu_enemy_143 ???? menu_enemy_145 ???? menu_enemy_147 _0D0P0?P0?`0?D0? menu_enemy_148 _0D0P0?P0?`0?D0? menu_enemy_155 M0k0j0?M0 menu_enemy_156 Switch menu_enemy_157 Test Character menu_enemy_158 BOMBZO GLOBAL 1776 menu_enemy_159 System menu_enemy_160 Mario menu_enemy_161 Shell menu_enemy_162 Goombella menu_enemy_163 Koops menu_enemy_164 Yoshi menu_enemy_165 Flurrie menu_enemy_166 Vivian menu_enemy_167 Bobbery menu_enemy_168 Ms. Mowz menu_enemy_192 ????? menu_enemy_193 ??????? menu_enemy_194 ????????? menu_monosiri_derutokoro menu_monosiri_gor Rogueport menu_monosiri_tik Rogueport Sewers menu_monosiri_gon Hooktail Castle menu_monosiri_hei Petal Meadows menu_monosiri_nok Petalburg menu_monosiri_stn Shhwonk Fortress menu_monosiri_win Boggly Woods menu_monosiri_hou Flurrie's House menu_monosiri_mri The Great Tree menu_monosiri_tou Glitzville menu_monosiri_usu Twilight Town menu_monosiri_gra Twilight Trail menu_monosiri_jin Creepy Steeple menu_monosiri_muj Keelhaul Key menu_monosiri_dou Pirate's Grotto menu_monosiri_rsh Excess Express menu_monosiri_hom Riverside Station menu_monosiri_eki Riverside Station menu_monosiri_pik Poshley Heights menu_monosiri_sin Poshley Sanctum menu_monosiri_bom Fahr Outpost menu_monosiri_moo The Moon menu_monosiri_aji X-Naut Fortress menu_monosiri_las Palace of Shadow menu_monosiri_nara Various menu_monosiri_shiga Pit of 100 Trials menu_map_gor An unseemly place full of rogues and thugs. The harbor is in the south, a thieves' hideout lies to the east, the western area is home to the Pianta syndicate's HQ, and Rogueport Station is to the north. Trains and airships connect to other towns. menu_map_tik The ruins of an ancient town remain intact underground, and deep within them is the legendary Thousand-Year Door. Holding the Magical Map aloft before that door will lead to the Crystal Stars. menu_map_hei Meadows that lie far to the east of Rogueport. It's a warm and flowery place. menu_map_nok A tiny village surrounded by flowers and greenery, just east of Petal Meadows. The village is warm all year long and boasts clean, delicious air and water. menu_map_gon A massive castle built to accommodate Hooktail's bulk. It's full of lethal traps. menu_map_win A strange and beautiful forest filled with strange and beautiful creatures. menu_map_hou The house Flurrie moved to in order to rest her weary soul and wearier body. It sits all on its own at the edge of the Boggly Woods. menu_map_mri A very large tree where the reclusive Punies live. menu_map_tou A floating city in the sky known for its exotic atmosphere. Warriors fight daily here in thrilling bouts that take place in the city's arena. It's rumored that the rich and famous bet on the fights here. menu_map_usu A town stuck in a perpetual state of dim twilight. Even the townspeople have dim, gray complexions, not to mention dim expressions. menu_map_gra A forest trapped in a perpetual state of dim twilight. One must watch one's step while navigating the paths. menu_map_jin An old building deep in the woods that exudes a strange aura. menu_map_muj A tropical island in the southern seas said to be deserted and cursed. The far side of it is covered in a jungle filled with many brightly colored creatures. menu_map_dou A cave where pirates once hid out. It's quite spacious inside, and even has sea- water flowing into it. It's filled with the ruined shells of wrecked ships and other flotsam. menu_map_eki A station the Excess Express must stop at in order to refuel. Long ago, a river flowed beneath the suspension bridge, but it has since dried up. The view of the setting sun from here is unrivaled, according to locals. menu_map_pik A town famous for all of the rich and famous people living in it. There are plenty of extravagant vacation homes and hotels in town. menu_map_sin Only recently converted to a domicile, this former temple is now home to Pennington, the detective. menu_map_bom A village of Bob-ombs in a mountainous region that is snowbound year-round. It's a place so cold it'll freeze your breath, but it has heartwarming shops and inns. menu_map_moo The best place in the world for stargazing, but also a place pocked with craters large and small. In contrast to the world where Mario and his friends live, it's very difficult to traverse. menu_map_aji The fortress of the dubious X-Nauts. Their leader, Grodus, lives here. menu_map_las The palace found behind the Thousand-Year Door in the ruins beneath Rogueport. msg_menu_stone_none_name ??? in_diamond_star Diamond Star in_emerald_star Emerald Star in_gold_star Gold Star in_ruby_star Ruby Star in_sapphire_star Sapphire Star in_garnet_star Garnet Star in_crystal_star Crystal Star msg_menu_stone_none_help ??? msg_diamond_star The object Koops's father found in Hooktail's belly. msg_emerald_star The object you got from the Puni elder in the Great Tree. msg_gold_star The object Jolene gave you after defeating Grubba. msg_ruby_star The thing you got by beating Doopliss, the body thief. msg_sapphire_star The object you got after not really defeating Cortez. msg_garnet_star The very un-red-herring real thing from Poshley Sanctum. msg_crystal_star The object you got out of Magnus von Grapple 2.0. menu_gatsun_jump Wear this to use Power Jump. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which lets you stomp on a foe with huge power. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_gatsun_jump Stomp on a single enemy using lots of Attack power. menu_tugitugi_jump Wear this to use Multibounce. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which lets you attack multiple enemies in order until you miss an Action Command. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_tugitugi_jump Jump on all foes in a row with perfect Action Commands. menu_renzoku_jump Wear this to use Power Bounce. 3 FP are required to use this attack, which lets you jump on one enemy until you miss an Action Command. msg_renzoku_jump Jump on one enemy until you miss an Action Command. menu_tamatsuki_jump Wear this to use Tornado Jump. 3 FP are required to use this attack, which can damage all midair enemies if executed superbly. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_tamatsuki_jump Execute superbly to damage all midair enemies. menu_minimini_fumi Wear this to use Shrink Stomp. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which can shrink enemies and drop their Attack power if executed superbly. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but enemies stay shrunk for longer. msg_minimini_fumi Execute superbly to shrink foes and drop Attack power. menu_nemurase_fumi Wear this to use Sleepy Stomp. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which can make enemies sleep if executed superbly. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but enemies stay asleep for longer. msg_nemurase_fumi Execute superbly to make enemies sleepy. menu_funyafunya_jump Wear this to use Soft Stomp. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which can make foes soft if executed superbly. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but enemies stay soft for longer. msg_funyafunya_jump Execute superbly to make enemies soft. menu_gatsun_naguri Wear this to use Power Smash. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which lets you whack an enemy with great power. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_gatsun_naguri Hammer a single enemy using lots of Attack power. menu_jishin_attack Wear this to use Quake Hammer. 3 FP are required to use this attack, which slightly damages all ground enemies. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_jishin_attack Slightly damage all ground enemies. menu_hammer_nageru Wear this to use Hammer Throw. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which lets you throw a hammer at one enemy, no matter where the foe is. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_hammer_nageru Throw a hammer at one foe, no matter where it is. menu_tsuranuki_naguri Wear this to use Piercing Blow. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which deals damage that pierces enemy defenses. msg_tsuranuki_naguri Deliver damage that pierces enemy defenses. menu_konran_hammer Wear this to use Head Rattle. 2 FP are required to use this attack, which can confuse enemies if executed superbly. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but enemies stay confused longer. msg_konran_hammer Execute superbly to confuse enemies. menu_fire_naguri Wear this to use Fire Drive. 5 FP are required to use this attack, which assaults all ground enemies and burns them as well. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but increases the Attack power. msg_fire_naguri Attack all ground enemies and burn them, as well. menu_ice_naguri Wear this to use Ice Smash. 3 FP are required to use this attack, which can freeze and immobilize an enemy if executed superbly. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP for the move, but enemies stay frozen longer. msg_ice_naguri Execute superbly to freeze a foe into immobility. menu_2kai_item Wear this to become able to use two items during Mario's turn in battle. This move requires 4 FP. Wearing two of these increases the required FP, but allows Mario to use up to three items. msg_2kai_item During battle, use two items in one turn. menu_2kai_item_p Wear this to allow your partner to use two items in one turn in battle. This move requires 4 FP. Wearing two of these increases the required FP, but allows Mario's partner to use up to three items. msg_2kai_item_p During battle, let your ally use two items in one turn. menu_3kai_item Wear this to become able to use three items in one turn during battle. This move requires 8 FP. msg_3kai_item During battle, become able to use three items in one turn. msg_3kai_item_p During battle, let your ally use three items in one turn. menu_charge Wear this to add Charge to Mario's Tactics menu. This move requires one FP. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP, but increases the charge power. msg_charge Add Charge to your Tactics menu. menu_charge_p Wear this to add Charge to your partner's Tactics menu. This move requires one FP. Wearing two or more of these badges requires more FP, but increases the charge power. msg_charge_p Add Charge to your partner's Tactics menu. menu_super_appeal Get more Star Power when Mario appeals. msg_super_appeal Get more Star Power when Mario appeals. menu_super_appeal_p Get more Star Power when your ally appeals. msg_super_appeal_p Get more Star Power when your ally appeals. msg_pikkyoro_B2 The badge Ms. Mowz is looking for. Take it to her! menu_power_plus Boost Mario's jump and hammer attacks by 1. msg_power_plus Boost Mario's jump and hammer attacks by 1. menu_power_plus_p Boost your partner's Attack by 1. msg_power_plus_p Boost your partner's Attack by 1. menu_morohano_yaiba Boost Mario's Attack by 1 but drop his Defense by 1. msg_morohano_yaiba Boost Mario's Attack by 1 but drop his Defense by 1. menu_morohano_yaiba_p Boost your ally's Attack by 1, drop his or her Defense by 1. msg_morohano_yaiba_p Boost your ally's Attack by 1, drop his or her Defense by 1. menu_ichika_bachika Hit Action Commands, Attack rises. Fail, it drops to 0. msg_ichika_bachika Hit Action Commands, Attack rises. Fail, it drops to 0. menu_ichika_bachika_p Hit Action Commands, up ally's Attack. Fail, it goes to 0. msg_ichika_bachika_p Hit Action Commands, up ally's Attack. Fail, it goes to 0. menu_kiken_de_power Increase Attack power by 5 when Mario is in Peril. msg_kiken_de_power Increase Attack power by 5 when Mario is in Peril. menu_kiken_de_power_p Increase Attack power by 5 when your partner is in Peril. msg_kiken_de_power_p Increase Attack power by 5 when your partner is in Peril. menu_pinch_de_ganbaru Increase Attack power by 2 when Mario is in Danger. msg_pinch_de_ganbaru Increase Attack power by 2 when Mario is in Danger. menu_pinch_de_ganbaru_p Increase Attack power by 2 when your ally is in Danger. msg_pinch_de_ganbaru_p Increase Attack power by 2 when your ally is in Danger. menu_namakura_yaiba Drop the damage Mario deals AND receives by 1. msg_namakura_yaiba Drop the damage Mario deals AND receives by 1. menu_namakura_yaiba_p Drop the damage your ally deals AND receives by 1. msg_namakura_yaiba_p Drop the damage your ally deals AND receives by 1. menu_pinch_de_mamoru Drop damage Mario receives by 1/2 when he is in Danger. msg_pinch_de_mamoru Drop damage Mario receives by 1/2 when he is in Danger. menu_pinch_de_mamoru_p Drop the damage your ally takes by 1/2 when in Danger. msg_pinch_de_mamoru_p Drop the damage your ally takes by 1/2 when in Danger. menu_bougyo_plus Boost Mario's Defense by 1. msg_bougyo_plus Boost Mario's Defense by 1. menu_bougyo_plus_p Boost your ally's Defense by 1. msg_bougyo_plus_p Boost your ally's Defense by 1. menu_nice_de_bougyo Decrease damage by 1 with a Guard Action Command. msg_nice_de_bougyo Decrease damage by 1 with a Guard Action Command. menu_nice_de_bougyo_p Cut damage by 1 HP with a Guard Action Command. (Ally) msg_nice_de_bougyo_p Cut damage by 1 HP with a Guard Action Command. (Ally) menu_heart_fueru Increase maximum HP by 5. msg_heart_fueru Increase maximum HP by 5. menu_heart_fueru_p Increase maximum HP by 5. (Partner) msg_heart_fueru_p Increase maximum HP by 5. (Partner) menu_flower_fueru Increase maximum FP by 5. msg_flower_fueru Increase maximum FP by 5. menu_flower_setuyaku Drop FP used when Mario attacks by 1. msg_flower_setuyaku Drop FP used when Mario attacks by 1. menu_flower_setuyaku_p Drop FP used when your partner attacks by 1. msg_flower_setuyaku_p Drop FP used when your partner attacks by 1. menu_ice_no_chikara Make Mario damage-proof when jumping on fire enemies. Attack power against fire enemies increases by 1, and damage taken from fire attacks drops by 1. msg_ice_no_chikara Make Mario damage-proof when jumping on fire enemies. menu_toge_wo_guard Make Mario damage-proof when jumping on spiky foes. msg_toge_wo_guard Make Mario damage-proof when jumping on spiky foes. menu_itsumo_genki Make Mario immune to poison or dizziness. msg_itsumo_genki Make Mario immune to poison or dizziness. menu_itsumo_genki_p Make your partner immune to poison or dizziness. msg_itsumo_genki_p Make your partner immune to poison or dizziness. menu_biribirin Do damage to enemies that touch Mario in battle. msg_biribirin Do damage to enemies that touch Mario in battle. menu_2bai_damage Double the damage Mario takes. msg_2bai_damage Double the damage Mario takes. menu_jump_only Increase jump power by 1, but lose your hammer ability. msg_jump_only Increase jump power by 1, but lose your hammer ability. menu_hammer_only Increase hammer power by 1, but lose the ability to jump. msg_hammer_only Increase hammer power by 1, but lose the ability to jump. menu_damage_gaeshi Make direct-attackers take 1/2 the damage they do. msg_damage_gaeshi Make direct-attackers take 1/2 the damage they do. menu_happy_heart Slowly and automatically restore HP during battle. msg_happy_heart Slowly and automatically restore HP during battle. menu_happy_heart_p Slowly and automatically restore HP in battle. (Ally) msg_happy_heart_p Slowly and automatically restore HP in battle. (Ally) menu_happy_flower Slowly and automatically restore FP during battle. msg_happy_flower Slowly and automatically restore FP during battle. menu_heart_suitoru Drop Mario's Attack power by 1 but regain 1 HP per attack. msg_heart_suitoru Drop Mario's Attack power by 1 but regain 1 HP per attack. menu_heart_suitoru_p Drop your ally's Attack by 1 but regain 1 HP per attack. msg_heart_suitoru_p Drop your ally's Attack by 1 but regain 1 HP per attack. menu_flower_suitoru Drop Mario's Attack power by 1 but regain 1 FP per attack. msg_flower_suitoru Drop Mario's Attack power by 1 but regain 1 FP per attack. menu_flower_suitoru_p Drop your ally's Attack by 1 but regain 1 FP per attack. msg_flower_suitoru_p Drop your ally's Attack by 1 but regain 1 FP per attack. menu_pinch_de_lucky When Mario's in Danger, cause enemies to sometimes miss. msg_pinch_de_lucky When Mario's in Danger, cause enemies to sometimes miss. menu_pinch_de_lucky_p When your ally's in Danger, cause foes to sometimes miss. msg_pinch_de_lucky_p When your ally's in Danger, cause foes to sometimes miss. menu_tamani_lucky When Mario's attacked, cause enemies to sometimes miss. msg_tamani_lucky When Mario's attacked, cause enemies to sometimes miss. menu_tamani_lucky_p When your ally's attacked, cause foes to sometimes miss. msg_tamani_lucky_p When your ally's attacked, cause foes to sometimes miss. menu_kekkou_lucky When Mario's attacked, cause enemies to miss more often. msg_kekkou_lucky When Mario's attacked, cause enemies to miss more often. menu_kekkou_lucky_p When your ally's attacked, make foes miss more often. msg_kekkou_lucky_p When your ally's attacked, make foes miss more often. menu_coin_modoru Refund some coins if you use an item in battle. msg_coin_modoru Refund some coins if you use an item in battle. menu_damage_flower When Mario takes damage, occasionally recover 1 FP. msg_damage_flower When Mario takes damage, occasionally recover 1 FP. menu_damage_flower_p When your ally takes damage, occasionally recover 1 FP. msg_damage_flower_p When your ally takes damage, occasionally recover 1 FP. menu_subayaku_kawaru Allow your ally to attack even after changing partners. msg_subayaku_kawaru Allow your ally to attack even after changing partners. menu_HP_mieru Make enemy HP visible. msg_HP_mieru Make enemy HP visible. menu_timing_oshieru Learn the timing for Stylish commands. msg_timing_oshieru Learn the timing for Stylish commands. menu_heart_deru After beating a foe, make more hearts appear. msg_heart_deru After beating a foe, make more hearts appear. menu_flower_deru After beating a foe, make more flowers appear. msg_flower_deru After beating a foe, make more flowers appear. menu_coin_coin Make more coins appear after battle. msg_coin_coin Make more coins appear after battle. menu_item_deru Make it likelier that items will appear after battle. msg_item_deru Make it likelier that items will appear after battle. menu_pikkyoro_R Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. msg_pikkyoro_R Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. menu_pikkyoro_B Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. msg_pikkyoro_B Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. menu_pikkyoro_G Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. msg_pikkyoro_G Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. menu_pikkyoro_Y Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. msg_pikkyoro_Y Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. menu_pikkyoro_P Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. msg_pikkyoro_P Change the sound effects of Mario's attacks. menu_sensei_sarenai Never succumb to a First Strike. msg_sensei_sarenai Never succumb to a First Strike. menu_yattsuke_attack Do a First Strike to defeat weak foes without battling. msg_yattsuke_attack Do a First Strike to defeat weak foes without battling. menu_yattsuke_touch Bump into weak foes to defeat them without battling. msg_yattsuke_touch Bump into weak foes to defeat them without battling. menu_noronoro_aruku Make Mario sluggish, so he can no longer run. msg_noronoro_aruku Make Mario sluggish, so he can no longer run. menu_AC_easy Make Action Commands easy, but earn less Star Power. msg_AC_easy Make Action Commands easy, but earn less Star Power. menu_AC_difficult Make Action Commands hard, but earn more Star Power. msg_AC_difficult Make Action Commands hard, but earn more Star Power. menu_nanika_lucky Make something good happen when you first enter battle. msg_nanika_lucky Make something good happen when you first enter battle. menu_super_emblem_l Change Mario's clothes into Luigi's clothes. msg_super_emblem_l Change Mario's clothes into Luigi's clothes. menu_super_emblem_w Change Mario's clothes into Wario's clothes. msg_super_emblem_w Change Mario's clothes into Wario's clothes. list_kinoko_itame A tasty dish made by Zess T. Replenishes 6 HP and 2 FP. Made by cooking a Mushroom or a Super Shroom. msg_kinoko_itame A tasty dish made by Zess T. Replenishes 6 HP and 2 FP. list_kinoko_foil_yaki A dish made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 HP and 5 FP. Made by cooking a Life Shroom or a Slow Shroom. msg_kinoko_foil_yaki A dish made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 HP and 5 FP. list_kinoko_steak A tasty dish made by Zess T. Replenishes 30 HP and 10 FP. Made by cooking an Ultra Shroom. msg_kinoko_steak A tasty dish made by Zess T. Replenishes 30 HP and 10 FP. list_getemono_cooking Zess T.'s failed attempt. Replenishes 1 FP and 1 HP. Made by mixing incompatible ingredients. msg_getemono_cooking Zess T.'s failed attempt. Replenishes 1 FP and 1 HP. list_honey_kinoko A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 5 FP. Made by mixing a Mushroom with Honey Syrup. msg_honey_kinoko A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 5 FP. list_maple_kinoko A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 10 FP. Made by mixing a Mushroom with Maple Syrup. msg_maple_kinoko A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 10 FP. list_royal_kinoko A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 50 FP. Made by mixing a Mushroom with Jammin' Jelly. msg_royal_kinoko A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 50 FP. list_honey_kinokoS A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 5 FP. Made by mixing a Super Shroom with Honey Syrup. msg_honey_kinokoS A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 5 FP. list_maple_kinokoS A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. Made by mixing a Super Shroom and Maple Syrup. msg_maple_kinokoS A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. list_royal_kinokoS A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 50 FP. Made by mixing a Super Shroom with Jammin' Jelly. msg_royal_kinokoS A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 50 FP. list_honey_kinokoZ A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 50 HP and 5 FP. Made by mixing an Ultra Shroom with Honey Syrup. msg_honey_kinokoZ A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 50 HP and 5 FP. list_maple_kinokoZ A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 50 HP and 10 FP. Made by mixing an Ultra Shroom with Maple Syrup. msg_maple_kinokoZ A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 50 HP and 10 FP. list_royal_kinokoZ A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 50 HP and 50 FP. Made by mixing an Ultra Shroom with Jammin' Jelly. msg_royal_kinokoZ A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 50 HP and 50 FP. list_hot_soup Yummy soup made by Zess T. Replenishes 4 HP and 4 FP. Made by cooking a Fire Flower. msg_hot_soup Yummy soup made by Zess T. Replenishes 4 HP and 4 FP. list_nancy_dinner A tasty meal made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. Made by mixing a Mushroom with a Horsetail. msg_nancy_dinner A tasty meal made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. list_nancy_special A tasty meal made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 HP and 20 FP. Made by mixing an Ultra Shroom with a Slow Shroom. msg_nancy_special A tasty meal made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 HP and 20 FP. list_nancy_delux A tasty meal made by Zess T. Replenishes 40 HP and 40 FP. Made by mixing a Golden Leaf with a Whacka Bump. msg_nancy_delux A tasty meal made by Zess T. Replenishes 40 HP and 40 FP. list_nancy_dynamite Blasting powder made by Zess T. Toss it to attack all foes. Made by mixing an Egg Bomb with a Coconut Bomb. msg_nancy_dynamite Blasting powder made by Zess T. Toss it to attack all foes. list_nancy_tea Tea brewed by Zess T. Replenishes 20 FP. Made by steeping a Golden Leaf. msg_nancy_tea Tea brewed by Zess T. Replenishes 20 FP. list_space_food Space food made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP. Made by mixing a Dried Bouquet with various foods. msg_space_food Space food made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP. list_ice_candy A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP. Made by mixing Honey Syrup with an Ice Storm. msg_ice_candy A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP. list_nancy_frappe A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 HP. Made by mixing Maple Syrup with an Ice Storm. msg_nancy_frappe A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 HP. list_snow_rabbit A Zess T. dessert that refills 15 HP but freezes you. Made by mixing a Golden Leaf with an Ice Storm. msg_snow_rabbit A Zess T. dessert that refills 15 HP but freezes you. list_coconuts_bomb An explosive made by Zess T. Throw it to attack an enemy. Made by mixing a Coconut with a Fire Flower. msg_coconuts_bomb An explosive made by Zess T. Throw it to attack an enemy. list_kachikachi_dish Hard food made by Zess T. Throw it to attack an enemy. Made by mixing a Courage Shell with a Zess Dinner. msg_kachikachi_dish Hard food made by Zess T. Throw it to attack an enemy. list_kinoko_cake A cake made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. Made by mixing a Mushroom with Cake Mix. msg_kinoko_cake A cake made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. list_kinoko_crape A treat made by Zess T. Replenishes 30 HP and 20 FP. Made by mixing an Ultra Shroom with Cake Mix. msg_kinoko_crape A treat made by Zess T. Replenishes 30 HP and 20 FP. list_mousse_cake A cake made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 FP. Made by cooking Cake Mix. msg_mousse_cake A cake made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 FP. list_fried_egg Food made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP. Made by cooking a Mystic Egg. msg_fried_egg Food made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP. list_fruit_parfait A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 2 FP. Made by mixing a Keel Mango with a Peachy Peach. msg_fruit_parfait A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 2 FP. list_bomb_egg An egg bomb made by Zess T. Throw it to attack an enemy. Made by mixing a Mystic Egg with a Fire Flower. msg_bomb_egg An egg bomb made by Zess T. Throw it to attack an enemy. list_ikasumi_pasta Spaghetti made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 30 FP. Made by mixing and cooking Fresh Pasta and Inky Sauce. msg_ikasumi_pasta Spaghetti made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 30 FP. list_spaghetti Spaghetti made by Zess T. Replenishes 6 HP and 4 FP. Made by cooking Fresh Pasta. msg_spaghetti Spaghetti made by Zess T. Replenishes 6 HP and 4 FP. list_tea_kinoko Broth brewed by Zess T. Gradually replenishes HP. Made by mixing a Slow Shroom with a Golden Leaf. msg_tea_kinoko Broth brewed by Zess T. Gradually replenishes HP. list_poisoned_kinoko A snack made by Zess T. Eat it and it'll poison you! Made by mixing a Slow Shroom with Inky Sauce. msg_poisoned_kinoko A snack made by Zess T. Eat it and it'll poison you! list_chocolat_cake A cake made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 15 FP. Made by mixing Cake Mix with Inky Sauce. msg_chocolat_cake A cake made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 15 FP. list_mango_pudding A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 3 FP. Made by mixing a Keel Mango with Cake Mix. msg_mango_pudding A dessert made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 3 FP. list_first_love_pudding A Zess T. cake. Makes you invisible, electrified, or sleepy. Made by mixing a Mystic Egg with a Mango Delight. msg_first_love_pudding A Zess T. cake. Makes you invisible, electrified, or sleepy. list_starry_dinner Food that refills 7 HP and gradually recovers even more. Made by mixing a Shooting Star with a Shroom Fry. msg_starry_dinner Food that refills 7 HP and gradually recovers even more. list_last_dinner Amazing food made by Zess T. Yields incredible results. Made by mixing Couple's Cake with a Poison Shroom. msg_last_dinner Amazing food made by Zess T. Yields incredible results. list_forever_two Food that slowly refills HP. You can't eat it alone. Made by mixing a Snow Bunny with Spicy Soup. msg_forever_two Food that slowly refills HP. You can't eat it alone. list_sumi_soup Nasty juice made by Zess T. Replenishes 30 FP. Made by mixing Hot Sauce with a Turtley Leaf. msg_sumi_soup Nasty juice made by Zess T. Replenishes 30 FP. list_sesonal_omelet Food made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 5 FP. Made by mixing a Mystic Egg with a Horsetail. msg_sesonal_omelet Food made by Zess T. Replenishes 5 HP and 5 FP. list_kamekame_tea Tea brewed by Zess T. Replenishes 7 FP. Made by steeping a Turtley Leaf. msg_kamekame_tea Tea brewed by Zess T. Replenishes 7 FP. list_kame_spaghetti A dinner made by Zess T. Replenishes 7 HP and 7 FP. Made by mixing Fresh Pasta with a Turtley Leaf. msg_kame_spaghetti A dinner made by Zess T. Replenishes 7 HP and 7 FP. list_kararina_pasta Spicy pasta made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. Made by mixing Fresh Pasta and Hot Sauce. msg_kararina_pasta Spicy Pasta made by Zess T. Replenishes 10 HP and 10 FP. list_meromero_cake A Zess T. cake. Replenishes 20 FP, but also softens you. Made by mixing Cake Mix and Ruin Powder. msg_meromero_cake A Zess T. cake. Replenishes 20 FP, but also softens you. list_peach_talt A Zess T. dessert. Makes you electrified, dodgy, or sleepy. Made by mixing Cake Mix with a Peachy Peach. msg_peach_talt A Zess T. dessert. Makes you electrified, dodgy, or sleepy. list_biribiri_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 FP. Made by mixing Cake Mix with a Volt Shroom. msg_biribiri_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 FP. list_fire_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 FP. Made by mixing Cake Mix with a Fire Flower. msg_fire_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 FP. list_honey_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 FP. Made by mixing Honey Syrup with Cake Mix. msg_honey_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 20 FP. list_coconut_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 3 HP and 15 FP. Made by mixing a Coconut with Cake Mix. msg_coconut_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 3 HP and 15 FP. list_royal_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 64 FP. Made by mixing Jammin' Jelly with Cake Mix. msg_royal_candy Candy made by Zess T. Replenishes 64 FP. list_nancy_cookie A cookie made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 HP and 15 FP. Made by mixing Cake Mix and Gradual Syrup. msg_nancy_cookie A cookie made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 HP and 15 FP. list_healthy_salad A Zess T. salad. Replenishes 15 FP and cures poisoning. Made by mixing a Turtley Leaf with a Horsetail. msg_healthy_salad A Zess T. salad. Replenishes 15 FP and cures poisoning. list_kame_man A dumpling made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 FP. Made by mixing a Turtley Leaf with a Keel Mango. msg_kame_man A dumpling made by Zess T. Replenishes 15 FP. list_fresh_juice Juice made by Zess T. Refills 5 FP and cures poison. Made by steeping Honey Syrup. msg_fresh_juice Juice made by Zess T. Refills 5 FP and cures poison. menu_title_minigame1 Plane Game menu_title_minigame2 Boat Game menu_title_minigame3 Tube Game menu_title_minigame4 Paper Game menu_subtitle1_minigame1 Distance menu_subtitle2_minigame1 Bonus menu_subtitle2_minigame2 Technical Bonus menu_subtitle2_minigame3 Technical Bonus menu_subtitle2_minigame4 Place Bonus menu_subtitle3_minigame1 None menu_subtitle4_minigame1 x%d menu_subtitle5_minigame1 Minus menu_subtitle6_minigame1 -%d menu_subtitle1_minigame2 Time Remaining menu_subtitle1_minigame3 Time Remaining menu_subtitle1_minigame4 Place menu_title_score Results menu_subtitle1_monte Pianta menu_subtitle2_rankgai Unranked menu_subtitle3_totalmonte Total Piantas menu_subtitle4_getmonte Piantas Earned menu_subtitle5_rank Rank menu_error_minigame1 Cannot Measure menu_error_minigame2 Time Up! menu_error_minigame3 Time Up! menu_error_minigame4 Retire menu_colon : menu_decimal_point . msg_jon_mover Hey. Wassup? I'm a Mover. I know a few things about getting through this dungeon.

For a few coins, I can move you where you wanna go. Where do you wanna go? msg_jon_mover_select Yes No msg_mcard_yesno2 Save again. Continue without saving. msg_mcard_yesno_ending Yeah, read it. Don't read it. stg1_gon_06 Oh... Yeah, you're right. You shouldn't read someone else's letter, even your dad's.

We'd better leave it. stg1_gon_07 Umm...OK. I can do this. I... I'll read it. stg1_gon_08 Ahem...

"I came to this castle to destroy Hooktail, but I am stuck and can go no further.

"So, in this letter, I shall note Hooktail's weaknesses for those who follow.

"The dread Hooktail cannot tolerate creatures that begin with 'cr' and end with 'icket'.

"Hidden somewhere in this castle is an item related to Hooktail's weakness.

"If one is to have any hope of defeating Hooktail, one must first find that item.

"One last thing: if faced with ultimate doom, the fiend will use any trick to save itself.

"If you hope to defeat it, do not give in to your kinder nature and fall for its tricks.

"Alas, I do not have the strength to continue writing... Already, mist veils my eyes...

"My last words go to my son, Kolorado: I love you, and I'm proud of who you've become."


"My son, KOLORADO"? Not "Koops"??? stg1_gon_09 Oooooooooooooooooooooops... Ummm... Yeah. I guess this isn't my father, after all. stg1_gon_09_00_01 But if this isn't my father... I wonder if that pile of bones over THERE is my dad... stg1_gon_09_01 There's a letter here... Will you read it? stg1_gon_09_01_yn No Yes stg1_gon_12_16

You idiot! Press and hold ! Press and hold and be ashamed! stg1_gon_12_17

Then farewell, you dumbbells!

Wheee hee hee hee hee! stg1_gon_18_00_kur Whoa! I mean, WHOA! That was seriously close!

Well, whatever. We got the key, so let's go open that weird chest. stg1_gon_18_00_nok Man... That was TOO close!

Gotta shake it off... Hoo. OK. We got the key, so let's go open that spooky chest. msg_kuri_map These are the dungeons of Hooktail Castle. I don't think they're in use, but...yuck.

Hey, y'know, I was meaning to ask... Have you mastered Koops's "Hold" move yet?

When Koops is with you, just press and hold to make his shell stop ahead of you.

You can even move around while it stays there! Try it out in different areas! stg1_gon_15_kur Mario! Look at that! stg1_gon_16_kur Ooh, this isn't good... Hurry! Run for it! stg1_gon_15_nok Ummm... M-Mario... L-Look at that! stg1_gon_16_nok Oh, I don't like the look of this... Come on! Run! msg_kuri_map What a totally weird room. There's just gotta be something hidden here.

Then again, EVERY room in this castle is totally weird... irai_07_00 Blast!

So...you found me. Curses! I felt sure that none would ever find me here...

I'm a master, you see. I love sneaking and hiding so much, I just never stop!

It WAS a hobby, but I kept hiding...and soon I was known as the Hide 'n' Seek Koopa! irai_07_01 Koopook!

I thought it was you! We used to be neighbors back when we were barely shell-high! irai_07_02 ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...Koops? Is that you?

Yes! Koops! The same Koops who always had to be it when we played hide 'n' seek!

...But you never found me. Not even once! I can't believe you finally did it! irai_07_03 Yeah, I remember back then... That one day, you hid, and no one ever found you... irai_07_04 Right! That was the very day that I decided to become the Hide 'n' Seek Koopa!

Ever since that day, I've hid and snuck and snuck and hid my way through life. irai_07_05 ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...Yup. That was a crazy day. irai_07_06 But...since you found me this time, I'll give you a reward, like I promised. irai_07_07 I found this while I was traveling and hiding around the world. I don't need it.

Well, I'm off! Time to go look for a new hiding place! Wish me luck!

I guess I've still got a lot to learn about hiding if YOU found me, Koops.

It was nice seeing you again, though! See you later. msg_kuri_map This is Hooktail Castle. There's an upward-moving draft in this room, too.

Of course, tons of bones lying around, too. This place needs a decorator, STAT!

You never know which bones are gonna attack, so careful where you walk, OK?

Oh, and if you want to ride that green block, remember, Koops is the MAN! ƒmƒbƒRƒX Hey, y'know, I wonder... Could this be Koopook, who asked us for help?

Y'know, the guy who asked us to find him somewhere in Hooktail's castle? msg_kuri_map This is Hooktail Castle. The door up on that platform to the right is hard to reach.

I wonder if the switch on the right might control the block that could get us up there...

Looks like a job for Koops... msg_kuri_map Mario, take a look at this! It's like you could reach out and touch the sky, huh?

Looking out from the heights makes my head go goomby... I mean... I mean goony! stg1_gon_19 Who dares approach me? stg1_gon_19_2 Hmm... So... You are friends of the strange-garbed one who came earlier?

I didn't expect more to come to steal the treasure I protect... Such rashness... stg1_gon_20 That was foolish, I fear. Do you really think you can beat me? stg1_gon_20_2 But you're so small. And you don't appear tasty. I suppose you might make a good snack.

And the bottoms of your feet smell like they might make a good sauce with some spices.

What I'll do is saute you to crispy goodness and gobble you down...HEADFIRST! stg1_gon_20_3 Snack time, little appetizers! But which one of you morsels should I taste first? stg1_gon_21 Bleck! That awful sound! It...sounds like a cricket! How did you know?

Stop that this instant!

Urp... I got really bad...ugh... food poisoning once when I ate a cricket. I HATE them!

Oh... Fight it, Hooky... Just hearing a cricket chirp makes me feel woozy! stg1_gon_22 Ooooog... Must...not...gag... My poor tummy... Uuuuurp... So very woozy... stg1_gon_23 W-Wait! Hold up a moment! stg1_gon_24 I give up! Please!

I won't be so bad anymore. I promise! In fact, I'm sorry! For everything!

Er... Yeah...

To prove it, I'll give you 1,000 coins! What do you say? Can you forgive me? stg1_gon_24_yesno1 A rare badge? Sure! Keep it, you cad! stg1_gon_27 Of course you want it! Who wouldn't? Now, come here and get your badge... stg1_gon_28 Errrr... Really?!?

Well, I suppose I could apologize by letting you smell the bottoms of my feet.

People pay good money to do this. I'm being completely honest right now. Really.

So? Care to take a whiff of the rich, yet delicate scent of my world-renowned feet? stg1_gon_28_yesno1 Of course! (Sniff!) No way, sob sister! mac_2_084

Oh, thank you! Thank you! You're swell, Mister! You're a real stand-up guy! mac_2_085 I'll never forget you for the rest of my life! mac_2_085_01 Thanks, guy. mac_2_086

Wh-What did you say to me? You terrible, terrible man!

Fine! Have it your way! But we won't go with you! Never! I won't move from this spot! mac_2_087 No! Bug off! I'm not going anywhere with you! mac_2_087_01 Aww, what am I gonna do wit' dis crazy dame? mac_2_088_kur What should we do, Mario? We at least have to tell Don Pianta SOMETHING...

But... That stuff about our luck turning terrible didn't sound all that appetizing... mac_2_088_nok Umm... What should we do? I mean, I guess we should go tell Don Pianta something.

But I... I don't want our luck to turn terrible... Whatever THAT means! mac_2_088_win Oh, whatever should we do? We have to say SOMETHING to that Don Pianta fellow...

I must say, though... I don't fancy a run of terrible luck. That would be unfortunate. mac_4_024 I wish I knew for sure whether or not my older brother was on Keelhaul Key... mac_4_025 If I could just get my mitts on that treasure, I'd never work again, by crummity!

I could frolic all day like a big, bloomin' sea turtle! Don't 'urt to dream, do it? mac_4_027 Starboard ho! Port ho! Giant monster Blooper ho! I'm practicing my "ho's"! mac_4_028 Right fair weather today, eh? Yeah, perfect day to set sail, if I do say so!

Wouldn't mind a bit if the whole journey blew in fair as today, no sirree bob! mac_4_029 Uh, pleased to meet... Um, your acquaintance... Buh huh huh huh huh... mac_4_029_01 At last, my dreams will come true! I'm gonna open my very own shop on Keelhaul Key!

I don't care if it's small and ramshackle! It'll be mine! I just have one slight worry...

Keelhaul Key is a deserted, cursed island... You think I'll get much foot traffic? mac_4_029_02 I... I always dreamed of the day I'd leave this town.

I don't care if there are pirates or ghosts or undead vampires where we're going.

It's gotta be worlds better than this stinkhole! mac_4_030 Ah, yes. So it is you, ah? Well, sadly, a slight problem seems to have popped up.

But feast your eyes on this outrageously fantastic ship! She is a fine vessel, no?

She is the S.S. Flavion. The queen of the countless ships in my personal fleet!

The raw majesty of her hull! The pomp and circumstance! None can compare to her.

Ah! Behold the elegant curve of her prow! She cuts to the very SOUL! Don't you agree?

But she is not just a beauty... She is a savage beast on the water, tops among sailboats!

But above all, I tell you, this proud ship can... mac_4_031 Ah! Yes? Did you speak? Yes, yes, yes, of course. The problem that has sprung up.

...I had completely forgotten about it. The S.S. Flavion, she bewitches me...

Yes, well... Here is the issue. We...have no navigator. He ran off, the dog.

The navigator, of course, is the highest-ranked helmsman. They steer ships, you know.

Now, here is the real problem. The waters around Keelhaul Key are deathly dangerous.

We need an absurdly skilled helmsman for our navigator. It is a, how you say? A pickle. mac_4_032 Oy, Flavio! mac_4_033 Heard you talkin' there, sir! If you don't mind me sayin'... I might 'ave a solution... mac_4_034 Do not tease me, Pa-Patch! You can solve our problem? Then spit it out, already! mac_4_035 Well, sir, I've 'eard talk of a famed... No! A LEGENDARY sailor livin' in Rogueport.

Yeah, I think he's called Admiral Bobbery... A salty old sea dog, by all accounts...

But...he's said to 'ave the Helmsman's Touch, sir: he can make any ship bow to his will.

Thing is, there ain't a soul wot's seen him on the seas of late... mac_4_036 Bassa-boom! Problem solved! Let us scout out this Bobbery fellow and get him on board! mac_4_037 As is customary, my captain will handle all negotiations. That...would be you, Mario.

That DOES sound fair to everyone, does it not? mac_4_038 No complaints! mac_4_039 Aye aye, sir! mac_4_041 Aye aye AYE! mac_4_042 I'm on board! mac_4_043 Good plan! mac_4_043_01 Sounds fair, sir! mac_4_043_02 Sure thing! mac_4_044 ...Then it is decided.

You must find this Bobbery and bring him here. Our fortune sails with you! mac_4_045 You must find this Bobbery and bring him here. Our fortune sails with you! mac_4_045_01 You found someone who matches Bobbery's description but claims he is not him?

Strange... I would ask someone who is knowledgeable about the neighborhood about this. mac_4_045_02 Bobbery refused? How vexing. But...is it not your job to solve this problem, hmm?

Why don't you find someone who knows Bobbery and see what you can find out? mac_4_088 Ah, the smell of the sea... I'd forgotten how sweet a scent it can be... mac_4_089 I knew you would get Bobbery on board, you wonderful mustached man, you!

To you, I must say AHOY! I was wise to choose you as captain! Ahoy to me, as well! mac_4_090 My men have already loaded our cargo and supplies. Yes! Preparations are complete!

If you have no errands, we can depart at once! What do you say? Shall we set sail? mac_4_090_yesno Yes No gor_00_026

Oh, that so? Well, OK.

You decide to go, though, you just yell, comprende? gor_00_027

Excellent! Muy bueno! To sea we go, amigo!

Set sails! Destination: Keelhaul Key!!! gor_00_000 Machi #1300 gor_00_001 Machi #1301 gor_00_002 Machi #1302 gor_00_003 Machi #1303 gor_00_004 Machi #1304 gor_00_005 Machi #1305 gor_00_006 Machi #1306 gor_00_007 Machi #1307 gor_00_008 Machi #1308 gor_00_009 Machi #1309 gor_00_010 Machi #1310 gor_00_011 Machi #1311 gor_00_012 Machi #1312 gor_00_013 Machi #1313 gor_00_014 Machi #1314 gor_00_015 Machi #1315 gor_00_016 Machi #1316 gor_00_017 Machi #1317 gor_00_018 Machi #1318 gor_00_019 Machi #1319 gor_00_020 Machi #1320 gor_00_021 Machi #1321 gor_00_022 Machi #1322 gor_00_023 Machi #1323 gor_00_024 Machi #1324 gor_00_mail5_00_kur Hey! That's your ring, Mario! It must be an e-mail from Princess Peach! Check it! gor_00_mail5_00_nok Ummm... I know that sound! Think it's an e-mail from Princess Peach or what? gor_00_mail5_00_win Mario! Those dulcet tones! That dear Princess Peach has sent you an e-mail! gor_00_mail5_00_yos Gonzales! That's you, bud! That's gotta be an e-mail from Princess Peach! gor_00_mail5_00_viv Oh, Mario, listen! That must be an e-mail from Princess Peach! gor_00_mail5_00_chu Do you hear that, sweetie? Your captured princess must be e-mailing you. gor_00_mail5_00_bom On your toes, old bean! That can only be an e-mail from Princess Peach! gor_00_mail5_01 Dearest Mario, I have good news!

I don't know where I'm being held, but there's an odd computer called TEC here.

By cooperating with this TEC, I've managed to obtain some of these fiends' data.

TEC is currently analyzing it...and strange as it may sound, I trust him.

Once his analysis is done, I should be able to provide you with details of their plans.

I'll e-mail you again once I learn more. Be good, OK? -Princess Peach- gor_00_mail5_02_kur Wow! That Princess Peach is so totally awesome! Go, girl! We better get to work, too! gor_00_mail5_02_nok Whoa! She's good! They oughta call her Super Peach! We should get to work, too! gor_00_mail5_02_win Mercy me! Your princess is quite the go-getter, hmm? Let's get to work, as well! gor_00_mail5_02_yos Rock ON! That princess is pretty rad, huh? Wow! We oughta get to work, too! gor_00_mail5_02_viv Oh, my! That princess of yours is so courageous! We'd better get to work, too! gor_00_mail5_02_bom Great Goobery! Your princess is no one to be trifled with! We'd best get to work, too! gor_00_mail5_02_chu My, my, my! The princess is quite capable, isn't she? We've work to do, too! irai_04_004 Cripes! The fraud police! You don't give up easy, do you? You can't make me pay! irai_06_001 Move it, ya landlubber! Huh? Oh yeah, right, right. You took on my trouble, 'ey?

My wife brought my lunchbox to me, but it was empty when I opened it!

I'm so 'ungry, I could eat walrus whiskers! You gotta bring me somefin' to eat!

How 'bout a, um, lessee... Ah, whatever! Anyfin'! So long as it's food!

Now get to it! irai_06_002 Move it, ya landlubber! Huh? Oh, it's you?

Did you bring me somefin' to eat? irai_06_003 Hey! That looks right tasty. Chomp nomp gromp shnorp... Yum, that hit the spot!

Now here's your reward! irai_06_005 Thanks, mate! irai_06_006

What, still no grub, mate?

I could eat a narwhal! Bring me somefin' to eat! And make it snappy! salari_before_000 Hey! You're Mario! salari_before_001 Wow! This is so cool! I never thought I'd meet a celebrity out here!

Ooo! I know! Do you want to make an investment, Mario? salari_before_002 My name's Lumpy, and I'm heading out to Dry Dry Desert to prospect for oil!

I've lived my life hoping to get rich quick...and now my chance has come!

But I still don't have enough start-up funds. Could you please lend me some money? salari_before_003 Ah! Mario! You come again!

My dream is to get rich quick! I'm gonna strike oil and strike it rich! salari_before_004 I'm accepting initial investments of 100 coins or more. salari_before_005 Read it! Don't read it. salari_after_007

Which part would you like to read? salari_after_008 Read another. That's enough! salari_after_018

I see.

Well, I'll just be here, thinking about what to do next, so say hi anytime. luigi_npc_04 I'm Hayzee! And I must say, Luigi is a great actor, one of the finest I've seen!

After this adventure, we're going on tour to appear on stages everywhere!

I'm going to be known as "The Red Miracle"! And, of course, Luigi will be grass! ep_01 So... You're leaving, then. ep_02 Well, that's too bad...

Having you around really did wonders for my research... ep_03 Aw, Professor, we'd never let you monopolize Mario for your research, anyway!

Besides, you said I could be your research assistant for next term! ep_04 Hrmm... Yes, that's right. And I thank you, Goombella. ep_05 Mario... Even after you leave here, please don't forget about us, all right?

And we, in return, will wish that you find all the best in the future. ep_06 Never ever give up, Mario! That's the most important thing I learned from you...

Thanks, Mario. Just promise me you'll think of me now and again, OK? ep_07 Ummm... Mario... Thanks to you, I've found courage and inner strength.

I don't know how to say this, but...I think I like myself more since I've known you...

And I feel like I've grown closer to my dad.

It's all so hard to put into words... Ummmmm... ep_08 My dear, dear Mario... I am ready to make my comeback in the theater now.

I've found so many things on this journey that I can only express on stage...

And with these new themes... I am so ready for that wonderful spotlight again!

Please do come see me once we've finished rehearsing! And bring Peach too, dear! ep_09 Gonzales... Oh, yeah, wait. I've gotta stop doing that. It's MARIO, right?

Well... You'll always be Gonzales to me, man!

Because I was born in the Glitz Pit, and Gonzales is, and always will be, the champ!

So let's meet again, Gonzales! I mean it, man!

...Sniff. ep_10 Uhhhh... Mario... I... I feel... I feel like I've grown to lo--

Uh, yeah, um, never mind...

...Y-Yeah, I sure do think that you and Peach make a nice couple... Hmm hmm hmm...

I... I'll never forget my time traveling with you.

So... Don't forget me either... ep_11 Well, old boy... It was most agreeable that I had the chance to meet you...

If not for you, then my dear Scarlette would still gaze down on a broken Bob-omb...

But now, I'm off to sea again! I know Scarlette would have wanted it that way...

Let's see each other again, Mario! And this time, let it be on the high seas, old boy! ep_12 Well, it is time for us to part, my little cheese-hunk. But I will not say farewell.

Because... You're welcome here anytime.

And since you're welcome, you should come anytime you please, sweetie!

Now, be careful...and until we meet again...adieu. ep_13 Well, the boat's almost here... ep_14 MARIOOOO! ep_15 Ah, we made it just in time! ep_16 Take these with you! ep_17 We brought them so you'd have something to eat on the boat! Yummy! ep_18 These are VERY fresh Mushrooms! ep_19 Yup! Here's one for Peach! ep_20 Oh, how lovely! Thank you! ep_21 Everyone...

If not for all of you, the world would have fallen into a horrible darkness.

But your brave hearts strove for peace...

...and saved this world!

I don't know how to thank you...but know that the entire world is in your debt! ep_22 What? Nonsense! We're the ones who should be thanking you, Princess!

If you hadn't come to our little town...

We'd all be puppets for the Shadow Queen and Grodus! The thought gives me hives! ep_23 Ah! Look! Your Highness! I see the boat! ep_24 Take care, everyone! Farewell! ep_25 Oh, forgive my lateness, sir! I must have dozed off a bit!

But please, come on board! I'll get you folks back at full steam!!! ep_26 Set a course for the Mushroom Kingdom! ep_46 Well, I'm totally rambling at this point, so I guess I'd better wrap it up...

I just wanna say, even though things got tough, I'm grateful for our time together.

And... There is one thing that kind of weighed on me and I never got to express to you.

See, I...

Well... Maybe that's best kept a secret. kpa_stg4_011 Haaaack... Oooooooog... A-CHOO! That was terrible... I gotta get in shape... kpa_stg4_012 Who's...? WAAAAUGH!!! It's Bowser, the Koopa king!!! kpa_stg4_013 Someone help! kpa_stg4_014 He'll eat us! kpa_stg4_015 THERE you are, Lord Bowser! What are you doing here? I've been looking all over!

If I may ask, where have you been, Your Sogginess? kpa_stg4_016 ...Swimming. kpa_stg4_017 Really? Neat! As for me... Glitzville was FANTASTIC! The fights were SO COOL!

I was overcome! Why, even at my age, I was shaking what my momma gave me!

And then...the Hot Dogs! Oh, my gracious! YUMMERLY! You have fun, too? Hm? kpa_stg4_018 ...

GRAAARGH!!! kpa_stg4_019 Lord Bowser... Is that a "no"? kpa_stg4_020 It was terrible! You hear me? I swallowed a dang Blooper! I wanted to have FUN!

But forget it! It's over!

Go get me some solid info on Princess Peach and the Crystal Stars! NOW!!! msg_kuri_map This is Rogueport Harbor. Ships come here from all over the world!

Everybody's always working their tails off down here. No wonder it's totally sweaty.

Sometimes this area's all stacked high with cargo from all the ships.

The water smells pretty rank, but that's like, the magic of a port town, y'know? モニー That's Francesca the Pianta. She's "well connected," get me? Her dad's a big boss.

She doesn't crave money or power or anything like that, though. She lives for love.

Doesn't that, like, totally melt your heart? People could learn from this girl! ピートン That's Francesca's boyfriend, Frankie. He's the future of the Pianta syndicate.

Hard to believe, isn't it? Still, he's the number-two guy after Don Pianta.

You'd think he'd be this tough guy, but Francesca has him eating out of her hand. ガラの悪い水夫 That's Pa-Patch the Bob-omb. He's a real salty sailor type. Totally active guy, huh?

Yeah, he looks pretty burly, too. Gotta love strong go-getters, huh? マルコ That's the entrepreneur, Flavio. He's like, super-rich. He owns lots of ships.

I don't know for sure, but it looks like this ship is his favorite. 水夫A By the sound of it, something bad happened to this sailor, and now he hates the sea.

Sounds so sad... I wonder what he thinks about when he looks out at the ocean... 水夫B That's a Toad sailor who works here at Rogueport Harbor.

I hear he loves his family so much that it's hard for him to go on long voyages. 水夫D That's one of the sailors going with us to Keelhaul Key.

He seems super-motivated, so we're totally lucky to have him, know what I mean? めがね水夫 They call that guy Four-Eyes. He's one of the sailors coming with us to Keelhaul Key.

I totally feel like I've seen him somewhere before, though...

...Maybe I'm just going nuts. オドオド水夫 That's a Toad sailor. He seems pretty freaked out to be a sailor, but hey.

I always hear him worrying about his brother, so maybe that's why he's so tweaked.

Y'know, speaking of which, you don't exactly worry about Luigi much, do you? オドオド水夫兄 You know that sailor who's constantly freaking out? That's his brother, there.

Talking to guys like this, it seems like sailors always want to get back to sea...

But they're pros, right? Do they really need to worry about each other so much? 水夫ボム兵A That's Bomberto, a Bob-omb sailor. He's small, but he's a super-hard worker.

He doesn't just sail, either! He loads and unloads stuff, too! Look at those muscles! 水夫ボム兵B That's a Bob-omb sailor. He does basic harbor work, like loading and unloading.

He's kinda gruff, but he seems to have decent advice. Pretty OK guy, all around. 水夫ボム兵C That's a Bob-omb sailor. He's one of the guys going to Keelhaul Key with us.

Why do you think so many Bob-ombs become sailors? Kinda weird, huh? コルテス That's Cortez, remember? The dread pirate ghost feared by all? Ring a bell?

Boy, hard to imagine someone that scary would like us... But he's just a big sweetie!

Plus, he's like our taxi service between Rogueport and Keelhaul Key! I love him! モコリム That's Lumpy, a Ratooey. His dream is to strike it rich by finding oil.

Gotta admire the dedication! Guys like this make me want to chase my dreams harder!

Still... When I talk to him, it seems more like he's just up for whatever, you know? サンダース That's Admiral Bobbery. All the dock workers call him a legendary helmsman.

I don't know if that's true, but he definitely seems like the most capable sailor here!

I know he's been through a lot, but I'm glad we brought him around, aren't you? 店長 That's Thriff T. the Toad. He and his brother run the Toad Bros. Bazaar.

He says he wants to go to Keelhaul Key to open his own shop. Not a bad dream!

I get totally jealous of people who stay so focused on their goals, y'know?

But... How many customers does he expect to get on a deserted island, anyway? 店員 That's one of the Toads who's coming with us to Keelhaul Key.

Sounds like she got tired of life in Rogueport and wants a fresh start on Keelhaul Key.

Hey, she's young, y'know? That's the time to get out there and try new stuff! ボロドー2 Whoa! Mario, that's the guy! That's Larson, the thief that Goomther asked us to catch!

So this is where he's been hiding! Let's nab him and get the reward! C'mon! ルイージ That's your brother, Loogie... Wait, no! I mean, uh...Louie... No, I mean Luigi!

If you wonder what Luigi's up to, I'm sure he'd tell you. All you gotta do is ask!

In fact, it kinda looks like he's dying to tell you stuff, so you oughta rap with him! ラクガン That's Luigi's Dayzee friend, Hayzee. Apparently, Hayzee is an actor/director.

You know Luigi's acting debut, right? The grass thing? I could never play grass...

I'd wanna play a princess! And a prince would wake me with a kiss... So romantic! mac_0_034_kur Wow, Mister! You...totally saved me! Thanks! mac_0_034_00_kur I have just GOT to give you a little reward! mac_0_035_kur My name's Goombella. I'm a student at the University of Goom. Nice to meet ya!

So, uh... Who are you? mac_0_036_kur ...Mario? Wait, you mean, like, that famous guy? Wow! I can't believe I met you here!

Cool... Anyway, no offense, but it looks like you just rolled into town yourself. Right? mac_0_037_kur Me, I already HATE it here! There are freaks and weirdos EVERYWHERE! It's nasty!

I mean, I know the place is called Rogueport, so I should have expected it, but sheesh!

I'd never come to a place like this if there weren't some legendary treasure here. mac_0_038_kur What? You're looking for the legendary treasure, too? Seriously? mac_0_039_kur Whoa whoa WHOA, bucko! Whatcha got there? mac_0_040_kur Omigosh! Is... Isn't that a treasure map?! You HAVE to tell me where you got that! mac_0_041_kur ...Princess Peach? What? mac_0_042 Great hoogly-boogly! If it isn't Master Mario! mac_0_043 Bit of a coincidence, bumping into one another in this sort of place, hm? Ho ho!

So tell me, Master Mario, what in the world brings you to this wretched little burg? mac_0_044 ...Hmm? Ah! Indeed?!? Princess Peach sent you a letter and a treasure map?

And she told you she'd meet you here in Rogueport?!? Intriguing... mac_0_045 You're asking me where Princess Peach is? Erm... I was about to ask you that.

We stopped in this town to acquire a spot of fuel for our ship, don't you know...

I only took my eye off her for a moment, but as soon as I did, she vanished. mac_0_046 You know how headstrong she is, Mario... I just assumed she'd be back momentarily...

But at this point, I fear we must embrace the possibility that she may never return.

I've been at a loss as to what to do. I've been fraught with worry, I tell you! mac_0_047 But I'm feeling better with you here, Master Mario. Surely we'll find her! Surely!

But I know my place, Master Mario...and this is not it. I leave this task to you. mac_0_047_01 I believe I'll recline in the inn right over there and enjoy a spot of tea, perhaps.

In fact, I highly recommend it, particularly if you find your HP (Heart Points) running low.

Just drop on INN! Ho ho! ...Yes, anyway, a little rest there will fill all of your HP.

I must say, though, the rest of this town is a bit...rough. Yes, rough, indeed... mac_0_047_01_01 Machi #111 mac_0_047_02 Huff! I say... mac_0_048_kur Um... Princess Peach? Did he mean, like, Peach, the Mushroom Kingdom princess?!?

The princess who always gets nabbed by Bowser, the Koopa king? The one you rescue?

Wait a sec'! This is crazy! Princess...PEACH sent you that treasure map? mac_0_049_kur Whoa. This is really intense. Well, where could she have gone, then, do you think?

You think maybe she got sick of waiting and went to find the treasure on her own? mac_0_050_kur Oooh! Oooh! I know, Mario! Come with me!

One of my professors is here researching that treasure. We'll show him your map!

If we start looking for the treasure, then maybe we'll catch up to Princess Peach! mac_0_051_kur Great! We're all good, then! Let's go, Mario! mac_0_053_kur First off, we gotta go find my professor.

Thing is, since I just got to town myself...I, um, don't actually know where he lives.

So keep an eye out! Here's what Professor Frankly looks like! mac_0_054 OOOOOF! mac_0_055 Stay down, Bro! mac_0_056 Da boss sends his greetin's! mac_0_057 How's dat road taste, punk? mac_0_058 Are you OK? mac_0_059 That...hurt. mac_0_060 Those jerks! mac_0_061 We won't forget this! mac_0_061_01 Hey, by the way, Mario... Have you saved yet?

You see that Save Block in front of that inn? Since we're here, you oughta save now.

Just jump up and hit the block to save, OK? mac_0_065_01 Eeeeeeeeeeeooops!

Uh... Fancy meeting you here! You're pretty dang persistent, buddy! What a pain!

Fine! FINE, OK? You got me. I'll give you your coins back.

Here. mac_0_065_02 Huzzat?!?

Hey! Aren't you that doofus who klutzed into me?

You really owe it to yourself to carry a little cash around, buddy. Treat yourself right.

I mean, I went to the trouble of trying to pick your pocket, but I didn't get a single coin! mac_0_065_03 Lemme give you a news flash: even the innocent-looking people in town are thieves!

So, don't come grumbling to me about losing a little pocket change, OK, buddy? mac_0_065_04 Lemme give you a news flash: even the innocent-looking people in town are robbers!

So, don't come crying to me about losing a little pocket change, OK, buddy? mac_0_065_05 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! mac_0_065_06 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

With all this garbage, there are tons of flies and stuff... Who'd want to come in here? mac_0_065_07 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

This garbage attracts flies and huge roaches like crazy. Who'd want to come in here? mac_0_065_08 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

Since there's garbage all over, the place just REEKS! Who'd want to come in here? mac_0_065_09 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

I mean, look at this garbage! The place is a total mess! Who'd want to come in here? mac_0_065_10 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

No windows... No breeze... It's all muggy and nasty! Who'd want to come in here? mac_0_065_11 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

There's no natural light, so it's all dark and scary! Who'd want to come in here? mac_0_065_12 You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy?

...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!

Garbage... Flies... Roaches... Stinky... Dirty... Muggy... And there's no sunlight!

Ohhhhhh! No WONDER! That's why nobody comes here! This place is gross!

Ah, well. I can get used to living just about anywhere... I guess... Bleah. mac_4_004 Theee skull captain リ

Caasts his gaaaaaze リ

Theeee red jewellll リ

Shiiiiines and plaaays リ

It's a booom bassa boom リ

Festivaaal! リ

Theee 'Stache brooothers リ

Besssssst of frieeeeends リ

Threeee times Red 'Stache リ

Lands onnnnn his ennnnd リ

Blue Stache's bellllllly リ

Four times is whacked リ

Now all the fiiiireworks リ

Booooom and craaaaack リ

It's a boom bassa boom リ

Festivallll! リ mac_4_005 Ah! What are you doing? Sneaking up on a person as he sings most jovially!

...Who, me, you ask about?

Ah! I am called Flavio. I am, how you say? A trader. The richest man in Rogueport. mac_4_006 And this is the Skull Stone. The lucky charm of my family. I love you, you sparkly thing!

It is so fabulous, I wish to give it great big kisses! It never leaves my sight! Never! mac_4_007 And what do you want, ah?

Who, me, you ask about?

Ah! I am called Flavio. I am, how you say? A trader. The richest man in Rogueport.

Monetary wealth gives me freedom, yes, and freedom gives me wealth of spirit!

And yet...why is it that a man whose life is unchained must always long for yet more, ah?

What is missing from my life? This tears at my very insides! I must know! What do I lack? mac_4_007_select Please do! I can take it. No, I hate sad stories. mac_4_064 Ah... So, you've gotten up the courage to listen to the sad tale of Admiral Bobbery? mac_4_065

Well, fair enough, I suppose. I guess it isn't the sort of story I should tell, anyway. mac_4_066

In that case, get ready... Bobbery's tale of woe goes something like this... mac_4_067 Bobbery was once married. He had a wife of enduring beauty named Scarlette.

The two of them were madly in love, the sort of love reserved for fairy tales.

Now, Bobbery was a renowned sailor, so he was away from home for long periods.

Scarlette never complained, though, and always waited faithfully for Bobbery's return.

And Bobbery... His eye never drifted. He loved only Scarlette, truly and deeply.

So they lived, and found happiness where they could. And all was good, for a time... mac_4_068 ...But not all good things can last. It was a particularly icy winter when it happened...

Scarlette fell ill. A virus? A passing cold? No one knew, but it soon turned serious.

Bobbery, at sea on a long, lonely voyage, knew nothing of his bride's suffering.

By the time he returned, Scarlette had succumbed. She was gone.

Bobbery, of course, blamed himself. "My loving wife perished because of me..."

"If I were not at sea, I could have nursed her to health. I could have saved her."

...He was overcome with such thoughts. They tormented him always, haunting his sleep.

He has never gone out to sea since. mac_4_069_kur That's...sniff...the saddest tale I've ever heard in my life. No wonder... mac_4_069_nok Oh, man... Now I'm depressed. So that's his reason... mac_4_069_win Oh, that poor dear! How indescribably awful for him! Now I understand... mac_4_069_yos Gee... What a downer. I guess that's a pretty good reason for hating the ocean... mac_4_069_viv I can't imagine what that poor man went through... No wonder he won't sail... mac_4_069_chu Why must romance so often end in tragedy? Why?!? I see why he won't sail... mac_4_070 You all know his tale now... So, tell me: do you still want him to return to the sea? mac_4_070_yesno Yes No gor_01_cook_select Yes No bottakuru_00 Hey hey HEY-YO! I've got ALL the hottest new products right here. Look no further!

You got the fevered look of a man with a mind for goods! Wanna buy something? bottakuru_01 Hey hey HEY-YO! I've got ALL the hottest new products right here. Look no further!

You got the fevered look of a man with a mind for goods! Wanna buy something? bottakuru_02 Thank you SO very much! You got yourself a good deal, there, I kid you not!

Anything else you wanna buy, my man? bottakuru_03 Hey, thanks to you, I'm all sold out, my man! You put my kids through college! bottakuru_04

What? No more shopping? Sorry to hear that, my man! This is a limited-time offer!

I change the goods I offer from time to time, so come back real soon, all right? bottakuru_05 Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! You don't have enough coins, my man. bottakuru_06 Ooh, you've got yourself some expensive tastes, my man!

The surprisingly low price for this is... only coin! Wanna buy it? bottakuru_07 HEY-YO! I should've known! You know a deal when you see one, my man!

The unbelievably low price for this is... only coin!

You need %d BP to wear this badge, you know.

Wanna buy it, my man? bottakuru_08

What? No more shopping? Sorry to hear that, my man! This is a limited-time offer!

I change the goods I offer from time to time, so come back real soon, all right? bottakuru_09

HEY-YO! Thanks very much! Getting an item like this at that price... What a deal!

I change my products from time to time, so come back soon, all right, my man? bottakuru_10

HEY-YO! Thanks very much! That isn't the last of my hot, hot products, though!

Wanna buy another? bottakuru_11

What? No more shopping? Sorry to hear that, my man! This is a limited-time offer!

I change the goods I offer from time to time, so come back real soon, all right? bottakuru_12

Ooh, too bad, my man! You can't carry any more badges. Tough break...

Come on back after you sell a badge or two at the badge shop, all right, my man? bottakuru_13

Ooh, too bad, my man! You can't carry any more items. Tough luck...

Come on back after you use or store some items, all right, my man? bottakuru_14 What? No more shopping? Sorry to hear that, my man! This is a limited-time offer!

I change the goods I offer from time to time, so come back real soon, all right? bottakuru_15

HEY-YO! Thanks very much! Getting an item like this at that price... What a deal!

Hey, and thanks to you, I've sold out of everything. You're the king of shoppers! bottakuru_16 HEY-YO! Thanks to you, I've sold out of everything. You're the king of shoppers! gor_01_hammer_01 Hold and rotate ... then release to do an Ultra-Hammer spin! gor_02_aed_chu_01 Machi #1539 gor_02_aed_chu_02 Machi #1540 gor_02_aed_chu_03 Machi #1541 gor_02_aed_chu_04 Machi #1542 gor_shop1_00 I'm gonna need coin for that . Want to buy it, fella? gor_shop1_01

Oooh... Gee, sorry, fella, but you don't have enough coins. gor_shop1_02

Listen, fella, it looks to me like you can't carry any more items. Yeah, sorry about that.

I'll sell you something after you use, sell, or store some of your stuff, OK? gor_shop1_03

Hey, thanks very much, fella!

Oh, and I'll add %d shop points to your total! gor_shop1_04 Hey, there, fella! Welcome to the Toad Bros. Bazaar!

What can I do for you? gor_shop1_05

If you're shopping, just stand in front of what you want and press , OK? gor_shop1_06

Huh? Listen, fella, you need to actually HAVE something for me to want to buy it. gor_shop1_07

What do you want to sell? gor_shop1_08

I'll pay you coin for your . How about it? gor_shop1_09

I see... Is there anything else you want to sell, fella? gor_shop1_10

Hey, thanks very much, fella!

Is there anything else you want to sell? gor_shop1_11

Thanks, fella! gor_shop1_12

Huh? Maybe I misheard you, but I'm pretty sure you don't have anything to store. gor_shop1_13

Ooh, I'm sorry, fella, but I can't store anything else. gor_shop1_14

I can store more item for you, fella. Want to store something? gor_shop1_15

OK, no problem. I'll store it for you at no charge, fella. gor_shop1_16

Then I'll store it for you, sound good?

Is there anything else you want to store, fella? gor_shop1_17

Huh? I don't have any of your items in storage, fella. gor_shop1_18

It looks like you can't carry anything else, fella.

Come back after you use, sell, or store something, OK? gor_shop1_19

What would you like to retrieve, fella? gor_shop1_20

OK. Here you go!

Use it wisely, fella. gor_shop1_21

OK. Here you go!

You want to retrieve anything else, fella? gor_shop1_22

Come again, OK? gor_shop1_23 Yes No gor_shop1_25

You currently have... point, fella! gor_shop1_26 You've saved up enough shop points, fella!

Guess what you've earned! This ! gor_shop1_27 Ooh, it looks like you can't carry anything else, fella.

Come back after you use, sell, or store an item, OK? gor_shop1_28 You've saved up enough shop points, fella!

Guess what you've earned! This ! gor_shop1_29 Well, you've earned a gift with your shop points, but you can't carry it right now.

Anything else I can do for you, fella? gor_shop1_30 Hey there, fella! Welcome! Is this your first time in our shop? I think it is!

I always like to explain our shop-point system to new customers, so bear with me. gor_shop1_31 Customers receive one shop point for each purchase they make. You with me so far?

Save up enough shop points and you can get prizes, including some rare items.

You'll find a list of prizes posted in any shop, so be sure to check it out.

It's a pretty simple promotion, wouldn't you say, fella? Need me to explain it again? gor_shop1_32

OK, in that case... gor_shop1_33

Well, take your time, and enjoy your shopping, fella! gor_shop1_34 You saved up 300 shop points! That's the most ever! The maximum! Congrats!

So, I guess from here...

Wow! You won't believe this! This is incredible, fella!

You get to start collecting points ALL OVER AGAIN!

Oh, and you get the amazing 300-point present, fella! A Gold Bar x 3! yado_00 Welcome to the lone refuge in this port of filthiness! Our beds will soothe your soul!

It only costs %d coins to spend the night. Would you care for a bed? yado_01

Hm? But you look like you're fully rested...

Do you want a bed anyway? yado_02

Come again! yado_03

Enjoy your stay! yado_04

Hm? Oh, I'm afraid you don't have enough coins... yado_05 Did you sleep well?

Now you're ready to get out there and face the world! See you again soon! yado_06 Yes No yado_09 Wow, congratulations! yado_10 You've stayed at an inn 50 times! Thank you SO MUCH for your patronage!

I know it's a bit sudden, but we've put together a 50th-stay party! yado_11 Now give me your best just-woke-up face!

Say cheeeeeeeeeese! yado_12 ...Yeah! That was great!

And next... We have a lovely present for you! yado_13 I hope you'll keep staying at inns in the future!

Now, have a good day, and thanks again! badgeshop_00 It's only coin for !

You need %d BP to use this badge. Is that OK?!? badgeshop_01

Oh, oh, oh, hey now... You don't have enough dough!!! badgeshop_02

It looks like you can't carry any more badges!!!

You can buy it after you sell a badge! badgeshop_03

Thank you very much! badgeshop_04 A big welcome to you! Welcome to the Lovely Howz of Badges! Welcome!!!

So! What can I do for you?!? badgeshop_05

If you're looking for special deals, you'll find 'em on that shelf!

Otherwise, stand in front of the badge you want and press !!! badgeshop_06

Huh!?! Uh, excuse me! You don't have a single badge yet!!! badgeshop_07

Which one do you want to sell?!? badgeshop_08

I'll pay coin for your . OK?!? badgeshop_09

OK. I see how it is... Well, are there any other badges you'd like to sell? badgeshop_10

Thank you so very much!

Are there any other badges you want to sell??? badgeshop_11

Thank you so very much!!! badgeshop_12 machi #2210 badgeshop_13 machi #2211 badgeshop_14 machi #2212 badgeshop_15 machi #2213 badgeshop_16 machi #2214 badgeshop_17 machi #2215 badgeshop_18 machi #2216 badgeshop_19 machi #2217 badgeshop_20 machi #2218 badgeshop_21 machi #2219 badgeshop_22

Come again! badgeshop_23 Yes No badgeshop_25 machi #2223 badgeshop_26 machi #2224 badgeshop_27 machi #2225 badgeshop_28 machi #2226 badgeshop_29 machi #2227 badgeshop_34 machi #2228 badgeshop_35 One more time. No, I've got it. lecture_u_hammer_10

All right! No prob! Let's try that again! lecture_u_hammer_11

All right! You've mastered the Ultra Hammer! lecture_u_hammer_12 Using your Ultra Hammer, you can even break blocks made out of stuff like this! lecture_u_hammer_13 And you can use the Ultra Hammer in battle, too! lecture_u_hammer_13_1


Ummmm... This is kind of sad... This is the last time I'll get to see you, Mario... lecture_u_hammer_13_2 Definitely save Princess Peach, OK? And... And be careful on your quest, OK? lecture_friends_17 Ms. Mowz joined your party! lecture_friends_17_0_1 Ms. Mowz's Abilities: A Primer lecture_friends_17_1 Press and Ms. Mowz will sniff out any items or objects hidden nearby. lecture_friends_18 There doesn't seem to be anything in this area, dearie.

When you press , I'll sniff around and tell you if there are any items nearby. lecture_friends_19 There's something right near here, sweetie!

If there's something nearby, I'll let you know, like I did just now. lecture_friends_20 In battle, I can attack enemies with my Love Slap...

I can also help you out by using my Kiss Thief move to steal enemies' items! luigi_npc_01 Hey there, I'm Blooey. ...And this guy is a total liar! Don't listen to him!

You heard his story, right? Well, he did TRY to throw me, but he completely tripped!

And what happens? I end up landing in lava! LAVA, man! You think that feels good?

Thanks to him, you can stick a fork in me! I'm well-done! My pale skin's crispified!

I'll NEVER forgive this guy! I'm gonna make him pay if it takes my whole lifetime!

That's the ONLY reason I'm still hanging around with him. YOU'LL PAY, LUIGI! luigi_npc_03 Yeah, I'm Torque, and don't for a second think this dude's tellin' the whole story.

The only reason I lent him my rig was 'cause he got down on his knees and begged.

And what happens? He's in it for one second before he completely totals it! Idiot!

I'm not lettin' this dip outta my sight until he repays me the 5,000-coin repair costs! luigi_npc_06 Hey! You! Remember me? It's me, Blooey!

Maaaan, that last battle was hairy! You have no idea!

I was burnt to a crisp, but I was actually kinda relieved, if you can believe that!

But if you want the whole story, you should just ask Luigi here! Wahahaha! ep_43 Ms. Mowz is still running the badge shop in Rogueport, so she's happy.

She comes over to Frankly's sometimes to visit...

But, as usual, as soon as she sets foot outside the shop, she turns into a badge-ninja.

She said just the other day that she had found some super-rare badge, actually.

That's our globe-trotting, mystery-making, flirting, little badge thief, huh? kpa_stg6_000 Ack! Bowser! kpa_stg6_001 Yoiks! kpa_stg6_002 Save me! kpa_stg6_003 Grrrrmph... Hrrrgh... Bluh. I've got no Crystal Stars... I can't find Princess Peach...

Twilight Town was... Well, it wasn't exactly glorious. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!?

If this keeps up, Mario's gonna steal everything from my grasp! AS USUAL!!! kpa_stg6_004 Your Massiveness! kpa_stg6_005 We did it! The Magikoopa scouts found a suspicious underground chamber!

It isn't even on any maps! Yeah! REALLY suspicious! SOMETHING must be there! kpa_stg6_006 Hmph! About time! Well done! This is where it all turns around for me! Definitely! kpa_stg6_007 The Hammer Bros. battalion is attempting to breach the chamber at the moment...

The area is impenetrable! They're scrapping tooth and nail in there! kpa_stg6_008 No problem! Direct me there! I'll blast us through! I'm Bowser, baby! msg_kuri_map This is Rogueport's main square. It's sorta the central shopping area, I guess.

There are lots of regular working folks here, but there are also ne'er-do-wells...

If you venture into the back alleys, be ready to deal with some nasty sorts... バッジ店長 That's the badge manager at the Lovely Howz of Badges.

For a manager, she sure is gone from the store a lot... Where do you think she goes?

This shop's small, but it's totally adorable. She really knows how to decorate. バッジ店員 That's the badge clerk that works part-time here at the Lovely Howz of Badges.

It sounds like he really wants to open his own badge shop someday.

Yeah, I think he's using this job to learn the business! Talk about motivation! 店長 That's Plenn T., the manager of the Toad Bros. Bazaar.

He originally opened this store with his brother, Thriff T.

Those two guys... I can never tell them apart, y'know? They're totally identical. 店員 Toad Bros. Bazaar is run by a pair of Toad brothers. This one's Thriff T.

They must get along really well to be able to run a shop together, y'know?

...But then again, you and Luigi are pretty tight, too, right? You guys ever fight? ナンシー That's Zess T., a super- skilled Toad chef.

With the right ingredients, she can make ANYTHING! She's like a kitchen magician!

I am like, a TOTAL klutz in the kitchen, so I really respect a chef's touch. キノじい That's Toadsworth, steward of Princess Peach's castle. He's an active senior!

He's been really worried since Peach went missing... I hope we can mellow him out. マスター That's the innkeeper, Podley. He looks distinguished, always polishing those glasses...

I wouldn't mind having a cold Chuckola Cola sometime and listening to him talk...

He opened this inn a long time ago, so he really knows about the townsfolk. マルコ That's the entrepreneur, Flavio. He's like, super-rich, and he owns lots of ships.

What's he doing in here so early in the day, though? Think he's doing OK? 宿店員 That woman runs the inn. She's sweet and helpful, unlike most Rogueporters.

If your HP and FP get too low, come here to get them restored with a night of rest. ロテン1 That's a lazy Doogan. He hunts shady "jobs" that he expects to pay well.

I bet he's never done an honest day's work in his life. What a piece of work. ロテン2 That's a suspicious Doogan. He craves that one big score, but I doubt it'll happen.

I mean, even if he did make some money, he'd just blow it. He depresses me... クリボー1 That's Goomther the Goomba. He's always grumbling about getting ripped off...

...He must be easy to con. Which isn't to say that we should con him, of course! クリボー2 That guy's a local Goomba. He'll give you advice and stuff, so he's OK.

His tips totally might come in handy, so you oughta talk to him as often as possible. クリボー3 That's McGoomba. A Goomba, obviously. I think maybe he's on the lam from somewhere.

I mean, why else would he be chilling in this back alley? It's nasty here! チューさん1 That guy's Mousimilian. He sniffs out propositions that might make him loot.

With his nose for opportunity, he could really do well in the straight business world...

But I guess no one in Rogueport is really cut out for the suit-and-tie life... チューさん2 That guy practically lives here... He must like it, huh? He's like, the ultimate regular.

As far as I can tell, he's recounting the tales of every love of his life, one by one. 水夫ボム兵 That guy's a Bob-omb sailor. I think he comes here every time his ship makes port.

I don't blame him. This place has totally cool atmosphere. I'd be a regular, too... ボッタクール That guy's Charlieton. He's a salesman from way far away.

His prices are steep, but he's normally got rare items and pretty unusual badges.

He might even have a few completely unique items that he dug up somewhere... ルイージ That's your brother, Loobie... Wait, no! I mean, uh...Loofa... No, I mean Luigi!

If you wonder what Luigi's up to, I'm sure he'd tell you. All you gotta do is ask!

In fact, it kinda looks like he's dying to tell you stuff, so you oughta rap with him! 盗賊 That's a bandit who's made this place his hideout.

Seems like he totally loves this place...but would it kill him to clean up a bit? チュチュリーナ That's Ms. Mowz, the thief. Hmph. She jets off to exotic places to find rare badges.

She's only like, the biggest flirt I've ever met in my entire life!

It's weird that she's the anonymous requester of the super-secret badge... ボロドー2 Whoa! Mario, that's the guy! That's Larson, the thief that Goomther asked us to catch!

So this is where he's been hiding! Let's nab him and get the reward! C'mon! キック That's Luigi's Blooper friend, Blooey. It's totally weird to find Bloopers on dry land.

He seems peeved, though... I wonder why he looks all fried to a golden crisp? トルク That's Luigi's pal, Torque. I hear he's like, a totally excellent mechanic.

According to Mechanics Weekly...that tool on his back can basically do anything.

He seems ticked off, though. I wonder what happened? キック2 That's Luigi's Blooper friend, Blooey. It's totally weird to find Bloopers on dry land.

He seems jolly to be fried to a golden crisp, though... Did something good happen? mac_0_062 Oops! Pardon me, sucker! mac_0_063_kur Hey! What's your beef, pal? YEAH, I'M TALKING TO YOU! mac_0_064_kur Mario! You gotta wake up! That guy just stole half of your coins! mac_0_065_kur That is SO lame! Ugh! I HATE this town! mac_0_066_kur Oh, hi! There you are! Professor Frankly! mac_0_066_01 Whuzzuh???

Who's there? Who wants me? mac_0_067 Ah. Yes. You. Now, you, uh...

I've seen your face before... Yes, that face...

Wait for it... Just a moment... Don't tell me, now! Silence! I'll get it right! mac_0_067_01 Umm... It's not Goombriel... mac_0_067_02 Errr... It's not Elizagoom... mac_0_067_03 Hrrrmmmm... mac_0_067_04 Errrrmmm... mac_0_067_05 A-HAAA! I've got it!!! mac_0_067_06 You're Goombella, aren't you? You were in my archaeology class last year, am I right? mac_0_068_kur Wow, yes, sir! That's me! I'm Goombella, a junior at U Goom! Goooo GOOMBAS! mac_0_069 Of course I remember you. Not to toot my horn, but I'm pretty good at remembering.

You, though... You stick out in my mind because you were such an exceptional student.

And that guy behind you is... mac_0_069_01 WHO?!? mac_0_069_02 Mario! Professor, he's Mario! You know...the famous one! mac_0_069_03 Oh! My apologies. I'm such a bookworm, I haven't a clue about what's "hip" right now.

In any case, what sort of errand brings you two all the way to a place like this? mac_0_070_kur We were hoping you'd tell us about the legendary treasure said to be below Rogueport!

I thought that if anyone knew anything about it, you would, Professor Frankly... mac_0_071 Of course I know about it. The reason I came here was to study that very subject.

But why do you tykes want to learn about the legendary treasure?

You know that most say it's little more than a fairy tale, don't you? mac_0_072_kur Archaeologists and historians have to search for truth in those fairy tales, though!

Me, I believe the legendary treasure truly does exist! And I REALLY want to find it! mac_0_073 Good point! And well made! In that case, I'll cooperate with you however I can.

First of all, about the treasure... There are many mysteries surrounding it. mac_0_073_01 Some say it's an infinitely vast treasure hoard, while others say it's a magical item.

Some books say it's actually a monster, while still others claim it's an empty chest...

So many different theories... Obviously, it's impossible to divine the truth among them.

...But all agree on one point: to find the treasure, one must have the Crystal Stars! mac_0_074_kur "To find the treasure of yore, take the seven Crystal Stars to the Thousand-Year Door!"

...You mean the Crystal Stars in that old saying that super- elderly people pass down? mac_0_075 Indeed, the same. As the saying goes, if you want to find the legendary treasure...

You first must collect the seven Crystal Stars. mac_0_076_kur "Hold the Magical Map aloft before the entrance to the Thousand-Year Door.

"Then the stars will light the way that leads to the stones of yesterday." Yeah...

A lot of the lore I've read says that if this Magical Map is taken to the doorway...

...then it'll show you where to find the Crystal Stars! mac_0_077 Correct! And the Thousand- Year Door is supposedly here, deep beneath this town.

Yet the critical piece of the puzzle--the Magical Map--is lost. If only we had that map! mac_0_078_kur But we DO have it, Professor! Or... Well, not "we," exactly... MARIO has the Magical Map! mac_0_079 WHAAAT???

Hummina hubbity hubbida hippity hoobida hammala huffala hoofala... REALLY?

You... You actually have it? Could I...just take a quick look at it, if you don't mind? mac_0_080 Astounding! This is it! The real thing! The one and only Magical Map! mac_0_081 You, son, are my HERO! You're great! Fantastic! WONDERFUL, even!

With this...

We can find the Crystal Stars just by holding this aloft before the legendary door! mac_0_081_01_kur Right on, Professor! mac_0_082 Good golly, what are we doing just sitting here, then?!? Goombella! Mario!

Off we must go, this instant! Let's take the Magical Map to the legendary door! mac_0_083 I bet you didn't know this rotten old thing came off, did you? Heh heh! mac_0_084 We can use this pipe to get down under the city streets!

Come on! Both of you! Let's get moving! mac_0_084_01 Oh, wait, hang on a second... Mario! Something just occurred to me. mac_0_084_02 I'm fairly certain there are quite a few hoodlums below. So, uh...keep your guard up.

You two do know about your Action Commands, don't you? mac_0_084_02_yesno OK, fine. No thanks, I'm good. mac_0_084_04

A bold young lad, aren't you! Very well, then! Down we go!

Just stand on the pipe and tilt Down to enter it. mac_0_084_05

Hmmph! Positively shocking! In that case, you ought to take a second to learn them.

We'll have a little practice session. Goombella, you can be Mario's opponent. mac_0_084_06 What?!? Me? Are you nuts?!?

Oh, gee, ummmmmm... Uh, OK. I'll do my best, I guess! mac_0_b_t2_000 First, we'll practice the Jump Action Command. That OK with the both of you?

Choose the Jump command, then choose which enemy you'll attack. mac_0_b_t2_001 When you choose your target, the Action Command details appear down below, there. mac_0_b_t2_002 There! Right there, Mario! Just before you land on your enemy, press again. mac_0_b_t2_003 You'll know you did it right when "NICE" appears. You can do more damage this way! mac_0_b_t2_004 Now it's your turn to attack, Goombella. Shake a leg! mac_0_b_t2_005 OK... Here goes, Mario! mac_0_b_t2_006 Hold up! Right there, Mario! Press just before your enemy strikes you. mac_0_b_t2_007 You did a Guard Action Command! Guarding well will reduce the damage you take!

But listen: you can't just repeatedly tap to guard. That...will not work.

Oh, and remember this: the Action Commands change depending on the attack.

Better stay on your toes! Anyway, next let's practice Hammer Action Commands. mac_0_b_t2_008 Once you choose the enemy you're going to attack, Mario, tilt and hold Left. mac_0_b_t2_009 Keep holding Left, now! Don't let go! mac_0_b_t2_010 Release as soon as the lights up. mac_0_b_t2_011 Another rousing Action Command success!

How did that feel, Mario? Got a pretty good grasp on Action Commands now? mac_0_b_t2_012 Excellent. Now for a real treat: I'll teach you a really incredible technique!

Goombella, try to attack Mario one more time. mac_0_b_t2_013 You got it, Professor! mac_0_b_t2_014 Freeze right there, Mario! This time, press just before the enemy attack lands. mac_0_b_t2_015 Yeeeowch! mac_0_b_t2_016 See? You turned the foe's attack back on him! I mean, her! That's a Superguard!

If you do a Superguard with , you take no damage...AND damage your enemy in return.

But...Superguards are harder to do than standard guards. Choose wisely between them. mac_0_b_t2_017 And that concludes Action Commands 101! Har har har! Sorry... Professorial humor.

How'd that go over? Would you like to practice your Action Commands a bit more? mac_0_b_t2_018 Sure thing. No thanks. mac_0_103_04

This is VERY important. You'd better listen. I mean it. Are you ready to listen? mac_0_103_05

Excellent! In that case, we'll go outside, since this place is a little cramped. mac_0_b_t3_000 First, take a close look at your Star Power gauge. mac_0_b_t3_001 You'll see that your gauge has one power dot. Obviously that's a single unit of power.

So you're sitting on a single dot of Star Power. With me so far?

When you have Star Power available, you can use a special move.

Try using Sweet Treat now. It's a special move that will replenish your HP and FP. mac_0_b_t3_002 Machi #294 mac_0_b_t3_003 Since you used one power dot, the Star Power gauge is now empty. Take a look. mac_0_b_t3_004 Even if the gauge empties out, though, you can still charge it up again.

That's why the audience watching your battles is so very important. mac_0_b_t3_005 If you can get the audience excited, you'll build up more Star Power.

Let me show you what I mean. Mario, Goombella... Try to attack me, please. mac_0_b_t3_006 Nice! See that? You thrilled your audience, so they filled up some of your gauge. mac_0_b_t3_007 Nice! Keep building up that Star Power.

Also, the more exciting your battles are, the more people will come to watch you fight!

As you can see, that's reflected in the number of members in this audience. mac_0_b_t3_008 That won't do. Perform like that and the audience will feel ripped off, trust me.

You have to execute your Action Commands! Don't get stage fright, now! mac_0_b_t3_009 That's no good! Come on!

If you don't perform your Action Commands, people will stop coming to see you. mac_0_b_t3_010 Not quite! Keep trying! mac_0_b_t3_011 Mario! This is your chance to hit it big! mac_0_b_t3_012 Nail an Action Command when you have two matching icons and icon wheels appear.

Give it a try! mac_0_b_t3_013 Fantastic! You matched three icons!

When you match those icons, the crowd goes nuts and people swarm the theater.

Plus, depending on the icons you match up, your HP, FP, or Star Power will fill up.

But...if you get three Poison Mushrooms, something terrible will happen, so be careful. mac_0_b_t3_014 Still with me? The more people in your audience, the more Star Power you can get.

You can also use the Appeal command to get Star Power. I hope you memorized all this! mac_0_b_t3_014_1 Great Goomba's ghost! Mario! Look at your audience! mac_0_b_t3_014_2 Does that guy have a... hammer? He DOES, the bum! He means to toss it at you! mac_0_b_t3_014_3 If the audience members hit you with anything, you'll take damage, obviously.

You have to press to stop them before they hit you. mac_0_b_t3_014_4 That's right! Sweet justice!

You can press to protect yourself from the objects the audience throws at you.

Of course, fans of yours might toss good stuff, like coins... Don't attack them! mac_0_b_t3_015 Well, that's all I've got! Here ends my scintillating lecture on special moves.

Let's go back inside. mac_0_103_06

Hmm... You're absolutely sure? Well, all right, then.

Let's have a look at that Magical Map and see what we can learn about the...


This map has radar-like functions! It now shows the location of a Crystal Star!

It looks like the first Crystal Star is to be found in a place called the Petal Meadows. mac_0_104 Let's have a look at that Magical Map and see what we can learn about the...


This map has radar-like functions! It now shows the location of a Crystal Star!

It looks like the first Crystal Star is to be found in a place called the Petal Meadows. mac_0_105_kur Petal Meadows? mac_0_106 Yes. The area is a vast meadow that lies far to the east of Rogueport.

To tell you the truth... I've always thought that place was a tad suspicious.

The name Petal Meadows did come up from time to time in my research. mac_0_107_kur OK, fine. So we'll go there. Does anybody know how to get there or what? mac_0_108 I'm fairly certain that somewhere beneath the city is a pipe to Petal Meadows.

If you could just find that, you'd get there instantly. Pipe travel's efficient! mac_0_109 Say, by the way, Mario... I'm curious. Where did you get that map, anyway? mac_0_110 From Princess Peach? Really? Her Highness sent this to you, Mario?

This Princess Peach... This wouldn't be her, would it? mac_0_111 So it IS her!

Your princess came to see me the other day. She wanted to learn about the treasure...

I told her about the Crystal Stars and my suspicions about Petal Meadows...

It doesn't seem likely, but perhaps she tried to go to Petal Meadows on her own... mac_0_112_kur Y'know, Professor, there was another suspicious group asking about the same thing. mac_0_113 Hrmm... But I can't imagine Princess Peach getting involved with THEM... mac_0_114 All right! It's settled! Off to Petal Meadows you two go!

If Princess Peach indeed went there, your first priority must be to catch up to her.

Collecting the Crystal Stars is a means to an end...and that end is Princess Peach! mac_0_117_kur Aren't you coming, Professor? mac_0_118 No, I'll stay in town and ask around about Princess Peach and that suspicious gang.

Besides, I doubt a shriveled old Goomba like me could handle the trials of the road.

Of course, if anything happens and you need some advice, come see me, OK? mac_0_119_kur You got it, Professor! mac_0_120_kur Well, Mario, we're off! mac_0_121_01 Wait just a moment! mac_0_121_02 Mario, it's scary out there. Take this with you.

It's called a badge, and it is incredibly helpful.

You see, depending on the badges you have equipped, you'll get much more powerful.

What's important is knowing what the effects will be when you first equip a badge.

Would you like to practice equipping and removing badges? mac_0_121_02_yesno OK, I'll pay. Forget you, pal! mac_2_018

Y-You'll pay? Really? mac_2_018_yesno Yes No mac_2_038 OK, then clean those ears out and listen here...

There's a parlor in the west part of town that's run by that worm Don Pianta...

Go to the store next to the parlor. Buy a Dried Shroom and a Dizzy Dial.

Make SURE you buy 'em in that order: Dried Shroom, Dizzy Dial. You got that?

You do that and the shopkeeper's gonna ask you what your favorite color is.

You answer "yellow." You got that? Not "green." Not "blue." "Yellow." You hear me?

See, "yellow" is the password for gettin' into Don Scumbag's oh-so-comfy office.

You got all that? mac_2_039

There's a parlor in the west part of town that's run by that worm Don Pianta...

Go to the store next to the parlor. Buy a Dried Shroom and a Dizzy Dial.

Make SURE you buy 'em in that order: Dried Shroom, Dizzy Dial. You got that?

You do that and the shopkeeper's gonna ask you what your favorite color is.

You answer "yellow." You got that? Not "green." Not "blue." "Yellow." You hear me?

See, "yellow" is the password for gettin' into Don Scumbag's oh-so-comfy office. mac_2_040 There's a parlor in the west part of town that's run by that worm Don Pianta...

Go to the store next to the parlor. Buy a Dried Shroom and a Dizzy Dial.

Make SURE you buy 'em in that order: Dried Shroom, Dizzy Dial. You got that?

You do that and the shopkeeper's gonna ask you what your favorite color is.

You answer "yellow." You got that? Not "green." Not "blue." "Yellow." You hear me?

See, "yellow" is the password for gettin' into Don Scumbag's oh-so-comfy office. mac_3_000 I can tell by the look on your face that you got the next Crystal Star.

What was that? Something outrageous was written in Princess Peach's e-mail?

Clearly there's much to talk about, but only after you go to the Thousand-Year Door. mac_3_001_01 WHAAAT??? mac_3_001_02 The group that kidnapped Princess Peach is bent on total world conquest?!? mac_3_001_03_kur It sure sounds like it! That must be why they need the legendary treasure, huh? mac_3_001_03_nok Yes, sir! And we figure that would be why they need the ancient treasure. mac_3_001_03_win Correct, dearie. And that, you see, is why they need that legendary treasure... mac_3_001_03_yos Uh-huh! You got THAT right! That's why those jerks need that legendary treasure! mac_3_001_04 Hrmm... This doesn't bode well. The situation has gotten far more serious than I thought! mac_3_001_05 Let me bring you up to speed. I've been researching just what this treasure could be...

One book I came across held to what I thought was a preposterous theory...

This book claimed that the "treasure" was, in actuality, the great cataclysm.

...The very cataclysm that, a thousand years ago, sank that town underground! mac_3_001_06_kur Wait a sec'! So they wanna use that cataclysm's power to take over the world?!? mac_3_001_06_nok S-So those guys want to use the power of that...ulp... cataclysm to rule the world? mac_3_001_06_win So these fiends plan to use the power of the cataclysm to control the world? mac_3_001_06_yos So these jerks think the power of that cataclysm will help them rule the world?!? mac_3_001_07 I can't say for sure what they will do or why, but we must consider the possibility.

Now that things have come to this, we mustn't let them near the legendary treasure.

That's all that matters. Because if they do get it, then once again, this town...

No...the ENTIRE WORLD could be destroyed! mac_3_001_07_kur Oh my GOSH, Professor! Then we gotta get the next Crystal Star right away! mac_3_001_07_nok Um... In that case, Professor... We need to find that next Crystal Star! And FAST! mac_3_001_07_win In that case, Frankly... We must procure that next Crystal Star, quickly! mac_3_001_07_yos Then out with it, Prof! We gotta find that next Crystal Star, super-quick! mac_3_002 Hrmm... According to the map, it appears the next Crystal Star is in Twilight Town. mac_3_003_kur Twilight Town? mac_3_003_nok Twilight Town? mac_3_003_win Twilight Town? mac_3_003_yos Twilight Town? mac_3_004 To tell you the truth, I don't know much about the place, myself. Only rumors.

I have heard that, as the name implies, it's perpetually dim and eerie there.

...Wait just a moment... mac_3_005 Ah-HA! There appears to be a pipe to Twilight Town somewhere here in Rogueport.

I do believe it's somewhere underneath the west part of town. Yes, definitely.

If you get stuck for any reason, just come back and see me again, OK? mac_3_006_kur Beneath the west part of town! Gotcha! We're on it! Thanks, Professor.

Wooo! All right, Mario! Let's do it! mac_3_006_nok The west part of town? Underground? Okeydokey! Thank you, Professor!

Well, Mario... I guess we should leave posthaste! mac_3_006_win Below the western part of town? Very well, then! Cheers, Frankly!

Come along now, Mario! We go at once! mac_3_006_yos Under the ground in the west part of the town? Check! Gotcha, Prof!

C'mon, Gonzales! Let's go! Time to break out! mac_3_007_kur Professor! We found the pipe and tried to go through, but we got pushed back out! mac_3_007_nok Ummmmm... Hey, Professor? We tried going into that pipe, but we got spat back out... mac_3_007_win Frankly! We went into that blasted pipe, but something pushed us right back out! mac_3_007_yos Hey, Prof! The pipe's a no-go! We went in, but we got pushed right back out! mac_3_008_kur Professor! We found the pipe that leads to Twilight Town...

...But it totally didn't work! It just pushes you right back out! We can't get through. mac_3_008_nok Umm, Professor... We found the pipe to Twilight Town...

But I don't think it works. The thing just rejects us. There's no way through it. mac_3_008_win Frankly! We found the pipe you said would take us to Twilight Town...

...But it doesn't work, darling. It just pushed us back out. Can't you do something? mac_3_008_yos Yo, Prof! We found your pipe, and that thing's all stopped up!

We tried and tried, but we can't break through it! Got any drain cleaner? mac_3_009 What? You can't get through the pipe, you say? How odd...

Hrmm... I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest idea of what you should do. mac_3_010 Oh! Of course!

I've heard that a fellow from Twilight Town lives here in Rogueport.

If anybody knows how to get through the pipe, it'll be him.

His name was, uh... Dang. What was it?

Ah, yes! The lover of dark places! DARKLY!

I've seen him loitering right here in this part of town in the past. Look for Darkly! mac_3_011 Hi there! The name's Darkly. Do you guys need something? mac_3_012 Huh? You want to know how to get through the pipe to Twilight Town? mac_3_013 Couldn't be easier! You just need to have something that has your name written on it.

Don't you have anything that has your name written on it? C'mon, everyone does! mac_3_014 No? Really? OK. Hang on. I'll write it for you. What's your name? mac_3_015 Mario, huh? OK... I'll write it here on the seat of your overalls. M-A-R-I-O, right? mac_3_016 There! Perfect-a-mundo! While I'm at it, I'll write your partner's name, too.

What's your name? mac_3_017_kur Goombella! mac_3_017_nok Um... K-Koops. mac_3_017_win Depends on who's asking! For you, I am Flurrie. mac_3_017_yos %s, baby! mac_3_018_kur Tee hee! That TICKLES! mac_3_018_nok H-Hey! Think you could ease up on jabbing me, Pokey? mac_3_018_win Mmmm... A bit to the left... mac_3_018_yos Hey! Watch where you're drawing, buddy! mac_3_019 I don't know what errand is taking you to Twilight Town, but I hope it goes well.

I'll be rooting for you! mac_4_000 What? Another terrifying e-mail from Princess Peach? Are you sure it wasn't spam?

Hrmm... I've confirmed some rather stunning things, too... To say the least...

Before we speak, though, take the Crystal Star to the Thousand-Year Door, OK? mac_4_001_01 Whuh-Whuh-WHAAAAAAT?!? mac_4_001_02 Th-That was written in Princess Peach's e-mail?

The legendary treasure is actually the spirit of an ancient demon...

And those fiends want to use the power of the Crystal Stars to resurrect it?

How bone-chilling... Sadly, it DOES seem to be consistent with what I've uncovered... mac_4_001_03_kur Don't leave us in suspense! Give us the scoop, Professor! mac_4_001_03_nok Ummm... Well, will you tell us, or what, Professor Frankly? mac_4_001_03_win Pray tell, what information have you uncovered, Frankly? mac_4_001_03_yos Well, c'mon, give it up, Prof! What did you find out! mac_4_001_03_viv What have you found out, Professor? mac_4_001_03_chu Well, we're waiting, Professor. What did you find out? mac_4_001_04 Hrmm... This is rather long, so you'd best listen well. mac_4_001_05 Are all of you ready? And you there! In front of the TV! You listen up, too! mac_4_001_06_kur TV? You don't have a TV! What in the world are you talking about? mac_4_001_06_nok Ummm... Who are you talking to, sir? mac_4_001_06_win I declare, you've gone batty. What TV? To whom are you speaking, Frankly? mac_4_001_06_yos Did someone pile-drive your head, or what? I don't see any TV here, nutjob! mac_4_001_06_viv Maybe I'm missing something... Are you talking to no one? mac_4_001_06_chu You strange, strange man. What did THAT mean? mac_4_001_07 OH, NEVER YOU MIND! Don't worry about such trivial details. Just listen! mac_4_001_08 The great cataclysm that I read about in that book may well refer to this demon...

It says that a monster destroyed a large town that once stood on this very area.

It ALSO says that the seven Crystal Stars were actually CREATED by this monster...

AND that this thing used the power of the Crystal Stars to try to control the world... mac_4_001_09 According to this book, the demon was defeated in the end by four heroes.

But only the beast's physical form was destroyed... Its spirit could not be eradicated.

So, the heroes used the Crystal Stars, which they had stolen from the demon...

And they cast the evil beast into the depths of a vast maze, and sealed the exit...

From this, I gather that the Crystal Stars cannot distinguish good from evil.

So, if they're all united, they could either seal away or resurrect the demon.

It seems that who wields the Crystal Stars determines if they're used for evil or good. mac_4_001_10_kur Then the question is whether gathering the Crystal Stars is a danger in and of itself...

I mean, if we found them all and then got robbed, the demon could be revived!

Don't you think maybe it'd be better to break them apart and scatter the pieces? mac_4_001_10_nok Ummm... Doesn't that mean that maybe gathering the Crystal Stars is dangerous?

Say we did find them all... What if someone stole them? They could revive that thing!

Ummm... Call me crazy, but maybe we oughta just shatter those things. mac_4_001_10_win Well, we must consider the idea that gathering the Crystal Stars is unwise.

What if we found them all and then got waylaid? That awful thing could live again!

Forgive me for saying so, but shouldn't we consider destroying them? mac_4_001_10_yos Hey, then isn't it possible that we shouldn't gather these Crystal Stars?

Even if we do find 'em all, someone could just steal 'em all and revive that monster!

Maybe we oughta just stomp the heck out of 'em and throw the pieces away! mac_4_001_10_viv I guess we ought to consider not collecting the Crystal Stars, then...

It would be awful if we found them all, only to have them stolen for evil purposes.

Does anyone think it might just be better to destroy them once and for all? mac_4_001_10_chu Well, the way I see it, it may be entirely the wrong idea to collect these things.

Why, someone could just steal all the Crystal Stars from us and resurrect that demon!

I feel as though the best course of action might be to destroy them utterly. mac_4_001_11 That was my first thought, too, but further research suggests we can't do that.

There's a slight possibility that the Thousand-Year Door is weakening.

It seems the Crystal Stars hold the power to seal the beast for a thousand years.

So, once a thousand years pass, the power to keep the door sealed shut will fail.

And unfortunately, this year may be the thousandth year. Bad luck, huh?

The fact that those goons want the stars now may be coincidence...but maybe not.

In other words, we must be ready for the demon's return, even if the X-Nauts fail. mac_4_001_12_kur In that case, we gotta go collect the rest of the Crystal Stars immediately!

No time to lose! Where can we find the next one? mac_4_001_12_nok Well... Sheesh, we better go get the rest of those Crystal Stars, then!

Where can we find the next one, Professor Frankly? mac_4_001_12_win Well, what are we dallying for? We must find the rest of the Crystal Stars!

Where to next, Frankly? mac_4_001_12_yos Whoa! Let's roll, then! We gotta get the rest of those Crystal Stars!

Where's the next one at? mac_4_001_12_viv Oh. I guess we'd better find the rest of the Crystal Stars then, huh?

Where do we start? mac_4_001_12_chu Oh, my! I suppose we'd better shake our tails and find the other Crystal Stars!

Tell me, Professor, where is the next one located? mac_4_002 Hrmm... According to the map, it appears to be somewhere on Keelhaul Key. mac_4_002_kur Keelhaul Key? mac_4_002_nok Keelhaul Key? mac_4_002_win Keelhaul Key? mac_4_002_yos Keelhaul Key? mac_4_002_viv Keelhaul Key? mac_4_002_chu Keelhaul Key? mac_4_003 I'm none too familiar with the place, but I've heard countless unsavory rumors.

You know, the usual stuff... Vengeful spirits full of hatred, evil curses, things like that...

I'm sure the sea salts down by the harbor know more. You should head there first. mac_4_049 What do you blokes want? mac_4_049_01 I have no interest in passing the time with you, so sorry. Now, away with you! mac_4_050 You seek Admiral Bobbery?

...Never heard of the gent. Take your search elsewhere. mac_4_051 Admiral Bobbery?

I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Now, if you please... mac_4_052_kur Don't play dumb with us! We were already told that YOU are Admiral Bobbery! mac_4_052_nok Ummm... Listen, Mr. Bobbery... We already heard that you're the Bobbery we're looking for. mac_4_052_win Oh, drop this SHAM, sir! We're already quite aware that you're Bobbery! mac_4_052_yos Drop the act, Super 'Stache! We already found out that you're Admiral Bobbery! mac_4_052_viv Please, don't insult us... We already know you're the admiral, so just admit it! mac_4_052_chu Don't be so coy, Admiral! We've already found out your identity! mac_4_053 Harumph! What poppycock... Tell me, what would you want with me if I were this chap? mac_4_054 You say your ship needs a navigator, and you want me to do the job, mmm?

...So sorry, but you'll have to look elsewhere. I shall set sail upon the sea...nevermore! mac_4_055_kur But... Look, we're begging you here! You totally have to!

You're the only one who can guide our ship to Keelhaul Key! This is serious stuff! mac_4_055_nok But... But... But... But... Please, Admiral, sir! We NEED you!

Nobody else can get us to Keelhaul Key! mac_4_055_win But... Show some compassion, dear man. Don't make us beg! We simply must have you!

You are our sole hope for reaching Keelhaul Key! mac_4_055_yos But... That's just not cool! You wanna see me beg or something? Is that it?

You HAVE to come along! Only you can get us safely to Keelhaul Key! mac_4_055_viv But... Maybe you don't understand how important this is. We NEED you.

Without you, we'll never get to Keelhaul Key! mac_4_055_chu But... Don't be like that! We truly need your help, can't you see that?

Without you, we'll surely meet our ends on the way to Keelhaul Key! mac_4_056 Awfully sorry, dear boy, but when I say "no," what I mean is...NO! mac_4_056_01 Now, away with you! mac_4_057 I shall set sail upon the sea nevermore. Away with you! mac_4_058_kur Darn! What do we do, Mario? That guy doesn't seem too stoked to come with us. mac_4_058_nok Um... What's next, Mario? I don't think we're gonna convince that guy to join us. mac_4_058_win I'm at a loss, Mario... This gentleman is stubborn as an ornery old mule! mac_4_058_yos What's the next move, chief? This salty dude is going nowhere fast. mac_4_058_viv What do you think, Mario? Nothing we say seems to be enough to convince this man... mac_4_058_chu Mmmm... Your thoughts, Mario? We don't seem to be getting anywhere with this man. mac_4_059_kur Know what I wonder, though? Why's he all weirded out about the sea, anyway?

We oughta find someone who knows this guy and find out what his malfunction is. mac_4_059_nok He seems so bummed out... Why is he so hung up on not sailing again, I wonder?

Maybe we should ask around and see if anybody knows the admiral's story. mac_4_059_win But... I can't help but wonder... What is it that turned this poor man against the sea?

Perhaps it would behoove us to search out someone who knows him and ask about it. mac_4_059_yos I can't figure this guy out! What's his beef with the ocean, anyway?

Know what we oughta do? Go find someone who knows what this dude's deal is! mac_4_059_viv But... Don't you find it odd? Why would a sailor have such hatred for the sea?

We need answers... Maybe we should ask around town about this man's story... mac_4_059_chu I can't help but wonder... What could turn such a man against the sea?

I think our only option is to ask around and see if anyone knows his tale. mac_4_060 Admiral Bobbery won't go to sea? That's a setback.

Hrmm... I don't know the man myself, so I don't know what to tell you, unfortunately.

But I'd be willing to bet that Podley knows a thing or two. He works at the inn's cafe. mac_4_077 What?!? Oh, by Blabberton's beard! Not you again!

No matter how many times you entreat me, my stance is firm! Now away with you! mac_4_078 Pardon? A letter, you say? F-For me??? mac_4_079 What?!? Scarlette!!! This is Scarlette's handwriting!!! mac_4_080 Scarlette, my love... mac_4_081 My love: if you're reading this letter, then I am no longer by your side.

Because fate has stepped between us, I have decided to write you this letter.

If you're reading this, I must have passed away while you were out to sea...

I can only assume that you will blame yourself for it, my sweet Bobbery.

Although my life was short, you gave me more than a lifetime's worth of joy.

Though you will mourn, I beg that you remember that time, like love, is a tide.

You are one with the sea, as you were one with me. Do not lose both your life's loves. mac_4_082 "Time, like love, is a tide. You are one with the sea... as you were one with me..."

A... A thousand pardons... But may I have a moment alone, if you please? mac_4_083 Yes, love... I WAS happy... My sweet, sweet Scarlette... I love you still. mac_4_084 Now then! You were looking for a navigator, I believe? Bound for Keelhaul Key? mac_4_085 Harumph! If you think an old sea bomb like me is what you need, then let's shove off! mac_4_086_kur Admiral Bobbery!!! Awesome! mac_4_086_nok Admiral Bobbery!!! Cool! mac_4_086_win Admiral Bobbery!!! Marvelous! mac_4_086_yos Admiral Bobbery!!! Yesss! mac_4_086_viv Admiral Bobbery!!! Wonderful! mac_4_086_chu Admiral Bobbery!!! Excellent! mac_4_087 The ship's in the harbor, hm? I must inspect her before we leave. I shall meet you there. mac_5_000 Oh! Would you look at that! Another Crystal Star, eh?

Yes, well, as usual, take that down to the Thousand-Year Door. Then we'll talk. mac_5_002 Great news, my friends! The next Crystal Star is in Poshley Heights! mac_5_002_kur Wait a sec'! You mean where all the rich and famous live? Like movie stars and stuff? mac_5_002_nok Wait... Don't a lot of really rich and famous people live in Poshley Heights? mac_5_002_win Just a moment! Isn't that area known for its rich and famous denizens? mac_5_002_yos Oh, man! Aren't there oodles of rich and famous people living in that place? mac_5_002_viv Hang on... Haven't I heard that lots of rich and famous people call that place home? mac_5_002_bom Wait a tick! I've heard tell that only the rich and famous call that place home... mac_5_002_chu Hey... Isn't that place simply BURSTING with the rich and famous? Excellent. mac_5_003 Yes, yes, and I'm fairly sure there's also a shrine to the stars called Poshley Sanctum.

No fearsome monsters or dangerous dungeons, either! It's just a tourist attraction! mac_5_004_kur So, uh, a little help, here? To get to Poshley Heights, we should... mac_5_004_nok Sounds great! And to get to this place, we should... mac_5_004_win Sounds absolutely fabulous! How do we get to this wonderful town? mac_5_004_yos Get to the point, Prof! How do we get to this Snobville, anyway? mac_5_004_viv Poshley Heights, huh? OK. How do we get there? mac_5_004_bom Harumph! Sounds positively scintillating, dear boy. Point us there! mac_5_004_chu Well? Don't tease us, Professor. How do we get there from here? mac_5_005 That's the best part! You ride the most famous train of all! The Excess Express!

Yes! After a luxurious steam engine excursion, the next Crystal Star will be yours!

Getting those Crystal Stars has been backbreaking work, but this time will be a cinch! mac_5_006_kur But I thought you had to be, like, rich or famous to get an Excess Express ticket... mac_5_006_nok Um... But I thought only rich or famous people can get tickets on that train... mac_5_006_win Not to be a wet blanket, but don't you have to be rich or famous to ride that line? mac_5_006_yos Hey, I heard you had to be all rich or famous to get a ticket for that train! mac_5_006_viv Will they let us on board? I heard you have to be rich or famous to get a seat. mac_5_006_bom Pardon me for saying so, but mustn't you have wealth or fame to ride that train? mac_5_006_chu You know, I had heard that one must be rich or famous to ride the Excess Express... mac_5_007 Hrmm... That may be true. Perhaps you should ask Don Pianta for help with this, too. mac_5_008_kur Oh, no! No no no no no NO! Not that psychopath again!

...Oh, well. I guess we don't have much choice, huh? C'mon, Mario. Let's go. mac_5_008_nok Oh, man! You gotta be joking with me! That guy's scary!

...Great. Well, it's not like we have much choice here. Let's go, Mario... Ugh... mac_5_008_win Good gracious, no! I'm afraid I really must protest this! That man is TOO dangerous!

...Well, I suppose one must do what one must do, correct? Let's get this over with. mac_5_008_yos Are you crazy?!? I heard stories about that guy, and he sounds like a loon!

Man... Well, whatever, I guess. If we gotta, we gotta, right? Let's do this, Gonzales. mac_5_008_viv Are you kidding? Everyone says he's an awful man! Doesn't he extort people?

...Well, I guess we don't have much choice, now do we? Let's do this quickly. mac_5_008_bom Ah...no. Terribly sorry. Mm-mm. Impossible. Can't do it. The man's reprehensible!

...Well, drat. I suppose there's nothing for it, eh, old boy? If we must, we must. Let's go. mac_5_008_chu Oh, I do NOT think that's a good idea! Do you know him? He is NOT one to mess with!

...Ah, well. If we have to, then I'm in, but it could get ugly. Come on, Mario. Let's go. mac_5_009 Excellent. Then we're set! We may not have much time left, so you must hurry.

I'll gather all the information I can. You guys just handle your end of things. mac_6_000 Oh! You got the next Crystal Star! Well done!

Take that thing to the Thousand-Year Door! mac_6_002_00 Hrmm... mac_6_002 If what this map indicates is true, the location of the final Crystal Star is... mac_6_003 The moon. mac_6_004_kur The moon?!?

Princess Peach is there, too! This just seems wrong on, like, SO many levels. mac_6_004_nok The moon?!?

Hey! Princess Peach is there! Oh, boy... Something about this doesn't sit well... mac_6_004_win The moon?!?

Why, our Princess Peach is there as well! I daresay this doesn't bode well... mac_6_004_yos The moon?!?

That's where Princess Peach is stuck! Yeah! Remember? ...Seems suspicious, huh? mac_6_004_viv The moon?!?

Isn't Princess Peach also on the moon? mac_6_004_bom The moon?!?

Great gobbledy! Princess Peach is there as well! ...This seems a bit...off. mac_6_004_chu The moon?!?

Isn't the princess trapped there, too? Something about this doesn't seem right... mac_6_005 Hrmmm... The problem here... is how does one get to the moon? Quite a conundrum.

Give me a moment to look into this. Excuse me, please. This shouldn't take long. mac_6_005_01 Ermmm... Looking into this may take a little time, so come back in a bit, all right? mac_6_006 I must concentrate on this, so come back after about three minutes, will you? mac_6_006_01 You're a little too soon. I'm still looking into this, so come back later. mac_6_006_02 I've only just begun to research. You'll have to wait a bit longer. mac_6_006_03 Research takes time! Don't you understand that? Hrmm? Wait over there or something. mac_6_006_04 No, this won't work either. What's left... Ah! Yes, of course! That one book...

It looks like this will take a while longer. Please come back later, if you could. mac_6_006_05 Oh! Good timing, Mario! I've just hit on something, I believe.

You should step out for a breath of fresh air, and I'll fill you in shortly. mac_6_006_06 I think I'll have an answer in mere moments. You can wait outside until then. mac_6_007 Ah! Excellent timing!

I finally have it, Mario! I found a way that might just get you to the moon!

You must go to Fahr Outpost. And you must use the cannon there. And it will blast you. mac_6_008_kur Uh, hello? We're using a CANNON to get to the moon? Isn't that, like, dangerous? mac_6_008_nok Umm... Excuse me? We're using a cannon to reach the moon? Don't we want to live? mac_6_008_win Pardon me, sugar? We're to use a CANNON to get to the moon? Is that entirely safe? mac_6_008_yos Whoa! We're using a cannon to blast ourselves to the moon? YEAH! EXTREEEEME! mac_6_008_viv Uh... We're using a cannon to get to the moon? Doesn't that seem...unsafe? mac_6_008_bom So we're to use a cannon to reach the moon, are we? Sounds capital! mac_6_008_chu We're using a CANNON to get to the moon? Whatever you say, darling... mac_6_009 I know how it sounds, really. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure of all the details...

Accounts from Fahr Outpost speak of a device that can launch anything, anywhere.

Even to the moon! mac_6_010_kur Great. Sounds super, really. So where is this Fahr Outpost, anyway? mac_6_010_nok Um...OK. Well, where is this certain death...er...Fahr Outpost, anyway? mac_6_010_win Well, let's not delay, hmm? Where is this Fahr Outpost? mac_6_010_yos This is gonna be so COOOOL! Just point the way! Where is this Fahr Outpost? mac_6_010_viv Well, where is this Fahr Outpost, then? mac_6_010_bom I must say, this Fahr Outpost already sounds like it will be a bother to reach... mac_6_010_chu Well, where is this Fahr Outpost, Professor? mac_6_011 I believe there's a pipe to Fahr Outpost somewhere beneath Rogueport...

But I'm not sure of the exact location. Yes, I believe it was hidden for some reason.

If my information is correct, you need something called an Ultra Hammer to get it. mac_6_012_kur An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_nok An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_win An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_yos An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_viv An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_bom An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_chu An Ultra Hammer? mac_6_012_01_kur An Ultra Hammer?!?

Well, it's party time, then! We already got one of those! mac_6_012_01_nok An Ultra Hammer?!?

Um... Didn't we already get one of those! mac_6_012_01_win An Ultra Hammer?!?

Why, we already got one of those! How marvelous! mac_6_012_01_yos An Ultra Hammer?!?

Hey! Right ON! We already got one of those! mac_6_012_01_viv An Ultra Hammer?!?

Didn't we get one of those already, Mario? mac_6_012_01_bom An Ultra Hammer?!?

Dear man, we've already procured one of those! mac_6_012_01_chu An Ultra Hammer?!?

But, sweetie, we've already got one of those! mac_6_013 Yes, apparently the Ultra Hammer made for opening the way is hidden here in town.

You'll have to figure out how you're going to find it, though, because I don't know.

Hmph! Good luck with that. Once you find it, the path to Fahr Outpost will open. mac_6_013_01 Ah! Well! I see! That certainly changes the subject, now, doesn't it?!?

Well, use that Ultra Hammer to find the pipe to Fahr Outpost, then. Get to it! mac_6_014_kur You got it, Professor! Fahr Outpost, here we come! mac_6_014_nok Yes, sir, Professor Frankly! We're off to Fahr Outpost! mac_6_014_win We are on our way, Frankly! To Fahr Outpost we go! mac_6_014_yos Yeah! You got it, Prof! Fahr Outpost! Chaaaarge! mac_6_014_viv If you say so, Professor! Let's find Fahr Outpost! mac_6_014_bom Hmm... Yes... I see! Quite so! Destination: Fahr Outpost! mac_6_014_chu No problem at all, sweetie! Fahr Outpost, it is! mac_6_015 Oh, yes... One more thing you should be aware of...

The Bob-ombs who live there are...sort of a surly bunch.

They may not let you use their cannon. You may have to negotiate with them.

In any case, that's your problem! Good luck! Get that last Crystal Star! gor_02_000 What do you want, chump? If you ain't got business here, then beat it! gor_02_001 This is where I live, chump. Unless you gotta see me for somethin', you need to leave. gor_02_001_01 This is where I live, chump. Unless you gotta see me for somethin', you need to leave. gor_02_002 Hey, you! Yeah, Chumpie! You meet that scum of the earth, Don Pianta?

Looks like you got outta there alive. That's a first! gor_02_003 Hey, you! Yeah, Mr. Chump! You met Don Pianta about going to Glitzville, huh?

Back when I still had pull in this town, I used to go to Glitzville all the time. gor_02_003_01 Hey, you! Yeah, Mr. Chump! You met Don Pianta about going to Glitzville, huh?

Back when I still had pull in this town, I used to go to Glitzville all the time. gor_02_003_02 Hey, you! Yeah, ol' Chumpie! ...You say you made it to Twilight Town?

Hey, we all got problems to deal with, you know? gor_02_003_03 Hey, you! Yeah, el Chump! So, I hear you went to the infamous Keelhaul Key.

So? Any treasure there? I tell you, you'd never find me goin' to a place like that...

I mean, if you get cursed, that's the end of it, y'know? Life's too precious, chump! gor_02_003_04 Hey, you! Yeah, the chump! So, you went to Poshley Heights, did ya?

The people there are so filthy rich, they border on creepy!

I sure wouldn't mind goin' there one day, though...and startin' some trouble! gor_02_003_05 Hey, you! Yeah, Chumpley! Eh?!? Whuzzat???

You went to the moon?!?

Listen, I like your stories and all, but this is too much... Did you conk your melon? gor_02_003_06 Hey, you! That was amazin'! I can't believe how you cleared out that darkness!

You really are incredible! If I ever have a problem, I'm goin' straight to you.

You saved the world, guy! You're welcome here anytime! My house is yours! gor_02_004 Whoa! Whoa! Hold up, now! You're an outsider!

Past this point is the turf of Ishnail, head of the Robbos. It's 10 coins to pass through.

You try to pass without paying, and I'm afraid I'll have to whip you but good. gor_02_005 Whoa! Whoa! Hold up, now! If you want to pass through here, you gotta pay 10 coins. gor_02_005_select Yes No powerup_05 To power up your partner, talk to me from the other side of the table! powerup_12 SHA-ZIBBY! powerup_13 Then you may go! powerup_13_02

Then you may go! powerup_13_01 Return someday! powerup_14 SHA-ZOOBY! powerup_15 Care to power up more? powerup_16 You have no partners whom I can power up! powerup_ev_01 Oh! What impeccable timing. Yes, this was destined... powerup_ev_02 When I consulted my star charts, I saw a portentous sign for you, Mario...

It went thusly...

"In the house of the dragon that flew through the air... Beyond the reversible stair...

"Near the empty black chest that cursed you...lies a clue to help your allies learn..."

I have no idea what it means, unfortunately...

But I have no doubt of its importance as a sign for you and your friends.

If you figure out this mystery, come and tell me immediately. powerup_ev_03 When I consulted my star charts, I saw a portentous sign for you, Mario...

It went thusly...

"In the house of the dragon that flew through the air... Beyond the reversible stair...

"Near the empty black chest that cursed you...lies a clue to help your allies learn..."

I have no idea what it means, unfortunately...

But I have no doubt of its importance as a sign for you and your friends.

If you figure out this mystery, come and tell me immediately. powerup_ev_04 What's this? An Up Arrow?!? powerup_ev_05 An UP ARROW?!?


. . . . . .

Of COURSE!!! powerup_ev_06 This is the Ultra Stone! So THAT is what the star sign meant!

I picked this up at a flea market years ago and forgot it was in the attic!

With this, I can power up your partners even more! powerup_ev_07 We are cooking now! Let me know when you want me to power up your allies more! johoyaperfect_00 Good afternoon to you, sir! I am called Grifty, the traveling minstrel.

I spend my days here in leisure, spinning tales that spin the senses!

I know but a few of the stories that surround the town of Rogueport...

If you like, I can share them with you...but it will require just a few coins.

Is there a tale you want to hear? These are the tales I can tell you now. johoyaperfect_00_01 Good day to you, sir!

Is there a tale you want to hear? These are the tales I can tell you now. johoyaperfect_01 For a mere coin I can share with you the tale of %.*s... johoyaperfect_02 Yes No irai_02

I see. Then get outta here. irai_03

Then listen and listen good!

This Trouble Center is where people come with troubles. That's why it's named that.

If you want to see what kind of troubles people have, check that bulletin board.

If you're a nice guy, you'll choose someone and try to help them out. If not, not.

Help someone out and they'll give you a reward, probably. Not a bad deal, eh?

But remember! If you decide not to solve a trouble, you have to pay to cancel.

You got that? Well, good. Then go help someone out! irai_04

Hoo, boy... I told you to listen good!

This Trouble Center is where people come with troubles. That's why it's named that.

If you want to see what kind of troubles people have, check that bulletin board.

If you're a nice guy, you'll choose someone and try to help them out. If not, not.

Help someone out and they'll give you a reward, probably. Not a bad deal, eh?

But remember! If you decide not to solve a trouble, you have to pay to cancel.

You got all that? Good! I hate explaining it over and over, so don't ask me again! irai_06 Look at the board if you wanna accept a trouble request, will ya?

Hmmm... All right, FINE! I'll spell it out for you! Listen up!

This Trouble Center is where people come with troubles. That's why it's named that.

If you want to see what kind of troubles people have, check that bulletin board.

If you're a nice guy, you'll choose someone and try to help them out. If not, not.

Help someone out and they'll give you a reward, probably. Not a bad deal, eh?

But remember! If you decide not to solve a trouble, you have to pay to cancel.

You got all that? Good. Explaining it is a mouthful, so don't make me do it again! irai_07 You got a question? irai_08 Yes No irai_03_01

I'm counting on you.

Remember, I need to know what the Toad Bros. Bazaar charges for...

Fire Flowers, Sleepy Sheep, and Tasty Tonics. irai_03_02

Perfect! OK! I'm ready.

First, how much are they asking for Fire Flowers? irai_03_02_s 8 coins 15 coins 25 coins irai_03_04

................................. ................................. OK...

And how about Tasty Tonic? How much is that? irai_03_04_s Red Green Yellow Black mac_2_042 Oops! What's wrong with me? That wasn't the right question at all!

Uh... Let's try this again.

Ahem! OK, Mister... What's your favorite color? mac_2_043 Uh-huh. Well, you check out. You know the password.

So, um, you must be an acquaintance of Don Pianta! Good for you. mac_2_043_01 You can go through the door. Go on with your bad self. mac_2_044 Oh, really? Interesting. Thanks. Great. I like that color, too. Really. I do.

So, yeah. Come again sometime. Good-bye. mac_2_044_01 Hey! Who's dis wise guy? You come here knowin' dis is da Pianta syndicate office?

Lissen, ya little bugaboo... If you gots no bidness wid da Piantas, den scram! mac_2_044_02 Dis is da office of da Pianta syndicate, ya dip. Don't tell me you didn't know dat! mac_2_044_03 If you gots no bidness wid da Piantas, den scram-a-lam! mac_2_044_04 If you so much as BREATHE funny around da boss...you know what'll happen, right? mac_2_044_05 Oh... Frankie... mac_2_045 What's wid you, wise guy?

I ain't too jolly today... If you got a beef, spit it out quick or dis is gonna hurt. mac_2_046 Ex-CUSE me? You want a... You want me to give you a ticket for da blimp?

See, now, to me, dat's funny... You a stand-up comedian? No? You oughta be.

You got some nerve askin' me for dat. I'm Don Pianta! I make cryin' babies weep! mac_2_047 You want I should run dis bum out on a rail, Boss? Lookit him! Whadda rube! mac_2_048 You must like pain, funny guy! You just lookin' for trouble, or what? mac_2_049 Not so fast, boys.

I like dis kid's gumption. He just came to talk, no? Dat ain't a crime.

So we talk. You boys can wait 'til we're done before you rough him up, you got it?

So, I gotta assume you got a reason for wantin' a ticket for da blimp. Out wid it! mac_2_050 What's dat? You wanna help some broad what got herself kidnapped?

An' to rescue dis dame, you're out collectin' da Crystal Stars? mac_2_051 Da...Crystal Stars?

Hey, Boss! Ain't dose things in dat legend 'bout da ancient treasure? mac_2_052 Vinny, you're such a dope! Hey, Boss! Dis knucklehead believes in fairy tales! mac_2_053_kur Fairy tale nothing! That treasure's real! mac_2_053_nok Um... Excuse me, but, uh... That's not true! The treasure is real! Honest! mac_2_053_win Bite your tongue! Don't listen to that lout! The treasure is as real as I am! mac_2_056 Everybody, just...shut it. I don't care if da treasure is real or not. Get me?

But I tell ya, I can't help but like a guy who wants to rescue some skirt he fell for.

I made my decision!

You do me a little...favor...an' you get your blimp ticket. Sounds fair, right? mac_2_057_kur Wait... What's the favor? mac_2_057_nok Sure! We can do anything! What is it? mac_2_057_win I'm not entirely sure I like the sound of this... mac_2_060 It's easy. It's nothin'. It's less dan nothin'.

See, da thing is... My own daughter...eloped wit' one of my young...associates.

Dey vanished...but it wasn't too long ago dat dey did. Dey oughta still be nearby.

You gotta find my daughter, Francesca, an' dis...Frankie... an' bring dem both here.

If you are unable to bring dem here, then alls you gotta do is tell me where dey are.

Then I shall settle dis matter quickly, an' wid what is known as extreme prejudice. mac_2_061 Boss!

We don't know nothin' about dis guy. You can't rely on some goofball for dis job! mac_2_062 Yeah, Boss! Vinny's right! Leave it to us to find Francesca! mac_2_063 QUIET, YOU!

It's 'cause you lugs can't find her dat I gotta swallow my pride an' ask dis guy!!!

I hope you dopes ain't makin' complaints 'bout my decision. You makin' complaints? mac_2_064 No, Boss. Whatever you say goes, Boss. mac_2_065 I dunno what I was thinkin', Boss. It won't happen again, Boss. You're da boss, Boss. mac_2_066 Good. I'm glad we're all full of understandin' for one another. mac_2_067 So it's settled, yeah? Find my daughter an' her... friend. Den come see me.

Francesca and Frankie look like dis: mac_2_068 An' just so we're clear here... If you don't find my daughter, your luck may turn terrible... mac_2_069 Are we clear on dis point? If you don't find my daughter, your luck may turn terrible... mac_2_070 What Don Pianta says, goes... But it'd be just swell if Francesca was happy, too. mac_2_071 To tell da truth, I don't want youse guys to find Frankie. He an' I go back.

Frankie took care of me... Watched over me like a bruddah... I owe dat guy... mac_2_088 Oh. Look who's come back. Da proverbial mustache. You gonna brighten my mood?

So give. What you got? You know da whereabouts of dese two runaways? mac_2_088_yesno Deal! Take a hike, bub! mac_5_029 Whah? WHAT did you say?!? I thought we were like family! Dis is how you treat family?!? mac_5_030 It would be real sad to see somethin' real bad happen to you guys... Real sad... mac_5_030_yesno I'm here to buy. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... gor_shop2_24 Plane Game Paper Game Tube Game Boat Game Trade In Winnings bunny_teresa_03_1 Machi #2852 bunny_teresa_04 Machi #2853 bunny_teresa_11 Oh, my! Customers aren't allowed back here!

What?!? You want to learn a little more about me?

Well, I'm in charge of the parlor center, silly!

I know all there is to know about this place, so if you have a question, just ask!

...You were hoping for more personal information? Uhhh... Ugh! Fine! Whatever...

I'm eighteen. My favorite food is Honey Shrooms. The rest is a secret.

If you get a high score in one of the mini-games, maybe I'll tell you more... bunny_teresa_11_1 Oh, my! Customers aren't allowed back here!

What?!? You got a high score in one of the mini-games?

Ugh! Fine! Whatever... Um...

My sister Peeka works in the shop next door, and we get along REALLY well!

We go shopping together whenever we get a day off. So much FUN, shopping!

Peeka likes jewelry and bags and things, but those don't interest me at all.

I guess maybe I could use a little more flair in my outfits, though...

OK! That's enough.

Maybe I'll tell you more if you get another high score. bunny_teresa_11_2 Oh, my! Customers aren't allowed back here!

What?!? You got another high score?

Ugh! Fine! Whatever... Um...

I really love sweets, so I ask Zess T. to bake stuff for me all the time.

Ooh, and I love nothing better than a nice, sweet cake, but...

Lately I've been feeling a little chunky, though... So I'm on a diet.

But hey! That's a secret! Seriously! Don't tell Peeka!

But that's all for now.

Maybe I'll tell you more about me if you get another high score, all right? bunny_teresa_11_3 Oh, my! Customers aren't allowed back here!

What?!? You got another high score?

Ugh! Fine! Whatever... Um...

The other day a customer named Arfur asked me out to dinner.

But I said no... I mean, I don't even know him, right?

Still, I wonder if he really likes me...

I just don't get it, though. What could he like about me? I mean, really...

OK, that's all for now. How embarrassing.

Maybe I'll tell you more about me if you get another high score, all right? bunny_teresa_11_4 Oh, my! Customers aren't allowed back here!

What?!? You got another high score?

Ugh! Fine! Whatever... Um...

My dream is to have my own place someday.

I just wanna be surrounded by cakes and cute stuff all the time...

And then I'd get all the people I like to hang out here... It'd be sooo great!

So, I've gotta work hard now to make my dream come true.

But I kind of like being a parlor kitty, too, tee-hee!

OK, that's all for now! I feel silly talking about this kind of stuff.

And, Mario... I hope you're not spending all your time trying to talk to little old me.

Because I'm sure there are other things you're supposed to be doing, right? bunny_teresa_12 Machi #2859 bunny_teresa_13

Oh? Really? OK... Definitely come talk to me if you ever need anything! bunny_teresa_14 Machi #2861 bunny_teresa_31 Machi #2864 bunny_teresa_32 Machi #2865 bunny_teresa_33 Machi #2866 bunny_teresa_34

OK. It'll cost you 10 piantas to play, OK? bunny_teresa_35

You don't have enough piantas! Save some up and then come talk to me! bunny_teresa_36

OK! Stay on your toes! bunny_teresa_37 Good luck! bunny_teresa_38 The Plane Game?

In this game, you turn into a paper airplane and compete to see how far you can fly.

The farther you fly, the more piantas you win!

And, if you land on one of the moving platforms, you'll get a bonus!

If you land on a penalty platform, you'll lose piantas, so be careful when landing.

The best way to boost your winnings is to collect lots of piantas while flying!

Good luck! bunny_teresa_39 OK, the Paper Game.

In this game, you have to get paper-thin to avoid the wind and get to the finish.

If you don't turn paper-thin as soon as the wind starts blowing...

You'll get blown away! If you fall off the track, you'll lose.

The higher you place, the more piantas you win.

And there are also bonuses associated with your place, so finish as quick as possible.

The quickest way to get to the end is to choose paths that don't require jumping!

Good luck! bunny_teresa_40 OK, the Tube Game.

In this game you have to roll up into a tube to navigate the difficult courses.

You'll have to be able to dodge obstacles and navigate narrow paths.

The faster you reach the end, the more piantas you earn...

And if you finish without falling off the track, you'll earn a technical bonus!

Pick up as many piantas on the track as you can to boost your total!

Good luck! bunny_teresa_41 Oh, the Boat Game?

In this game, you become a boat and dodge obstacles as you sail to the finish.

Drifting boats don't stop immediately, so keep a steady hand on the tiller.

The faster you finish, the more piantas you win...

You'll get a technical bonus for finishing without hitting the whirlpools.

Pick up the waterborne piantas to boost your winnings!

Good luck! bunny_teresa_42 Oh! Mario! That card! You got a Member's Card!

OK. I'll prepare the mini-game you can play with that Member's Card. How exciting! bunny_teresa_43 You can now play the Plane Game! bunny_teresa_44 You can now play the Paper Game! bunny_teresa_45 You can now play the Tube Game! bunny_teresa_46 You can now play the Boat Game! bunny_teresa_47 Machi #2880 bunny_teresa_48

Oh! Really? If you decide you want to play, just let me know! bunny_teresa_yesno Yes No Rules bunny_teresa_60

You can trade in the piantas you've won for prizes.

And some of our prizes can't be found anywhere else! bunny_teresa_64

I'm so completely sorry! We're all out of prizes. bunny_teresa_65 Aw, I'm sorry... You don't have enough piantas for that. Do you want something else? bunny_teresa_66 That is pianta.

Want to exchange now? bunny_teresa_67 That is pianta.

You need %d BP to wear that badge.

Want to exchange now? bunny_teresa_68

Aw, that's too bad. Come back if you decide to trade in your piantas. bunny_teresa_69

Thank you so very much! Come back if you'd like to trade something in. bunny_teresa_70

Would you like to exchange piantas for anything else? bunny_teresa_71

Oh, OK. If you decide you want to trade in, just let me know. bunny_teresa_72

You can't carry any more badges. Come back after you get rid of some, OK? bunny_teresa_73

You can't carry any more items. Come back after you get rid of some, OK? bunny_teresa_74 Aw, that's too bad. Come back if you decide to trade in for something. bunny_teresa_17 Thank you for playing! Come again soon! But don't forget to rescue Princess Peach! bunny_teresa_17_1 Thank you! Come again, OK? bunny_teresa_90 I'll return the pianta I've been holding for you, Mario, OK? bunny_teresa_91 I'll hold pianta for you, Mario. slot_mess_00 1 pianta = 3 coins 5 piantas = 15 coins 10 piantas = 30 coins exchange_mess_03


THANK YOU VERY MUCH. COME AGAIN! ranking_mess_00 THIS IS THE SCOREBOARD. CHOOSE A SCORE TO CHECK. ranking_mess_01 Tell me more! Get lost! kuji_bomb_002

That's the way!

Happy Lucky Lottery is so special! You pick numbers! They might win each day!

Just buy your numbers here! One at a time! Buy another if you change your mind!

Then check back later on this board to see if your number has come in!

If your number matches the day's draw, you get a super Happy Lucky prize!

The day's number is drawn each night at midnight!

If you play and check the board every day, your number is sure to come in eventually!

And when I say midnight, I mean according to your Nintendo GameCube clock!

So go ahead! Buy a number! Only 10 coins for new customers!

Who wouldn't buy one for 10 coins?!? kuji_bomb_003 I want a number! Explain it again. Nothing, really. kuji_bomb_010

You're going to buy a number! Happy! Lucky! It's only 10 coins for new customers!

So, please give me 10 coins! OK? kuji_bomb_011 Yes, I do! No, I don't. kuji_bomb_017

Thanks for your repeat business! Happy! Lucky! Now here's your new number. kuji_bomb_019 You can use the same number until you win the JACKPOT! Play lucky and happy!

Your new number is effective starting tomorrow. See you then! kuji_bomb_020

That's the way!

Happy Lucky Lottery is so special! You pick numbers! They might win each day!

Just buy your numbers here! One at a time! Buy another if you change your mind!

Then check back later on this board to see if your number has come in!

If your number matches the day's draw, you get a super Happy Lucky prize!

The day's number is drawn each night at midnight!

If you play and check the board every day, your number is sure to come in eventually!

And when I say midnight, I mean according to your Nintendo GameCube clock!

So go ahead! Buy a number! Only 10 coins for new customers!

Who wouldn't buy one for 10 coins?!? kuji_bomb_021 Need anything else? kuji_bomb_022

I see. Well, if you need anything, just ask, OK? Be happy and lucky! kuji_bomb_022_1

Oh, unlucky! Unhappy! You don't have enough coins. Save up and come back! kuji_bomb_023 *Happy Lucky Lottery Board*

---Bob-omb Lottery Rules--- JACKPOT: All Numbers Match

2nd Prize: 3 Numbers Match 3rd Prize: 2 Numbers Match 4th Prize: 1 Number Matches

*** Today's winning number ***

Today's winning number is: [%04d] Are you a winner? kuji_bomb_023_1 !!!!!!!!!!!!! kuji_bomb_024 Amazing! So happy! So lucky! I can't believe this! You hit the JACKPOT!!! kuji_bomb_025 Amazing! Happy! Lucky! You won the second prize! kuji_bomb_026 Amazing! Happy! Lucky! You won the third prize! kuji_bomb_027 You did it! How happy! You won the fourth prize!! kuji_bomb_028 Here's your prize for being Number %d today! kuji_bomb_029 Congratulations to you! This is a lucky, happy day, that is for CERTAIN!

I can't wait for tomorrow! I bet you win tomorrow, too! So happy! So lucky! kuji_bomb_030 Congratulations to you!

I don't think I've ever seen a happier, luckier day than today! JACKPOT DAY!!!

Now that you've hit the JACKPOT, you need a new number to keep playing.

So please! Buy a new number! And be happy and lucky! kuji_bomb_032 You can use the same number until you win the JACKPOT! Play lucky and happy!

Your new number is effective starting tomorrow. See you then! kuji_bomb_033 Sorry! It's an unlucky day! No matches today...

But every day brings a new chance, so try again, OK? Here's a consolation prize! kuji_bomb_035 Come again tomorrow! kuji_bomb_036 *Notice*

The Happy Lucky Lottery for today has been suspended. See Lucky for more details. kuji_bomb_037 ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................

...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... kuji_bomb_038 ...Something very unhappy has happened.

You wouldn't happen to know what that is, would you? kuji_bomb_039 Yes, I did it! Don't be ridiculous! kuji_bomb_043

Happy Lucky Lottery is only happy and lucky because the players are happy and lucky.

And they don't ever cheat... I mean...changing the clock... I can't even...

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

You REALLY didn't change the clock? REALLY? kuji_bomb_044 I DID IT! IT WAS ME! No way, man! kuji_bomb_047

...Really? You really didn't? Just tell me the truth and I'll forgive you. kuji_bomb_048 Yes No kuji_bomb_051

Thanks for your business. Here's your new number. kuji_bomb_053

I should have the lottery system up and running again by tomorrow...

And we'll have happy, lucky days again, I promise.

I just hope that nothing like this ever happens again... kuji_bomb_054

I see...

Well, I can't start the lottery again until you buy a new number.

Please come back if you change your mind.

I just hope those happy, lucky days will return someday... kuji_bomb_055 ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................

OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM! OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM! OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM!

OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM! OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM! OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM!

OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM! OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM! OhgoshBOMgoshBOMgoshBOOM!

UnluckyunluckyunluckyBOOM! UnluckyunluckyunluckyBOOM! UnluckyunluckyunluckyBOOM!

Nothappynothappynothappy! Nothappynothappynothappy! Nothappynothappynothappy!

Can'ttakethiscan'ttakethisno! Can'ttakethiscan'ttakethisno! Can'ttakethiscan'ttakethisno!

Never trust another person... Never trust another person... Never trust another person...

Never trust another person... Never trust another person... Never trust another person...

Never trust another person... Never trust another person... Never trust another person...

Just leave me alone BOOM... Just leave me alone BOOM... Just leave me alone BOOM...

Just leave me alone BOOM... Just leave me alone BOOM... Just leave me alone BOOM...

Just leave me alone BOOM... Just leave me alone BOOM... Just leave me alone BOOM...

THAT'S IT! NO MORE HAPPY LUCKY LOTTERY EVER, BOOM! kuji_bomb_056 ...I mean...if you EVER do that again, I will end this game. Promise you'll never do it! kuji_bomb_057 I swear on all that stuff. I really might do it again... kuji_bomb_060

...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...............................................................OK.

We'll let that be it for now, then. But you really can never do that again.

I want to start the game up again, but...

To get it going, everyone will have to buy new numbers at 500 coins each.

Do you want a new number for 500 coins? kuji_bomb_061 To get the lottery going again, everyone must buy new numbers at 500 coins each.

Do you want a new number for 500 coins? kuji_bomb_062

I should have the lottery system up and running again by tomorrow.

And we'll have happy, lucky days again...

I just hope that nothing like this ever happens again... kuji_bomb_062_1

...You don't have enough coins. How unlucky for you.

Everyone really misses the lottery. Please save up and help me get it rolling again. luigi_npc_02 Hi, I guess. I'm Jerry. I'm a Bob-omb from Plumpbelly Village. Nice meeting you.

Sorry I sound so down, but you would be too if you saw Luigi dressed as a bride.

I'm serious. It scarred me. It was honestly scarier than that giant snake-thing.

I feel I now have a moral duty to stop Luigi from ever dressing as a bride again.

I have to protect the world from my fate. That's why I'm sticking close to this guy. msg_kuri_map This is Rogueport's west side. This is totally the friendlier face of Rogueport.

Not that it's, y'know, a great place to raise a family, but it's good for Rogueport.

The corner with the fountain is definitely the most restful spot in Rogueport.

This area is controlled by Don Pianta, head of the Pianta syndicate...

Yeah. The shop and parlor here are totally fronts for his "business." マフィア1 That's Vinny, of the Piantas. That guy there's his brother, Tony. They're super-tight.

They live for their boss, seriously. They'd put their lives on the line for him. マフィア2 That's Tony, of the Piantas. That guy there's his brother, Vinny. They're super-tight.

Tony's a wise guy who doesn't mind mixing it up a bit, if you know what I mean... マフィア3 That's Rocko, of the Piantas. He's the muscle that keeps the parlor moving smoothly.

He's new to the Pianta syndicate. I think he's still low man on the totem pole. マフィアボス That's the boss, Don Pianta. It's true what they say about power: this guy's got POISE.

But he's got a mean streak a mile wide... They call him "The Don of Untimely Death."

Still, he's got a really soft spot for his daughter, Francesca... マフィアボスカジノ That's Don Pianta, the former syndicate boss. He's retired now, but he's still a force.

He must be here because he's all worried about Frankie and Francesca, huh?

Or...maybe he's just worried that Francesca's cracking the whip on poor old Frankie! 店員 That's Peeka, a Boo that works at Westside Goods. She's so pretty...for a Boo.

I think her sister's Lahla, the Boo who works at the Pianta Parlor. モニー That's Don Pianta's daughter, Francesca. She's head-over- heels for Frankie.

Seems like she's got Frankie on a pretty short leash, but... Hey, they're happy, right? ピートン That's Frankie, a member of the Pianta syndicate. He's a MONSTER when he's angry.

Everybody in Rogueport talks about his and Francesca's public displays of affection. グルメボム兵 A new day, a new chance! That's Lucky, who runs the Happy Lucky Lottery.

He's a real stickler for the rules, so if he catches you cheating...

Well, just be careful, Mario! ルイージ I'm sure you know this, but that's your brother, Luigi. Duh.

It seems like he's suspenders-deep in his own crazy adventure right now.

If you ask him, he'll tell you all about it...but I wonder how much of his story is true... バニーテレサ That's Lahla, a Boo cutie. She works the desk at the Pianta Parlor.

Her sister's Peeka, the Boo who works in the shop. I hear they both used to be models. 客1 That's a Goomba who really likes this parlor. He always seems to be in a good mood.

I wouldn't mind winning like he does every now and then. Lucky stiff. 客4 That's a parlor customer. She's a Squeek, it looks like. Good to see a girl in here.

It's a good sign if this place is safe enough for regular folks to go to. ロテン4 This guy really likes... No, he totally LOVES the Happy Lucky Lottery!

He wakes up each day with one thing on his mind: that day's winning number! キノピオ女A That's a parlor customer.

I think she leaves her hubbie home with the kids so she can play here all day long.

Yeah, that's healthy. キノピオ女B That's a Toad from the west side.

She's a big theatergoer, and apparently she's also a raving fan of Flurrie's. キノピオA That guy's a frustrated novelist. He's got great ideas, but he ruins them on paper.

I think he just psyches himself out. I mean, he's got the talent and all... キノピオ子供A I think this kid lives here. He's afraid to go outside, so he spends all day in here.

He's got some family issues, I think, but it's not our place to stick our noses in.

Kids this age tend to overdramatize their problems anyway, know what I mean? キノピオ子供B That's a neighborhood kid. He seems to like going out and exploring new places.

...But he does seem to have a gripe about his family... I wonder what it is... ノコノコA That Koopa lives here. He must've been born lucky, 'cause he ALWAYS succeeds.

He has all the money he'll ever need, but I think he's still unfulfilled somehow.

Hmm... Then again, that doesn't surprise me, since he spends all day in bed.

It just goes to show, you can't buy happiness, and you should occasionally leave bed. クリボー1 That's Goomez, the Goomba. He must be totally tired. He's ALWAYS resting here.

Who can blame him, though? We could all use some downtime, am I right? チェリー That's Jerry, Luigi's Bob-omb buddy. He's a little different from most Bob-ombs.

He's really burning with a righteous fire, and I think he's seen some...horrible...things.

Speaking of which, I wonder if I'll ever be a bride... Hee hee hee hee hee! gor_04_000 I tell you, I like just standing here gazing at the train more than I would like riding it.

'Cause, if I were to ride, I wouldn't get to see how cool its main engine looks!

...Yeah. Looking at it's better. But if I could just afford a ticket, I might ride it once... gor_04_001 I tell you, I like just standing here gazing at the train more than I would like riding it.

'Cause, if I were to ride, I wouldn't get to see how cool its main engine looks!

...Yeah. Looking at it's better. But if I could just afford a ticket, I might ride it once... gor_04_002 All I ever think about is how this train cuts through the wind as it races across plains.

Like a torpedo on earth, slicing through the relentless winds...

Doesn't it just fire you up inside?

I don't have the money yet, but my dream is to one day ride this train. gor_04_003 All I ever think about is how this train cuts through the wind as it races across plains.

Like a torpedo on earth, slicing through the relentless winds...

Doesn't it just fire you up inside?

I don't have the money yet, but my dream is to one day ride this train. gor_04_004 All I ever think about is how this train cuts through the wind as it races across plains.

Like a torpedo on earth, slicing through the relentless winds...

Doesn't it just fire you up inside?

I don't have the money yet, but my dream is to one day ride this train. gor_04_005 Y-You have a train ticket? Whoa... I'm gonna try to save up my money, too.

I know it won't be easy.

But one day, I'm going to ride this Excess Express! I promise you that!

Of course, even then, I'll never grow tired of gazing at this engine. gor_04_006 Y-You have a train ticket? Whoa... I'm gonna try to save up my money, too.

I know it won't be easy.

But one day, I'm going to ride this Excess Express! I promise you that!

Of course, even then, I'll never grow tired of gazing at this engine. gor_04_007 I really want a train ticket... but I know it's not easy to get your hands on one.

But I know that one day I WILL ride this train. I WILL make it happen! gor_04_008 Ahhhh, you gotta love train platforms, man!

I bet this place has seen as many dramatic encounters as there are stars in space!

Wow, the thought of it all! I just love it! gor_04_009 Ahhhh, you gotta love train platforms, man!

I bet this place has seen as many dramatic encounters as there are stars in space!

Wow, the thought of it all! I just love it! gor_04_010 Ahhhh... There must've been so many touchingly sad good-byes on this very spot!

Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry! gor_04_011 Ahhhh... There must've been so many brutal farewells on this very spot!

Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry! gor_04_012 Ahhhh... There must've been so many heartfelt reunions on this very spot!

Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry! gor_04_013 Ahhhh... There must've been so many heart-breaking good-byes on this very spot!

Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry! gor_04_014 Ahhhh... There must've been so many romantic partings on this very spot!

Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I want a romantic farewell!

Oh! Wait! First I have to fall in love! Dang! gor_04_015 Ahhhh... There must've been so many romantic partings on this very spot!

Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I want a romantic farewell!

Oh! Wait! First I have to fall in love! Dang! gor_04_mail6_00_kur Mario! That sounds like an e-mail from Princess Peach! gor_04_mail6_00_nok Mario... You don't suppose that's an e-mail from the princess, do you? gor_04_mail6_00_win Oh, Mario! Something tells me you just got a love letter from your adorable princess. gor_04_mail6_00_yos Gonzales! That must be an e-mail from Princess Peach! Check it, man! gor_04_mail6_00_viv Mario! That must be from Princess Peach, don't you think? gor_04_mail6_00_bom Mario, old boy! Check your mail! I'd say that one is from the princess. gor_04_mail6_00_chu Mario! Is that an e-mail from your princess? gor_04_mail6_01 Mario, I now know where I'm being held.

I'm on the moon. Yes. The moon that floats out in space.

And I've learned something even more horrifying.

In order to resurrect the monster's spirit, they need my... gor_04_mail6_02_kur The MOON? That's totally nuts! Princess Peach is on the MOON?

I mean, that actually sounds pretty cool! But why is her e-mail cut off...

Omigosh! You don't think something happened to her, do you? gor_04_mail6_02_nok Ummm... Th-The moon? Princess Peach is on the moon? Golly...

That actually sounds neat! But why is her e-mail cut off?

Wait a minute! What if something happened to her! gor_04_mail6_02_win Oh, my! The moon? Mercy! What an odd place for a princess to be...

How marvelous! But why is her e-mail cut off?

Gracious! Might something have happened to her? gor_04_mail6_02_yos Whoa! The moon? For real? The princess is up there?

Man, that is so COOL! But why is her e-mail cut off like that?

Hang on! You don't think... something happened to her? gor_04_mail6_02_viv Th-The moon? Princess Peach is on the moon?

Well, that's good to know! But why would her e-mail be cut off?

Oh, no! Could something have happened to her? gor_04_mail6_02_bom By Crackifer's cookies! The moon? The princess is on the moon, old boy?

Smashing! But why would her e-mail be cut off, hm?

Wait just a tick! You don't suppose something's happened to the poor girl, do you? gor_04_mail6_02_chu Mmmm... The moon, is it? Peach is on the moon?

Sounds intriguing! But why is her e-mail cut off?

You don't think...something's happened to her...do you? hikou_00 This blimp goes to Glitzville. Will you be joining us on our flight today? hikou_01 Yes No train_02

I hope you'll consider us for your future travel options, sir. train_03

Wonderful. If you don't mind, please allow me to check your ticket... train_04 Watch your step, please. ALL ABOARD!!! train_05 I'm sorry, but only ticketed passengers are allowed on the train. Security measures. train_06 It will be just a little bit longer before our next scheduled departure, sir. train_07 ALL ABOARD!!! luigi_npc_05 ...I'm Screamy. I wonder what future is plotted for us by he who holds the compass...

For I must deliver something... kpa_stg4_000 My lord! I've received reports of a great secret in the floating town of Glitzville!

Let's ride the Cheep Blimp there! Come now! kpa_stg4_001 You there! Two tickets! One Great and Evil King! And one Sweet, Young Thing! kpa_stg4_002 Guh-Guh-Good gravy!!!

B-Bowser! The evil king! And a deluded old hag! I... Uh... LIFE'S TOO SHORT! kpa_stg4_003 ...WHAT did he just say? Hey! Come back here, you! Impudent little cheep-skate! kpa_stg4_004 Hey! I'm talking to myself! Where'd Lord Bowser go? kpa_stg4_005 Gra ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Forget that wimpy blimpy! I'll be riding THIS, baby!

I snuck into Glitzville once before, so I know the way. No problem-o!

You go easy on your old limbs and take the slow ride on the blimp, Gramma! kpa_stg4_006 Wait! Lord Bowser, please! Awwwww...

Now my Special Dirigible Deluxe Brown Bag Kammy Lunch will go to waste... msg_kuri_map This is Rogueport Station. You can board intercity trains or blimps here.

The Excess Express bound for Poshley Heights is nice and shiny, isn't it? Wow!

I bet all the town kids are just DYING to ride it at least once, y'know?

That blimp way over at the airfield looks super-cool, too. Blimps are awesome! 駅員 That's Porter, the station manager here in Rogueport. He checks train tickets.

I hear he loves trains so much that he has like, a billion model trains at home.

Maybe he's just using his adulthood to buy all the things he wanted as a kid... 飛行船係員 That's Stewart, the blimp conductor. His job is to check blimp passengers' tickets.

I hear he loved the sea even as a child and wanted to become a sailor...

But now he's sailing the skies instead...

I guess his dream sorta came true, huh? He's like an air sailor, or something... ジュゲムA That's Laki, a train-loving Lakitu. All this guy does is sit here and watch trains.

I'm sure he'd love to ride the Excess Express, but he can't afford a ticket.

It'd be cool if he saved up enough to ride it just once in his life, y'know? キノピオ女B This girl's ALWAYS here. She's fixated on romantic scenes in train stations.

I see where she comes from... Train-station platforms do have that romantic air... ルイージ That's your brother, Loozie... Wait, no! I mean, uh...Big Lou... No, I mean Luigi!

If you wonder what Luigi's up to, I'm sure he'd tell you. All you gotta do is ask!

In fact, it kinda looks like he's dying to tell you stuff, so you oughta rap with him! ス・クリーミ That's Luigi's pal, Screamy.

Screamy creeps me out... I've never seen anyone like that. Where's he from? pro_04 Hello there, Mario! I am now on holiday, traveling in the Mushroom Kingdom.

In my travels, I came into possession of a mystical map... a treasure map, actually.

It was inside a box I got from an old merchant in a town called Rogueport.

But since it would be too difficult for me to try to go find treasure all by myself...

I thought you could help me hunt for it! You will, of course, won't you?

I've included the map with this letter, so please bring it with you when you come.

I'll meet you at Rogueport. (That means you MUST come!) Peach mac_0_012 Excuse me... Sir? mac_0_013 Please wake up, sir!

The town you'd been speaking of has come into view. Look! That's Rogueport! mac_0_013_01 You see? We'll arrive shortly. Please prepare to disembark. stg4_gra_00 Hey, what's up, Slick?! Been waiting for you! stg4_gra_01 Yeah, you're Mario, right? What a great name!

And I really dig this body, too! MAN, can I jump now!

And hey! You're so popular around here! I get mobbed! I just love being you!

Yeah, it's so cool, I don't think I ever wanna stop! stg4_gra_02 So, you figured it out by now, right, Slick? Your body and name belong to me now!

See, I've got the power to change my shape into anyone I want... It comes in handy.

But to REALLY be someone, I need to take their name and body, too!

Which means you turn into a shadow and can't use your name! Tough break, Slick!

That's not enough, either... I aim to erase you for good! stg4_gra_03 I guess it'd be unsporting to ruin you without a challenge... so I'll give you one chance.

If you guess my real name, then I'll give you back your name and body!

What do you say, Slick? This'll be fun, right?

Now, guess! What's my name? Hit me with your best shot! stg4_gra_04 Wrongamundo, little nobody! Who'd name their kid that? Prepare for doom, Slick!

Yuk yuk yuk! And don't even think about running from battle, hear? NO RUNNING! stg4_gra_05 Hey, what's up, Slick? Been waiting for you!

I would've done this back in town, but that wouldn't have looked very good, would it? stg4_gra_06_viv So... This is the one who stole your name and body...

...Hmm. He looks sort of familiar to me. stg4_gra_07 All right, can the chatter! Here's the deal: you get your chance, then I stomp you!

If you guess my real name, then you get your body and name back.

Fire away, No-Name! stg4_gra_08 Wrong! This is too much fun! Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk! Are you even trying?

Well, whatever. Get ready to meet your doom, Slick! stg4_gra_09 Hey, Slick! Time to cancel your magazine subscriptions, 'cause you're getting erased!

But first, please amuse me with one more guess...

It really gives me joy to watch you squirm in futility as you try to guess my name!

So...hit me one more time! stg4_gra_10 Oh, man, I LOVE it! The joy just never ends... Or does it?

Yeah, I guess I should just get rid of you for good. Prepare to meet your doom! stg4_gra_11 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... That's no fun... stg4_gra_12 Wha... stg4_gra_13 What did you just say?!? stg4_gra_14 It can't be... stg4_gra_15 NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!



I'm...feeling...faint... stg4_gra_16_viv Now it's our turn! Let's get your name and body back!

Where would he go to hide... msg_kuri_map This is Twilight Trail. Kind of a depressing little road, don'tcha think?

I feel like something bad's GOTTA be at the end of it. ...Maybe I'm just superstitious. stg4_gra_16_01_viv He must have been hiding there in ambush, waiting for you to show up.

Well, forget him! Let's go get your name back! msg_kuri_map This is more of Twilight Trail. A lot of enemies around here, seems like.

Hey, by the way, Mario... Is it me, or has the moon been getting bigger?

Not... Not that I'm scared or anything! Re...Really! stg4_gra_17 Hrrrrroink! stg4_gra_18 B0?? ??o00j0k0?0W0f0D0_0?`0???

梌g00騒?_0?n00?O0]0F0?0h0?k0 S0n0頷k00M0_0h0S0?`0c0_0L0??? msg_kuri_map This is Twilight Trail. Looks like some seriously spooky woods over there.

I hear some of the villagers go there to collect herbs. That's totally insane...

I'd NEVER go someplace like that on my own, not for a million coins! 僽僞偍揦偺庡恖 This pig is a Twilighter. The shock of being cursed made him lose his way, I bet. msg_kuri_map We're in the woods now. It's really dark here, so watch where you step... msg_kuri_map I feel like something's just gonna pop out of that thicket and attack us!

Like what? Well, it could be... Stop it! I don't wanna think about what it might be!

Suh-Suh-Scary... msg_kuri_map Yup, still in the woods... It's getting awfully dark around here...

If there were like, a big hole in the ground, you'd probably fall in without seeing it.

Flurrie would float right over it, so I'm sure SHE'S not worried... stg4_gra_19_kur This is Creepy Steeple, where the monster supposedly lives... This place creeps me out...

Let's get that Crystal Star and get out of here as fast as we possibly can, OK? stg4_gra_19_nok Ugh... Creepy Steeple. That monster lives here, right? This place makes me woozy...

Mario, let's just get that Crystal Star and get out of here quickly. stg4_gra_19_win Well, this is Creepy Steeple, the home of that monster... I do NOT like this place...

Mario, let's get that Crystal Star and get out of here with all speed, hmm? stg4_gra_19_yos Yeah, this is Creepy Steeple. That nasty monster's place... This place wigs me out...

Look, Gonzales, let's just get that Crystal Star and get out of here, FAST! stg4_gra_20_kur Weak! It won't open. stg4_gra_20_nok Umm... It won't open. stg4_gra_20_win Oh, my! It won't open. stg4_gra_20_yos Lame! It won't open. stg4_gra_20_viv Oh... It won't open. stg4_gra_20_bom Blast! It won't open. stg4_gra_20_chu Ooh... It won't open. msg_kuri_map This is Creepy Steeple. Seeing it in the moonlight gives me the willies...

It looks like a ghost could just pop out at any minute. No way I'm going in there.

Uh... Although, I guess since YOU'RE with me, Mario... I'll give it my best... stg1_hei_00 Well, here we are! The Petal Meadows, where folks say a Crystal Star hides.

Woo hoo! Here we go, Mario! The start of our adventure! This is completely awesome! stg1_hei_01 Whoa! What was that?

Ooh! Is that a... Wow! Mario! Look!!! stg1_hei_02 Totally incredible... I've never seen anything that humongous before.

It looked kinda scary, too. Weird... Professor Frankly said this place was peaceful.

Wow! Crazy! We just started, and already there's intrigue! C'mon, Mario! Let's go! stg1_hei_02_01 Here beginneth the path to dread Hooktail Castle. Weaklings, retreateth!

Ye who seeketh to proceed: a power of two must hitteth both switches simultaneously.

*** Addendum ***

If ye are a Petalburg Koopa, huzzah! Your HOLD ability maketh this chore a snap! stg1_hei_00_sun The Sun Stone is in place. stg1_hei_00_moon The Moon Stone is in place. kpa_stg2_000 I'm pretty sure it's just up ahead here... kpa_stg2_001 Right as usual, Lord Bowser!

We just got word that Princess Peach was spotted in the town up ahead. kpa_stg2_002 Good! Yes, very good. Then I'm off! These fools don't know what's coming! kpa_stg2_003 Mweh heh heh heh heh! My lord! You're so super! ep_37 As part of my research, I did go back to many of the places we visited...

And I saw everyone we traveled with, too! msg_kuri_map Ah, the Petal Meadows. A plateau surrounded by hills far to the east of Rogueport.

It's mild and pleasant here all year round. I love it! Doesn't it feel nice?

...Oh, hey, and Mario? If you hit a tree, sometimes something good falls out.

I know that came out of left field, but I mean it! If you see a tree, smack it! stg1_hei_02_02 Oh! One more thing, Mario! If you ever find yourself, like, wondering what to do...

Just press and use my Tattle ability, OK?

I might be able to look up some useful info that'll help us on our adventure! stg1_hei_03 Ummm... Excuse me... stg1_hei_04 It's... It's Mario, right?

Look, I... Ummmm...

See, the thing is, I've been waiting here in the hope of getting to speak with you.

I have to ask you something, and you can say no, but I'm going to throw it out there. stg1_hei_05 Ummmmmm...


I was wondering...

Would you...

OH, PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU TO FIGHT HOOKTAIL! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU! stg1_hei_05_1 Sorry about that. See... My dad... He went off to battle Hooktail long ago.

...But he never came back. stg1_hei_05_2 I miss him, of course... I miss him badly. But this isn't just about avenging my dad.

Well, no... That's not true. Revenge is a part of it, I guess. A big part.

But the truth is, I want to finish what Dad started. For his sake. For everyone's sake. stg1_hei_06 I... Man, this is embarrassing... See, everyone always says I'm a crybaby... A weakling.

But if I can defeat Hooktail... Well, I won't be those things. I'll be strong, like my dad. stg1_hei_06_1 I know it'll be dangerous, but I still want to go! Please, Mario! stg1_hei_07 For real? No kidding? Yes! Thank you so much! You won't regret this! stg1_hei_09 OK, Mario! Let's get going! stg1_hei_10 What? But... But why? Why can't I go? stg1_hei_11 Well, if that's how you feel... I'm not giving up hope, though. I promised myself I wouldn't.

Ummm... So, if... If you change your mind, Mario, let me know. OK?

I'll be over there polishing my shell. Can't have an adventure with a dull shell. stg1_hei_12 Are you taking me along?!? stg1_hei_12_yesno1 I don't think so. C'mon, you can go! stg1_hei_12_01 Koops... stg1_hei_12_02 Oh... Golly... Umm... Hi... Hi, Koopie... Koopie Koo... Did you overhear all that? stg1_hei_12_03 Well, part of it. Koops... I THOUGHT I heard you say you're off to fight Hooktail...

But...you're joking, right? I mean, you're not exactly a powerhouse... He'll eat you up! stg1_hei_12_04 I know, Koopie Koo. But I want to be tougher. For you...

So I have to do this... stg1_hei_12_05 No, Koops, you don't. I mean, going off to some dangerous place? It's...

It's stupid. So what if you're timid? And sort of a crybaby. I don't care about all that.

I just want you to be you. So, don't go... stg1_hei_12_06 Sorry, Koopie Koo... I've made up my mind.

No need to worry, though! After all, I'm traveling with Mario. He's the man! stg1_hei_12_07 FINE! IGNORE ME! stg1_hei_12_08 STUBBORN KOOPA!!! stg1_hei_12_09 I'm sorry, Koopie Koo...

I swear to you... I will come back to you a stronger Koopa! stg1_hei_12_10 Well, Mario, that's that, I guess. No turning back! Hooktail's castle awaits! stg1_gon_44_kur Mario? Are you OK? You're totally shaking... Do you need a bathroom? stg1_gon_44_nok Something wrong, Mario? You're...um...shaking. Are you feeling all right? stg1_gon_44_01_kur Ooh, is that a Mailbox SP? Cool! With the light? Hey, who's that mail from? stg1_gon_44_01_nok That's a new Mailbox SP, isn't it? Wow, neat! Did you get some mail? stg1_gon_45 My Dearest Mario, I send this letter in the hope that it reaches you safely.

I am being held against my will in some strange place.

Though I do not know where I am, I remain unharmed and in relative comfort.

Those who have captured me seem to be after the map I sent to you earlier.

They may be hoping to use it to find objects they call the "Crystal Stars."

I do not know what they are planning, but I have a feeling it is not anything positive.

Mario, please collect these Crystal Stars before they do. You must!

They are already aware that you have the map, so please be very careful.

And please... Don't worry about me. -Princess Peach- stg1_gon_46_kur Wow! Wait a second... Isn't that from Princess Peach? THE princess?

So that means she's OK! At least she's not hurt... stg1_gon_46_nok Wow... You got mail from a princess. That's so cool!

So, anyway, she's unhurt! That's good, at least... stg1_gon_47_kur But it sounds like whoever kidnapped Princess Peach is also after the Crystal Stars... stg1_gon_47_nok But I didn't like the sound of those kidnappers looking for the Crystal Stars as well... lecture_friends_04 Koops has joined your party! lecture_friends_04_0_1 Koops's Abilities: A Primer lecture_friends_04_1 Press to shoot out his shell. Use it to retrieve distant items and hit switches! lecture_friends_05

If you hold , you can hold his shell in one place after shooting it! lecture_friends_05_1

After holding his shell in place, release to fire the shell past Mario and attack! lecture_friends_05_2

You can even hold Koops's shell in place, move Mario, and then release the shell! lecture_friends_05_3

So, remember! Hold to shoot the shell out and hold it in one place! lecture_friends_06

In battle, Koops can fight by your side, striking foes with his main move: the Shell Toss.

He can also strike all ground- bound enemies in one attack with his Power Shell!

To swap your partner in the field, press START/PAUSE and go to the Party menu. msg_kuri_map The river running through here totally makes the air crisp and refreshing.

Hey, and by the way, Mario, have you tried checking the grass around here?

Sometimes those clumps of grass hide good stuff, so always check them with ! ƒmƒRƒ^ƒƒE That's Koops, from Petalburg. He's been waiting here, hoping to join you.

He's a bit green, but braver than I thought... I'll have to rethink my first impression.

I mean, he seems totally earnest, know what I mean? We should take him along. stg1_hei_14 Not to be a total downer, but our attacks don't seem to be working, Mario!

If we don't attack with more powerful moves... msg_kuri_map This path leads to Shhwonk Fortress. ...Is it just me, or is this area darker?

There are enemies around, so if you feel weak, remember to take it easy, OK? stg1_hei_13 Wow, what's the deal, here? Our attacks don't seem to be doing any damage at all!

I think maybe we ought to retreat for the time being, Mario. C'mon, let's go. stg1_hei_15 Nope, it just won't open. I wonder what we should do... msg_kuri_map This is part of Shhwonk Fortress. We got a couple pedestals here. That's it.

It looks pretty decent, but this place is actually insanely old, did you know that?

I'd say it was built about... a thousand years ago. Yup. What vibrant ruins! msg_kuri_map This is the path to Shhwonk Fortress. The air here's a bit stale, don'tcha think?

Oh, yeah, and listen, Mario... Remember, you don't have to attack every enemy you see.

If you have low HP, you might just wanna avoid them. That's Exploring 101, y'know? msg_kuri_map This is part of Shhwonk Fortress. We got a couple pedestals here. That's it.

Still, to archaeologists, this place is a gold mine. I gotta come back sometime... msg_kuri_map This is the path to Shhwonk Fortress. The main entrance is just over there.

There's a recovery block there, too. If your HP and FP are low, hit it, OK? stg1_hei_20 Mmmm hmmm hoo ha ha! You're the first contestants I've seen in a while.

If you've come all the way here to Shhwonk Fortress, you must want stone keys.

And if THAT'S the case, then you must compete against me.

If you win, I'll let you through to where the stone keys rest.

However, if you lose, you will suffer a terrible fate. And by "terrible," I mean awful.

Mmmm hmmm hoo ha ha! So? What do you want to do? stg1_hei_20_01 What?!? What was that?!? NOW you want to try??? stg1_hei_yn_01 Yes No stg1_hei_21

Bah! You utter coward! Begone! stg1_hei_22

Mmmm hmmm hoo ha ha! You're in for it now! stg1_hei_23 Hey HEY, ladies and germs! Welcome, everybody, to the 65th Super Fun Quirk Quiz!

Perk up those ears! If you correctly answer five of the following questions, you win!

But get three of 'em wrong, and you'll suffer a cruel and unusual punishment!

Now...for the first question!

What's hidden in this place? stg1_hei_q_01 10 Coins 12 Coins 16 Coins 20 Coins stg1_hei_25 Moving on! Question three!

What is the name of the mayor of Petalburg? stg1_hei_q_03 Rogueport Hooktail Castle Mushville Petalburg stg1_hei_27 Are you ready for the diabolical question five?

How can one get from Petal Meadows to Rogueport? stg1_hei_q_05 Koopa Troopas Goombas Clefts Fuzzies stg1_hei_29 Now for the last question!

What number question is this? stg1_hei_q_07 Sure thing! No, sorry. stg6_hom_11 Please go find the control room and flip the bridge switch. You're our only hope! stg6_hom_12 Hey, thanks a lot, Mario! Now we'll get you guys rolling!

The day is just passing you on by! Hurry, all aboard, everybody! Have a good trip! stg6_eki_03 This is Riverside Station. We've stopped to refuel.

There's a quaint drawbridge here from when pleasure boats cruised the canal.

But it hasn't been used since the canal was dried up and turned to pasture... stg6_eki_04 ALLLL ABOOOOOARD! stg6_eki_05 LET'S GOOOOOOOO! stg6_hom_13 Hi, Mario! Thanks for riding! Have a good trip! stg6_hom_16 We're done refueling.

We can get moving as soon as you're on board! stg6_hom_17 ALL ABOARD! msg_kuri_map This is Riverside Station. It's one of the places where the Excess Express stops.

This place is famous for its scenic beauty... It's the sunsets, you know.

Just one more of the many pleasures Excess Express passengers get to enjoy. 億儚儞扵掋 That's Pennington, a train passenger. He SAYS he's a detective, but I don't know...

Not to be, y'know, totally catty, but what kind of detective LOSES a suspect? 僩儘儞 ???n00?????

?c0q0?0????`0c0_0n0m00S0n0篘 `0c0f00????n00???`0c0_0? B0?j0k00H0?]0F0k00W0j0D0o0Z0`0?n0 僌儖儊僉僲僺僆 That's Heff T., the gourmet Toad. You think he goes more for quality or quantity?

Yeah, he's definitely here for the food, not for the ride. Hey, it takes all sorts! 僫儕僉儞僷僷 That's Goldbob the Bob-omb. He's the head of a wealthy business, Goldbobbington's.

He's got buckets of ducats, they say. I guess some folks are just good with money! 僐僫儕僉儞 That's Bub the Bob-omb. He's from a very rich family, so he's kind of spoiled.

Still, kids are kids, no matter how big their trust fund is... Aren't they? 墂堳1 That's a Riverside worker. He stands here all day to ensure the train's safety.

Wow, I would hate having to work in a place like this. There's nothing around here! 墂堳2 That's a Riverside Station worker. This is where they refuel the Excess Express.

I wonder what it uses for fuel, anyway? Probably golden oil or something. stg4_jin_49 My friends are all gone... I'm so very lonely... stg4_jin_50 My friends have all been taken away... So lonely... stg4_jin_51 Don't leave me alone... stg4_jin_52 Don't leave me alone... stg4_jin_53 Sniff! Sniff! stg4_jin_54 Are you going to be mean to me? stg4_jin_54_yn Yeah, actually... No! Of course not! stg4_jin_20

I can't believe it...

All this time I was helping Mario... I feel like an idiot... stg4_jin_21 What's going on here, huh? Fight with your girlfriend?

Well, don't expect any sympathy from us, ghoulies! stg4_jin_22 Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk!

See? Your friends ditch you because you don't have the charisma of me, Super Mario! stg4_jin_23 I'm... I'm sorry, Sis... This Mario is the only person who's ever been kind to me... stg4_jin_24 Mario! I'm fighting by your side from now on! stg4_jin_25 I've... I've made my choice! And I'm not turning back! stg4_jin_26_kur Mario! Don't let your guard down, OK? stg4_jin_26_nok Mario! These guys are tough! Watch yourself! stg4_jin_26_win Do be careful, Mario! These foes are rather tough! stg4_jin_26_yos Gonzales! We can't lose to these guys! stg4_jin_26_01 Gulp! How dare you try to do this to the great Super Mario?!? How DARE you?!? stg4_jin_26_02 Graaaack! I've almost had it... Super Mario's hurting... stg4_jin_26_03_kur Mario... I totally failed you... stg4_jin_26_03_nok Aw, Mario... Sorry... stg4_jin_26_03_win Mario, dear! Forgive me... stg4_jin_26_03_yos Gonzales! Avenge me... stg4_jin_26_04 Ughhhh... stg4_jin_26_05 No... Why... HOW?!? stg4_jin_26_05_kur Eeeek! Mario!!! stg4_jin_26_05_nok AAAAAA! Mario!!! stg4_jin_26_05_win Oh, my! Mario!!! stg4_jin_26_05_yos Whoa! Gonzales!!! stg4_jin_27 HUH?!? stg4_jin_28 Rats!

YOU KILLJOYS!!! stg4_jin_29 What? He ran away...

I mean... Wait, just what the heck is going on here? That wasn't the real Mario? stg4_jin_30 Did we get shellwinked? stg4_jin_31 How could I ever mistake my dear Mario for another... Oh, silly Flurrie! stg4_jin_32 ...So, who's this girl, huh? Isn't she one of the Shadow Sirens you guys mentioned?

Why would Gonzales pair up with one of those creeps? stg4_jin_33_viv Well, I, uh... stg4_jin_34_viv Oh... Mario... Thanks for sticking up for me... stg4_jin_35 Well, thanks to her, I guess you came through this OK... No sweat, right? stg4_jin_36_viv Uh... Listen, Mario... Sorry about earlier...

I'd be happy to travel with you if you'll have me. stg4_jin_37 Vivian has REALLY joined your party now! stg4_jin_38_viv This is for you! stg4_jin_39 You got a Crystal Star!

Your Star Power is now 5! And Mario learned the special move Art Attack! stg4_jin_39_01 Mario defeated the rogue who had stolen his name and appearance.

Now Mario has four Crystal Stars. That leaves a mere three more to find!

And THAT means his quest to collect all of the Crystal Stars is more than half over!

Now Mario heads off toward his next adventure with his new friend, Vivian...

...But what about Beldam and Marilyn? And what became of the doppelganger, Doopliss? msg_kuri_map This winding stair leads up to the belfry. Talk about a doozy of a climb!

I mean, it's almost like the staircase is saying... "Go away. I totally hate you." msg_kuri_map This appears to be the Creepy Steeple storeroom. Sheesh, have a few cobwebs!

I'm not so good with ghosts OR spiders, to be honest... And ghost spiders...horrible. msg_kuri_map Who knew we could get down here from up there? Wow! This room's well hidden.

Talk about minimal decor: one jump pad and one door. Think there's anything else? stg4_jin_46_viv Hmm hmm hmm hmm! We heard that! We heard you, little birdie!

Doopliss! That's his name! stg4_jin_47_viv Now let's get your name and body back from that meanie!

And we'll teach him a lesson or two while we're at it! stg4_jin_48 It's locked from the inside. stg4_jin_66 MWAHAHAHA! stg4_jin_67 OHOHOHOHO! stg4_jin_68 HEEHEEHEE! stg4_jin_69 OK! It's quiz time, interloper!

Just now, when the box opened... How many of us Boos came out? Total! stg4_jin_69_yn Yes No 100kai_item_01 Hey hey HEY-YO! I've got ALL the hottest new products right here. Look no further!

You got the fevered look of a man with a mind for goods! Wanna buy something? 100kai_item_02

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... 100kai_item_03 Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! You don't have enough coins, my man. 100kai_item_04 That's my man, right there! You've got an eye for quality, and that's no lie!

That is going for a low price of coin! Wanna buy it? 100kai_item_05

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... 100kai_item_06

Thank you SO very much! You got yourself a good deal, there, I kid you not!

You are SET for the future with that item, my man! Come back real soon! 100kai_item_07

Thank you SO very much! And I've still got oodles of super-hot items for you!

Wanna see? 100kai_item_08

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... 100kai_item_09

Ooh, too bad, my man! You can't carry any more stuff. Tough break... 100kai_item_10

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... msg_kuri_map This is the Pit of 100 Trials, but I don't see any enemies in this room.

At least there's a pipe to take us back to the entrance if you wanna bail.

Then again, we'd have to fight our way back down to this level again...

Better think it through before we do anything hasty, know what I mean? マッキノ That's Pine T. Sr., the Toad. He's the father of Pine T. Jr., who asked us to help him out.

We gotta help Pine T. Sr. quickly, for his son's sake! 行商人 That's Charlieton, the merchant. I guess he sells his wares here, too.

But...it looks like his stuff gets more expensive the deeper he is in the pit.

I'm happy to be able to shop here and all, but sheesh... Well, it's your money. 移動屋 That's a Mover. Yeah, they sometimes appear in the Pit of 100 Trials.

For a few coins, he'll send you to another floor. It's up to you if you wanna use him. irai_12_011 Hey! The exit! OK, Pine T. Jr.! I'm on my way home! irai_30_007 There is graffiti on the wall here.

"Swob's Wish: I want to get married to Bobolink, my dear love, in a shocker wedding!

"I want us to have 22 kids, so we can start a soccer team, SHA-BLOOIE!"

This graffiti was scrawled on with a fierce hand! It might never come off!!! irai_30_008 Yes No 100kai_item_01 Hey hey HEY-YO! I've got ALL the hottest new products right here. Look no further!

You got the fevered look of a man with a mind for goods! Wanna buy something? 100kai_item_02

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... 100kai_item_03 Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! You don't have enough coins, my man. 100kai_item_04 That's my man, right there! You've got an eye for quality, and that's no lie!

That is going for a low price of coin! Wanna buy it? 100kai_item_05

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... 100kai_item_06

Thank you SO very much! You got yourself a good deal, there, I kid you not!

You are SET for the future with that item, my man! Come back real soon! 100kai_item_07

Thank you SO very much! And I've still got oodles of super-hot items for you!

Wanna see? 100kai_item_08

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... 100kai_item_09

Ooh, too bad, my man! You can't carry any more stuff. Tough break... 100kai_item_10

Oh, not interested, my man? That's too bad, seriously... It's all hot...I mean rare...stuff!

And you never know when you're gonna wish you had some of this gear, my man... msg_kuri_map This is an intermediate floor in the Pit of 100 Trials. These appear every 10 floors.

At least there's a pipe to take us back to the entrance if you wanna bail.

Then again, we'd have to fight our way back down to this level again...

Better think it through before we do anything hasty, know what I mean? 儅僢僉僲 That's Pine T. Sr., the Toad. He's the father of Pine T. Jr., who asked us to help him out.

We gotta help Pine T. Sr. quickly, for his son's sake! 峴彜恖 That's Charlieton, the merchant. I guess he sells his wares here, too.

But...it looks like his stuff gets more expensive the deeper he is in the pit.

I'm happy to be able to shop here and all, but sheesh... Well, it's your money. 堏摦壆 That's a Mover. Yeah, they sometimes appear in the Pit of 100 Trials.

For a few coins, he'll send you to another floor. It's up to you if you wanna use him. irai_12_011 Hey! The exit! OK, Pine T. Jr.! I'm on my way home! 100kai_item_00 You bet I do! Bleargh! I HATE them! kpa_stg1_033

Do I...

I LOVE fried eggs! LOVE 'em! But...what a weird question. Why do you ask? kpa_stg1_033_1


Ugh! I almost threw up just now! I can't stand fried eggs! But...why do you ask? kpa_stg1_034 Well, during my Mario recon, I stopped in a lovely place called Petal Meadows.

I was planning on taking everyone there for a picnic, having some eggs and toast...

Of course, I wouldn't think of sending out invites without asking you first, Lord Bowser! kpa_stg1_035 AIRHEAD!!! kpa_stg1_036 A picnic?!? You MORON! This is no time for fun!

See, THIS is why my evil plans always derail! Because you clods always goof off!

AAARGH! kpa_stg1_037 Oh, dear... Lord Bowser... Please calm down... Remember your blood pressure... kpa_stg1_038 Hm? What's that? kpa_stg1_039 Mumble... kpa_stg1_040 Whaaaaat??? Is this TRUE?!? kpa_stg1_041 Lord Bowser! Terrible news! Some bold fool abducted Princess Peach in Rogueport! kpa_stg1_042 HUHHH-WWWHHHAAATTT?!?

Tell me you're lying, Kammy! How? When? WHERE? Who'd do such a thing? Besides me? kpa_stg1_043 I'm afraid we don't have that information quite yet... The investigation's ongoing.

One thing is most certainly confirmed, however: the princess has been kidnapped. kpa_stg1_044 Under NO circumstances is ANYONE allowed to kidnap her without MY say-so!!!

I will NOT stand for this! I'm going to Rogueport, NOW! I've gotta kidnap her back! kpa_stg1_045 But... Your Grunginess! Wait up! kpa_start_000 Ready to roll! kpa_start_001 Lemme at 'em! kpa_start_002 Inconceivable! kpa_start_003 I'm on fire! kpa_start_004 I'm hungry! kpa_start_005 Next time! kpa_start_006 Ain't over yet! kpa_start_007 Charge! kpa_start_008 Good to go! kpa_start_009 Relax! kpa_start_010 Hoo... I'm tired. kpa_start_011 Still in it! kpa_start_012 Rampage time! kpa_start_013 Eh... OK. kpa_start_014 Go time! kpa_start_015 Feel it! kpa_start_016 I'm sleepy... kpa_start_017 Timing, baby! kpa_start_018 Rhythm, baby! kpa_start_019 Feeling good! kpa_start_020 Concentrate! kpa_start_021 GAAAAAAAH! kpa_start_022 Too close! kpa_start_023 Last...gasp! kpa_start_024 Break time. kpa_start_025 Here goes! kpa_start_026 Once more! kpa_start_027 I'm still OK! kpa_start_028 Never give up! kpa_start_029 Gotta do it! kpa_start_030 Ready to roll! kpa_start_031 Lemme at 'em! kpa_start_032 Watery ears! kpa_start_033 I'm on fire! kpa_start_034 I'm hungry! kpa_start_035 Next time! kpa_start_036 Ain't over yet! kpa_start_037 Beware squids! kpa_start_038 Good to go! kpa_start_039 Relax! kpa_start_040 Hoo... I'm tired. kpa_start_041 Still in it! kpa_start_042 Rampage time! kpa_start_043 Eh... OK. kpa_start_044 Go time! kpa_start_045 Feel it! kpa_start_046 I'm sleepy... kpa_start_047 Timing, baby! kpa_start_048 Rhythm, baby! kpa_start_049 Feeling good! kpa_start_050 Concentrate! kpa_start_051 GAAAAAAAH! kpa_start_052 Too close! kpa_start_053 Last...gasp! kpa_start_054 Break time. kpa_start_055 Here goes! kpa_start_056 Once more! kpa_start_057 I'm still OK! kpa_start_058 Never give up! kpa_start_059 Gotta do it! kpa_start_060 Ready to roll! kpa_start_061 Lemme at 'em! kpa_start_062 Inconceivable! kpa_start_063 I'm on fire! kpa_start_064 I'm hungry! kpa_start_065 Next time! kpa_start_066 Ain't over yet! kpa_start_067 Charge! kpa_start_068 Good to go! kpa_start_069 Relax! kpa_start_070 Hoo... I'm tired. kpa_start_071 Still in it! kpa_start_072 Rampage time! kpa_start_073 Eh... OK. kpa_start_074 Go time! kpa_start_075 Feel it! kpa_start_076 I'm sleepy... kpa_start_077 Timing, baby! kpa_start_078 Rhythm, baby! kpa_start_079 Feeling good! kpa_start_080 Concentrate! kpa_start_081 GAAAAAAAH! kpa_start_082 Too close! kpa_start_083 Last...gasp! kpa_start_084 Break time. kpa_start_085 Here goes! kpa_start_086 Once more! kpa_start_087 I'm still OK! kpa_start_088 Never give up! kpa_start_089 Gotta do it! kpa_stg6_009 Incredible, Lord Bowser! Nothing stood in your way! You couldn't be more super! kpa_stg6_010 Puh-lease! No problem! I felt right at home! But...where are we now? kpa_stg6_011 Gracious me! Looooook! Lord Bowser! On the wall! Behind you! kpa_stg6_012 Hello! Could it be? Aw, YEAH! A Crystal Star! Advantage, Bowser! kpa_stg6_012_1 Mweh heh heh heh! At last, we've found one! And now we'll make it ours! kpa_stg6_013 Freeze, chumps! kpa_stg6_013_1 Grraggh! Who's there??? kpa_stg6_014 Harharharharharharhar! Don't tell me you don't know the famous Rawk Hawk!

You little punk-weasel! You forgot these muscles? You forgot this hugeness?

Don't ask me how, but you cleared my Secret Training Facility! Not too shabby!

I even imported some super- freaks to up the difficulty level... You're good!

'Course, good don't count for squat in this biz, babe! My champ's belt is...mine! kpa_stg6_015 Gra ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, look! What an adorable little weakling! Hi, fella! kpa_stg6_016 Weak... Wait, WHAT?

Well, tell me something: you ever see a weakling...

DO THIS?!? kpa_stg6_017 Pain. kpa_stg6_019 Ouch. kpa_stg6_018 Gra ha ha ha ha! Aww! Now you're sleeping! I KNEW you were a weakling! kpa_stg6_020_1 Whoa! The Crystal Star! kpa_stg6_020_2 Hmmm?

Eeek! It split in two!

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! kpa_stg6_020_3 Wait... Hold the phone!

My mighty Lord Bowser! This is just glass! It's a flimflam! A fake! kpa_stg6_021 Wh-WHAT?!? Speak English! kpa_stg6_022 You...ow...want the real one? The Great...urk...Gonzales... has it... Oh, my aching hair...

Feel...the...Rawk... kpa_stg6_023 I don't know anybody named Gonzales! Stop speaking in riddles, you chicken nugget!

CRUD!!! Who do I have to flatten to get a Crystal Star?!? Who?!? WHOOOO?!? stg8_las_01_kur Ugh... This place is freaky... but we don't have a choice, Mario!

We've gotta get in there and save Peach before this gets out of hand!

C'mon, Mario! stg8_las_01_nok Um... OK, this place is scary... but I guess we don't have a choice, huh?

We have to power through and save Peach before things get out of hand!

Let's go, Mario! stg8_las_01_win My, what an unpleasant place...but I suppose we have no choice!

We must go onward and save Peach before this situation spirals beyond our control!

Let's move on, darling! stg8_las_01_yos Whoa, this place is nasty... but we don't have a choice!

We've gotta cruise through and save Peach before this whole cataclysm happens!

C'mon, Gonzales! stg8_las_01_viv Uh... This place is unsettling... but we have no choice!

We have to get in there and save Peach before things get any more out of control!

Let's go, Mario! stg8_las_01_bom This place is rather ugly... but we haven't a choice in the matter, old boy!

We must get in there and save Peach before this hullabaloo goes any further!

Let's go, dear boy! stg8_las_01_chu What an unpleasant place... but we don't have a choice in the matter!

We have to get in there and save Peach before this gets any more out of hand!

Let's go, dearie! msg_kuri_map This is the entrance to the Palace of Shadow. It's seen no visitors for 1,000 years...

It's so big... It kind of overwhelms you, doesn't it? And that treasure is here...

Treasure or no, I don't like the vibe from this place... Maybe it's just my nerves... msg_kuri_map There's a long stairway connected to this underground lake.

Those lights floating in the darkness are really pretty... but also pretty spooky. msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a long corridor leading down.

This palace sure is big and super-rich-looking, huh?

I wonder what kind of people lived here before the place slept for 1,000 years? msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This is a corridor, I think...

Looks like spike traps... Forget the enemies... Just take it one step at a time! msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a large bridge over the lake here.

Those fire bars in the middle are kind of a problem, huh? We'd better avoid them.

If you're all sketched out trying to jump them, just use Vivian's Veil ability! stg8_las_02 Glurgggghh... Bluuuurgh...

None shall pass by...

Let those who would disturb her sleep fall into the depths of endless darkness... stg8_las_03_kur EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! stg8_las_03_nok YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! stg8_las_03_win AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIGH! stg8_las_03_yos WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA! stg8_las_03_viv EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! stg8_las_03_bom AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! stg8_las_03_chu AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII! stg8_las_04 May the intruder never find the key to this door... stg8_las_05_kur Mario! The floor is totally gonna swallow us! stg8_las_05_nok Mario! The floor's going to swallow us up! stg8_las_05_win Mario! The floor, darling! It means to swallow us! stg8_las_05_yos Gonzales! The floor's gonna swallow us! stg8_las_05_viv Mario! The floor is going to swallow us up! stg8_las_05_bom Mario! The floor means to swallow us, old boy! stg8_las_05_chu Mario! The floor's going to swallow us! stg8_las_06_kur We're totally done for! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! stg8_las_06_nok Oh, no, we're finished! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! stg8_las_06_win Oh, it's the end for us! AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIGH! stg8_las_06_yos Awww, game over, man! WHOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAA! stg8_las_06_viv We've had it! EEEEEEEEEEEEP! stg8_las_06_bom We're through! AAAAAARGH! stg8_las_06_chu This is the end! AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! msg_kuri_map What a humongous room... I'd say it was pretty, but even this place feels weird...

It's like the whole palace got cursed or something. Did you just say "duh" to me? •ƒJƒƒ“ Those are some weird-colored bones. Very suspicious!

...But I feel like I've seen something like them before.

I guess we're not gonna get much farther without checking them out, are we? msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a long hall leading down from here.

It kinda feels like the earth is slowly swallowing us as we progress down. Yuck. msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There doesn't seem to be anything special here.

Still, it has that same gross feeling...even though it's so nice and spacious... msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. Seems normal...but I bet there's a secret here...

We should check EVERYTHING to make sure there's nothing amiss, don'tcha think?

You know... Look for anything out of the ordinary... stg8_las_11_kur We get out of one weird room just to find another one...

It's huge... I mean, it's like an underground city, right? What IS this place? stg8_las_11_nok Golly... We get out of one weird room just to find another...

It's enormous down here... like an underground city... What is this place? stg8_las_11_win We depart one bizarre room only to find another...

This area is like a massive underground city, hmmm? What is this place? stg8_las_11_yos Man, we clear one freaky room just to find another...

This area is almost like an underground city, huh? What IS this place? stg8_las_11_viv We get out of one strange room just to find another...

It's so big... It's almost like an underground city... What IS this place? stg8_las_11_bom Well now, it seems we get past one dodgy room only to find another...

This region is rather like an underground city, hm? What IS this place? stg8_las_11_chu Mmm... We get out of one odd room just to find another...

It's so huge...like an underground city, almost... What IS this place? stg8_las_12 We've been waiting for you, Mario... stg8_las_12_01_kur What?!? Professor Frankly?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_12_01_nok Huh?!? Professor?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_12_01_win Oh, my gracious!!! Frankly?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_12_01_yos Whoa!!! Professor Frankly?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_12_01_viv Huh?!? Professor Frankly?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_12_01_bom What-what?!? Professor?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_12_01_chu What?!? Professor Frankly?!? What are YOU doing here?!? stg8_las_13 Thank you SO much for opening the door for us, Mario! Yes, that was nice!

Thanks to your do-gooder predictability, my plan is progressing very smoothly... stg8_las_14_kur Opening the door for you? What do you mean by THAT, you total hag?!? stg8_las_14_nok Ummm... Opening the door for you? Just what do you mean by that?!? stg8_las_14_win Opening the door for you? You awful crone, whatever do you mean by THAT? stg8_las_14_yos Opening the door for you? What do you mean by THAT, you purple witch?!? stg8_las_14_viv Sis?!? H-How dare you! And what do you mean about us opening the door for you? stg8_las_14_bom Opening the door for you? My dear, repellant woman, what do you mean by that?!? stg8_las_14_chu Opening the door for you? What do you mean by THAT, you awful thing? stg8_las_15 Mwee hee hee hee hee! So you still don't see it? Ah, such fools...

The "Professor Frankly" you were with when you opened the Thousand-Year Door...

Was none other than this little freak-in-a-sheet! stg8_las_15_01 Uh, yeah, my name's Doopliss, but... stg8_las_15_02 Mwee hee hee hee hee!

The real Frankly is sleeping off a nasty bump on the head in a closet somewhere!

Poor thing! And once we get rid of you here, our plan will be nearly complete!

Ready for the end, my dears? You and that traitor Vivian have a date with eternity! stg8_las_16 Guh-huh! stg8_las_17 That's right, Slick! Eternity! stg8_las_18 Shut up, freak! stg8_las_19 Oh, OK... Right... Sorry... stg8_las_20_kur Oh, it's the end, all right... but not for us, Beldam! You guys are going DOWN! stg8_las_20_nok YOU guys are the ones who are done for! Let's settle this, once and for all! stg8_las_20_win Oh, I do believe it is YOU who will fall today, dear! Let's settle this, hmm? stg8_las_20_yos No way we go down, sister! You want a piece of this? Bring it on! stg8_las_20_viv I'm with Mario all the way! Today, Sis...I'm going to punish YOU, you hear me? stg8_las_20_bom Such balderdash! It's quite obvious you are in for a stomping, so let's have at it! stg8_las_20_chu Oh, I think YOU'RE the ones who will be smarting after this! Let's finish it! stg8_las_21 Come, my sort-of-lovelies! Marilyn! Freak-sheet! stg8_las_22 Guhhhhh! stg8_las_23 I said, my name's DOOPLISS! btl_majo3_00 All right, my kind-of-lovelies! This time, we take out Mario and his goon squad for good!

So...if I catch you slacking, you'll be in for INCREDIBLE punishment come tomorrow! btl_majo3_01 GUHHHHH! btl_majo3_02 OK! OK! OK! OK! btl_majo3_03 Gah! Curse you, Mario! This is so very annoying! Blast it! btl_majo3_04 Are you OK, Marilyn? btl_majo3_05 Gunhh-hunnhhh... btl_majo3_06 Hey! You! Freak-sheet! Pull it together, will you? Don't make me punish you! btl_majo3_07 S-S-S-Sorry... btl_majo3_08 Mwee hee hee hee hee... I'll leave the rest to you... btl_majo3_09 GUH! btl_majo3_10 Oh, no! btl_majo3_11 Mwee hee hee hee hee! btl_majo3_12 GUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH! btl_majo3_13 Ohh... NOOOOO!!! stg8_las_24 Arrrrrrgh... At this rate... She will never...

Ooooof... stg8_las_25 Guhhhhhhhhh... stg8_las_26 Hnuuuurrggh... stg8_las_27 Bleeeaahhhh... stg8_las_28 Guuuuuuhhh... stg8_las_29 Hnuuurrggh... stg8_las_30_kur Let's leave these doofuses, Mario... stg8_las_30_nok Let's leave these wimps, Mario... stg8_las_30_win Let's leave these louts, Mario... stg8_las_30_yos Let's leave these wusses, Gonzales... stg8_las_30_viv I'm sorry, Sis... stg8_las_30_bom Let's leave these cads, Mario... stg8_las_30_chu Let's leave these idiots, Mario... msg_kuri_map This is the palace garden... but it feels so cold and icky. It's like time stopped here...

We gotta do something about those Chain-Chomps in the middle if we wanna move on.

Yeah, that's right... I don't just mean the moving ones... マジョリン That's Beldam of the Shadow Sirens. Remember? Vivian's sister?

I'm totally surprised she followed us all the way out here, though.

And what was that plan she was yapping about, huh? This sounds bad... マリリン That's Marilyn. I still can't really get a good read on her, unfortunately.

She doesn't seem like such a bad type, if you ask me. ...But who knows for sure? ランペル That's Doopliss, who I guess is a Shadow Siren now... Not a bad Frankly impersonator.

Gosh, I hope nothing bad's happened to the REAL Professor Frankly...

And why is Doopliss working with the Shadow Sirens, anyway? Too many questions! stg8_las_31_kur Mario! Look at that! stg8_las_31_nok Mario! Look at that! stg8_las_31_win Mario! Look there! stg8_las_31_yos Mario! Check that out! stg8_las_31_viv Mario! Look at that! stg8_las_31_bom Mario! Look there! stg8_las_31_chu Mario! Look at that! stg8_las_32_kur It's totally huge... What is it, you think? stg8_las_32_nok Wow, it's...really huge... What is it, anyway? stg8_las_32_win It's simply massive... What could it be? stg8_las_32_yos Whoa, it's gigantic, huh? What the heck is it? stg8_las_32_viv What...IS it? stg8_las_32_bom It's absolutely titanic... What in blazes is it? stg8_las_32_chu It's so big...but what is it? stg8_las_32_01 There's an opening here for a key of some sort. stg8_las_33_kur Wow! It's moving! stg8_las_33_nok Golly! It's moving! stg8_las_33_win Oh, my! It's moving! stg8_las_33_yos Whoa! It's moving! stg8_las_33_viv Uh-oh! It's moving! stg8_las_33_bom Harumph! It's moving! stg8_las_33_chu My! It's moving! stg8_las_34_kur Huh? What?!? stg8_las_34_nok Huh? What?!? stg8_las_34_win Hmm? What?!? stg8_las_34_yos Huh? What?!? stg8_las_34_viv Huh? What?!? stg8_las_34_bom Hmm? What?!? stg8_las_34_chu Huh? What?!? stg8_las_35_kur What was that? stg8_las_35_nok What was that? stg8_las_35_win What was that? stg8_las_35_yos What was that? stg8_las_35_viv What was that? stg8_las_35_bom What was that? stg8_las_35_chu What was that? msg_kuri_map How could there be such a huge tower underground? And why was it built...?

There seem to be a lot of rooms here...and every one contains a riddle... stg8_las_36 Four stones, twin stones... Master of Shadow and Dark... Two are one, one is two... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

Maybe if we break a block here, it'll do something to a block in another room? stg8_las_37 All you see isn't all there be... Stones Have Power of Stars... Touch it to pass through it... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

There's something fishy about the wall here? Uh, maybe? We oughta investigate... stg8_las_38 Beyond, beyond, beyond... Complete All Seven... Before, before... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

That word "beyond" probably refers to away from the door. So that means the left block.

So then the word "before" must refer to the right block. Are you with me, Mario?

Still, the way they repeat those words must have some meaning too, don'tcha think? stg8_las_39 The unseen may yet be felt... So That We, the Great Ones... Be it here? Be it there? msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

...There's definitely something in the center of the room, don'tcha think?

But what are we supposed to do with something we can't see? This is insanity! stg8_las_40 Four stones, twin stones... Can Live Again by the Stone... Two are one, one is two... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

Maybe if we break a block here, it'll do something to a block in another room? stg8_las_41 Straight on, straight onward... We Know the Stars Spurn Us... Destroy all in your path... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

I guess we just have to go straight in from the entrance.

And then when we get to the wall, we have to do something... Yeah...something. stg8_las_42 Let fall the weakest... And That the Skies Lie... Then build to the strongest... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

We're supposed to defeat these guys in order, from weakest to strongest?

Uh... Well, I know the weakest is the Dull Bones in the green shoes there... That help? stg8_las_43 The shy one hides his shape... But the Stars Bring Balance. The shy one hides his face... msg_kuri_map There's something written on the wall. Based on that message, I'd say...

That if we can be seen, then there won't be anything to see in this room? ...Huh? msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This seems to be a corridor. I'm observant, huh?

Listen, Mario... I know I've said this before, but don't forget that you're not in this alone.

You should rely on your partners' abilities if you ever get stuck or anything. msg_kuri_map The gears in the back of this room started moving when we unlocked that planetarium...

Listen, Mario...

We're gonna have to rely on everything we've learned to get through this.

Just think about what we've been through, and I'm sure you'll find a way, OK? msg_kuri_map This is another corridor. I wonder how long these things go on?

I'm sure we'll need all of your special skills, AND those of your partners.

Don't forget to use your strongest muscle, too... Your noggin! Hee hee! msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This place is all about kooky puzzles, huh?

You see those ☆ marks in the middle of the corridor? They've GOTTA be important. msg_kuri_map We're inside of the Palace of Shadow. This is another corridor. Big surprise.

We'd better watch below our feet as well as above our heads, know what I mean?

But, uh, don't forget the area above your head, too! Does that make any sense? msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. We must be WAY underground by now.

I'm totally running out of advice at this point, sorry. I have advisor's block.

Hey, but don't worry! Have faith in yourself and your friends, and we'll win! msg_kuri_map We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There don't seem to be any big puzzles here.

We just need to go open that door on the right. That's all. Whee. Exciting. stg8_las_44 Who are you?!? stg8_las_45 No one's disturbed me here in aeons!

Who dares defile this sacred place?!? stg8_las_46_kur Hey! Isn't that Hooktail? We totally beat it before!

What's it doing back? stg8_las_46_nok Ummm... Isn't that Hooktail? I KNOW we beat it before. It coughed up my dad!

What's it doing back? stg8_las_46_win My, what a fearsome dragon... But isn't this Hooktail, whom you said you beat before?

Yes, big, with nasty eyes and ripe breath... It sounds just like what you described. stg8_las_46_yos Whoa! Now, THAT'S a dragon! Hey, but isn't that Hooktail? I thought you beat it!

Yeah, huge, dragonish, gnarly... Sounds just like what you described, dude! stg8_las_46_viv Uh... That's a big dragon. But, Mario, isn't that Hooktail, the one you said you beat?

Gigantic, with mossy teeth... Yes, this monster fits the bill, all right! stg8_las_46_bom Now who's this dragon fellow? I say, isn't that Hooktail, the thing you beat before?

Yes, enormous, with rather grimy toes... Yes, that suits this fellow to a T! stg8_las_46_chu Isn't that Hooktail, dearie? I thought you beat Hooktail...

What's it doing here??? stg8_las_47 WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?

You destroyed my precious younger sister?!?

I wondered why she hadn't written recently... stg8_las_48 Quake in fear, mortals! For I am Gloomtail!

I will avenge my sister by taking your lives...and then gnawing on your bones! stg8_las_49_01 GWAAAAH HA HA HA HA! My first fresh meat in ages...

Allow me to take my time... And toy with you awhile! stg8_las_49_02 GWAAAAH HA HA HA HA! How shall I turn you into a five-course meal...

Mmm! Let's start here! stg8_las_49_03 GWAAAAH HA HA HA HA! You are tough meat, my little tasty morsels!

But how will you fare against THIS!!! stg8_las_49_04 Gwuhhh...

You are not the easy prey you appear to be...

I would never be able to show my face again if I was bested by you whelps...

...So I will show you the true extent of my power! stg8_las_49_05 MEGABREATH! stg8_las_49_06 Gwah ha! Do you understand my true power now? stg8_las_49_07 Mmmmph... How can this be... stg8_las_49_08 No... No... Is it true?

Can I...expire? stg8_dark_09 No...

Could that dark power have truly awakened?

No! This is unthinkable!!! msg_kuri_map This is Gloomtail's room. I wonder if he was here for all 1,000 years?

Dragons do live a long time, I heard, but dang...

Without him in it, there doesn't seem to be anything special about the room. msg_kuri_map What is THIS weird room? It's quiet... A little TOO... Well, let's just say it's quiet.

There's a Save Block over there, and I'm thinking it would be smart to use it. stg8_las_50_kur Jeepers... This room gives me a super-bad feeling, Mario... What IS this chamber? stg8_las_50_nok Ummm... This room gives me the willies, big-time. What IS this chamber? stg8_las_50_win Oh, my... This room makes me feel simply awful, sugar. What IS this chamber? stg8_las_50_yos Ugh... This room creeps me out, man. It's just...wrong. What IS this chamber? stg8_las_50_viv This room makes me feel...bad. ...But it seems familiar.

What IS this chamber? stg8_las_50_bom This room gives me a rather foul feeling in my belly... What IS this chamber? stg8_las_50_chu This room gives me a very bad feeling, dearie. What IS this chamber? stg8_las_51 Gaaack ack ack ack ack! stg8_las_52 We finally meet, Mario. stg8_las_53 I've been looking forward to this, I must admit. stg8_las_54_kur So, this chump is the leader of those X-Nauts? stg8_las_54_nok So, this guy is the leader of those X-Nauts? stg8_las_54_win So, this gentleman is the leader of those X-Nauts? stg8_las_54_yos So, this loser is the leader of those X-Nauts? stg8_las_54_viv Gro... Grodus... stg8_las_54_bom So, this lout is the leader of those X-Nauts? stg8_las_54_chu So, this fellow is the leader of those X-Nauts? stg8_las_55 Yes...correct!!!

I am the supreme leader of the secret society of X-Nauts! I am Grodus!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I really must express my thanks to you first... stg8_las_56 And do you know why?

You have gathered together all of the Crystal Stars I was seeking. stg8_las_57_kur No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... What did we do? stg8_las_57_nok No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... They wanted us to get it! stg8_las_57_win No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... What have we done? stg8_las_57_yos No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... We're IDIOTS! stg8_las_57_viv No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... We've played into their hand! stg8_las_57_bom No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... We're fools! stg8_las_57_chu No! So the last Crystal Star we found on the moon... We were so blind! stg8_las_58 Gaaaack ack ack ack ack! You just realize now, do you?

Yes, instead of taking the few Crystal Stars you fools had bumbled into...

It was far easier to let you find them all and open the Thousand-Year Door for me...

How kind of you to bring them all here to me!

All I had to do was entrust the last Crystal Star to my least competent underling!

I don't suppose Crump had any idea of my plan, though! Gaaack ack ack ack ack!

So, whether he beat you or lost to you...

The Crystal Stars would be together and mine either way! Pure genius! stg8_las_60 Now, I thought the Shadow Sirens would do a little more to slow your progress...

But it appears they are so useless that even this small task was beyond them...

No matter... Now I get the pleasure of sending you to oblivion! stg8_las_61_kur Be careful, Mario! This jerk looks totally nasty! stg8_las_61_nok Watch yourself, Mario! This guy looks pretty tough! stg8_las_61_win Do be careful, dear! This fellow looks like he means business! stg8_las_61_yos Watch it, Gonzales! This dude looks serious! stg8_las_61_viv Be careful, Mario! stg8_las_61_bom Watch your back, old boy! This burly fellow looks rather robust! stg8_las_61_chu Be careful, dearie! He looks tough! stg8_las_62 Once you fools are gone, no one will stand in my way!

Grodus will rule the world! stg8_las_63_kur No WAY we let that happen! stg8_las_63_nok We'll never let that happen! stg8_las_63_win We shan't let that happen! stg8_las_63_yos Not gonna happen, pal! stg8_las_63_viv We won't let that happen! stg8_las_63_bom We will NOT let that happen! stg8_las_63_chu We'll never let that happen! stg8_las_64 Now, come! stg8_las_65 Meet your ends, you meddlesome fools!

You will know my power! stg8_las_66 So, you have the mettle to push me this far...

But no more! stg8_las_67 Argh! You will not stop me!

Take THIS! stg8_las_68 Guhhh... Fools! stg8_las_69 Unhh... No... stg8_las_70 Uuuuuuunhh... You are more than you seem...

But this is not finished. I saw even this possibility. stg8_las_71_kur Huh? stg8_las_71_nok What? stg8_las_71_win Excuse me? stg8_las_71_yos Whuh? stg8_las_71_viv Hmm? stg8_las_71_bom Pardon? stg8_las_71_chu Mm? stg8_las_72 Watch THIS! stg8_las_73 ...Where am I? stg8_las_74 MARIO!!! stg8_las_75_kur Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_75_nok Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_75_win Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_75_yos Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_75_viv Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_75_bom Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_75_chu Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_76 Move one step, and she will breathe no more!!! stg8_las_77_kur You wouldn't! stg8_las_77_nok You wouldn't! stg8_las_77_win You wouldn't! stg8_las_77_yos You wouldn't! stg8_las_77_viv You wouldn't! stg8_las_77_bom You wouldn't! stg8_las_77_chu You wouldn't! stg8_las_78 Now try THIS!!! stg8_las_79 MARIOOO!!! stg8_las_80 Gaaack ack ack ack ack! Now! AGAIN! stg8_las_81 NO!

MARIO! stg8_las_82_kur Oh, what do we do, Mario? We're totally done for if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_nok Ummm... What should we do? I mean, we're finished if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_win Whatever should we do? I daresay we're done for if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_yos What's our move, Gonzales? We're toast if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_viv What should we do, Mario? We won't make it if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_bom What should we do, old boy? We're doomed if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_chu What do we do, Mario? I don't like our chances if we don't attack him... stg8_las_82_yesno Refuse this witch! Become her servant. stg8_las_137 Yesss... You are obedient... Good, my pet... stg8_las_138 Now you are mine...

You will serve me for eternity. stg8_las_139 And so the Shadow Queen engulfed the world with her foul magic...

For Mario... For Peach... And for the world, it was... stg8_las_140 I see... So you defy me...

How...amusing... stg8_las_140_01 Then, you wretched fools... you will learn the error of your ways! stg8_las_140_02 You are foolish to oppose me.

Yesss...and that foolishness... will have to be punished... stg8_las_141_kur Mario! If we don't defeat her now, the world is lost...

So don't even think of it as Peach! We've gotta fight with everything we have! Let's go! stg8_las_141_nok Listen, Mario! Traveling with you has taught me bravery...

I will fight to the end! We have to save the world! Let's do it! stg8_las_141_win Mario, darling! We've come this far... I shan't forget all you've done for me!

So our journey ends here...

We must end it well, dear! We MUST! stg8_las_141_yos Gonzales! We're not REAL champs unless we beat this evil lady!

So don't go soft on me! That's not Peach, you know! Show no mercy! stg8_las_141_viv Mario, I will follow you to the end, I swear it!

I feel bad for the princess, but that queen must fall before us!

And when she does, you and I can... Well, anyway, let's take this fight to her! stg8_las_141_bom I know Scarlette is watching over me from the other side! I KNOW it, old boy!

If I don't send this queen packing, my girl will be most displeased, hm?

Mario! Let's send this shady demon back to the darkness! stg8_las_141_chu Mario, you've been through a lot to get here...

You've worked miracles in that time... So keep your magic going here...

Mario, my sweet! Muster your courage and defeat the Shadow Queen! stg8_las_141_01 Hmm... So, you are not weak. Maybe you are less useless than you appear. stg8_las_141_02 This body is unfamiliar to me...

Yesss, too unfamiliar... Let me assume my true form and show you real power... stg8_las_141_03 In this form, your attacks are like those of a child to me...

You are lucky... You will perish with the honor of having seen true terror and power!

Muh huh huh huh huh huh! stg8_las_142 Muh huh huh huh huh huh! Is that your idea of an attack? Foolish... stg8_las_142_01 Yesss... I have recovered from any slight damage you may have caused earlier...

And now...I will punish you for your resistance... stg8_las_143 Muh huh huh huh huh... Now, taste my power! stg8_las_144 Hmmm... What a troublesome little pest you are. Muh huh huh huh huh... stg8_las_145_kur Mario, what're we supposed to do now? We could be totally done for... stg8_las_145_nok Ummm... Mario, what'll we do? This could be it for us... stg8_las_145_win Mario, whatever will we do? This could be the end... stg8_las_145_yos Gonzales, what's our move? This looks bad... stg8_las_145_viv Uh, Mario, what'll we do? We could be done for... stg8_las_145_bom Mario, what's next, old boy? This looks rather dire... stg8_las_145_chu Mario, what should we do? We could be finished... stg8_las_146 I will ask you again... Will you serve me? If so, I will forgive you for this... stg8_las_147_kur Yeah, right! Pffft! stg8_las_147_nok No...way! No way, lady! stg8_las_147_win Now, that's just senseless... Are we to betray everyone who believed in us? stg8_las_147_yos Oh, you haven't heard, lady? Champs NEVER give up! stg8_las_147_viv Forget it! I know we'll win! stg8_las_147_bom Serve a witch? My Scarlette would be rather angry with me, I should think... stg8_las_147_chu Why are we even talking about this? NEVER! stg8_las_148 Muh huh huh huh huh... Very well...

Then you will perish. stg8_las_148_01 What... What is this? stg8_las_148_02_kur The Crystal Stars?

Ahhh!!! stg8_las_148_02_nok The Crystal Stars?

Ohhhh!!! stg8_las_148_02_win The Crystal Stars?

Ahhh!! stg8_las_148_02_yos The Crystal Stars?

Ohhh!! stg8_las_148_02_viv The Crystal Stars?

Ahhhh!!! stg8_las_148_02_bom The Crystal Stars?

Ohhhhh!!! stg8_las_148_02_chu The Crystal Stars?

Ahhhh!!! stg8_las_148_72_kur Is that... stg8_las_148_72_nok Is that... stg8_las_148_72_win Is that... stg8_las_148_72_yos Is that... stg8_las_148_72_viv Is that... stg8_las_148_72_bom Is that... stg8_las_148_72_chu Is that... stg8_las_148_73_kur Can you hear them, Mario? So many voices... stg8_las_148_73_nok Can you hear them, Mario? So many voices... stg8_las_148_73_win Can you hear them, Mario? So many voices... stg8_las_148_73_yos Do you hear them, Gonzales? So many voices... stg8_las_148_73_viv Can you hear them, Mario? So many voices... stg8_las_148_73_bom Can you hear them, Mario? So many voices... stg8_las_148_73_chu Can you hear them, Mario? So many voices... stg8_las_148_74_01 Don't give up! stg8_las_148_74_02 Mario! Mario! stg8_las_148_74_03 Fight on, man! stg8_las_148_74_04 Go, Goombella! stg8_las_148_74_05 Fight! Fight! stg8_las_148_74_06 Yeah, Koops! stg8_las_148_74_07 Rock on, guys! stg8_las_148_74_08 YOU GO, BRO! stg8_las_148_74_09 Yay, Flurrie! stg8_las_148_74_10 Go, everyone! stg8_las_148_74_11 Hang in there! stg8_las_148_74_12 Yeah, baby! stg8_las_148_74_13 Do it, shrimp! stg8_las_148_74_14 Fight, BOMB! stg8_las_148_74_15 C'mon, Vivian! stg8_las_148_74_16 We love you! stg8_las_148_74_17 Ahoy, Admiral! stg8_las_148_74_18 My darling! stg8_las_148_74_19 Right on, Boss! stg8_las_148_74_20 Go, Luigi...

Er, I mean...

Mario? stg8_las_148_75_kur They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... That is so totally cool... stg8_las_148_75_nok They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... That's...amazing... stg8_las_148_75_win They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... That's...simply incredible... stg8_las_148_75_yos They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... That is so AWESOME! stg8_las_148_75_viv They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... That's so sweet... stg8_las_148_75_bom They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... What wondrous creatures... stg8_las_148_75_chu They're...

They're all sending us their wishes and positive energy... That's so nice... stg8_las_148_76 Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What... What are these vile voices? stg8_las_148_77_kur Mario! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_77_nok Mario! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_77_win Mario! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_77_yos Gonzales! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_77_viv Mario! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_77_bom Mario! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_77_chu Mario! Look at THAT!!! stg8_las_148_78 What is this...light? stg8_las_148_79 Oh... stg8_las_148_80 Ohh... stg8_las_148_81 Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh...... stg8_las_149 Mario... stg8_las_150_kur That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_150_nok That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_150_win That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_150_yos That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_150_viv That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_150_bom That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_150_chu That voice...

Princess Peach?!? stg8_las_151 Mario... I... stg8_las_152 Wh-What?!?

You wretched little girl! You disobey me?!? stg8_las_153 Mario...


Take the last of my power... stg8_las_154_kur What...IS this?

I feel like, TOTALLY full of energy now... stg8_las_154_nok What... What's this?

I feel all full of energy... stg8_las_154_win What...is this, now?

I feel positively BURSTING with energy... stg8_las_154_yos Whoa... What IS this?

I feel insanely pumped with energy all of a sudden! stg8_las_154_viv What... What IS this?

I feel completely revitalized... stg8_las_154_bom What... What's THIS, now?

I feel rather like a new Bob-omb! I feel fantastic! stg8_las_154_chu What... What IS this?

I feel completely full of powerful energy now... stg8_las_155 You brat! Obey me, girl! stg8_las_156 Farewell...Mario...

I believe...in you... stg8_las_157_kur PEACH!!! stg8_las_157_nok PEACH!!! stg8_las_157_win PEACH!!! stg8_las_157_yos PEACH!!! stg8_las_157_viv PEACH!!! stg8_las_157_bom PEACH!!! stg8_las_157_chu PEACH!!! stg8_las_158 GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Very cunning, Princess! stg8_las_159 But you will not undo me!!! Know me as your queen! stg8_las_161_kur Mario! This is it! We're almost done! stg8_las_161_nok Mario! The time is now! We've almost got her! stg8_las_161_win Mario! This is our time! We're almost finished! stg8_las_161_yos Gonzales! Now's the time! We've got her scared! stg8_las_161_viv Mario! This is our moment! We're almost there! stg8_las_161_bom Mario! The time is ripe! We've almost done it! stg8_las_161_chu Mario! This is it, dearie! We're almost through! stg8_las_162 Enough! This ends now! stg8_las_163 Wh-What...

H-How is it that you can hurt me? stg8_las_164_kur Now we're in BUSINESS!

Get ready for some pain! stg8_las_164_nok Now we're talking!

Time for payback! stg8_las_164_win Now THAT is more like it!

Prepare to pay for all of your ills! stg8_las_164_yos Now THAT'S what I'm talking about, baby!

And now, it's time to settle the score! stg8_las_164_viv Now we've got her number!

Time to suffer, Queen! stg8_las_164_bom Ah, yes, MUCH better!

Prepare for payback! stg8_las_164_chu Now we're in business!

Get ready to pay! stg8_las_165 Fooooooooools! stg8_las_166 Muh huh huh... You do not know what you have done... stg8_las_167 Uuurghh...

No... It... It cannot be... How... stg8_las_168 AAAAAIIYEEEEEEEEEEE!!! stg8_las_169 Impossible... Unthinkable...

How could I... I cannot be beaten by lesser beings such as these...

And I had just been reborn into this world... I cannot... I must not... stg8_las_170 AAAAAIIYEEEEEEEEEEE!!! stg8_las_171 My queen! stg8_las_172 Guhhhhh! stg8_las_173 NOOOO! Let's get out of here, Marilyn! stg8_las_174 Guh-huh! stg8_las_175 Hey! HEY! Hey, wait! stg8_las_176_kur Princess Peach! stg8_las_176_nok Princess Peach! stg8_las_176_win Princess Peach! stg8_las_176_yos Princess Peach! stg8_las_176_viv Princess Peach! stg8_las_176_bom Princess Peach! stg8_las_176_chu Princess Peach! stg8_las_177_kur Mario! C'mere! stg8_las_177_nok Mario! Over here! stg8_las_177_win Mario! Over here, darling! stg8_las_177_yos Gonzales! Over here! stg8_las_177_viv Mario! Over here! stg8_las_177_bom Mario! Over here, old boy! stg8_las_177_chu Mario! Come here! stg8_las_178_kur Peach is totally OK! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_178_nok Princess Peach is all right! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_178_win Peach is just fine, darling! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_178_yos Peach is completely fine! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_178_viv Princess Peach is just fine! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_178_bom The princess is all right! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_178_chu Princess Peach is A-OK! She's not even hurt! stg8_las_179 Ugghhh... Ahhh... stg8_las_180 Mario... stg8_las_181 So... It's all over, then... stg8_las_182 I'm so sorry, Mario... Who knew all this would happen? stg8_las_183_kur Aw, it's totally OK, Peach! It was like, no big deal! stg8_las_183_nok Umm... Hey, that's OK, Peach! Don't worry about it! stg8_las_183_win Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head, Peach! It was nothing! stg8_las_183_yos Man, it was no biggie, Peach! Nothing we couldn't handle! stg8_las_183_viv No need to apologize, Peach! It was our pleasure! stg8_las_183_bom Don't you dare apologize, my dear! It was all in a day's work for us, hm? stg8_las_183_chu Don't fret, Peach! It wasn't too much trouble... stg8_las_184 Thank you... All of you... stg8_las_185 Ah-hah! THERE you are, Mario! stg8_las_186 Well, well... Can you believe those brutes even came after me, an old Goomba?!?

But I still made it here... I was so worried about you all, you have no idea! stg8_las_187 By the look of things, though, I guess we're in the clear, am I right?

You kids sure are the real thing, I tell you... stg8_las_188 Yes... I seem to be in one piece, too, so all is well.

So... Without further ado... Take a look at this! stg8_las_189 I found this on the way! This must be the treasure we heard rumors of in Rogueport!

My theory has been correct all these years! There really WAS a legendary treasure! stg8_las_190_kur Oh, Professor Frankly... stg8_las_190_nok Oh, Professor... stg8_las_190_win Oh, Frankly... stg8_las_190_yos Oh, Professor... stg8_las_190_viv Oh, Professor Frankly... stg8_las_190_bom Oh, Frankly... stg8_las_190_chu Oh, Professor... stg8_las_191 No, don't bring me down, now! It might be something great! And all's well that ends well.

Now, how do we get out of this dank place, anyway? stg8_las_192 Mmmmmm...

Let's go home, Mario. Back to everyone... msg_kuri_map We're in the deepest room in the Palace of Shadow. ...The Shadow Queen's crypt.

I gotta be honest... I totally thought we were goners at the time. Seriously.

I was secretly wigging out, but then I saw how you wouldn't give up... Awesome.

Anyway, enough reminiscing. There's nothing here now, Mario. Let's go back. msg_kuri_map There's a long, long staircase leading down.

And I get a REALLY nasty feeling about what's waiting down there.

But we've come this far, so we gotta soldier on. Let's go, Mario. stg7_moo_03_kur Wow! That was KILLER!

I totally never would've guessed I'd get to do THAT! stg7_moo_03_nok Man! That was something!

Who would've thought I'd ever get to do THAT? stg7_moo_03_win My! That was exciting!

I'd never DREAMED I'd do a thing like THAT! stg7_moo_03_yos Whoa! That was AWESOME!

Man, who knew adventurers got to do stuff like THAT! stg7_moo_03_viv Gee whiz! That was wild!

I never thought I'd take a ride like THAT... stg7_moo_03_bom Harumph! Well, that was rather a bumpy trip, wot wot!

Who would've guessed I'd get to do such a thing... stg7_moo_03_chu Oh, my! That was quite fun!

I can't say I ever thought I'd take a ride like THAT! stg7_moo_04_kur Well, so, yeah, here we are! We're totally on the moon!

So let's get going, Mario! Let's find the last Crystal Star and save the princess! stg7_moo_04_nok Well, we're really on the moon, all right!

So, are you ready, Mario? Let's find the last Crystal Star and save the princess! stg7_moo_04_win Well, here we are, darling! The moon!

So, dear...let's move, hmm? Let's find the last Crystal Star and save Peach! stg7_moo_04_yos Whoa! We're really, truly, no-fooling on the moon!

Let's rock out, Gonzales! Let's find the last Crystal Star and save Peach! stg7_moo_04_viv Well, we're really on the moon, all right!

Are you ready, Mario? Let's find the last Crystal Star and save Peach! stg7_moo_04_bom Well, old boy, we're really on the moon, by Crabbery!

So, what say you? Shall we find the last Crystal Star and save Peach, hmm? stg7_moo_04_chu Well, here we are, on the moon, dearie!

Are you ready? Then let's find the last Crystal Star and save Peach! msg_kuri_map We're on the moon! Awesome! The moon I always look up at, can you believe it?

I mean, I heard they'd put a Goomba on the moon in '69, but who knew WE'D get here?

Boy, nothing's impossible on your adventures, Mario! You are the COOLEST! msg_kuri_map Boy, I guess there are pretty much just rocks on the moon.

I guess I knew that, but it's still kind of disappointing.

Bummer... msg_kuri_map There's a weird-looking building off in the distance. Why would THAT be here?

Looks like we'll need to find a pipe to get there, though. So...let's look for a pipe. stg7_moo_01_kur EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! stg7_moo_01_nok WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! stg7_moo_01_win EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! stg7_moo_01_yos WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAA! stg7_moo_01_viv WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! stg7_moo_01_bom YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! stg7_moo_01_chu AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIII! stg7_aji_63 Peach...

Good-bye... ep_45 Speaking of miracle survivals... Guess whose favorite calculator is still computing?

He says he really wants to see you and Peach again! msg_kuri_map The stars sure are pretty here. I wonder if I can find my favorite constellation...

I'm such a totally shameless romantic, it's not even funny. msg_kuri_map You see the Moon Clefts that live up here?

You think they live on green cheese, Mario?

...You know I'm kidding, right? I'm not that much of a cheeseball...get it?

I'm still bummed there are only rocks here. msg_kuri_map Hey, Mario! Did you see that? I saw a comet or something! It was all, like, "PSHOOWEE!"

Should I try and make three wishes, do you think?

I wish for... Hee hee hee! That's TOP SECRET! stg2_mri_e03_00 ...Uh... stg2_mri_e03_01_kur What's going on? stg2_mri_e03_01_nok Oh, no... What's the matter? stg2_mri_e03_02 Uh, well... Take a look! This door wasn't here before! Someone just installed it!

And...I can't open it. I thought I could finally save everyone... I'm a fool. stg2_mri_e03_03_kur Oh, quit being melodramatic! Although...it does look thick. What are we gonna do now? stg2_mri_e03_03_nok Hey, don't take it so hard... It does look sturdy, though. What do we do now? stg2_mri_e03_04 ................Uh................

................Um................ ................Hmmmm.............

................Ermmm............. .............Mmmmmmmm............. .......Hrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm...........

GOT IT! stg2_mri_e03_06 Long ago, the Puni elder told me about a secret entrance somewhere around here.

We can get in through there! I'm completely sure of it! Uh, problem is...

I doubt finding it is going to be easy. I mean, it won't be labeled "Secret Entrance"!

What should we do? stg2_mri_e03_07_kur How are we supposed to find a secret entrance? It's secret for a reason, y'know. stg2_mri_e03_07_nok Not to be a worrywart, but how in the heck can we find somebody's secret entrance? stg2_mri_e03_08 Well, it's hidden by this invisible...thingy. We need to find and remove the thingy.

Boy, but removing a normal thingy sounds tough enough, let alone an invisible one!


Oh! Got it! Flurrie!

Surely Madame Flurrie's powers can help us! stg2_mri_e03_09 Flurrie is a refined and dignified lady who lives in these woods.

The elder says she's a wind spirit who can wield the powers of the air with ease.

You see where I'm going with this? She can use wind power to blow the thingy away!

Well, it won't hurt to try. Flurrie lives in the deepest corner of the woods, so...

Let's head back in the direction we came from. stg2_mri_e10_00 That's the secret entrance! We can finally get inside! Here I goooooooo! stg2_mri_e10_01 Aren't Punies just the most precious little things? stg2_mri_e10_01_01 Mario, I feel I must ask... Did you know that I used to be a rather famous actress?

I was a diva of the stage! I was known as Madame Flurrie the world over...

But...the filthy air outside the spotlight repelled me. So I came to the woods. stg2_mri_e10_01_02 And soon enough, I glimpsed the beauty of these Punies and their pure little hearts...

It reminded me of my own innocence as an actress. And that made me realize...

I shall ever love the stage! I must feel the spotlight shine on me again! I MUST!

As you can see, these dear little Punies helped me find my true self...

That's why I must help them however I can before I go on my own adventures. stg2_mri_e10_02 Mario! Can you hear me? stg2_mri_e10_03 Check it out! I was able to open it from the inside! C'mon! Over here! stg2_mri_e10_04 The time has come for me to repay my debt to the Punies. Come along, Mario! stg2_mri_e10_05 Hurry up! Go inside! stg2_mri_e26_00_01 Uh... Thank you, Mario, for everything you've done.

We can go back to our peaceful way of life now. stg2_mri_e26_00_02 You know, son, now that we get right down to it, I'm kind of sad to see you go.

I do love pontificating, so come on by whenever you want to sit and chat awhile. stg2_mri_e26_00_03 Yes, please come back and visit! We'll watch for you! stg2_mri_e26_00_04 We'll work together from now on to prevent anything like that from happening again.

Thanks for showing us how to stick together, Mario. Good luck with the Crystal Stars. stg2_mri_e26_00_05_kur Oh, I'm sure we'll be back again at some point. Yeah, definitely! Take care, guys! stg2_mri_e26_00_05_nok We'll come back and see you again, I'm pretty sure. But... For now, we gotta go. stg2_mri_e26_00_05_win Oh, this shan't be our last visit. Certainly not! But... Until then, ta-ta! stg2_mri_e26_00_06 See you, Mr. Mario! stg2_mri_e26_00_07 We'll be all right, Mario. Good luck with your search for the Crystal Stars. stg2_mri_e26_00_08 I can't wait to see you again, Mr. Mario! stg2_mri_e26_00_09 Take care, big 'stache man! stg2_mri_e26_00_10 I'll be happy to pontificate for you anytime you like. stg2_mri_00_07 Hey hey hey! It's us: the happy wanderers, the world-traveling Sisters 3! stg2_mri_00_08 What a big tree! Ooh! Ooh! I want to climb it! stg2_mri_00_09 I want to go up to the top, too! ...Hey! Where's the elevator, huh? irai_28_006 So, this is the Great Tree...

How much history has this grand tree witnessed in its many long years?

And how many more amazing events will it witness in the coming years? Indeed...

So beautiful... This tree, that has surpassed the lives of many creatures... Scary... irai_28_006_1 Ah, the Great Tree...

As you watch us foolishly continue to repeat history... What could you think of us?

You can do nothing but stand and watch our ignorance. No! What rot!

To assume that a tree can do nothing! That only proves my own foolishness! stg8_dark_02 ...B-Brother? stg8_dark_02_01 The...sky... It's... stg8_las_148_10 Whoa! The Crystal Star!!! stg8_las_148_11 What in the world... What's THAT doing here?

This is very mysterious... Yes, a mystery that... stg8_las_148_12 Snap out of it, Elder! stg8_las_148_13 Brother!!! Mario's in trouble!

That's what the Crystal Star is here to tell us! I just KNOW it! stg8_las_148_14 What? Could it be...

...Hey, you're right, Petuni!

I can hear... I can hear it! The Crystal Star is speaking to us!

It's telling us that Mario is fighting to save the world! And he's in deep trouble... stg8_las_148_15 Mario! Flurrie! C'mon! Don't give up! stg8_las_148_16 Yeah! You can do it, guys! stg8_las_148_17 Keep fighting! msg_kuri_map The base of the Great Tree! It sure is big up close... I mean... Wowser. Seriously.

It must have watched over the Boggly Woods for over 1,000 years. That's insane... ガイド That's Punio of the Punies. He sure is a hardworking little fella, huh?

Don't you just wanna cheer him on? I always root for the underdog. Or whatever he is. ライバル That's Puniper of the Punies. This guy just needs to stop whining and do what's right.

I mean, he's huge! When you got a big bod, you gotta step up and take charge! ちびトゲ That's Jabble of the Jabbies. I think Punio and Jabble are old friends.

I sure hope the Punies and Jabbies can live together in peace from now on... ガイド妹 That's Petuni of the Punies. She's Punio's little sister.

I hope they can all live peacefully together now, don't you? プニ族長老 That's the Puni elder. She's ancient, but actually peppier than everyone else.

No need to worry about her! She'll live to be 150, griping and nagging all the way... 踊り子1 These are the Traveling Sisters 3. They seem to go everywhere together.

They seem so ditzy, though. Do they even notice each new place they wind up in? 踊り子2 These are the Traveling Sisters 3. It looks like they're having fun.

They seem to just flit off to each new place without really exploring anywhere. 踊り子3 These are the Traveling Sisters 3. They seem to go everywhere together.

Sounds nice. Y'know, traveling. I wish I had time to travel with friends from school... ファビオ That's Doe T., the Toad who asked us for help.

I'm so glad he finally got to see this place, y'know? stg2_mri_e11_00 Uh... Hmmm? Weird... Normally, everyone's right here... What the hey? stg2_mri_e11_01 Hey! Elder! Everybody! Come out!

HELLOOOOOOOOOO? stg2_mri_e11_02 Wah! Who are YOU guys?!?

How'd you get in here? stg2_mri_e11_03 Whoa! Dude! Is that... Isn't he that Mario guy? stg2_mri_e11_04 WHAAAAT?!? He IS? We'd better get him, then! stg2_mri_e11_05 But, dude, Lord Crump told us to tell him IMMEDIATELY if we found Mario. Remember? stg2_mri_e11_06 You idiot! Use your head! If we capture him, we'll get all the credit, man! Duhhh! stg2_mri_e11_07 Oh, yeah... Right on. Let's rock this chump! stg2_mri_e11_08 One, two, three...BREAK! stg2_mri_e11_09 C-Crud! That stung, man! stg2_mri_e11_10 Dude, maybe reporting back to Lord Crump isn't such a bad idea, after all! stg2_mri_e12_00 Pretty slick work, handling those guys, Mario. Seriously, way to go!

But the question remains... Where did everybody go?

What could possibly make everyone leave? stg2_mri_e12_01 Finally, SOMEBODY shows up! What are you doing hiding back there?

Come out, for Pete's sake! I found us a powerful ally! stg2_mri_e12_02 He... He's huge! stg2_mri_e12_03 Uh... Are you sure your huge mustachioed man won't try to eat us? stg2_mri_e12_04 Huh? Hey! Who's that? Who else is back there? stg2_mri_e12_05 He's massive... stg2_mri_e12_07 Danger! stg2_mri_e12_09 He'll crush us! stg2_mri_e12_10 I don't like him! stg2_mri_e12_08 Nice 'stache! stg2_mri_e12_11 It scares me... stg2_mri_e12_06 So burly... stg2_mri_e12_12 Now, don't worry, everyone. This is Mario, and he's our friend. He's here to help!

All those bad guys? Mario'll stomp every one of them, just like those last goons. stg2_mri_e12_13 Is this it? There are so few... Well, we have to make do!

Let me formally introduce... Mario... stg2_mri_e12_13_01 WAIT! stg2_mri_e12_14 How do we really know this burly fellow is our ally?

He might be one of them! stg2_mri_e12_15 Puniper! What're you saying? He's not one of them!

Listen, we can all fight alongside Mario and chase those goons out of here!

We can take back our tree. We can take back our homes! stg2_mri_e12_16 Hah! Big, bad Punio... Listen to yourself! Trying to sound all important-like!

You have no idea the kind of troubles we've been through while you were gone! stg2_mri_e12_17 What? What are you talking about, Puniper? stg2_mri_e12_17_02 ...And why are there so few of you here, anyway? What happened to everyone? stg2_mri_e12_18 Well, they've been captured... by those goons!

The elder... Everybody... Including...

Your sister! stg2_mri_e12_19 WHAT?!? PETUNI?!? Tell me it isn't so! stg2_mri_e12_20 Oh, it's so, all right! She was taken off somewhere with the rest of them!

They said it was because we wouldn't tell them where to find some crystal thing.

We told them we'd never heard of it. stg2_mri_e12_21 Oh, poor Petuni...

Well, that absolutely tears it! We've all got to go look for them right away! stg2_mri_e12_22 What are you saying, Punio? We can't do anything to those giant goons!

Besides, they aren't alone. The cursed Jabbi tribe is in league with them.

They're hoping to make this tree their own once we've all been driven from it.

This is it for us. The end! And adding this hairy old man to our ranks won't help a bit! stg2_mri_e12_23 How can you say that? You can't know that! We HAVE to try, don't you see?

Think about it! If we all get together we can take care of any stupid Jabbies!

So, who's with me, huh? Come on, everyone! Let's pool our strength! stg2_mri_e12_24 Hah! Punio, Punio, Punio... You'll have to convince me, because I think you're nuts. stg2_mri_e12_24_00 What's that supposed to mean? stg2_mri_e12_24_01 Tell you what: you and Mr. Mustache there can get the revolution started!

If you can free our friends who got locked up somewhere in the tree...

...then I'll join your little crusade. Hah! Like that'll ever happen! Please! stg2_mri_e12_25 Fine! We'll show you!

Right, Mario? Right? C'mon, follow me to glory! Let's go help them! stg2_mri_e12_26 Hah! I say again: hah! By all means, help our friends!

Or are you quitting now... Telling me there's no hope... That it's impossible? stg2_mri_e15_00 Well, if it isn't Punio...

Hmph! You heard me! Hmph! I can't say I expected you to manage to rescue the elder... stg2_mri_e15_01 I told you I could do it! stg2_mri_e15_02 Don't get a swelled head! This doesn't mean I'll accept you as our leader...

And it definitely doesn't mean I completely trust that mustache guy, either.

For starters, you still haven't rescued the other Punies yet.

I'm not lifting an antenna to help until you do. stg2_mri_e15_03 You stubborn MULE! stg2_mri_e15_03_01 Deplorable! How DARE you talk like that, knowing what we're up against?!?

We must stand together now! We must take back our tree! Don't you understand that? stg2_mri_e15_04 But... But, Elder... stg2_mri_e15_05 Shut your trap, Puniper! And mind me, you hear? You'll help Mustachio here...

What'd you say your name was again? It was, er... It was Marty, wasn't it? stg2_mri_e15_06 It's "Mario"! He's Mario! I mean, sheesh! He's only world-famous! Come on! stg2_mri_e15_07 Yes, yes, simmer down, you. And everyone else, help Marty-o clear out our tree! stg2_mri_e15_08 Oh, all right, Elder... Whatever you say.

I'm not heartless or anything. To tell you the truth, I'm worried about Petuni, too.

And you're right, we have no choice. We must fight! Right, everybody? stg2_mri_e15_09 There you go, my Punies! That's the spirit! stg2_mri_e15_11 10 Punies joined your party. stg2_mri_e15_12 Thanks, you guys... stg2_mri_e15_13_kur Hey, if you're done rallying everyone... I have a question.

We're looking for this Crystal Star thingamajig... Ever heard of it? stg2_mri_e15_13_nok Umm, while we have your attention, can I ask you something?

We're looking for this thing called a Crystal Star... Have you heard of it? stg2_mri_e15_13_win Say, if you have a moment... Might I ask a question?

We're looking for a lovely gem called a Crystal Star... Do you know of it? stg2_mri_e15_14 The Crystal Star, eh?

Hrrrrrmmmmmmm... Yes, perhaps...

Hidden down, down, down at the bottom of this tree is a funny-colored stone.

But what do we do with it? Oh, right: "Guard it from evil and give it to a pure heart..."

That's what generations of elders have been taught. Might be the Crystal Star... stg2_mri_e15_15 Marty! Or...Marty-o! I'm thinking you better get it before those goons do.

I don't quite see how just yet, but I bet it's connected to us getting our tree back.

You got all that, Marty-o? Crystal Star. Bottom part of the tree. Go to it. stg2_mri_e15_16 Oh! Hold your horses! I forgot something!

Before you can get the Crystal Star, you must save all of the captured Punies.

Yup, you'll never get to that gem without the help of the Punies. Not a chance.

So here, you'd better take this. It's the Puni Orb. It's the symbol of our leader. stg2_mri_e15_16_01 If you place this in the pedestals you see around the tree, the Punies will gather.

Just remember to take the orb with you when you're done using it.

Because, well, if you don't, everyone'll just kind of hang out and stare at the orb. stg2_mri_e15_18 All right, guys! Let's go rescue everybody! stg2_mri_e15_19 Oh, and one more thing... stg2_mri_e15_20 So sorry! So sorry! I've been awfully forgetful as of late. stg2_mri_e15_21 Now then, where was I? Oh, right! On your way to the Crystal Star...

If you lose any of the Punies and have a hard time finding them, just come see me.

What I'll do is, I'll give a whistle to call 'em back here. You got all that? stg2_mri_e15_22 Hey! What's the matter? stg2_mri_e15_22_sel Sure, kid! Sorry, too busy! stg2_mri_re_005

Yesssssssssssssssssss!!! OK! OK! This is so awesome! Ready to play Stump Petuni?

You ask me any questions you want! There isn't a question I can't answer! C'mon! stg2_mri_re_006 Create an easy question that Petuni can answer! stg2_mri_re_007 studies... likes... decorates... stg2_mri_re_009 the most? the best? for the heck of it? stg2_mri_re_011

The person Mario likes the most? Tee hee! I know that! You can't stump Petuni!

Mario likes Princess Peach the most! Tee hee hee! Am I right? stg2_mri_re_012 Tee hee! Yes! I'm right! See? Petuni knows the answers to EVERYTHING! stg2_mri_re_013


Wh-What kind of question is that? I don't even get what that means!

You have to ask a real question or it's no fun! Booo! Stump Petuni is over! stg2_mri_re_014 Ooh! Ooh! That was fun! Thanks for playing with me! Here! Here's a present! stg2_mri_re_015 Please play again sometime! stg2_mri_re_016

That's so cheap, Mario! Cheater! CHEEEEATERRRRR! This wasn't any fun at all! stg2_mri_re_016_1 Oh! Mario! You came back!

Wow! The guy who saved the world came back just to say hi to me! Double wow!

Hey, do you have some free time, Mario? I'm really bored. You wanna play with me? stg2_mri_re_017 Petuni has a collection of many beautiful eggs. I wonder where she found them all.

I want eggs, too... stg2_mri_re_017_1 Petuni has a collection of many beautiful eggs. I wonder where she found them all.

I want eggs, too... irai_10_00 Waaaaait... You're that gent that said you'd help me out, right? I'm counting on you!

I'm getting on in years, so I'd feel safer if I had a Life Shroom around. irai_10_01 Oh, is that you, Marty-o? Are you here to listen to me pontificate for a spell?

...Or did you bring me a Life Shroom? irai_10_02 Oh, glory! You got one! A Life Shroom! Lovely! Thank you, Marty-o!

And you made it before I actually needed it. Phew! Here, take this reward!

A Life Shroom is like health insurance! I'll live a long life now, for certain! irai_17_00 Well, hey there, Marty-o. Are you here to listen to me pontificate for a spell? irai_17_01 Why, this is a Silver Club newsletter routing slip! You came here to give me this?

Twilight Town's mayor sent you? My last youth-fountain bath there was nice, I recall.

Well, this slip now needs to go to the Petalburg mayor, but my hernia's acting up...

Say, now! Could you take this to the mayor of Petalburg for me? I'm counting on you! irai_17_02 The mayor of Petalburg has to sign the slip now. I'm counting on you, Marty-o. irai_17_03 The mayor of Petalburg has a cold? That's awful! Colds are serious for us oldsters. kpa_stg3_000 Th-That thing's...humongous! Everybody!!! HIDE!!! NOW!!! Save yourselves! kpa_stg3_000_01 Stupid, cheating Mario... Who would've thought that fool would be in Glitzville... kpa_stg3_000_02 Did you say something, Your Rudeness? kpa_stg3_000_03 Uh, no! Nothing at all, as far as you know! kpa_stg3_001 Hey! Did you see those little bite-size shrimps? What were those things? kpa_stg3_002 Those were some Punies. One of them should know about the Crystal Star...

They fear you, so they're all hiding. Let's find them all and get the info we need. kpa_stg3_003 Eek! Y-You're scary, Mister Giant Bad-Breath Monster! kpa_stg3_004 D-Don't worry, Petuni! Your big brother is here! We'll...gulp...get through this! kpa_stg3_005 Yuh-Yuh-Yuh-Yikes... This...guy...is...big...and bad! He's large and in charge! kpa_stg3_006 Find them, my lord! Find the hidden Punies and make them tell where their treasure is!

Look! That grass clump over there looks suspicious, Your Wretchedness! kpa_stg3_006_2 Eek! Flee! kpa_stg3_008 BEGONE! kpa_stg3_010 You're one of them, aren't you? One of the evildoers! You want our Crystal Star! kpa_stg3_011 Ha! See?!? I KNEW it! This ugly thing knows where the Crystal Star is! Tell us! kpa_stg3_012 How RUDE!

"Ugly thing"? How DARE you, you wretched crone? I am the great Puni elder! kpa_stg3_013 EEEEEEEEEP! My heart! Don't startle me like that! I'm too old for this stuff! kpa_stg3_014 No, let's get him! OK, we'll leave him be. stg2_shop_00 It'll be coin for . Interested? stg2_shop_01

Ooh... Eee... Golly, how to put this... Look, sorry, but you ain't got enough coins. stg2_shop_02

Ooh... Yikes... Look, I'm real sorry, but you already got too many items.

Feel free to buy whatever you want after you use, sell, or store an item, OK? stg2_shop_03

Well, yippee-do-dah-day! Thanks a million, bud!

You now got yourself a total of %d shop points. stg2_shop_04 Howdy-do-dah-day, bud! Welcome to Pungent's shop!

What can I do you for? stg2_shop_04_1 Howdy-do-dah-day, bud! Welcome to Pungent's shop! It's time to buy, buy, buy!

For a limited time only, you can earn DOUBLE shop points! You heard me right!

So, what can I do for you? stg2_shop_05

Well, sure! If you wanna shop, just stand in front of an item and press . stg2_shop_06

Ooh... Gee... This is awkward. Hate to have to tell you this, but you ain't got no items... stg2_shop_07

Sure thing. What exactly do you wanna sell, bud? stg2_shop_08

How's this? I'll pay coin for your . We got a deal? stg2_shop_09

Oh, all righty, then. You got anythin' else you're thinkin' of sellin'? stg2_shop_10

Hey, thanks a million, bud!

You got anythin' else you're thinkin' of sellin'? stg2_shop_11

Well, thanks a ton, bud! stg2_shop_12

Ooh... Look... Not to drizzle on your parade, but you ain't got no items, bud.

I can't store imaginary stuff. Oh, actually, sure I can! ...There! I stored it all! stg2_shop_13

Ooh... Look, I'm sorry, but you can't store any more items. Awful sorry, bud. stg2_shop_14

Lessee... You can store up to more item, bud. Wanna store anythin'? stg2_shop_15

Consider it stored, bud! stg2_shop_16

Consider it stored, bud!

Wanna store anythin' else? stg2_shop_17

Ooh... Golly... Listen... Hate to break it to you, but you got nothing stored, bud. stg2_shop_18

Ooh... Shucks... Looks to me like you can't carry any more items, bud.

Tell you what, though: you can get something after you use, sell, or store an item. stg2_shop_19

So, what is it you wanna withdraw, bud? stg2_shop_20

All righty, here you go.

Use it wisely, bud. stg2_shop_21

I'll just go on and give this back to you, then.

Wanna withdraw anythin' else, bud? stg2_shop_22

Come on back anytime, bud! stg2_shop_23 Yes No stg2_shop_25

Looks like you got yourself... shop point! stg2_shop_26 Hey, you earned enough shop points! Kudos, bud!

Here's your prize: a fine ! stg2_shop_27 Ooh... Shoot... Looks like you can't carry any more items, bud. You're full up!

Why don't you come on back and grab that after you use, sell, or store an item. stg2_shop_28 Well done savin' up those shop points!

Here's your prize: a fine ! stg2_shop_29 Ooh... You earned a prize with your shop points, bud, but your pockets are burstin'.

I'll just hang on to it, then. Anythin' else I can do for you in the meanwhile? stg2_shop_34 Yowzers! You earned the maximum number of shop points: 300 of 'em!

Lemme just remember what that means...

Oh, yeah! Great jumpin' jackrabbits! It means...

You get to start collectin' shop points all over again, startin' at zero! Yippee!

Ain't that grand! And that ain't all! Here's your fine 300-point prize, bud! A Gold Bar x 3! stg2_shop_30 How do, bud? I'm bettin' this is your first time visitin' a shop, am I right or am I right?

Riiiight. Then lemme give you my official Shop Point Breakdown for First-Timers. stg2_shop_31 You earn one shop point for each item you buy. Easy so far, am I right?

Now, as you build up points, you get rewarded with cool prizes, includin' rare items.

Different stores have different prizes, so keep your eyes peeled, OK?

And that, bud, is all I got to say about that.

Wanna hear all that again? stg2_shop_32

All righty, but clean out them ears this time, OK? A-HEM! Here we go... stg2_shop_33

Well, all righty, then. Go on and shop, sell, or store stuff, bud! msg_kuri_map This is a shop run by a Puni named Pungent. I wonder if there are any rare items... ちびトゲ Hey, what the heck? Mario, there's somebody here! Try talking to him! プニ店員 That's Pungent, the manager of this shop. Weird place for a shop, if you ask me.

But since we're here, I guess we could buy something... プニ情報屋 That's Pungry of the Punies. He seems to be friends with Pungent, as far as I can tell.

I guess they avoided any trouble with the X-Nauts by holing up in here. stg2_mri_e17_00 Everyone! It's the Jabbies! stg2_mri_e17_00_01 It's a 10-Jabbi squadron! Uh... Let's get them! Come on, Mario! stg2_mri_e17_00_02 Whoa, nelly! stg2_mri_e17_01 Wow! We did it! We defeated every last Jabbi here!

Now we have to destroy the Jabbi hive fortress! stg2_mri_e17_02 Oh, that was...not good! They walked all over us... We have to regroup and try again! stg2_mri_re_028 ..........? ..........!!! stg2_mri_re_029 (Yikes! It's Mario!!! Don't pick on me!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_028_1 ..........? ..........!!! stg2_mri_re_029_1 (Yikes! It's Mario!!! Don't pick on me!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_030 .................................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_031 (I'm sorry we were used by those outsiders. We've learned from our mistake!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_030_1 .................................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_031_1 (I'm sorry we were used by those outsiders. We've learned from our mistake!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_032 .................................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_033 (That tiny pink-topped Puni girl is sooooooooooo cute!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_032_1 .................................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_033_1 (That tiny pink-topped Puni girl is soooooooooo cute!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_034 .................................? stg2_mri_re_035 (Where'd Jabble go? Did he sneak back to the shop?)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_034_1 .................................? stg2_mri_re_035_1 (Where'd Jabble go? Did he sneak back to the shop?)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_036 .................................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_037 (Ahh... I'm so busy! So busy! Life isn't easy for us Jabbies! No, sir!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_036_1 .................................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_037_1 (Ahh... I'm so busy! So busy! Life isn't easy for us Jabbies! No, sir!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_038 .................................! .................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_039 (I want to jab that chubby Puni right in the BELLY!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! stg2_mri_re_038_1 .................................! .................. .................................. stg2_mri_re_039_1 (I want to jab that chubby Puni right in the BELLY!)

...That's what he looks like he wants to say! msg_kuri_map Hey, there's water running through the inside of the Great Tree!

You don't think... Could this be how the tree carries nutrients from root to limb?

Y'know, nature is just about the coolest thing ever. ƒgƒQ‘°‚P That's a Jabbi.

Those stingy-looking beaks on Jabbies are kinda scary. Getting stung is NOT cool! ƒgƒQ‘°‚Q That's a Jabbi.

It doesn't seem like they've been fighting with the Punies at all lately. Sweet! ƒgƒQ‘°‚R That's a Jabbi.

The Punies are pretty weird, but boy, so are the Jabbies! I mean, what do they eat? ƒgƒQ‘°‚S That's a Jabbi.

They have wings, but they just scuttle along the ground. Is that considered walking? ƒgƒQ‘°‚T That's a Jabbi. I can't tell one from another, though.

I'm sure they can tell themselves apart... ƒgƒQ‘°‚U That's a Jabbi.

And that's all you need to know, smart guy. stg2_mri_e18_00 Yes! With this key, we should be able to open the cell my people are locked in.

Hurry! We have to free my sister and the others! msg_kuri_map This area seems to have been laid out for a special reason, don't you think?

There must be something super-important hidden here. stg2_mri_boots_01 Press while jumping to do a Spin-Jump! lecture_s_boots_04 Hey there! I'm Toadette!

Congratulations on getting the Super Boots! These cool kicks power up jump attacks!

And you'll be able to use a new technique! So let's practice it, OK? lecture_s_boots_05

If you press at the right moment when jumping, you'll do a Spin Jump!

Timing is everything! lecture_s_boots_06 Press in midjump! lecture_s_boots_07 Good luck! lecture_s_boots_08 Wow! That was perfect! You're a natural! Want to try again? lecture_s_boots_09 Yes No hune_01

Well... It seems you have come to truly love this island.

If ever you wish to say adios to its shores, just give me a shout. hune_02

Bueno! We are off!

Cast off, mi amigos! To Rogueport! stg5_muj_145 OK, Mario... I think we're ready, pal. Yeah, we are. Let's go back to Rogueport! stg5_muj_146 Ohhhhhh, Daddy! Please hang on until we get there! stg5_muj_146_01 C'mon! Let's shake a leg on to Rogueport! stg5_muj_146_02 To my daddy! Quickly! stg5_muj_146_02_01 Bonjour, Monsieur 'Stache! You know, zee women of zis world are so very selfeesh!

Zee question eez whether or not to forgive zis selfeeshness, oui?

I, of course, must forgive zem all, for I am Dupree. Monsieur... 'Ow about vous? koburon_01 Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka! We've got some good weather today, right, right!

Makes me feel like nothing bad could happen on a day like today, whack-a-do! koburon_02 Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka! We've got some good weather today, right, right!

Of course, yesterday was also pretty darn nice, too, wickety-wackety-whack-a-do! koburon_03 Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka! We've got some good weather today, right, right!

Makes me feel like nothing bad could happen on a day like today, whack-a-do! koburon_04 Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka! We've got some good weather today, right, right!

Makes me feel like nothing bad could happen on a day like today, whack-a-do! koburon_05 Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka! We've got some good weather today, right, right!

I'm sure tomorrow and the next day will be fine, fine, fine, too, whack-a-do! koburon_06 Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka! We've got some good weather today, right, right!

I'm sure tomorrow and the next day will be fine, fine, fine, too, whack-a-do! koburon_07 Whack-huh-ooo? I'm Whacka! ...I think. We've got good weather today...I think.

Uh, who are you, whack-a-do? I've been having headaches, and I'm feeling forgetful... koburon_08 Whack-hoooo... I'm Whacka... Or something like that...

I've been having headaches, and I'm feeling forgetful... Did I eat breakfast today? koburon_09 Whack-hoo, yack-a-doo... Wick wick wack... Aah-hooo... ♪ koburon_10 Whack-OWWWWWWWWWWW! Don't hit me! koburon_11 Whack-a-BYAAAAAAARGH! That hurts! koburon_12 Õ0Ë0ã0^ÿ ~00U0j0D0g0ˆ0^ÿ koburon_13 Whack-OOOOOOOOG! That really hurt! koburon_14 Whack-a-waaaaaaaaaaaa... I can't take this abuse... msg_kuri_map This is Keelhaul Key. The sun's brutal, as you'd expect on a southern isle.

Blue skies... White clouds... I've always wanted to take an island vacation.

Don't you just wanna yell, "Hey, stupid ocean! Look at me! I'm on vacation!" ƒKƒ‰‚̈«‚¢…•v That's Pa-Patch the Bob-omb. He's a salty old sailor, and a totally solid deckhand.

...But he's afraid of ghosts. ‚ß‚ª‚ː…•v This guy's called Four-Eyes. He's one of the sailors who came along to Keelhaul Key.

It's the weirdest thing... I feel like I've seen him somewhere before, though...

...Maybe I'm just nuts. ƒIƒhƒIƒh…•v That's the timid Toad sailor.

He came looking for his brother, who was lost at sea, and now he is, too... …•vC That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did. …•vD That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. I wonder how long he's been here? …•vE This is one of the shipwrecked Toads. He looks waaaaay worn out. ƒRƒ‹ƒeƒX That's Cortez, remember? The dread pirate ghost feared by all? Ring a bell?

Boy, hard to imagine someone that scary would like us... But he's just a big sweetie!

Plus, he's like our taxi service between Rogueport and Keelhaul Key! I love him! ƒ‚ƒj[ That's Francesca the Pianta. She's "well connected," get me? Her dad's a big boss.

She doesn't crave money or power or anything like that, though. She lives for love.

Doesn't that, like, totally melt your heart? People could learn from this girl! ƒs[ƒgƒ“ That's Francesca's boyfriend, Frankie. He's the future of the Pianta syndicate.

Hard to believe, isn't it? Still, he's the number-two guy after Don Pianta.

You'd think he'd be this tough guy, but Francesca has him eating out of her hand. ƒRƒuƒƒ“ That's a rare Whacka. I don't think you see many of his kind anymore, nope.

If you whack a Whacka, they drop a Whacka Bump. Those are supposed to be delicious.

They fetch a high price in gourmet auctions, too. Yup, super-precious delicacies.

Still, whacking a defenseless creature to get one... You'd never do that, right, Mario? ƒLƒU–ì˜Y I...totally...can't...BELIEVE...it! How's this guy know where we're gonna be all the time?

...And did he SWIM here or something? Please... Please tell me this is a nightmare... stg5_muj_05 Captain! Please, help us! Flavio and Pa-Patch are in a huge fight! stg5_muj_06 And what about you, Squinty? You turned to jelly when you saw all those ghosts! stg5_muj_07 What are you talkin' 'bout?!? You were the one quakin' in 'is boots, fancy pants! stg5_muj_08 ...Wait. Wait one moment. Did... Did you just call the great Flavio "fancy pants"? stg5_muj_09 That's right, fancy pants! Fancy pants! Fancy pants! Fancy pants! Fancy pants! stg5_muj_10 Why, you little CYCLOPS! Flavio demands satisfaction! You! Me! Hammers! At dawn! stg5_muj_11 Oy, that's right fine by me! I can't wait to put a few dents in those fancy threads! stg5_muj_12 THEY'RE HEEEEEEEEEEEERE! stg5_muj_13 C-C-Captain 'Stache! Them ghosts are back! stg5_muj_14 M-Mario! F-Front and center! This is an o-o-o-o-order! Take care of those ghosts! stg5_muj_15 Yes! Yer a bloomin' BEAST, Captain 'Stache! stg5_muj_16 Too early to celebrate, no? There are surely more of them elsewhere, ah?

...Someone must investigate the rest of the island. Yes. That is what must be.

As leader of this expedition, I, of course, should stay here. On this, I brook no argument.

Ah, yes! Of course! Mario! Perhaps you could handle the exploration of this island? stg5_muj_16_yesno I'm here to shop. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... shop_24 Yes, I'll stay. No, thank you. yado_07

Hey, Captain, you have an Inn Coupon! yado_08 Chuckola Cola Coins Skull Gem stg5_muj_93_03_01

What?? You want me to give you the Chuckola Cola? Ha! I must scoff at you!

You ask too much, little man! ...Except... WAIT! I already gave that to you, you rat! stg5_muj_93_03_02

What? You want me to lend you coins, you poor pauper? I must scoff at you!

What on earth do you need coins for on a deserted island, anyway? Hmmm?

Think before you speak, you foolish thing! THINK! stg5_muj_93_03_03

What?!? You want me to lend you the Skull Gem?

You really, really need it? This is the heirloom of the House of Flavio, you know...

...But I suppose it is all right... Because I am Flavio! He of such ludicrous wealth!

I'm just LENDING it, though! Do not dare run off with it! Do not make me dock pay! stg5_muj_93_05 Skull captain casts his gaze! Red jewel shines and plays! Boom-bassa-boom festival! リ

Ah? Do not bother a man as he sings most jovially! I am getting to the good part! stg5_muj_93_06 Now, now! Do not worry about Flavio. Just run along and find that treasure!

Mi mi mi mi miiiiiii... リ

The 'Stache brothers, best of friends! 3 times Red 'Stache lands on his end! リ

Blue Stache's belly 4 times is whacked, so let's hear those fireworks go BOOM! リ stg5_muj_93_07 Skull captain casts his gaze! Red jewel shines and plays! Boom-bassa-boom festival! リ

The 'Stache brothers, best of friends! 3 times Red 'Stache lands on his end! リ

Blue Stache's belly 4 times is whacked, so let's hear those fireworks go BOOM! リ

At the boom-bossa-boom festivaaaal! リ

Hmmm... Perhaps Flavio should consider a singing career, ah? stg5_muj_93_08 OH, SUCH EXCITEMENT! The cave entrance!

Hm? Huh? What? Ah! My Skull Gem!

M-M-Mario! What were you thinking? That gem was part of the House of Flavio! stg5_muj_93_08_01 WHEW!

Oh, what a happy day! I have my Skull Gem back! My jolliness has no end! stg5_muj_93_08_02 Now, then... I'm sure you're all disappointed, but Flavio must be heading back now.

I cannot let those back at camp worry about me further. You two understand, yes?

...So... Let me know when you find that glittery treasure, all right? lecture_friends_15 Bobbery joined your party! lecture_friends_15_0_1 Bobbery's Abilities: A Primer lecture_friends_15_1 Press to make Mario throw Bobbery, who will then walk a few steps and explode! lecture_friends_16

Use Bobbery's explosions to blast cracks open, destroy walls, and activate switches!

You can even throw him onto ledges above you!

In battle, he can detonate on ground-bound enemies!

Or, if you like, you can use his Bomb Squad, time bombs that explode one turn later! msg_kuri_map Here are the red 'stache and blue 'stache statues. Hey, kinda like you and Luigi!

The smaller one's like you, and the taller one's like Luigi. Are they...looking at us? サンダース That's Admiral Bobbery. He came with us on the ship, don't you remember?

He washed ashore with the rest of us...but he seems hurt. You think he's doing OK? マルコ That's the entrepreneur, Flavio. He calls himself the leader of this group.

He's a funny enough guy... but he mostly loafs around and makes folks do his work.

Not much of a leader, huh? ...But WHAT a dresser! stg5_dou_19_00_00 Buh-WHOA! stg5_dou_19 Whoa, did I surprise you? Yeah, sorry about that...

See, I actually followed you in here, but I got lost along the way, and, uh...

Well, anyway, I followed this path, and I finally caught up with you, and then...

Listen, just forget it, OK? I'm sure the Crystal Star is inside that pirate ship!

And the pirate king Cortez is in there, too, I'm pretty sure... Yeah, probably.

No big deal, though, right? You can take him, big guy! We're counting on you!

Boy, I know I sure am... And so is Grodus... stg5_dou_19_00 Whoa, sorry, what did I say? Forget it. I'll just wait here so I don't get in the way! stg5_dou_19_01 Hey! We're coming, too! stg5_dou_19_02 Let's take them! C'mon! All for one, guys! stg5_dou_19_03 Oy! I ain't lettin' ol' Flavio Fancy-Pants hog the glory! Come on, Captain 'Stache! stg5_dou_19_04 It's been a millennium since I gazed out upon the sea! Come! To the open waters! msg_kuri_map This is the deepest part of Pirate's Grotto. One part of this area's covered in fog.

Seems like maybe all of the ships that capsized near here ended up in this cavern.

I wonder if Cortez's ship was the first to end up down in these caverns... めがね水夫 This guy's called Four-Eyes. He's one of the sailors who came along to Keelhaul Key.

It's the weirdest thing... I feel like I've seen him somewhere before, though...

...Maybe I'm just nuts. モニー That's Francesca the Pianta. She's "well connected," get me? Her dad's a big boss.

She doesn't crave money or power or anything like that, though. She lives for love.

Doesn't that, like, totally melt your heart? People could learn from this girl! stg5_dou_20 ...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo... ...You ignored my warning...

...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo... Come inside the doooooor... And be lost in darkness... msg_kuri_map This is the inside of Cortez's ship. Cortez must be inside that next room, huh? stg5_dou_21 ...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo...

Come intooooooooo my...

HACKPTH! HORK! AHEM! ...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo... stg5_dou_22 Enough! I grow tired of this spooky "OoOoO" business!

I am a pirate, blast it! Pirates do not MOAN!

I am a cold-blooded villain who robs innocents of life and loot, not a crying ghost! stg5_dou_23 And...you...are...after... My TREASURE!!! stg5_dou_24 And this! This is my ship! What are you doing here? Speak!

I'll turn your mustache into a bone-polisher, amigo! Yohohohohohohohohohoho! stg5_dou_24_bt01 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I can't take much more of this...

This calls for something special... stg5_dou_24_bt02 Now you will see the true might of my spirit form! stg5_dou_25 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY TREASURE! stg5_dou_26 ..................................

I am done for... stg5_dou_27 Yohohohohohohohohoho! You are foolish, amigo! For I am not dead!

Well, technically, I was already dead...but my spirit endures, tied to my treasure!

So you cannot do anything to me! I do not live, amigo!

Still, guarding this treasure for hundreds of years is almost as boring as death! stg5_dou_28 What? You are not even interested in my treasure? stg5_dou_28a Then why are you here? stg5_dou_28b Huh?!?

You want this, amigo? stg5_dou_28c This little rock over here? Are you serious? stg5_dou_29 Well, that's no big deal... Here, take it.

What do I need one or two extra gems for? I did not really like that one, anyway. stg5_dou_29_01 You got a Crystal Star!

Your Star Power is now 6! And Mario learned the special move Sweet Feast! stg5_dou_29_02 Cortez, scourge of the seas...

Mario soundly defeated this fearful spirit and claimed the Crystal Star.

Perhaps the peaceful citizens of the world no longer need fear Cortez and his fell ship...

The only problem remaining is how Mario will escape this isolated island...

And could there be another problem still, hiding beneath our hero's nose? stg5_dou_30 Well, that should do it! If you don't need anything else, away with you, amigo! stg5_dou_39 Month ☆ Day ○☆ And then, I heard something my ears could not believe...

We had actually discovered the legendary treasure of the pirate king, Cortez! stg5_dou_31 ...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo...

...Oh, what? It is you again? Did you forget something? stg5_dou_32 C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-Cortez! I-I-I-I have to speak to you!

C-C-C-C-Could you lend me your sh-sh-sh-ship? stg5_dou_33 WHAAAT? What would possess me to lend you my ship?

...And who are you, anyway? stg5_dou_34 M-M-M-M-My name is Flavio! We are in big trouble, and we could really use your ship!

We must protect our crew from bad pirates that are blasting us to bits!

So we just need to borrow your ship for the teensiest little while... stg5_dou_35 What are you talking about, muchacho? I do not rent this ship for pleasure cruises!

And even if I would lend it to you...this ship is magical, and it cannot move now...

The key to powering this ship is the mystical Skull Gem... stg5_dou_36 The...Skull Gem?!? You... You mean this? stg5_dou_36_01 YOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU! You have the Skull Gem! stg5_dou_36_02 ...Uh, yes, yes, I do, so... All right, what do you say to this proposition, then?

Take the gem handed down through generations of my family, and lend us your ship!

I think that is a pretty fair deal, do you not think, Cortez, old friend? stg5_dou_36_03 ...Old friend? Your ancestors stole that gem from me, you strutting peacock!

You must be very brave or very, VERY foolish to ask such a thing of me!

I should turn you into a pinata and throw a party on the beach! stg5_dou_36_04 W-W-W-Wait just a moment! Do not make me have Mario trounce you again!

While he fights you, I will throw this stone into the sea where you will never find it!

How would that be? stg5_dou_36_05 RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGH! You rattle my bones, Senor Peacock!

.........Very well.

I accept your bargain, amigo! Now, be very careful with that gem! stg5_dou_36_06 Ah! Check and mate, Flavio! I did not make my fortune by failing in negotiation, no!

You can talk your way through any deal, I say! Now, you take this... stg5_dou_37 Ahhhh! Now my precious Black Skull will sail the seas again!

I was getting quite annoyed by the sound of cannons outside, anyway!

Now I can really stretch my bones and wreak havoc on the seas like in the old days! stg5_dou_38 So, Mario! Feel free to thank me anytime for saving us all! But for now...we sail! msg_kuri_map This is Cortez's room, all right. I guess you'd call this the captain's cabin.

Sure is a lot of treasure in here... You could live many lives of luxury with this...

And I'll tell you, lots of this stuff has archaeological value, as well...

You think maybe we could pocket a little bit without Cortez noticing? stg5_sea_00 Month ☆ Day ×○ Over the protests of my crew, the S.S. Flavion has set sail!

Is this voyage as reckless as they say? Ah! I must scoff! Flavio will show them guts! stg5_sea_28 Month ☆ Day ×× Another day of good wind. White clouds, they dazzle me.

It is as if they are blessing our voyage! Flavio thanks them, most heartily! stg5_sea_29 Month ☆ Day ×♪ Things are going smoothly... yet I am filled with dread...

At this speed, we should reach our destination by tomorrow's sunrise. stg5_sea_01 Skull captain casts his gaze! Red jewel shines and plays! Boom-bassa-boom festival! ♪

The 'Stache brothers, best of friends! 3 times Red 'Stache lands on his end! ♪

Blue Stache's belly 4 times is whacked, so let's hear those fireworks go BOOM! ♪

At the boom-bassa-boom festivaaaal! ♪ stg5_sea_02 Yes, now we are talking! Flavio told you, did he not? Nothing to fear, no!

The island is right before our eyes! Do you not see it? It is a mountain of treasure!

Oh ho ho! I feel fabulous! Shall I tell you one of my many tales of raw bravery?

No, it is no trouble at all! There I was, locked in deadly combat with a sea serpent... small_01 ...Yes, but even then I smiled!

For I knew I'd prevail!

I had the beast licked...

For I am Flavio!

He was giant, massive...

A huge drink of man-eater!

But even now, you know...

I could take him! Yes!


Where was I?

Oh, yes, yes.

stg5_sea_03 Great. He's started again. A "tale of bravery," right? I heard this one yesterday... stg5_sea_04 There's nowhere to escape to... We just have to listen until he's finished... stg5_sea_04_01

Yeah, if you interrupt him midstory, he absolutely loses it, too...

...Uh, why is the... What? Wait, what's going on here? The ship's stopping. stg5_sea_05 Oy! Master Flavio! Awful sorry to interrupt that wicked story...

But the ship's stopped... stg5_sea_06 Ah? Stopped, you say to me, after interrupting a story of passion and fury?

Well, it is your job to keep the ship moving, yes? Hmm? So take care of it! stg5_sea_07 Oh, aye aye, Flavio! I'll get on it, right quick! Wait a tick! stg5_sea_08 Yeah, yeah, I'm workin' on it! Jus' wait a Goomba-stompin' moment, ya scallywags... stg5_sea_09 OY! Quit shovin', eh?!? I'm workin' over 'ere! I said QUIT SHOVIN'!! stg5_sea_11 Uh...AARGH! stg5_sea_12 ...Th-Th-They're 'ere! stg5_sea_13 What is this ruckus, now? Who is here? Will someone tell me what is going on? stg5_sea_14 ...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo... ...oOoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoO... stg5_sea_15 N-N-No... They're upon us... The p-p-p-pirate...GHOSTS! stg5_sea_16 All them rumors were true! stg5_sea_17 Whuh... Uh... What do we do? We gotta get outta here!

AAAAAAAAAAIGH! stg5_sea_18 D-D-Do not panic yourselves! This is just a dream...that we are all having...awake!

N-N-Now... Q-Q-Quickly... M-M-Move the b-boat... stg5_sea_19 ...OoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOo... ...oOoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoO... stg5_sea_20 Oh...ghostly oohing thing! Are you...really...the savage pirate king? stg5_sea_21 AIIIIYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! HEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! stg5_sea_22 Buck up, now, everyone! Remain civilized! Relax! Don't panic! stg5_sea_23 Relax, relax, relax, I say! You simply must take it easy! Er...what? stg5_sea_24 WAAAAAAAAAAARGH! stg5_sea_25 Excuse me! Listen, everyone! If we could form an orderly line without shoving...

Forget that! Make a path! stg5_sea_26 Bobbery! Look alive, man! AIIIYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! We must get out of here!

ABANDON SHIIIIIIIIIIIP! Every rich, marvelous merchant for himself! ep_27 They are all such lovely people, don't you think? ep_28 I don't have too many good memories of Rogueport, what with the kidnapping and all...

But it really is a vibrant town full of love for life, isn't it? ep_29 Mario... I was very frightened when they took me.


Well... TEC was really there for me and helped me get through it all.

And I knew that you would come to help me, as well... I always believe in that...

Thank you, Mario.

I... Maybe I should listen to Toadsworth and behave more like a princess from now on... ep_30 Mario! Look out there! Rogueport's positively shining! It's so beautiful!! stg1_nok_01 Welcome, travelers! stg1_nok_01_01 Hm? Where are you, you ask? Why, this is Petalburg!

Sorry, but it's been a long time since we've had visitors here. We're kind of remote.

Yeppity, once that dragon Hooktail was spotted flying around this area...

Well, it didn't help tourism, put it that way. People just stopped visiting. stg1_nok_01_02 Dragon? Hooktail? That must've been that huge thing we saw earlier, Mario!

So, it's called Hooktail, huh? Oooooh, scary name! Pffffft!

So anyway, Green Boots, have you ever heard of these things called Crystal Stars?

We're on this quest for them. It's very important! stg1_nok_01_03 Crystal Stars, you say? Hmmm... Nope, can't say that I have. Sorry about that.

You might want to speak with the mayor, though. He's old... Really, really old.

As such, he knows all kinds of stuff we don't. Koopas of his age, are...um...really smart.

Anyway, the mayor lives in that pink house up ahead. You should go check it out. stg1_nok_01_04 A pink house?

Sounds totally hideous...but it should be easy to find.

Thanks for your help! stg1_nok_02 Visitors are sure rare here, but they're always welcome! Make yourselves at home. stg1_nok_02_01 I don't know if you know, but there's an odd-shaped boulder west of the village.

Yeppity, that thing's been around since way before I was even born.

I figure it must be a relic of a long-lost civilization. Sounds cool, right? stg1_nok_03 You know, I bet there's a whole world we know nothing about past Hooktail's castle.

But...wait! Don't tell me! I want to see it for myself! You know, explore. Like you! stg1_nok_03_1 I want to have an adventure like you guys. Actually, I even went to Hooktail Castle once.

And you know what? The drawbridge over the moat was busted. I couldn't get in.

How did you guys manage to get across that moat with the drawbridge broken, huh? stg7_nok_01 Huh? What's that? General White?

Oh, he was here a while ago, but he said he was taking a trip. And then he left.

Wait, hang on a sec'... He did say something about a deserted isle to the south...

He was either going there... or NOT going there... stg7_nok_01_1 I want to have an adventure like you guys. Actually, I even went to Hooktail Castle once.

And you know what? The drawbridge over the moat was busted. I couldn't get in.

How are you guys going to get across that moat with the drawbridge broken, huh? stg1_nok_04 You saw Hooktail on your way here? Are you sure? Big old dragon, tail like a hook?

Wow, you're super-duper lucky it didn't see you! I'm not even kidding with you.

If it'd seen you, I'm sure it would've gobbled you up like an after-dinner mint.

It must've been stuffed or thought you looked gross... At any rate, you were lucky. stg1_nok_04_01 Wait, my ears must be broken. Did you say you're planning on battling Hooktail?

That sounds like a bad joke! And here's the punchline: you, squished to paper-thinness! stg1_nok_05 Some rumormonger told me you guys defeated Hooktail... That's just a joke, right?

Whaaaat? It's true?!?

No way! I figured it was gonna crumple you up and throw you in its trash can! stg1_nok_05_1 So, it's true that you guys defeated Hooktail? Wow! I'm sorry I doubted you.

But really... Do you blame me? I mean, you're so skinny! You're wafer-thin! stg1_nok_05_1_1 So, it's true that you guys defeated Hooktail? Wow! I'm sorry I doubted you.

But really... Do you blame me? I mean, you're so skinny! You're wafer-thin! stg1_nok_06 Hey, what's up? I gotta say, I'm really hooked on playing GBA games lately.

There's this one game that just absolutely rules. It's called "Fire Emblem"...

You ever heard of it? Man, it ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! stg1_nok_06_01 Hey, what's shaking? I gotta say, I've been playing a lot of Nintendo 64 games recently.

You know the N64, right? Well, the game I play the most on it is "Paper Mario."

There's this girl in the game, Bow, who's pretty much the cutest Boo OF ALL TIME!!! stg1_nok_07 Hey, I gotta say, all I do is play my Nintendo GameCube. Best system ever, am I right?

Yeah, I think so, too. Anyway, I saved up for a new game... The sequel to "Paper Mario"!

I just got started, but it's a blast so far. A BLAAAST! Try it for yourself and see! stg1_nok_07_1 I've been playing "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door" like crazy lately...

I wasn't sure at first... But that game is AWESOME! I just beat it! Every chapter!

Totally cool ending! I loved it. So worth the money! Think there'll be a sequel?

If not, I hope they make a Paper Luigi game. Yeah! I bet that'd be awesome, too... stg1_nok_07_1_1 I've gotta say, I've been playing the new Paper Mario game almost nonstop.

I'm on the fence so far... Gotta put serious time into a game to review it properly.

But I can definitely tell you this: if you're a Luigi fan, do NOT miss out on this one! stg1_nok_08 Hey, uh... Well, come on in, I guess! Door's open!

Oh, Hooktail? It lives at the top of that old castle beyond this hummock.

Have you heard the rumors? Some say lots of treasure is hidden in that castle.

Scores of people have gone in search of it, but...not a one has returned.

So...what do you think? You're getting scared, huh? stg1_nok_08_01 You're going to the castle? You're really dying to get that treasure, aren't you?

Careful... I've heard that Hooktail's not the only nasty beast in that castle.

I'd love some treasure, too, but do I want to become a snack for it? No thanks!

We Koopas are long-lived for a reason, you know. Good luck being digested and all. stg1_nok_09 You beat Hooktail? Wow! Hey, so tell me... Find any treasure? stg1_nok_09_yesno I'm here to buy. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... shop_24 I'll take a rest. No, thank you. yado_07

Sir, you appear to have an Inn Coupon. Would you like to use it? yado_08 Yes No irai_15_012

Then I'll take one of those things we talked about... irai_15_013 This is it! Thank you so much! Munch, slurp, crunch...URP! SPIIIIIIIIIIIICY!!!

Good gracious. What an embarrassing outburst... Oh, well. Here you go. irai_15_015 Please come back! irai_15_016

Good gracious. Too bad! But come back sometime. kpa_stg2_004 Oh, hey, welcome to Petalburg and... kpa_stg2_004_1 EEEEEEK!!!

Hide, everybody! HIIIIDE!!! kpa_stg2_007 Hmmph! What a wuss. Yes, hide, chickens! I have no need for any of you!

What I do need, though, is Princess Peach. Now, where is she? Tell me this instant! kpa_stg2_008 Lord Bowser! Over there!!! kpa_stg2_009 Bingo! Princess Peach! Man, that was easy! kpa_stg2_010 I've found you, my princess. I, Bowser, the mighty Koopa king, offer my greeting! kpa_stg2_011 .................................... kpa_stg2_012 Now, now! None of that silent treatment! You're coming to my castle with me! kpa_stg2_013 Mweh heh heh! Clearly she's so overcome with joy that she's been left speechless!

The mind of a maiden is, well, rather...complicated. Mweh heh heh heh heh! kpa_stg2_014 Gra ha ha ha ha ha ha! I see! I see! How refined! How elegant! Awesome!

I suppose I could live with a silent princess! It might even have its perks, you know? kpa_stg2_015 NOOOOO!!! kpa_stg2_016 My... My life's treasure! I'd rather die than give up my life-sized Peach poster! kpa_stg2_017 P-POSTER??? kpa_stg2_018 Oh, my goodness me... Didn't see that coming... kpa_stg2_019 Great. Just great. Now I look like the huge, mighty king of GUYS WHO TALK TO POSTERS! msg_kuri_map This is Petalburg. It's nice and warm here, and the air is sooo clean...

Such a peaceful hamlet... There's a shop and an inn, so you buy stuff and rest.

Oh, and one more thing... The river's pretty, but fall in and Nibbles will getcha! ƒmƒRƒmƒRA That's a Petalburg Koopa. He seems sorta like the spokesperson for this town.

I heard this guy's thinking of running for mayor. He must be more ambitious than he looks. ƒmƒRƒmƒRB That's a Toad from Petalburg. He seems like, totally obsessed with Hooktail.

Then again, he looks kinda like everything freaks him out. Poor little guy... ƒmƒRƒmƒRC This kid sure is a fanatic. All he talks about is video games, you notice that?

I wonder if he's finished his homework for today? Y'know, homework's important, too! ƒmƒRƒmƒRD This guy's apparently a total die-hard Peach fan. He even collects Peach merchandise!

He has posters and pictures up everywhere. Boy, get a life, know what I mean?

Hey! Mario! Don't tell me YOU have a secret collection of plush Peach dolls, too! ƒmƒRƒmƒRF That's Bub-ulber. Doesn't it kinda weird you out to see a talking flower?

I mean, where's his head? Is it the flower part? ...Or the bulb part? “Xˆõ That's Niff T., the manager of the shop. You can buy and sell items in here.

I gotta say, he reminds me of the guys in the Rogueport shop... Yeah, real similar...

Hmmm... Maybe it's just me...

Or maybe I should just... not worry about it! h“Xˆõ That's the Petalburg innkeeper. She'll take care of you when you're hurting.

Don't get all proud and overdo it out there... I mean, everyone has their limits.

Hey, and staying at an inn will even refill your Star Power! Doesn't that rule? ƒzƒƒCƒg That's General White, the Bob-omb. I guess white Bob-ombs are pretty rare.

He has a cool mustache, too. He might even give your lip fuzz a run for its money! ƒLƒU–ì˜Y ...EWWWWWW!!!

What's with this guy, huh?!? It grosses me out just being NEAR this weirdo!

...All right, fine, whatever. His name is Dupree.

He's this icky guy who tries to sweet-talk everybody. ...There, no more! stg1_nok_20 This village is very nice. Clear water, clean air... Absolutely delicious.

But this foul Hooktail... It's made everyone forget their fortunes. How sad. stg1_nok_20_01 If only this Hooktail were gone, I'm sure everyone's hearts would shine again.

I am just a simple soul, but I remain sure this is the key to restoring happiness here. stg1_nok_21 Rejoice! The fearful Hooktail is gone, and everyone is of good cheer once again!

I truly hope that now people will begin to visit this village once more. stg1_nok_21_1 This town is very peaceful. Yes, and that is why there are so many flowers.

But...I have heard there are places in the world where no flowers bloom.

I could never forgive myself if I did nothing to try to bring flowers to such places.

That is why I shoot out spores as often as I can. It is my civic duty! stg1_nok_21_1_1 This town is very peaceful. Yes, and that is why there are so many flowers.

But...I have heard there are places in the world where no flowers bloom.

I could never forgive myself if I did nothing to try to bring flowers to such places.

That is why I shoot out spores as often as I can. It is my civic duty! stg1_nok_22 Boy, the mayor has been so forgetful lately.

I'm actually worried the old gipper may even forget my face one of these days! stg1_nok_22_01 Boy, the mayor has been so forgetful lately.

I'm actually worried the old gipper may even forget my face one of these days! stg1_nok_23 Sniff... SNIFFFFFFFF... The scent of this grass has healing properties, I swear.

It just takes me to a happy place, know what I mean? You think so, too, right? stg1_nok_23_yesno Of course! I may have heard the name. stg1_nok_41

Well, this Hooktail's brutal fly-by snackings have all of us on pins and needles.

So, are you reckless fools... I mean... Are you gallant heroes off to rough it up? stg1_nok_41_yn Of course I won't. I didn't say that! stg1_nok_43

What an unselfish man! You're noble, indeed...

Yup, a good egg. Now... What did you say your name was, again? stg1_nok_44 ...Murphy?

Hmm... That's a fine name. Yes, a fine name, indeed. Well now, Murphy... stg1_nok_44_yn Sure, why not? Sorry, maybe later. stg6_pik_04_06 Why, have you already found my Gold Ring? stg6_pik_04_07 Yes. That is definitely the ring I lost.

Thank you, you glorious creature. I knew you would find it, without fail.

It is merely a trifle, but please take this as my earnest thanks. stg6_pik_04_08 And farewell. stg6_pik_04_10 I see... stg6_pik_05 The business people I'm waiting for haven't arrived yet, so I'm sightseeing.

On the expense account, of course. As if you have to ask by now. stg7_pik_clear_01 Well, hello there, you super- ultra-hero of a man, you. You're splendid, dear. stg7_pik_clear_01_1 Well, hello there, you svelte, sleek plumber of a man, you. You're ravishing, dear. train_00 This train is bound for Rogueport. Would you like to board at this time, sir? train_01 Nothing. 1 coin. 64 coins. Everything I have! stg7_pik_05 Oh, you're back, are you? I thought you might be. Let's ask one more time.

How much would you pay to use the cannon? I just need to see how serious you are... stg7_pik_06

So you're not serious, then? Well, I understand. stg7_pik_07

You don't seem to have any coins at all. How utterly preposterous, my lad.

Well that won't do, no, no. Why don't you return later with some money, hm? stg7_pik_08

Something for nothing? Ha! Money makes the world spin! You're a bit naive, I'm afraid.

Why don't you come back once you learn a bit about the way of the world, hm? stg7_pik_09

One coin? Do you mock me? Why not just slap me with your shoe and be done?!?

This will not do, no, no. Why don't you come back later, with a new attitude. stg7_pik_10

64 coins! You seem to be underestimating the value of my services.

Well, I just can't abide that. Why don't you come back later, hm? stg7_pik_11

What? You'd pay every coin you own? All of them?

You, er... Really? So... Really? stg7_pik_11_yn Shroom Cake Keel Mango Fright Mask irai_29_01

You've got great taste, so I'm sure it'll go over well!

You also have to go find it and bring it here!

'Cause, you know, they don't sell those things here... irai_29_02 Bring me a Shroom Cake for my mom. irai_29_03 Bring me a Keel Mango for my mom. irai_29_04 Bring me a Fright Mask for my mom. irai_29_05 Did you bring a Shroom Cake for my mom? irai_29_06 Did you bring a Keel Mango for my mom? irai_29_07 Did you bring a Fright Mask for my mom? irai_29_08 Yahoo! A Shroom Cake! Thanks, Mister!

I'll just attach this letter... And...

We're done!

But... I'm afraid to give it to her... She may still be mad!

Can you give it to her and come back? Please! irai_29_09 Yahoo! A Keel Mango! Thanks, Mister!

I'll just attach this letter... And...

We're done!

But... I'm afraid to give it to her... She may still be mad!

Can you give it to her and come back? Please! irai_29_10 Yahoo! A Fright Mask! Thanks, Mister!

I'll just attach this letter... And...

We're done!

But... I'm afraid to give it to her... She may still be mad!

Can you give it to her and come back? Please! irai_29_11 I wonder if she'll like it?

What'll I do if she's still mad? Now I'm all nervous... irai_29_12 Hey, Mister, how was it? Did she like the present? irai_29_13 She's not mad anymore? Yahoo! Whew!

It's all thanks to you, Mister! You're the person I respect most...after my dad!

And...as a reward, I'll give you my entire fortune!

Not that I have many coins, though... kpa_stg7_000 Well, we're here! Now where's this stupid Poshley Sanctum? A Crystal Star's there, right? kpa_stg7_001 So they say, Your Putridness! And lo and behold, there it is now! Right behind you! kpa_stg7_002 Great! About time something worked out for old Bowser! In we go! kpa_stg7_003_1 This place is so...classy! I wouldn't mind spending my old age here one bit.

Yes, get a little rambler, a porch swing, perhaps... But I digress...

Your Noxiousness! The sanctum lies before us! A Crystal Star will be ours! kpa_stg7_004 EEEEEEEEEK! kpa_stg7_004_1 Muh-Mommy... kpa_stg7_005 Wow! You're big, Mister! What's your name? kpa_stg7_005_1 A Remorseless King of Evil The Shadow Thief Koopa Koot kpa_stg7_019

Bowser, the Remorseless King of Evil! So I'll take what I want! And I want THIS! kpa_stg7_020 ...Uh-oh. B-Bowser, you say? Remorseless King of... What was that last bit, again?

Yes, well, no matter! Hmm... Yes... Yes... I... So I deduced! Ahem! Then listen well!

That Crystal Star is actually a veritable red herring! Yes! An impostor! kpa_stg7_021

Bowser, the Shadow Thief! Not A thief, the BEST thief! I'll be taking this, thanks! kpa_stg7_022 What? The Shadow Thief?!? I knew this had the scent of no mere burglary!!! Ha!

You've been hornswoggled, Shadow Thief...for that is a red herring! A fake! kpa_stg7_023

I am the great Koopa Koot! I'm taking this! Mess with me, and I'll bore you to death! kpa_stg7_024 I see... Unfortunately for you... that's a red herring. Yes, a fake. If you want it, it's yours. kpa_stg7_025 Whuh-WHAAAAAAAAT?!? A FAKE?!? kpa_stg7_026 But look at this fancy display! The pedestal and everything! It's so posh!

If it's a fake, then where's the real one, huh? kpa_stg7_027 If you must know, I gave the real one to Luigi! Ohhhhh ho ho ho ho ho! kpa_stg7_028 You have got to be kidding me. You mean to tell me that LUIGI beat me here?

ARRGH! Those Mario Bros. are the most annoying brothers of all time! kpa_stg7_029 Hmmm... How bothersome... The fact that we keep being outmaneuvered is disturbing.

But where in the world could Mario and his brother be heading? Where... kpa_stg7_030 Lord Bowser!!! kpa_stg7_031 Ah... Paragoomba! What are you so worked up over, hmm? Tell me! kpa_stg7_032 Now reporting, sir! Uh, and ma'am! Sir and ma'am!

Mario's collected the seven Crystal Stars and is headed for the Thousand-Year Door! kpa_stg7_033 Huh-WHAAAAAAAAT?!?

The Thousand-Year Door...? What in the heck is that? kpa_stg7_034 The Thousand-Year Door! An unbelievably legendary treasure is behind that door! kpa_stg7_035 YAARGHH!!!

Then I'm going there, too! IMMEDIATELY! And I'm gonna RUIN Mario! kpa_stg7_036 ...Will you, now? Luigi! Well done, lad! Way to not fail! ...Yet. msg_kuri_map This is Poshley Sanctum. It sure is spacious inside! ECHO! ...Echo...Echo...

Does Pennington really live here alone? I bet it's hard to clean this place...

Hey, and those ☆ marks on the floor must mean something, right? ƒ|ƒƒ“’T’ã That's Pennington. I guess sleuthing is just his hobby. He's the sanctum-keeper.

I knew that detective bit was fishy...but I guess a little sleuthing on the side is OK... stg6_pik_20 You got the Crystal Star!

Your Star Power is now 7! And now Mario can use the special attack, Showstopper! stg6_pik_20_01 Mario found the sixth Crystal Star, hidden craftily in the Poshley Heights sanctum.

Now only one Crystal Star remains...

But our hero still does not know where Princess Peach is being held.

Where could the last Crystal Star be? And where is Peach being held?

Hoping this Crystal Star might yield answers, Mario and friends return to Pennington. stg6_pik_26 D0~0o00‚0F00`0D0V0n0 Nk0 ¬0ü0Í0Ã0È0¹0¿0ü0o00j0D0 msg_kuri_map Is this part of Poshley Sanctum, too? Exactly how does all of this work?

Well, whatever... This must be the secret resting place of the Crystal Star.

Based on his reactions, I'd say that Pennington didn't even know about this... stg7_pik_clear_10 We are the wandering girls, the Traveling Sisters 3!

We're staying in that luxury hotel! stg7_pik_clear_11 Poshley Heights sure is a place for the rich and famous, huh? stg7_pik_clear_12 We're thinking of going to see the Poshley Sanctum next. stg7_pik_clear_13 So, lovely house, eh? Yah, sure, take your time to soak in all of its majesty.

I built it with even the smallest details in mind, making every nook special!

Not only the interior, but the facade as well! Yah, look around outside, too! stg7_pik_clear_14 So, lovely house, eh? Yah, sure, take your time to soak in all of its majesty.

I built it with even the smallest details in mind, making every nook special!

Not only the interior, but the facade as well! Yah, look around outside, too! stg7_pik_clear_14_1 So, lovely house, eh? Yah, sure, take your time to soak in all of its majesty.

I built it with even the smallest details in mind, making every nook special!

Not only the interior, but the facade as well! Yah, look around outside, too! stg7_pik_clear_15 I guess it's sorta fun to live here...

But I can't eat snow cones... Or make little snowmen... Or go ice-skating...

Or any of the stuff I did in Shiver City, eh? Don't know what you got 'til it's gone! stg7_pik_clear_16 I guess it's sorta fun to live here...

But I can't eat snow cones... Or make little snowmen... Or go ice-skating...

Or any of the stuff I did in Shiver City, eh? Don't know what you got 'til it's gone! stg7_pik_clear_16_1 I've been traveling back and forth between Shiver City and Poshley Heights lately.

Yah, there are some things you can only do here and some you can only do there.

So I've been trying to get the best of both worlds, yah, you betcha. stg7_pik_clear_17 I'd heard Poshley Heights was a quiet place...but there are lots of tourists, eh?

Maybe I should just open up a store selling Shiver City souvenirs? Yah, maybe so... stg7_pik_clear_18 I'd heard Poshley Heights was a quiet place...but there are lots of tourists, eh?

Maybe I should just open up a store selling Shiver City souvenirs? Yah, maybe so... stg7_pik_clear_18_1 Lately, there've been fewer tourists, so things are really quiet, eh?

I was thinking about opening a souvenir shop, but maybe it was right to wait, sure... stg7_pik_clear_19 Bonjour, Monsieur Mustache. Zee lass at zee reception desk is tres magnifique!

I shall stay 'ere every night until zat 'eart is mine! I shall not tire, honh? stg7_pik_clear_20 Welcome, sir. This is the Royal Poshley Park Tower.

We promise a comfortable stay in the lap of luxury, the pinnacle of poshness.

A room for the night costs a mere %d coins...

Would you care to stay? stg7_pik_clear_21

...Excuse me, sir. But you seem to be all rested up to me...

Would you still care to stay? stg7_pik_clear_22

Then we look forward to your next visit, sir. stg7_pik_clear_23

We appreciate you staying with us, sir.

We have prepared the penthouse on the top floor for you.

I trust it will be to your liking. Please make yourself at home. stg7_pik_clear_24

...Sir, this is most awkward. Please forgive me, but... you haven't enough coins. stg7_pik_clear_25 Did you sleep well, sir?

We have set out a gourmet meal prepared by the famous chef, Zess T., on the table.

And were you satisfied with our service, sir?

Most excellent. We look forward to your next visit. stg7_pik_clear_26 Yes, use it. Don't use it. stg7_pik_clear_29 Congratulations, sir! stg7_pik_clear_30 Sir, you have now stayed at an inn 50 times! How lovely! Thank you so very much!

It is not much, but we do have a small celebration to honor the occasion! stg7_pik_clear_31 Now, make your best sleepy, I-need-my-cappuccino-and- the-Sunday-paper face and...

Say Stilton cheeeeeeeeese! stg7_pik_clear_32 ...Yes. Most agreeable.

And that is not all, sir! Here is a lovely present to show our gratitude! stg7_pik_clear_33 Sir, were you satisfied with our service?

We very much look forward to your next visit. stg7_pik_shop_00 Welcome to you!

How'd you like to buy some high-quality Fresh Pasta as a Poshley souvenir?

One package costs 50 coins. How about it? stg7_pik_shop_01 Oh...sure, what the heck! Absolutely not! stg6_rsh_diary_02

You may be cursed by the ghost! Do you want to read it anyway? stg6_rsh_diary_03

I mean, think about this, OK? This could be really, REALLY bad, you understand me? stg6_rsh_diary_04

Month × Day × Cloudy I got on a train today. And on that train... stg6_rsh_diary_05 YOOOOOOUUUU LOOOOOOKED!

EEEEEEVEN THOUGH I TOLD YOOOOOUUU NOT TOOOOOOO! NOW SEEEE WHAT HAPPENS! stg6_rsh_147_01 For the engineer, there is neither night nor day.

There is only the long, lonely track stretching to the horizon. stg6_rsh_152 Good morning to you, sir. Did you sleep well?

We will be making a stop at Riverside Station today. You'll love it, I assure you. stg6_rsh_153 Good morning to you, sir. Did you sleep well?

We will be making a stop at Riverside Station today. You'll love it, I assure you. stg6_rsh_209 We've stopped to refuel, sir.

Why don't you take a walk outside, stretch your legs?

The view of the train from outside is just fabulous! stg6_rsh_217 We'll pull into Poshley Heights tomorrow. How was your Excess Express experience?

I guess I don't even have to ask... You know why, sir?

Because the Excess Express is FABULOUS! stg6_rsh_231 Ah, good morning, sir. It's quite quiet this morning, wouldn't you say? stg6_rsh_232 Hm? Is there something on the windshield? stg6_rsh_233 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! What are these things? stg6_rsh_234_0 EWW! Aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_234_1 Hey, aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_234_2 Whoa, aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_234_3 My, aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_234_4 Uh, aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_234_5 Why, aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_234_6 Hey, aren't those the things from the station yesterday? They must've stowed away! stg6_rsh_235_00 W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-What... sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-should I... d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do?

Uh... F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-First we h-have to ensure th-the p-p-p-p-p-passengers' safety!

B-B-B-B-B-B-B-But I have to... k-k-k-k-k-k-keep driving... the t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-train...

M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Mario... C-C-C-Can you check on the p-p-p-p-p-p-passengers? stg6_rsh_235 I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I have to... k-k-k-k-k-k-keep driving... the t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-train...

M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Mario... C-C-C-Can you check on the p-p-p-p-p-p-passengers? stg6_rsh_253 I know it was a crazy ride, sir, but did you enjoy the Excess Express experience?

Please come again! I assure you it will be more sedate!

Because the Excess Express is fabulous! stg6_rsh_259 On the second day, there will be a brief stop at Riverside Station for refueling.

...Followed by the arrival at our final destination of Poshley Heights on day 3. stg6_rsh_260 This is the train's operation console. There are many small switches and levers here. stg6_rsh_c_07 Welcome to the fabulous Excess Express, sir!

We will be traveling to Poshley Heights today! stg6_rsh_c_08_1 How was your trip, sir?

The Excess Express is fabulous, is it not? msg_kuri_map This is the engineer's car of the Excess Express. Any kid would LOVE to see this!

Look at me, Mario! I'm an engineer! WOOP WOOOOOP!

Hey, but driving a train is really nothing to joke about. I totally respect engineers! ‰^“]Žè That's the engineer of the Excess Express. Talk about a dream job for kids!

But just saying you drive a train doesn't make you cool. You gotta LOVE the job!

I mean, we're talking about a train, here. That's some serious responsibility! stg6_rsh_09 Hey, guy. Yeah, you know this, but I'm the absurdly famous movie star, Zip Toad.

I'm gonna shoot this little multibillion-dollar art flick in Poshley Heights, yo.

Oh, and, uh, I only sign autographs for cute chicks. Sorry about that, guy. stg6_rsh_10 Hey, guy. Yeah, you know this, but I'm the absurdly famous movie star, Zip Toad.

I'm gonna shoot this little multibillion-dollar art flick in Poshley Heights, yo.

Oh, and, uh, I only sign autographs for cute chicks. Sorry about that, guy. stg6_rsh_11 Well, hello there, you ducky, debonair dish of a man, you. You're smashing, dear.

What's this? A witch?

Well, people have certainly said that I'm possessed of an enchanting aura...

But you're the first person to remark so boldly on my bewitching beauty, dear... stg6_rsh_53 Is there some sort of hoopla going on outside?

Hm? The stewpot, you say?

Ooh, stew? No, no, far too rich for me, my dear. I'm on a low-carb diet... stg6_rsh_61 Hey, guy. Getting falsely accused is a bummer, right? Don't I know it! stg6_rsh_62 Well, hello there, you sweet, savage sleuth of a man, you. You're spectacular, dear. stg6_rsh_80 Well, hello there, you fine, fine specimen of a man, you. You're marvelous, dear.

You solved a rather tough little mystery, didn't you? Yes, VERY well done.

You're so ruggedly smart...

Perhaps you could help me with something, as well? stg6_rsh_81

Oh, how absolutely lovely!

Now, listen well...

I'm looking for a Gold Ring that I lost somewhere on this very train.

Could you please hasten the search along for me...you boldly brilliant man, you? stg6_rsh_82

That's rather disappointing... I was sure you would help me with this... stg6_rsh_83 Well, hello there, you nice, noble prince of a man, you. You're a hero, dear.

I don't suppose...you've changed your mind about helping me? stg6_rsh_83_yn Oh...sure, what the heck! Absolutely not! stg6_rsh_diary_02

You may be cursed by the ghost! Do you want to read it anyway? stg6_rsh_diary_03

I mean, think about this, OK? This could be really, REALLY bad, you understand me? stg6_rsh_diary_04

Month × Day × Cloudy I got on a train today. And on that train... stg6_rsh_diary_05 YOOOOOOUUUU LOOOOOOKED!

EEEEEEVEN THOUGH I TOLD YOOOOOUUU NOT TOOOOOOO! NOW SEEEE WHAT HAPPENS! stg6_rsh_147_02 I'm feeling totally wrung out, guy. It's hard being famous, lemme tell you! stg6_rsh_147_03 Ah, time for my beauty sleep. Staying up late causes wrinkles, you know... stg6_rsh_160 Well, hello there, you cute, cuddly bear of a man, you. You're delightful, dear.

Have you found my Gold Ring?

Don't grow desperate, now. I'm quite sure you'll be able to find it! stg6_rsh_200 Have you found my Gold Ring, you mystery-sniffing master? stg6_rsh_201 Yes. That is definitely the ring I lost.

Thank you, you glorious creature. I knew you would find it, without fail.

It is merely a trifle, but please take this as my earnest thanks. stg6_rsh_202 And DO take care. stg6_rsh_201_2 I see... stg6_rsh_204 Thank you for this service. Would you like to stay and chat a while? stg6_rsh_205 What sort of business do you have in Poshley Heights, if I may ask? stg6_rsh_205_01 Yes No stg6_rsh_c_16_01

Once a train voyage is under way, you can't get off. Whether you want to or not.

Hey... You're making a face like you just don't care... stg6_rsh_c_17 Hey, um... Where's the bathroom on this train? Do you know? stg6_rsh_c_17_sel Fine! I don't help ghosts. stg6_rsh_120

All I need is......


...No, just kidding...

Actually... I passed away in this cabin many years ago...

But I think my luggage is still in the baggage car here...

Inside my bag is a diary I kept since my earliest childhood days...

And my fear that someone would find and read it has kept me tied to this world!

I can't leave this room, so can you please find it and bring it here?

If you do that, I'll show you where the blanket is. stg6_rsh_121

I see... That is your choice. But then I can't tell you where the blanket is. stg6_rsh_122 Please find my diary in the baggage car.

If you bring it, I'll show you where the blanket is. stg6_rsh_123 And don't you even DARE read my diary!!!

Because if you do...

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoooooo... A horrible fate awaits you. stg6_rsh_diary_01 Read the diary? stg6_rsh_diary_01_yn Yes No stg6_yado_01 You have recovered your HP and FP. stg6_yado_02 Would you like to go to bed for the night? stg6_yado_02_yn Yes No stg6_rsh_78 Welcome to the dining car! ゙

You are just the greatest! Thanks so much for agreeing to find my Shell Earrings! ゙ stg6_rsh_diary_01 Read the diary? stg6_rsh_diary_01_yn I'm here to shop. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... stg6_shop_24 Yeah, I agree. No, you're nuts! stg6_rsh_c_29_01

Hmmm... You're a good person. stg6_rsh_c_29_02

I suppose... All memories do fade with time...

But I don't want to lose this. If only the memory of this conversation right now... stg6_rsh_c_30 KACHAK-KACHUNG! That's the sound of the train! リ Movin'! リ

KACHACK-KACHUNG! It's so darn fun! リ Choo-Choo! リ stg6_rsh_c_31 The sight of the ocean from the window of a train is so very beautiful!

I just find myself exclaiming about its beauty without even realizing it! stg6_rsh_c_32 I wonder how long it takes to just walk from Rogueport to Poshley Heights...

And if a train shaves off time from your voyage, does that make it like a time machine? stg6_rsh_c_33 Which do you prefer, curry or stew? Sorry, I guess that's a weird question to ask...

Anyway, me, I like curry. It took a while, but that's the conclusion I've come to. stg6_rsh_c_34 Ka-BLOWIE! Pa-KOWWWW! I'm a wild gunman! Yeah, like a sheriff or somethin'!

And I've got Gonzales, the super-villain, in my sights! Freeze, sucka! Ka-POW! stg6_rsh_c_35 Everyone here seems happy, but travel is not all fun and games, is it?

Sometimes you get sick or pickpocketed, or worse! stg6_rsh_c_36 Ugh... Why do I have to travel for work and get shook on every plane, train, and boat!

I should be at home with my new bride! I need to get back home! Oh! My lovely wife! stg6_rsh_c_37 You think all my people back home worry about me while I'm off traveling?

It always freaks me out to think that I might get in an accident and scare them.

Think about it: accidents happen. And you're telling me you still like to travel? stg6_rsh_c_37_sel Yes No stg6_rsh_c_42_01

Here we go... Number one! Leave the ordinary behind! That includes the cell phone!

Number two! Try to see farther than usual. And I'm not just talking scenery...

Number three! Shop after five for saver specials! Deals come out at night!

Wait, no, that's the promotion at the local supermarket... Yeah, sorry about that.

But, hey, there you have it. Now you'll have more fun than ever when traveling! stg6_rsh_c_42_02

All right, then. stg6_rsh_c_42_03 You want more travel tips? OK, let's see...

Number one! Travel alone!

Striking out on your own can remind you how important friends and family are. stg6_rsh_c_43 The food here is all mushrooms, all the time...

And I don't even like mushrooms... What do I do? stg6_rsh_c_44 People see train enthusiasts as obsessive freaks... You know, kind of geeky.

But I don't care at all. I really, really like it. Why should I care? irai_22_00 HELLO! Yes, hello to you! Thank you for accepting my request!

I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I think I may know where they are, as well...

The Golden Leaf is somewhere in Creepy Steeple, I think...

The Mystic Egg is somewhere in the Great Tree...

And the Keel Mango is somewhere on Keelhaul Key...

Each one has an exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_01 HELLO! Yes, hello to you! Thank you for accepting my request!

I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

Each one has an exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes!

Have you found them for me? irai_22_02 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I think I may know where they are, as well...

The Golden Leaf is somewhere in Creepy Steeple, I think...

The Mystic Egg is somewhere in the Great Tree...

And the Keel Mango is somewhere on Keelhaul Key...

Each one has an exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_03 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I still need the Golden Leaf and the Mystic Egg.

I think I may know where they are, as well...

The Golden Leaf is somewhere in Creepy Steeple, I think...

The Mystic Egg is somewhere in the Great Tree...

Each one has an exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_04 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I still need the Golden Leaf and the Keel Mango.

I think I may know where they are, as well...

The Golden Leaf is somewhere in Creepy Steeple, I think...

And the Keel Mango is somewhere on Keelhaul Key...

Each one has an exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_05 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I still need the Mystic Egg and the Keel Mango.

I think I may know where they are, as well...

The Mystic Egg is somewhere in the Great Tree...

And the Keel Mango is somewhere on Keelhaul Key...

Each one has an exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_06 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I only need the Golden Leaf now. So close!

I think I may know where it is, as well...

The Golden Leaf is somewhere in Creepy Steeple, I think...

It has a nice, exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_07 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I only need the Mystic Egg now. So close!

I think I may know where it is, as well...

The Mystic Egg is somewhere in the Great Tree...

It has a nice, exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_08 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

I only need the Keel Mango now. So close!

I think I may know where it is, as well...

The Keel Mango is somewhere on Keelhaul Key...

It has a nice, exotic taste and aroma that will enhance my mushroom dishes! irai_22_09 I need three ingredients:

A Golden Leaf A Mystic Egg A Keel Mango

Have you found them for me? irai_22_10 That shining Golden Leaf! This is it! Thank you much! irai_22_11 That puzzling Mystic Egg! This is it! Thank you much! irai_22_12 That colorful Keel Mango! This is it! Thank you much! irai_22_13

Now I have all the ingredients!

They call to my palate and my skill, begging me to turn them into delicacies!

Thank you much, my friend! This is your reward! msg_kuri_map This is the dining car. There also seems to be a cute little shop here.

Dining and shopping while watching scenery go by... Talk about heavenly... 店員 That's the Sales Stall owner. You can buy and sell things here, obviously.

Yeah, just about the only thing cooler than traveling is traveling AND shopping! コック This is Chef Shimi, the cook aboard the Excess Express. He cooks for EVERYBODY!

I can't figure this guy out. I have no idea if he's joking most of the time. ウェイトレス That's the waitress of the Excess Express. Kinda spacey. Think she's an OK waitress?

Probably not...but guys always go for girls like this, don't they? Why is that, Mario? トロン I KNEW I knew him! That's Zip Toad, the movie star! Women go NUTS for him!

Y'know, he's hot and all, but he seems pretty stuck up about being famous.

I guess all celebrities are kinda like that. It's too bad, 'cause I kinda liked him... サラリーマン He's a Ratooey businessman. He's on the Excess Express for business, obviously.

I bet he's putting everything on an expense account, huh? Is that a fringe benefit? ポワン探偵 That's Pennington, a train passenger. He SAYS he's a detective, but I don't know...

I mean, why do detective types ALWAYS show up when something goes wrong, huh? 乗客1 That's a passenger on the Excess Express.

Not to change the subject, but watching your health abroad is super-important.

You wouldn't want to get sick and spoil the whole trip, would you? 乗客2 That's a passenger on the Excess Express.

The food on this train is so good, I bet people overeat while traveling.

Then they have to go on diets as soon as they get off! That'd be weak! stg6_rsh_06 Hello to you, and welcome to the Excess Express! I am the conductor of this train.

And I trust you must be... Mr. Mario, from room 5? Make yourself at home, sir. stg6_rsh_06_01 What's that?!? Some sort of a sticky, yummy threat?!?

I-I see! Good gracious me! If I hear anything else, I will let you know immediately! stg6_rsh_07 Sir! If I hear anything else about the sticky threat, I will let you know immediately! stg6_rsh_08 This is the luggage car. I'm sorry, but I can't let passengers in here, sir. stg6_rsh_14 I am on my way back home. I have strayed so long, I have forgotten what it looks like! stg6_rsh_15 Oh, you are the champion of the Glitz Pit, are you not? Yes, the Great Gonzales!

Bound for Poshley Heights? Well, it is certainly a fitting place for a celebrity like you! stg6_rsh_16 We are en route to Poshley Heights to buy a birthday present for little Bub, here.

Ahhhh hm hm hm hm hm hm! My, my, my. stg6_rsh_17 Yeah, I'm Bub, and we're gonna get a birthday present for me, and it'll be COOL!

Aren't you jealous? stg6_rsh_18 Me? I have a very important deal to attend to once we arrive in Poshley Heights.

I'm traveling on business, so everything goes on the expense account! Yes! stg6_rsh_65 Ah-ha! I have been waiting!

I was rather impressed with your work on this last case, I must admit.

However, I do not think the one you apprehended is our sticky, yummy malcontent...

I have deduced this from the lack of any incriminating clues in his room...

In any case, I must say... I believe you have a certain knack for detective work.

So it is decided, then. I shall take you on as my new assistant! stg6_rsh_66 To reiterate... My name is Pennington. I am a detective from Poshley Heights.

I am known in some circles as "The Penguin With the Improbably Large Brain."

I am sure you have heard of me, so that is all I will say on the subject.

And as for your name... Wait! I demand you do not tell me.

I shall deduce your identity! stg6_rsh_67 That mustache... That nose... ......

Ho ho ho! All too easy! You, sir, are quite obviously the famed Luigi, are you not? stg6_rsh_68 No need to introduce yourself! I know all about the famous Luigi!

Now, about this threat... Our man has declared his intent to yummify the train...

A sticky, tasty explosion... That family of Bob-ombs! They are definitely suspect!

Now, Luigi! We will reduce this case to rudimentary facts and deduce the truth! stg6_rsh_69 Take heed now, Luigi! Our man has declared his intent to yummify the train...

A sticky, tasty explosion... That family of Bob-ombs! They are definitely suspect!

Even as we speak... Yes! Do you smell their fuses burning in conspiracy?!? stg6_rsh_79 I was really looking forward to plopping that stew on my expense account...

Oh, well, I'll just order the next most expensive thing on the dinner menu! stg6_rsh_79_01 I'm going to try to get all my paperwork done today so I can enjoy myself tomorrow.

So, uh, could you just stay out of my way for a while? stg6_rsh_84_01 There's been a lot of noise coming from room 8 with the Goldbob family...

My guess is, they're having a little domestic squabble... Not that it's my business. stg6_rsh_90 Mom and Dad are fighting about what to get me for my birthday...

I'm so bored... I wish I'd brought my GBA. stg6_rsh_85_01 ...Are you even listening?

That's what I'm saying!

He's our little Bub!

His present obviously...

needs to be much more...

expensive and utterly gaudy!

I mean, don't you think so?

Because that way, clearly...

he'll remember it longer!

And that's why you need...

to think long and hard...

about what I'm saying!

stg6_rsh_85_02 No, no, no, no, no, NO, dear!

We must think more about...

little Bub's future!

Do you hear me talking?

He needs something...

useful, dear! Not a toy!

And that is why you must...

just use your brain and...

think just a little...

bit harder on exactly...

what I am saying to you!

stg6_rsh_86 I think we should get little Bub the Advanced Learners Classic Series of Bob-ombery! stg6_rsh_87 Two words: cheap and boring! Think more luxurious, dear! Perhaps a car, or a house! stg6_rsh_88 Bub is too small for such things, Goldbob! Stop thinking of your own social status!

He needs something that will further his education, not spoil him! Honestly! stg6_rsh_88_01 Pfffffffffft! I don't want any of that stuff they're talking about... stg6_rsh_85 We must get him something that befits the station of our family!

I have my reputation to think of, Sylvia! stg6_rsh_89 Well, I still think we should get him the Classic Series of Bob-ombery... stg6_rsh_91 Hey, Mister... Are you a detective now that you quit being a champion?

Well, so... Think you can detect what I really want for my birthday? stg6_rsh_92

Really? Cool!

OK, if you bring me what I really want, then I'll give you something in return! stg6_rsh_93

Aww, come on! stg6_rsh_94 Now you're gonna try to detect what I want for my birthday? stg6_rsh_94_yn Call me "Blanket P.I."! I don't have time. stg6_rsh_115 If I don't get that blanket back, I'll just have to stay up all night or something...

Please, please find it, Mario. I'm counting on you. stg6_rsh_116 What's this? There's an unticketed passenger? Just as I suspected!

The conductor was one blanket short, eh? Then we are hunting a lone intruder!

That would definitely rule out the family in cabin 8! Rudimentary, my boy!

And that is the only hint I will give you today, my sleuth apprentice!

You must strike out on your own with that little nugget of investigative wisdom!

Of course, I have other hints to share if I so choose... No, truly!

For example... The unticketed passenger is without a doubt our yummy, sticky suspect! stg6_rsh_124 The unticketed passenger was a ghost?!?

My dear Luigi, you are delusional! Do you have the vapors, lad? stg6_rsh_125 A ghost on the train?

Well, does this ghost have a ticket?

Because I certainly do! I bought one fair and square...

...With my expense account... stg6_rsh_126 Did you find it? stg6_rsh_127 WHAAAAAT?!? A GHOST?!? EEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

A-And...he won't give you the blanket unless you get his diary from the baggage car?

I see... Well, go on in. You don't say no to ghosts! stg6_rsh_129_01 Please, go in, sir. stg6_rsh_129 Did you find the diary? Wonderful! I knew you would!

Now, I cannot leave my post. Please return the diary while I stay here!

Though I WOULD like to see what's written in it... stg6_rsh_diary_01 Read the diary? stg6_rsh_diary_01_yn The Star Cookie The Star Rod Someone's Lunch stg6_rsh_c_47_01

BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HISSSSS! You are completely...WRONG! The answer's the Star Rod! stg6_rsh_c_47_02

Ding ding ding ding! You are correct, sir!

But there's no reward. Unless you consider the experience alone rewarding! stg6_rsh_c_47_03

BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HISSSSS! You are completely...WRONG! The answer's the Star Rod! stg6_rsh_c_47_04 I'm thinking of the next quiz question... stg6_rsh_c_48 Hmm... Did I lock the door... when I left the house?

This completely bugs me... I really can't even enjoy the trip... Should I go back? stg6_rsh_c_49 The scenery outside the window rushes by just like... FAZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

You know, like, FAZOOOOOOM! It's awesome!!! stg6_rsh_c_50 A conductor or an engineer. I'm going to be one of those when I grow up, but which...

Hmm... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Maybe I can decide when I grow up? stg6_rsh_c_51 When I look at the scenery outside the window...

I feel like sometimes things don't have to have special meaning to be beautiful. stg6_rsh_c_52 Feeling a train sway makes me forget all the troubles in my life, you know?

Like, there was something on TV that I wanted to watch, but who really cares, right? stg6_rsh_c_53 I finally agreed to a train trip once my kids had kind of pestered me into it...

But seeing their innocent joy now that we're here makes it all worthwhile. stg6_rsh_c_54 DEEEEEEEEE-LICIOUS! Oops, sorry, did I say that out loud? How embarrassing.

I had heard the food here was really amazing, but...

I'm gonna have to learn new words to convey how good this meal is. Join me? msg_kuri_map This is a passenger car. The blue and brown interior here is totally chic.

The passenger cabins here are numbered 6, 7, and 8. ...But you knew that. ŽÔ¶ That's the conductor of the Excess Express. He takes care of passengers' needs.

Keeping this train running smoothly is not just the engineer's job, y'know. ƒTƒ‰ƒŠ[ƒ}ƒ“ He's a Ratooey businessman. He's on the Excess Express for business, obviously.

I bet he's putting everything on an expense account, huh? Is that a fringe benefit? ƒiƒŠƒLƒ“ƒpƒp That's Goldbob the Bob-omb. He's the head of a wealthy business, Goldbobbington's.

He's got buckets of ducats, they say. I guess some folks are just good with money! ƒiƒŠƒLƒ“ƒ}ƒ} That's Sylvia the Bob-omb. She's super-wealthy.

She's got a real high-society air around her... Even her perfume smells like money. ƒRƒiƒŠƒLƒ“ That's Bub the Bob-omb. He's from a very rich family, so he's kind of spoiled.

Still, kids are kids, no matter how big their trust fund is... Aren't they? ƒ|ƒƒ“’T’ã That's Pennington, a train passenger. He SAYS he's a detective, but I don't know...

I mean, why do detective types ALWAYS show up when something goes wrong, huh? æ‹q‚P That's a passenger on the Excess Express.

Everyone has a different reason for traveling, in case you didn't know.

Business... Pleasure... Honeymoons...

Boy, I guess our reason for traveling is one of the weirder ones, huh? æ‹q‚Q That's a passenger on the Excess Express.

I guess you have to have money to be here, right? ...Hard to tell just by looking. æ‹q‚R That's a passenger on the Excess Express.

Riding trains is awesome, no matter how old you are! Who WOULDN'T like it, huh? æ‹q‚S That's a passenger on the Excess Express.

Y'know, sometimes when I'm on a train, I just stare out the window and spaaaaaace. stg6_rsh_diary_01 Read the diary? stg6_rsh_diary_01_yn I'm here to buy. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... tik_shop_24 I'll do it! No way! starmaniac_04 Want to trade some more? starmaniac_05

OK! See you later! starmaniac_06

Hey! You don't have any Star Pieces! Are you trying to swindle me? Go away! starmaniac_07

Which badge do you want to trade for? starmaniac_08 What? You changed your mind? So...LAME!!! starmaniac_09 I'll trade for sweet, sweet Star Pieces! How does sound?

You need %d BP to wear this badge, OK, guy?

Are you sure you want it? starmaniac_10 I'll pay. Never mind. johoyaketi_03

???????? johoyaketi_04

If you need to know stuff about stuff, just ask me! johoyaketi_05

If that's the case, then what's a guy supposed to do?

Well, I can't charge you to tell you what I told you once before, I guess... johoyaketi_06 Uh huh huh huh huh huh! I guess that's best, since I have no new stuff to tell.

But I CAN tell you what I told you before, and I won't even charge you for it! johoyaketi_07

And that...is...that! If you need anything else, just ask old Wonky! johoyaketi_08 Uh huh huh huh huh huh! My apologies, but I told you all the stuff I know.

Of course, I might learn some new stuff soon, so check back with Wonky! johoyaketi_09

You don't have enough coins! You must have cash before you try to buy something! jketi_code_0000

You've heard about the legendary treasure hidden beneath Rogueport, right?

Apparently it's the vast fortune of that ancient, forgotten civilization...

Most people think that's just a silly old myth now, of course. But not Wonky!

According to my sources, it's the real deal.

Huh? Who are my sources?

Well, I can't really say, can I? That, my friend, is what's called a trade secret! jketi_code_0001

Hey, ol' Wonky just heard something kind of helpful.

If you press when you're talking to someone, you go back to what they said last.

I'm sure that could be handy in a pinch! jketi_code_0002

So I saw this really cute girl in a pink dress walking around town a while back.

She was pretty enough to be a princess, I tell ya!

She hung around town for a little while after buying something from that old lady.

Then she got nabbed in a back alley by a bunch of suspicious guys in white suits!

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who saw that, though. Ol' Wonky was scared!

Well... I guess it's neither here nor there... People get kidnapped, whatever.

Still, just knowing what's going on in the streets can be helpful sometimes. jketi_code_0003

I hear the best way to fill your battle crowd up is to succeed at Action Commands.

Especially when you succeed at several in a row. Hoo! I hear THAT'S great!

Also, beating enemies quickly and striking first can build your crowd, too.

That might be good to remember. jketi_code_0004

There's a billboard in front of the shop in town with all kinds of stuff written on it...

Well, some folks like to write graffiti on the back of the message board, you know.

There's all kinds of good stuff there, especially for an info guy like ol' Wonky.

You should give it a gander next time. jketi_code_0005

Ol' Wonky just got this juicy bit of info recently...

You know that small hole down here that only a little critter can get through?

Well, you just head out away from the wall there...

And when you can't go any further, jump to get something good.

If you see that hole, you should give it a try... jketi_code_0006

Well, you know, there's a really big door down here.

I've only seen it once myself, but...

If there really is some legendary treasure down here, it's behind that door...

Yeah, when I saw it, I got the feeling there was bad stuff going down in there...

In fact, I've been too heebie-jeebied to get near that door ever since... jketi_code_0007

You know, there's a charmer named Merlee down here somewhere...

If you get her to charm you, you'll get good stuff in battle.

Not only that, but she's a total babe... Ol' Wonky would LOVE to get a date with her!

I'm serious. You have to check her out sometime. jketi_code_0008

I've gotten word of a strange group skulking about Rogueport recently.

They wear masks and weird costumes with an "X" on the front... Talk about kooky.

And they're always huddled together mumbling about some treasure.

I've even heard that they unearthed some shiny stone down here! Weird... jketi_code_0009

There's a place called the Trouble Center on the east side of Rogueport.

People who need help write little notes on the board in there...

And if you help them out, they give you a reward of some sort.

Ol' Wonky hears that some of those rewards are pretty tasty, my friend! jketi_code_0010

Do you know about these spin panels scattered around the world?

When you Spin-Jump a spin panel...

It bumps a Star Piece right out of the ground! Score!

Problem is, they look just like regular flooring, so it's hard to tell.

There's actually one right in front of me, so give it a shot, why don't you? jketi_code_0011

There's a game center on the west side of Rogueport run by Don Pianta.

There's a hidden game there that few people know about...

Only members are allowed to play this special game. Well, that's what ol' Wonky hears.

If you want to try it, you'll have to find a Member's Card somewhere... jketi_code_0012

You know Lahla, the cute receptionist at the Pianta Parlor?

She never gets too personal from beyond those iron bars, because it's, like, business...

But if you get in there and talk with her, she's a totally different person!

You should get in there and see how good your game is, Mr. Popular! jketi_code_0013

You've been to Petal Meadows, haven't you?

Well, they have those blue- and grey-striped poles called Candy Pops all over, right?

I heard that one of those will give you a Horsetail if you hit it ten times...

You should go try that out sometime. jketi_code_0014

You know about the Pit of 100 Trials down here, right?

Well, somewhere down there is an item called a Strange Sack. This thing is great.

If you've got it, you can hold up to 20 items!

And you know what that means, my good friend... Easy adventuring!

No adventurer should be without one, take it from ol' Wonky! jketi_code_0015

Way, way down to the south is an island where lots of Yoshis live.

And Yoshis are born from eggs, as everyone knows...

But a Yoshi's color depends on its egg conditions right before hatching.

So it's always a surprise to see what comes out. ...Know what I mean?

Your Yoshi has a rather nice color, by the way.

I'm sure he'll grow up to be a fine Yoshi, yup. jketi_code_0016

There're a lot of mean monsters in this world, but many have weaknesses.

Everybody knows that fire monsters are weak against ice and vice versa...

But flying monsters are weak against wind, and they tend to get dizzy easily...

And sometimes machine- and cloud-monsters can be easier to freeze than most...

I've even heard that it's very easy to put Piranha Plants to sleep...

I'd say, try out some new things and see if you can find all monsters' weaknesses. jketi_code_0017

Somewhere here in Rogueport there's a minstrel by the name of Grifty.

He knows all the old legends of Rogueport...

And he'll tell you interesting tales you've never heard before, I'm pretty sure.

So, if you find him, you should definitely listen to at least one. jketi_code_0018

Deep in Boggly Woods is a spot with a bunch of tree stumps all lined up...

If you jump hard on the tenth stump from the left, you'll get something good.

Now, I don't know what it is, but I hear it's really good. jketi_code_0019

You've heard of Star Pieces, of course...

Yes, they're no less than pieces of actual stars that have fallen to earth...

They're so pretty and shiny that anyone who stumbles on one turns into a collector.

If you want to find some, just check out all the nooks of each area you visit.

They always seem to be slightly hidden, know what I mean? jketi_code_0020

Did you notice that you can only carry up to 999 coins?

Well, if you ever want to collect more...

You should buy Gold Bars at the shop near here...

And then store them at the shop, where you can convert them back to coins anytime.

They may sell for slightly less than you buy them for...

But it's better than losing all the coins you wouldn't be able to pick up, right? jketi_code_0021

I've heard tales of an Amazy Dayzee, a truly rare breed among Dayzees...

They're worth oodles of Star Points, but they're timid and tend to run away fast.

Still, I bet if you kept visiting the same area, you could meet one again... jketi_code_0022

Don't you love it when you strike first on the field and get that first attack in?

If you use a Spin Jump or Bobbery's Bomb attack to strike first...

Then your first attack will have more power than just a jump or hammer move, see?

It's not a big thing, but it's worth remembering! jketi_code_0023

So about that Grubba in Glitzville...

He went from a mediocre fighter to the ruler of Glitzville in a matter of years.

And there's a rumor that it was all because he found a glittering gem somewhere.

I don't know what kind of stone it was, but it must've been a nice good-luck charm.

Then again, I heard he hasn't been seen recently around Glitzville, so who knows? jketi_code_0024

There's a wacky old place called Creepy Steeple somewhere in this land...

And if you jump on the fourth step from the top, ol' Wonky hears you get a good thing.

I don't know how useful that is, but hey, it's worth a shot. jketi_code_0025

The most delicious thing ol' Wonky has ever eaten is an Omelette Plate...

I remember having it at the hotel at Poshley Heights.

It was made by that chef of legend, Maitre Delish...

I believe it was made with a Mushroom and a Mystic Egg. Oh, just one more bite...

I hear one can actually find that Mystic Egg near the Boggly Woods...

It seems the Punies are the only ones who know where to find them... jketi_code_0026

There's a weird guy named Chet Rippo who lives down here somewhere.

I hear he'll lower one stat and raise another for you if you want.

And he can even power down one of your partners to power up another...

He may be spendy, but I'm sure it's worth it... jketi_code_0027

There's a rare creature called a Whacka on the southern isle.

Yeah, and if you whack him, he drops this great little thing called a Whacka Bump.

The thing is, people have been whacking the Whackas to get Whacka Bumps...

And now, only one remains that hasn't been whacked to extinction. Isn't that sad? jketi_code_0028

About a thousand years ago, there was a pirate king called Cortez on these seas.

He raided this city often, striking fear into the hearts of its inhabitants...

But Cortez was betrayed by one of his crew...

Just before he died, he's said to have sailed off with all of his treasure.

Then, even after he died, some say his spirit still protects that treasure...

But, you know... That's all just hazy legend now. jketi_code_0029

Far to the south of Rogueport lies an isle...

And on this isle there are three yellow blocks in a row.

And if you do a Spring Jump on the second of these blocks from the bottom...

I hear you'll get something good for your health.

But what island could this "southern isle" be referring to, anyway? jketi_code_0030

There's a kindly old teacher named Frankly who lives on Rogueport's east side...

And if you check his garbage--when he has some-- I hear you can learn stuff.

I don't know what's in there, but if his bin has trash in it, check it.

I've even heard there are notes about terrifying monsters in there... jketi_code_0031

There's a place called Boggly Woods somewhere in this world...

And there are small beasts named Punies who live there.

Ol' Wonky hears that anyone who sees a Puni will have fortune visited upon them...

Some people go to Boggly Woods just to catch a glimpse of a lucky Puni... jketi_code_0032

About that Zess T. near Rogueport's main square...

I've heard her sister is a really good cook as well.

She married and moved away a long time ago, but I'd love to try her cooking... jketi_code_0033

About Merlon on the east side of Rogueport and Merluvlee underground...

Ol' Wonky hears they're from a strange tribe that names people by profession.

So, for example, if someone did the same work as Merlon, they'd have the same name...

So there could be Merlons all over. Don't you find that strange? Wonky does! jketi_code_0034

There's a pipe down here that leads to a very cold place, ol' Wonky hears...

And if you jump in front of the tree to the far right of the area you come out in...

Then you get something nice, supposedly.

But you won't catch 'ol Wonky out in a chilly place like that, no sir! jketi_code_0035

You know Zess T., right? She's the really good cook on Rogueport's main square.

Well, she has a rare recipe in her repertoire called Zess Dynamite...

It's made with a Coconut Bomb and an Egg Bomb.

And by the way, an Egg Bomb is made from a Fire Flower and a Mystic Egg...

And a Coconut Bomb is made from a Fire Flower and a Coconut.

...And that's all I know, because Zess lost the rest of the recipe somewhere...

It was written down and she lost it! What a tragedy!

It sure would be cool if she could make it, though... jketi_code_0036

I heard this one from my ol' grampa...

It's a legend about one who will come to this town some day in the future.

He will come when the sky grows dark again...

Clothed in red and blue, the hero will bear seven stars and face the darkness...

I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but I see that you wear red and blue.

If the hero turned out to be you... Well, I guess that would be a bit much, huh? jketi_code_0037

You know Zess T., in the square, I'm sure. The girl with the mean cooking talent.

Well, she's got a secret recipe called the Couple's Cake. Cute name, huh?

To make it, she needs a Snow Bunny and Spicy Soup...

If you bring her both, she'll make it, at least that's what ol' Wonky hears.

By the way, a Snow Bunny is made from a Golden Leaf and an Ice Storm...

And Spicy Soup is made from a Fire Flower and a Dried Bouquet.

Even so, I hear that this recipe really reminds her of her late husband...

So she doesn't make it for just anybody. I wonder how she feels about you? jketi_code_0038

So there's that Trouble Center on Rogueport's east side, right...

Well, only a few people know about the back entrance to it...

Hey, I'm not saying there's anything good in there, but it may be worth a look. jketi_code_0039 jketi_title_0000 the Legend of Rogueport jketi_title_0001 the Z Button jketi_title_0002 the incident I saw jketi_title_0003 battle techniques jketi_title_0004 what's behind the sign jketi_title_0005 what's hidden below jketi_title_0006 the big door jketi_title_0007 the charmer jketi_title_0008 the mysterious troops jketi_title_0009 the Trouble Center jketi_title_0010 spin panels jketi_title_0011 the Pianta Parlor jketi_title_0012 Lahla's private life jketi_title_0013 Horsetails jketi_title_0014 the mystic bag jketi_title_0015 Yoshi colors jketi_title_0016 monsters' weaknesses jketi_title_0017 the minstrel jketi_title_0018 the secret of Boggly Woods jketi_title_0019 finding Star Pieces jketi_title_0020 how to save money jketi_title_0021 Amazy Dayzees jketi_title_0022 striking first jketi_title_0023 Grubba from Glitzville jketi_title_0024 Creepy Steeple's secret jketi_title_0025 the Omelette Plate jketi_title_0026 Chet Rippo jketi_title_0027 the southern isle Whacka jketi_title_0028 the pirate king Cortez jketi_title_0029 the southern isle secret jketi_title_0030 Professor Frankly's garbage jketi_title_0031 the lucky Punies jketi_title_0032 Zess T.'s sister jketi_title_0033 the strange ones jketi_title_0034 the cold place's secret jketi_title_0035 Zess Dynamite jketi_title_0036 the final tale jketi_title_0037 Couple's Cake jketi_title_0038 behind the Trouble Center uranaisi_00 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh-hah! Welcome, Mario.

I am Merluvlee, the lovely fortune-teller.

Seeing with my amazing abilities that which you seek is my humble job.

The light of the shining stars will light that which I wish to see. Ah-hah!

So! Shall I see something for you? uranaisi_01 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh-hah! Welcome, Mario!

Seeing with my amazing abilities that which you seek is my humble job.

So... Shall I see something for you? uranaisi_02 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hah!

Shall I see anything else for you? uranaisi_03 My Next Path: %3dcoins Star Pieces: %dcoins Shine Sprites: %dcoins uranaisi_05 Machi #2420 uranaisi_06

Ahhhhhhh-hah! Is that so? Well, if there is ever anything you want to find, just ask. uranaisi_07

Ahhhhhh-hah! Wait, what? You lack enough coins.

Coins are the only thing that can activate my visions... Return once you have some. uranaisi_08

Oh, your next path? Ahhhhhh... I understand. I shall look for what you seek. uranaisi_09

Star Pieces? Ahhhhh... I understand. I shall look for what you seek. uranaisi_10 Machi #2425 uranaisi_11

Shine Sprites? Hee hee! I understand. I shall look for what you seek. uranaisi_12 Hocus Pocus FOCUS!

Caaaaaabra da abraaaaaa! HULLABALOOOOOOOOO!


Ah! Ahhhhhhhh! Stars! Show me what I seek! uranaisi_14 No... I'm terribly sorry... There aren't any Star Pieces you can get right now.

Please, take your coins back. Please return to me later. uranaisi_15 Machi #2430 uranaisi_16 No... I'm terribly sorry... but there aren't any Shine Sprites you can get right now.

I'll return your coins to you. Please return to me later. uranaisi_17 I cannot see the path that lays before you...

Perhaps you should do the things you must do here first.

Just continue doing what you think you should be doing.

Please, take your coins back. Good-bye... Mario! uranaisi_18 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh-hah! Welcome, Mario!

If you wish me to look for the item you seek, speak to me from across the table. uranaisi_19 Ahhhhhhhhhhh-hah!

Seeing with my amazing abilities that which you seek is my humble job.

So... Shall I see something for you? un_next_0000 I see...your destined path.

You defeat three Goombas underneath Rogueport. Then the way opens... un_next_0001 I see...your destined path.

You defeat three Goombas underneath Rogueport. Then the way opens... un_next_0002 I see...your destined path.

A platform moves where you beat three angry Goombas... You enter the pipe beyond it.

You go into the pipe at the end of the room it takes you to...

You step on the switch at the back of that next room. Then the way opens... un_next_0003 I see...your destined path.

You press the switch near where you see a small beast. Then the way opens... un_next_0004 I see...your destined path.

You climb the stairs to the right of the place where the small creature appears.

The strange thing in the box gives you power.

The thing in the box wants... Something that lies left of the box's room's entrance.

You take that and bring it back to the black box. Then the way opens... un_next_0005 I see...your destined path.

Near the place where the small beast appears, you climb the stairs.

You stand on the panel, it glows, you transform into a new shape, and fly left.

Even if you don't fly well at first, you keep trying until you reach the far door.

You stand on the pedestal inside the next large room. Then the way opens... un_next_0006 I see...your destined path.

The place far, far below... Past where you flew... There is a large door there.

You stand on the center of the large pedestal there. Then the way opens... un_next_0007 I see...your destined path.

Just after going underground, you go to the right, turn into a plane, and fly right.

A strange white hand beckons you.

You attack it without delay. Then the way opens... un_next_0008 I see...your destined path.

Just after going underground, you go to the right where you bested the white hand.

You leap on the panels to reach a pipe. You enter it. Then the way opens... un_next_0009 I see...your destined path.

Just after going underground, you go to the right where you bested the white hand.

You leap on the panels to reach a pipe. You enter it. Then the way opens... un_next_0010 I see...your destined path.

You go forward, ever forward. Then the way opens... un_next_0011 I see...your destined path.

You go forward, ever forward. When you can go no further, you check a clump of grass.

Then the way opens... un_next_0012 I see...your destined path.

You go forward, ever forward. Eventually you come to a relaxed village.

Then the way opens... un_next_0013 I see...your destined path.

You find the ancient shelled one in the house with pink outer walls.

You speak at length to him. Then the way opens... un_next_0014 I see...your destined path.

You speak to the shelled gatekeeper in the village. Then the way opens... un_next_0015 I see...your destined path.

When you can go no further, you investigate a column with a strange object atop it.

But first, you remember to buy a POW Block somewhere... Then the way opens... un_next_0016 I see...your destined path.

When you can go no further, you investigate a column with a strange object atop it.

But first, you remember to buy a POW Block somewhere... Then the way opens... un_next_0017 I see...your destined path.

You find the stern-faced pillar-dweller and answer all of his questions.

If you fail too often, you face horrible, horrible danger. So you answer correctly.

Then the way opens... un_next_0018 I see...your destined path.

You find the two keys. Then you face many small annoyances.

You do not think you can defeat them all.

Instead, you concentrate on the one that stands out. Then the way opens... un_next_0019 I see...your destined path.

In the place where you saw the ring of stones, you place the two keys you have found.

Two switches then appear.

You set a shell so that it will hit one switch, then you go to the other...

You time the shell to hit the switch when you hit yours. Then the way opens... un_next_0020 I see...your destined path.

In the place where you saw the ring of stones, you place the two keys you have found.

Two switches then appear.

You set a shell so that it will hit one switch, then you go to the other...

You time the shell to hit the switch when you hit yours. Then the way opens... un_next_0021 I see...your destined path.

You take the way opened by your two keys and the two switches.

You then go into the large castle on the cliff. Then the way opens... un_next_0022 I see...your destined path.

Once you have entered the large castle, you look for a set of remarkable bones.

You speak to them, then hammer your way back... Then the way opens... un_next_0023 I see...your destined path.

Once you have entered the large castle, you look for a set of remarkable bones.

You speak to them, then hammer your way back... Then the way opens... un_next_0024 I see...your destined path.

You see a lock on a door in the big, frightening castle. To find a key for that door...

You hit the purple switch to lower the purple block, then hammer the yellow block.

You then hit the yellow switch to raise the yellow block, and the way is clear.

You use the shelled one's ability to hit the red switch. Then the way opens... un_next_0025 I see...your destined path.

To gain the key in the castle, you ascend the stairs and use the shelled one's ability.

Then the way opens... un_next_0026 I see...your destined path.

You hit the switch again to reset the stairs and... You can guess the rest.

Then the way opens... un_next_0027 I see...your destined path.

Iron bars block your way. You use the shelled one's ability in the red-switch room.

You set the shell to hit the switch and do not release it.

You only let it go when you stand in front of the bars.

There is something important in the box in the next room that you must have.

You open the box. Then the way opens... But I feel...danger... un_next_0028 I see...your destined path.

Iron bars block your way. You use the shelled one's ability in the red-switch room.

You set the shell to hit the switch and do not release it.

You only let it go when you stand in front of the bars.

There is something important in the box in the next room that you must have.

You open the box. Then the way opens... But I feel...danger... un_next_0029 I see...your destined path.

In the room with many cells where you fought the bones. You see a key in a cell.

You turn sideways to enter this cell and claim the key. Then the way opens... un_next_0030 I see...your destined path.

In the back of a castle room there is a switch that moves a block up and down.

You use the shelled one and your own ability to get atop it and move upwards.

Then the way opens... un_next_0031 I see...your destined path.

You climb into the heights of the castle. You see many windows and a blue switch.

You hit the switch and go forward, then hit another switch and go forward.

But there is no third switch.

Instead, you jump out the open window and proceed. Then the way opens... un_next_0032 I see...your destined path.

You climb into the heights of the castle. You see many windows and a blue switch.

The shelled one hits the switch, then hits another switch to go forward.

But there is no third switch.

Instead, you jump out the open window and proceed. Then the way opens... un_next_0033 I see...your destined path.

You climb into the heights of the castle into a corridor with many windows.

You jump through the open window.

In the next room, you use the shelled one to help you get onto a block moving up.

Then the way opens... un_next_0034 I see...your destined path.

You meet a lady thief in a treasure room and open all of the chests there.

Then the way opens... un_next_0035 I see...your destined path.

You use the key you found in the storeroom to open the high door in the next room.

Then the way opens... un_next_0036 I see...your destined path.

In a castle, you find a panel that glows at your touch... It cannot be seen from below.

In this room, you lower the yellow block with the shell and ride it to the top.

You then turn into a plane and fly to the far wall.

Then the way opens... un_next_0037 I see...your destined path.

You climb high into the castle and reach a locked door that bars your way.

You use the key you have. Then the way opens... un_next_0038 I see...your destined path.

You climb high in the castle. Beyond the locked door is the outside of the castle.

You head now for the highest place and open the door. Then the way opens... un_next_0039 I see...your destined path.

You climb high in the castle. Beyond the locked door is the outside of the castle.

You head now for the highest place and open the door. Then the way opens... un_next_0040 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0041 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0042 I see...your destined path.

You find the place where the small creature appears.

You follow it inside by turning sideways.

Then the way opens... un_next_0043 I see...your destined path.

You follow the small creature past the bars.

The little one is afraid. You put him at ease first. You then listen to him speak.

Then the way opens... un_next_0044 I see...your destined path.

After you follow the small creature inside, you listen to him speak.

Then the way opens... un_next_0045 I see...your destined path.

You follow the path opened by the small creature. Then the way opens... un_next_0046 I see...your destined path.

You enter the pipe that the small creature's path leads you to.

Then the way opens... un_next_0047 I see...your destined path.

You enter the pipe that the small creature's path leads you to.

Then the way opens... un_next_0048 I see...your destined path.

You go forward to the Great Tree where the little one lives with his tribe.

Then the way opens... un_next_0049 I see...your destined path.

You go forward to the Great Tree where the little one lives with his tribe.

Then the way opens... un_next_0050 I see...your destined path.

You follow the little one into the pipe and go to the Great Tree.

There are many dangerous cliffs in this region. You are careful.

You speak to the small one waiting at the tree's base. Then the way opens... un_next_0051 I see...your destined path.

The small one sits before the Great Tree. He is troubled by something...

You listen to him carefully. Then the way opens... un_next_0052 I see...your destined path.

The small one sits before the Great Tree. He is troubled by something...

You listen to him carefully. Then the way opens... un_next_0053 I see...your destined path.

The little one sits on top of a root. He is troubled by something...

You listen to him carefully. Then the way opens... un_next_0054 I see...your destined path.

In the deep, dark woods, there is a glowing panel atop a pipe.

Before using it, you hit the switch ahead in the place hidden by the ledge wall.

You then return to the panel and fly like an airplane. Then the way opens... un_next_0055 I see...your destined path.

In the deep, dark woods, you turn sideways to reach the wind-user's house.

When you find the wind-user, she asks you to search for the thing she lost.

Then the way opens... un_next_0056 I see...your destined path.

You defeat the three shades to recover what the wind- user lost and return it to her.

Then the way opens... un_next_0057 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live.

You climb the branch above the door placed by the foul ones within...

You use the wind-user's power to reveal what is hidden. Then the way opens... un_next_0058 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live.

You open the door so the little ones may follow you. Then the way opens... un_next_0059 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live.

You open the door so the little ones may follow you. Then the way opens... un_next_0060 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live. You use a pipe to go deeper.

Then the way opens... un_next_0061 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live. You see a red cell.

You find the key to unlock it somewhere nearby. Then the way opens... un_next_0062 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live. You see a red cell.

You find the key to unlock it somewhere nearby. Then the way opens... un_next_0063 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You find an odd black dais. You place something there.

But you do not forget! You bring all the little ones with you.

Then the way opens... un_next_0064 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You see a pipe appear next to the black dais.

You enter the strange world beyond the pipe. There are many bubbles floating there.

The little ones are blown by the slightest wind...

You let the little ones enter bubbles, then have the wind-user blow them across.

After the little ones have all crossed the gap, you go across and down.

Then the way opens... un_next_0065 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. After crossing the bubble gap, you see the stingers' fortress.

You defeat the stinging ones with the power of wind. Then the way opens... un_next_0066 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. After crossing the bubble gap, you see the stingers' fortress.

You enter the way opened by the broken hive.

You keep your wits. You open the chest there. Then the way opens... un_next_0067 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live. You find the blue cell there.

...Have you forgotten the way there? It is where you saved the old one.

Think, and you remember. Then the way opens... un_next_0068 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You take the many little ones across the bubble gap.

Then you try not to lose them as you go forward. Then the way opens... un_next_0069 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You go to the room below an unimaginative trap.

You press the black switch before the four columns that are marked with symbols.

You remember the exact order of the four symbols. Then the way opens... un_next_0070 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree where the little ones live. You find a winding path.

You follow it as far right as you can, to the room with four carved symbols.

You remember the order of the symbols from the room below the trap.

Do you remember them?

You do. Then solving the puzzle will be easy. Then the way opens... un_next_0071 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You go to the place where you found the blue key.

You enter the hole opened in the back of the room and open the chest there.

Once you have the thing within, you go back to the room with the trap.

Then the way opens... un_next_0072 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You return to the room with the trap.

You find the small ones waiting impatiently for your return.

You use your Spin Jump on the panel in the cell.

The little ones are afraid. They will not make the leap. You use the power of wind.

Then the way opens... un_next_0073 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You find the pipe before the trap room.

You Spin-Jump the panel above to enter the pipe.

The small ones fear heights and will not jump down. You use the power of wind.

Now you go deeper still. The little ones fear water as well as heights, though.

You press the switch beyond. The shelled one's power helps. You use your power as well.

Then you lead all of the little ones to the black dais there.

Then the way opens... un_next_0074 I see...your destined path.

You go to the Great Tree. You find the pipe before the trap room.

You Spin-Jump the panel above to enter the pipe.

The small ones fear heights and will not jump down. You use the power of wind.

Now you go deeper still. The little ones fear water as well as heights, though.

You press the switch beyond. The shelled one's power helps. You use your power as well.

Then you lead all of the little ones to the black dais there.

Then the way opens... un_next_0075 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0076 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0077 I see...your destined path.

Rogueport's east side... To the left of the Trouble Center...

You turn sideways to enter the small crack between two buildings.

You enter the house there and tell the one inside what you desire.

You spend money, but giving him his fill gets you what you desire.

You go to the west side of Rogueport to confirm what he says.

You make no mistakes. Remember, no mistakes. Then the way opens... un_next_0078 I see...your destined path.

Two people with palm-tree heads wait for something so they can depart.

You speak to these two. Then the way opens... un_next_0079 I see...your destined path.

You have been there before. You find the office on the west side of Rogueport.

You tell the one there that you have seen who he seeks. Then the way opens... un_next_0080 I see...your destined path.

You have been there before. You find the office on the west side of Rogueport.

You tell the one there that you have seen who he seeks. Then the way opens... un_next_0081 I see...your destined path.

You go north of Rogueport. You see the train and the blimp there.

You board the blimp to find what it is you seek. Then the way opens... un_next_0082 I see...your destined path.

You go north of Rogueport. You see the train and the blimp there.

You board the blimp to find what it is you seek. Then the way opens... un_next_0083 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. You enter the arena there.

You witness the fights there. Then you join the fighting...

Then the way opens... un_next_0084 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. You enter the arena and speak to a guard.

Then the way opens... un_next_0085 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. To become a fighter, you meet with the promoter.

Then the way opens... un_next_0086 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see a room deep within.

You sign the promoter's contract to become a fighter.

Then the way opens... un_next_0087 I see...your destined path.

You fight to become champ. This is the way. un_next_0088 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. A little egg flees from you.

You catch this fleeing egg. Then the way opens... un_next_0089 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. An egg sits on the roof of a small stand.

Near the shop of juices... you Spin-Jump a block to make stairs appear.

You climb these to find a glowing panel, then turn into a plane and fly to the egg.

Then the way opens... un_next_0090 I see...your destined path.

You fight your way to the top.

Even if you lose, you do not give up. You do this until the way opens. un_next_0091 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. You speak to the master of the juice shop.

Then the way opens... un_next_0092 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. The minor-league room... You go there again.

You break the large yellow block there with your Super-Hammer move.

Then the way opens... un_next_0093 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. The minor-league room...

In the room beyond the block you broke...there is something written on the paper there.

You climb on the desk and use the Yoshi's power. Then the way opens... un_next_0094 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. The major league...

You fight until you are champion of the league. Then the way will open. un_next_0095 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. Something waits in the phone booth.

You go there and speak. Then the way opens... un_next_0096 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see a storeroom in the arena.

You use a key there. Then the way opens... un_next_0097 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see a storeroom in the arena.

You blow the crates away with the power of wind. Then the way opens... un_next_0098 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see a storeroom in the arena.

You break the block there to find something. Then you do what you normally would.

Then the way opens... un_next_0099 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see a storeroom in the arena.

You climb the stairs in the storeroom. Then you ride Yoshi from box to box.

Break the large block with a Super Hammer, and go down. Then the way opens... un_next_0100 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see a storeroom in the arena.

You fall into the hole beyond the block you broke.

You listen to the low voices wafting up to you.

Then the way opens... un_next_0101 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the major-league room.

You fight your way up to become the true champion. Only then will the way open. un_next_0102 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the lobby in the arena.

You climb the stairs and blow away the posters near the door.

Then the way opens... un_next_0103 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the arena storeroom.

You climb the stairs in this storeroom and use your key. Then the way opens... un_next_0104 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the arena storeroom.

You go up the stairs in the storeroom. You enter the door on the right.

You ride Yoshi from box to box.

You smash the large block with a Super-Hammer move. Then the way opens... un_next_0105 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the major-league room.

You fight your way to become the true champion. Only then will the way open. un_next_0106 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the major-league room.

You fight your way to become the true champion. Only then will the way open. un_next_0107 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the champion's room.

You ride Yoshi to the high place where you hear the suspicious voice.

You destroy any obstacles with a Super-Hammer move. Then the way opens... un_next_0108 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the champion's room.

You go deep into the hole that you opened there.

You destroy any obstacles with a Super-Hammer move. Then the way opens... un_next_0109 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the champion's room.

You go deep into the hole that you opened there.

You destroy any obstacles with a Super-Hammer move. Then the way opens... un_next_0110 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the champion's room.

You go deep into the hole that you opened there.

You destroy any obstacles with a Super-Hammer move. Then the way opens... un_next_0111 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the champion's room.

You go deep into the hole that you opened there.

When the big one leaves, you check his desk. Then the way opens... un_next_0112 I see...your destined path.

I see a city in the clouds. I see the champion's room.

You go deep into the hole that you opened there.

When the big one leaves, you check his desk. Then the way opens... un_next_0113 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0114 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0115 I see...your destined path.

I see the west side of Rogueport.

You turn sideways and slip into the ground near the parlor...

When you reach the bottom, you go left, then into the door and the pipe inside.

Hmmm... You are somehow denied entrance...

You then go to Rogueport's east side for the help of the old bespectacled Goomba.

He speaks to you. You leave the house, go left, and find the odd part of the wall.

Then the way opens... un_next_0116 I see...your destined path.

I see Rogueport's west side.

You turn sideways and slip into the ground near the parlor...

You go left, then into the door and the pipe inside. Then the way opens... un_next_0117 I see...your destined path.

I see Rogueport's west side.

You turn sideways and slip into the ground near the parlor...

You go left, then into the door and the pipe inside. Then the way opens... un_next_0118 I see...your destined path.

I see a twilit village. You speak to everyone there.

Pigs... Yes, you speak to all of the pigs...

You meet the gatekeeper. Then the way opens... un_next_0119 I see...your destined path.

I see a twilit village. The mayor must permit you to go to the steeple.

You do not worry about them being strangers. If you speak, they will listen.

Usually... Some of them just say "oink," however...

And...you go to the shop from which a crying voice comes. Then the way opens... un_next_0120 I see...your destined path.

I see a twilit village. You follow a crying voice to the shop and listen.

Once you have listened, you go to the gatekeeper. Speak and the people listen.

I think...they may just say "oink," however...

Then the way opens... un_next_0121 I see...your destined path.

I see a twilit town. You go to the gatekeeper. Speak and the people listen.

I think...they may just say "oink," however...

Then the way opens... un_next_0122 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the twilit place is a road to the woods...

Next to a fallen tree, you find the key to the shop.

You retrieve it and return. Then the way opens... un_next_0123 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the twilit place is a road to the woods...

Next to a fallen tree, you find the key to the shop.

You retrieve it.

Slow and steady wins races... The tortoise beats the hare... Oh, just use Koops's shell!

Then the way opens... un_next_0124 I see...your destined path.

Inside the twilit shop in the twilit village...you find a man transformed and a woman.

You use the key there. Then the way opens... un_next_0125 I see...your destined path.

There is a run-down shack outside the twilit village. You find the black key inside.

You take it back to the storage room in the shop and use it.

Then the way opens... un_next_0126 I see...your destined path.

There is a run-down shack outside the twilit village. You find the black key inside.

You take it back to the storage room in the shop and use it.

Then the way opens... un_next_0127 I see...your destined path.

In the woods beyond where you found the shop key... The steeple lies waiting.

You use the power to roll and the power of wind to get there.

Then the way opens... un_next_0128 I see...your destined path.

You turn sideways to slip between trees in the woods.

You do not fear the large tree blocking your way. You use the power of wind.

Then the way opens... un_next_0129 I see...your destined path.

Within the twilit woods... You do not fear the large stone blocking your path.

I see a path for you just before the stone.

You use the power of wind on the clearing there. You reveal a hidden hole.

You use a Spin Jump to go across and move the stone. Then the way opens... un_next_0130 I see...your destined path.

Within the twilit woods... I see a hole that was hidden before the rock...

You use a Spin Jump to go across and move the stone. Then the way opens... un_next_0131 I see...your destined path.

Within the twilit woods... I see a hole that was hidden before the rock...

You use a Spin Jump to go across and move the stone. Then the way opens... un_next_0132 I see...your destined path.

Within the twilit woods... I see the hole you made by pushing the stone.

You steel yourself and enter. Then the way opens... un_next_0133 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the twilit woods... I see a suspicious steeple.

You do not use the front gate. You enter the hole in the crumbling wall instead.

Then the way opens... un_next_0134 I see...your destined path.

I see inside the steeple. You push the pedestal in the great hall.

Then the way opens... un_next_0135 I see...your destined path.

I see inside the steeple. You push the pedestal in the hall and enter the hole.

You open the door in the place you fall to and open the chest in the next room.

Then the way opens... un_next_0136 I see...your destined path.

Inside the scary steeple... You speak to the white thing that came out of the box.

You tell that thing that you will be nice to it. Then the way opens... un_next_0137 I see...your destined path.

Inside the scary steeple... If you sit still, those white things carry you away.

You take the door in the near wall to a switch outside. You hit that switch.

You then enter the nearest door, climb the stairs, and open the door at the top.

You use your friend's shell to get the key on the balcony. Then the way opens... un_next_0138 I see...your destined path.

Inside the scary steeple... If you sit still, those white things carry you away.

You take the door in the far wall to a switch outside. You hit that switch.

You then enter the nearest door, climb the stairs, and open the door at the top.

You use the key on the far door on the balcony. Then the way opens... un_next_0139 I see...your destined path.

Inside the scary steeple... If you sit still, those white things carry you away.

You go through the door you unlocked and climb the stairs within.

Then the way opens... un_next_0140 I see...your destined path.

Inside the scary steeple... If you sit still, those white things carry you away.

You go through the door you unlocked and climb the stairs within.

Then the way opens... un_next_0141 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0142 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0143 I see...your destined path.

In Rogueport's main square... You find the singing man in Podley's Place.

You speak to him. Then the way opens... un_next_0144 I see...your destined path.

I see the man waiting for you on the ship in the harbor.

You speak to him. He worries about something. Then the way opens... un_next_0145 I see...your destined path.

The bespectacled old Goomba knows the location of the house of whom you seek.

But the door to his house is locked.

You cross the dirty canal to the right with your Yoshi.

You climb the crates and use the Yoshi again to reach this man's rooftop.

You then roll up small to enter the opening there.

...But no, you are not done.

You encounter trouble that can only be solved with another trip to Podley.

Then the way opens... un_next_0146 I see...your destined path.

In Rogueport's main square. You listen to Podley in his place.

You then go back to the man you have been seeking. Then the way opens... un_next_0147 I see...your destined path.

On Rogueport's east side... You go to a house three over from the one you last visited.

You hand over the thing that Podley put into your hands. Then the way opens... un_next_0148 I see...your destined path.

On Rogueport's east side... You go to a house three over from the one you last visited.

You hand over the thing that Podley put into your hands. Then the way opens... un_next_0149 I see...your destined path.

I see the man waiting for you on the ship in the harbor.

You speak to him. He worries about something. Then the way opens... un_next_0150 I see...your destined path.

I see the man waiting for you on the ship in the harbor.

You speak to him. He worries about something. Then the way opens... un_next_0151 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0152 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0153 I see...your destined path.

You have been there before. It is an office on the west side of Rogueport.

A man with a palm-tree head is resting in bed.

You speak to him. Then the way opens... un_next_0154 I see...your destined path.

You speak to the pirate in Rogueport Harbor to reach the formerly deserted isle.

Then you search for a young couple when you get there. Then the way opens... un_next_0155 I see...your destined path.

On the formerly deserted isle in the south seas... a young couple searches...

You speak to them. Then the way opens... un_next_0156 I see...your destined path.

On the once-deserted isle... I see two mysterious rocks that look like brothers...

Under a tree nearby, I see something glittering.

You take it and bring it to the anxious young couple. Then the way opens... un_next_0157 I see...your destined path.

On the once-deserted isle... I see two mysterious rocks that look like brothers...

Under a tree nearby, I see something glittering.

You take it and bring it to the anxious young couple. Then the way opens... un_next_0158 I see...your destined path.

On the once-deserted isle... I see two mysterious rocks that look like brothers...

Under a tree nearby, I see something glittering.

You take it and bring it to the anxious young couple. Then the way opens... un_next_0159 I see...your destined path.

You have been there before. It is an office on the west side of Rogueport.

You follow the young couple there. Then the way opens... un_next_0160 I see...your destined path.

You have been there before. It is an office on the west side of Rogueport.

You follow the young couple there. Then the way opens... un_next_0161 I see...your destined path.

On Rogueport's north side... I see a train and a blimp.

You board the train to find the thing that you seek. Then the way opens... un_next_0162 I see...your destined path.

On Rogueport's north side... I see a train and a blimp.

You board the train to find the thing that you seek. Then the way opens... un_next_0163 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0164 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0165 I see...your destined path.

On Rogueport's east side... A bespectacled old Goomba is furiously researching...

Hmmm... He will be done soon.

You give him a moment, then you go to him and speak. Then the way opens... un_next_0166 I see...your destined path.

On Rogueport's east side... A bespectacled old Goomba is furiously researching...

Hmmm... He will be done soon.

You give him a moment, then you go to him and speak. Then the way opens... un_next_0167 I see...your destined path.

In Rogueport's main square... a large chest waits in front of Podley's Place.

You stand below that chest and perform a Spring Jump to move it, then open it.

You then turn sideways near the parlor on Rogueport's west side.

The ground swallows you.

You fall, go left, break the block on the right, and go into the pipe within.

Then the way opens... un_next_0168 I see...your destined path.

In Rogueport's main square... a large chest waits in front of Podley's Place.

You stand below that chest and perform a Spring Jump to move it, then open it.

You then turn sideways near the parlor on Rogueport's west side.

The ground swallows you.

You fall, go left, break the block on the right, and go into the pipe within.

Then the way opens... un_next_0169 I see...your destined path.

The ground there is white. Hmmm... It is snowy...

I see a small village beyond. You endure the cold as you make your way there.

Then the way opens... un_next_0170 I see...your destined path.

The ground there is white. You find the 'stached mayor there and speak to him.

But you are sure to take the exploding admiral with you. Then the way opens... un_next_0171 I see...your destined path.

I see the town of wealth. You show a gold person near the train your good faith.

Then you hunt your quarry in the relaxed town...then the formerly deserted isle...

Then in a shop in the city in the sky...then in the tree of the little ones...

Then in the twilit village... I see you going a lot of places, frankly.

You gather information about your quarry and go back to the mayor of the cold place.

There you find your quarry. And when the time comes, you stomp him over and over.

Then the way opens... un_next_0172 I see...your destined path.

The ground there is white. You find the 'stached mayor there and speak to him.

Then the way opens... un_next_0173 I see...your destined path.

The ground there is white. You find the 'stached mayor there and speak to him.

Then the way opens... un_next_0174 I see...your destined path.

I see a forbidding and far-off place. The thing you seek is there.

But to get it, you first find three room keys.

One is in a room with a lit floor. Another is in a different room with a lit floor.

And the last is in a room at the far right of a long, long corridor.

When you have them, you use them on three card locks. You go inward and onward.

Then the way opens... un_next_0175 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0176 I see...your destined path.

You stand on the dais before the large underground door. Then the way opens... un_next_0177 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

The road ahead is long and difficult, but you persevere. Then the way opens... un_next_0178 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

The road ahead is long and difficult, but you persevere. Then the way opens... un_next_0179 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

The road ahead is long and difficult, but you persevere.

If bones block your way, you find the black bones and attack them.

Then the way opens... un_next_0180 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

The road ahead is difficult. I see a locked door.

I see the key you gained from the bones you defeated. You use the key on the door.

Then the way opens... un_next_0181 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

The road ahead is difficult. I see a locked door.

I see the key you gained from the bones you defeated. You use the key on the door.

Then the way opens... un_next_0182 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

You get lost in a series of unending similar rooms.

But there is a secret here.

Each room has only one lit torch. You enter the door near each lit torch.

You repeat this until you have found your way out. Then the way opens... un_next_0183 I see...your destined path.

A great door underground... You enter that door.

You get lost in a series of unending similar rooms.

But there is a secret here.

Each room has only one lit torch. You enter the door near each lit torch.

You repeat this until you have found your way out. Then the way opens... un_next_0184 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... I see a water-filled courtyard...

You cross the bridge guarded by the two angry ones and open the door there.

You follow the long corridor. Then the way opens... un_next_0185 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You hold the key you gained by beating the dragon.

I see the watery courtyard. You use the admiral to destroy the angry statues.

When you have pressed both switches beyond the pipes, you turn into a boat.

You sail to the tower, go to the top, and use your key there.

There are puzzles here. You rely on your allies' abilities and advice.

You find eight keys and use them in the place above. Then the way opens... un_next_0186 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... I see a tower surrounded by water.

There are puzzles inside. You rely on your allies' abilities and advice.

You find eight keys and use them in the place above. Then the way opens... un_next_0187 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... I see a tower surrounded by water.

You do not enter the tower, but rather continue on. Then the way opens... un_next_0188 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go beyond the watery courtyard.

You see a room unlike any other.

You use the power of wind there if you get into trouble. Then the way opens... un_next_0189 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go beyond the watery courtyard.

You use the shell on the red switch to make a platform appear.

You lower the green block in your path by cueing the green switch in the left room.

You move the purple block ahead of you, go right, then fly as far as you must.

Then you roll yourself up and go forward.

You then Spring-Jump to the bar above in the next room. Then the way opens... un_next_0190 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go beyond the watery courtyard.

You find the wall with seven stars and remember the order of light and dark.

You open the locked door with a key, turn sideways, and climb the stairs...

You hit blocks to light the stars in the correct order. Then the way opens... un_next_0191 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go beyond the watery courtyard.

You find the wall with seven stars and remember the order of light and dark.

You open the locked door with a key, turn sideways, and climb the stairs...

You hit blocks to light the stars in the correct order. Then the way opens... un_next_0192 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... Go far beyond the watery courtyard.

You go to the room beyond the spinning floor.

You use the power of wind on the large square object to find its true form.

You then Super-Hammer and Spin-Jump to proceed. Then the way opens... un_next_0193 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go far beyond the watery courtyard.

When you reach the glowing panel, you turn into a plane and fly to the nearest panel.

When you get to the far room, you use Yoshi to get the key.

You return to the panel and fly to the farthest point. Then the way opens... un_next_0194 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go far beyond the watery courtyard.

You then go to the glowing panel and fly to the farthest point possible.

You use your key there. Then the way opens... un_next_0195 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go deep within.

You reach a large chamber.

Someone waits for you. You fight.

Then the way opens... un_next_0196 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door... You go deep within.

You reach a large chamber.

Someone waits for you. You fight.

Then the way opens... un_next_0197 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door...

Wait, why are you here?!? You shouldn't be here!!! You have important work!!!

...But I must tell you, it looks very difficult. But have courage and GO!

Do this, and the way will surely open! un_next_0198 I see...your destined path.

Beyond the great door...

Wait, why are you here?!? You shouldn't be here!!! You have important work!!!

...But I must tell you, it looks very difficult. But have courage and GO!

Do this, and the way will surely open! un_next_0199 un_starpiece_0000 I see...a Star Piece.

You take on a new form on the glowing panel in Rogueport Harbor and go left.

You then look in the shadow of the barrel in this new place to find it. un_starpiece_0001 I see...a Star Piece.

It lies to the left of the stairs leading from Rogueport Harbor to the square.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0002 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in Rogueport Square. You go through the alley under the catwalk...

You walk to the wall... You then go right, toward where some crates lie...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0003 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in Rogueport Square. Near the path to the east side...

It is right among the crates there. un_starpiece_0004 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in Rogueport Square. You go through the alley under the catwalk...

You then go to the left and enter the house... It is in the shadow of the mat there. un_starpiece_0005 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in Rogueport Square. On the roof of Zess T.'s house...

It is on the far side of the roof on the left. un_starpiece_0006 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in Rogueport Square. Just before the exit to Rogueport Harbor...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0007 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in east Rogueport. Just in front of the Goomba archaeologist's house...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0008 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in east Rogueport. Just before the exit to the main square...

You go into the strange wall and go deep into the shadow of the house...

It is on top of a crate. un_starpiece_0009 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in east Rogueport. You use Yoshi to cross the canal and climb to the roof...

You make your way across the roof to the left... It is behind the first chimney. un_starpiece_0010 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in east Rogueport. You turn sideways to go between two houses...

It is behind a barrel. un_starpiece_0011 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in east Rogueport. You use Yoshi to cross the canal and climb to the roof...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0012 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in west Rogueport. In front of the door to the Pianta Parlor...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0013 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in west Rogueport. You find the low wall there...

It is behind the low wall on the right. un_starpiece_0014 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in west Rogueport. To the front and diagonally away from the store...

It is behind a garbage can. un_starpiece_0015 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in west Rogueport. It is behind the tall pipe... un_starpiece_0016 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in north Rogueport. On the left side of the train platform. Near the Toad girl...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0017 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in north Rogueport. Near the pipe to the blimp landing pad...

It is behind the pipe. un_starpiece_0018 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. You leave here and cross that nearby obstacle...

It is behind the fallen column on the right. un_starpiece_0019 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. Just to the right of this building... Behind the column... un_starpiece_0020 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. Left of the leftmost building... Behind a column there. un_starpiece_0021 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. Inside the second building from the left... Before Wonky...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0022 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. In the sunken area of where you first go underground...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0023 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. In the room with the pipe to the Great Tree.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0024 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. In the place where you first encountered the little one...

Near the pipe there. un_starpiece_0025 I see...a Star Piece.

It is far below Rogueport. In the great door's room... There, before the door...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0026 I see...a Star Piece.

It is far below Rogueport. To the left of the room with the great door...

Where the pipe to the Pit of 100 Trials is...

It is behind the stairs to the entrance. un_starpiece_0027 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in west Rogueport. Underneath the place where you turn sideways to drop...

You enter the pipe on the left and go right to find it. un_starpiece_0028 I see...a Star Piece.

It is in west Rogueport. Underneath the place where you turn sideways to drop...

In an unseen place near the two platforms that sink when you stand on them... un_starpiece_0029 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. You leave this building and go right...

When you see water, you do a Spring Jump to the bar above and go enter a pipe...

When you exit, you go left until you find a room with a hammock... It rests there. un_starpiece_0030 I see...a Star Piece.

It is below Rogueport. Just in front of the black chest...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0031 I see...a Star Piece.

In the meadows leading to the relaxed town... The area where you see the castle...

You hit a tree near the pipe to get it. un_starpiece_0032 I see...a Star Piece.

In the meadows... You enter the pipe before the bridge and go to the right to find it. un_starpiece_0033 I see...a Star Piece.

Beyond the relaxed village... You check the first clump of grass you see... un_starpiece_0034 I see...a Star Piece.

In the relaxed village... The area with the inn... Near the flower-headed guy...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0035 I see...a Star Piece.

In the relaxed village... Near the flowers by the gatekeeper...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0036 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the big castle... Where there are many cells... Inside the leftmost cell...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0037 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the big castle... In the big room where the switch moves the stairs...

Up high... But you can't get to it from that room... You come in from another room...

You go to where there are many windows and no floor, and just fall through...

You land on a bit of wall and go right to get it. un_starpiece_0038 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the big castle... In the big room where the switch moves the stairs...

Up high... But you can't get to it from that room... You come in from another room...

You go to where there are many windows and find the open one...

You jump out of it and go all the way to the right... un_starpiece_0039 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the big castle... In the big room where the switch moves the stairs...

You use the shell to get on the purple block to go up...

You go right to find it there. un_starpiece_0040 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the big castle... In the room with the glowing panel... Invisible from below...

You use the shell to get on the yellow block and go up...

You cross the panel to get to the far side and walk all the way to the right. un_starpiece_0041 I see...a Star Piece.

In a thick forest... Near a panel that glows with your approach...

In a spot reached by following the narrow treelined path all the way to the left... un_starpiece_0042 I see...a Star Piece.

In a deep, thick forest... Where you can see the wind-user's house...

You hit the third tree from the left. un_starpiece_0043 I see...a Star Piece.

In a deep, thick forest... Where you can see the wind-user's house...

Near the pipe on the left... un_starpiece_0044 I see...a Star Piece.

In the wind-user's house... In the room with the bed... To the left of the dresser...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0045 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the Great Tree... Above the bubble room... Before the pipe that goes up.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0046 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the Great Tree... In the middle of the blue cell.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0047 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the Great Tree... By the twisty narrow path...

You check the grass below and to the left. un_starpiece_0048 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the Great Tree... Just before the trap room...

Behind the pipe going up... un_starpiece_0049 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the Great Tree... In a room past the far-right pipe in the lowest room.

You check the second clump of grass from the left. un_starpiece_0050 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the Great Tree... In the room with the four pillars carved with symbols.

Behind the pipe... un_starpiece_0051 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... Behind the juice shop... It is in the back on the left. un_starpiece_0052 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... Behind the phone box... un_starpiece_0053 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... In front of the arena...

Behind the plant to the right of the entrance... un_starpiece_0054 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... On the juice shop roof...

Behind the jump pad... un_starpiece_0055 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... Far in front of the arena... Before the star...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0056 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... In the first-floor lobby... To the left of the ring door...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0057 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... In the promoter's room...

Behind the decorative plant behind the sofa... un_starpiece_0058 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... In the promoter's room...

Inside the desk drawer... un_starpiece_0059 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... In the middle of the first-floor storage room.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0060 I see...a Star Piece.

In the city in the clouds... In the right-hand, second- floor storage room...

Behind a box... un_starpiece_0061 I see...a Star Piece.

In the twilit village... Where the inn is...

In the clump of grass just to the left of the tree in the front... un_starpiece_0062 I see...a Star Piece.

In the twilit village... Where the inn is... Behind the house on the left... un_starpiece_0063 I see...a Star Piece.

In the twilit village... Where the shop is...

Behind the tree on the right and in the front... un_starpiece_0064 I see...a Star Piece.

Beyond the twilit village... On the path to the woods...

Behind the fallen tree... un_starpiece_0065 I see...a Star Piece.

Beyond the twilit village... Beyond the fallen tree...

Behind the pipe... un_starpiece_0066 I see...a Star Piece.

Outside the steeple... Near the broken gate by the entrance...

Behind a low wall... un_starpiece_0067 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the scary steeple... In the room with the staircase that changes...

In the space just between the far door and the near door...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0068 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the scary steeple... In the room that you must roll up to enter...

Between the old sofa and the chair... un_starpiece_0069 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the scary steeple... On the upper level of the basement room with torches...

Behind the column on the far right... un_starpiece_0070 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the scary steeple... Near the door in the room with the parrot...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0071 I see...a Star Piece.

On a southern island... You go right from the pier until you get near the rock.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0072 I see...a Star Piece.

On a southern island... Behind the rock in front of the inn... un_starpiece_0073 I see...a Star Piece.

On a southern island... Where the shop and inn are...

On the beach where the waves are lapping... un_starpiece_0074 I see...a Star Piece.

On a southern island... In the jungle just beyond the inn and shop...

You check the far-left clump of grass... un_starpiece_0075 I see...a Star Piece.

On a southern island... In the dangerous jungle. Beyond the Nibbles pond...

Behind the tangled root of the big tree there... un_starpiece_0076 I see...a Star Piece.

On a southern island... Near the stones that look like Red and Blue 'Stache.

Behind the stone in the front... un_starpiece_0077 I see...a Star Piece.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Deep in the cave with two floating boats...

On a narrow plank on the left side of the boat on the right... un_starpiece_0078 I see...a Star Piece.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Above the big waterfall... Where the glowing panel is...

Near the path that goes on to the right...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0079 I see...a Star Piece.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Where there are lots of barrels on the left side...

You climb onto something, rise to a high place, and find it in a barrel. un_starpiece_0080 I see...a Star Piece.

In the Pirate's Grotto... In the middle of a room with three winged beasts.

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0081 I see...a Star Piece.

On a beautiful, shiny train... Near the panel of gauges in the engineer's car...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0082 I see...a Star Piece.

On a beautiful, shiny train... Near the hand strap in cabin number 4...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0083 I see...a Star Piece.

On a beautiful, shiny train... I see it shining with Chef Shimi in the dining car...

You fulfill his request, and he gives it to you. un_starpiece_0084 I see...a Star Piece.

On a beautiful, shiny train... I see it shining with the waitress in the dining car...

You fulfill her request, and she gives it to you. un_starpiece_0085 I see...a Star Piece.

On a beautiful, shiny train... It is in the drawer in cabin number 8. un_starpiece_0086 I see...a Star Piece.

At a fueling station where the train frequently stops... In a room full of gears...

Behind the gear in the right rear of the room... un_starpiece_0087 I see...a Star Piece.

In the town of wealth... By the house with a rose hedge before the station...

You enter through the gap in the manicured hedge... Find it in the back. un_starpiece_0088 I see...a Star Piece.

In the town of wealth... At the bottom of the stairs in front of the station...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0089 I see...a Star Piece.

In the town of wealth... At the house in front of the station that has a pool...

Behind the deck chair... un_starpiece_0090 I see...a Star Piece.

In the town of wealth... In the garden of the house next to the hotel...

Behind the hedge... un_starpiece_0091 I see...a Star Piece.

On the cold village path... To the left of the pipe that leads below Rogueport...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0092 I see...a Star Piece.

In the cold village... As you enter the village... Behind the front wall... un_starpiece_0093 I see...a Star Piece.

In the cold village... Inside the house far to the right...

Behind the stacked boxes... un_starpiece_0094 I see...a Star Piece.

In the cold village... Close to the left side of the cannon...

It pops out of a strange panel that flips when you Spin-Jump near it. un_starpiece_0095 I see...a Star Piece.

On the cold village path... To the right, away from the pipe to Rogueport.

It is in a clump of grass next to the tree in the front-right. un_starpiece_0096 I see...a Star Piece.

On the path to the pipe that leads from the cold village to underground Rogueport...

Behind the wall in the front-right... un_starpiece_0097 I see...a Star Piece.

Near the pipe on the moon... Just beyond a large crater... Behind a small stone... un_starpiece_0098 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the moon fortress... In a room with a crane...

On top of a high platform... un_starpiece_0099 I see...a Star Piece.

Inside the moon fortress... In a place with a low ceiling...

On the far-left side of the room... un_starpiece_0100 un_supercoin_0000 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On Rogueport's east side... You ride Yoshi across the canal and climb to the roof.

You jump from one rooftop to the next and find it on top of the red roof. un_supercoin_0001 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On Rogueport's east side... It is in the back room of the sea bomb's house. un_supercoin_0002 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On Rogueport's west side... On the right of the second floor of the rightmost house...

You roll up and drop through a gap to find it in the backyard. un_supercoin_0003 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On Rogueport's west side... You blow up the wall on the side of the store.

It is back there. un_supercoin_0004 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On Rogueport's east side... You ride Yoshi across the canal and climb to the roof.

You turn sideways to get between the cargo there and fall to get it at the bottom. un_supercoin_0005 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Underneath Rogueport... You leave this building, roll up, and go to the left.

You perform a Spring Jump next to the pipe beyond the up-and-down platform.

You follow the pipe, drop onto the roof, drop to the next roof, and continue on... un_supercoin_0006 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Underneath Rogueport... You leave this building and go to the right...

When you see water, you get on the glowing panel, transform, and sail on...

It is on a platform beyond there. un_supercoin_0007 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Deep beneath Rogueport... On the left side of the room with the great door...

On the platform above the jump pad... un_supercoin_0008 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On Rogueport's west side... Underground, where you fall by turning sideways...

It is there on the left... un_supercoin_0009 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Underneath Rogueport... By an up-and-down platform where water flows in front.

It is on the high platform in the back. un_supercoin_0010 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Underneath Rogueport... Near a glowing panel where water flows in front...

You stand on the panel, transform, and sail far to the right...

It is in the room there. un_supercoin_0011 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Underneath Rogueport... Near a glowing panel where water flows in front...

You stand on the panel, transform, and sail far to the right...

It is in the room there. You stand under it and do a Spring Jump. un_supercoin_0012 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Underneath Rogueport... Near a glowing panel where water flows in front...

You stand on the panel, transform, and sail far to the right...

It is in the room there. un_supercoin_0013 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the big castle... Beyond the many cells...

It is next to a window in front of the large staircase. un_supercoin_0014 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the big castle... In the room with the moving yellow and green blocks...

Next to the window in the highest place... un_supercoin_0015 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the big castle... In a storeroom with several chests...

It is there among the chests and boxes... un_supercoin_0016 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the thick woods... To the left of a high, glowing panel... un_supercoin_0017 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the Great Tree where the little ones live... Near the bubble pond...

You go down from there... It is on the right. un_supercoin_0018 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the Great Tree... You go down from where you arranged the four symbols.

It is on top of a high platform. un_supercoin_0019 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the Great Tree... I see a lot of water...

It is on the vegetation floating on the water... un_supercoin_0020 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Inside the Great Tree... Go down from the room that has two glowing panels...

It is on top of the large high platform. un_supercoin_0021 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the city in the clouds... Next to the entrance to the arena...

You hit the hidden block below to get to it... un_supercoin_0022 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the city in the clouds... In the storeroom on the second floor of the arena... un_supercoin_0023 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the dense, eerie woods... Behind a tree beyond the big rock... un_supercoin_0024 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the scary steeple... In the storeroom that you have to roll up to get into... un_supercoin_0025 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Outside the scary steeple... In the room at the bottom of the well... un_supercoin_0026 I see...a Shine Sprite.

Outside the scary steeple... Past the door on one side of the room at the well bottom. un_supercoin_0027 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the jungle on the isle... Beyond the Nibbles pond...

Near the steep cliff on the left... un_supercoin_0028 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the jungle on the isle... Behind the leaves of the tree beyond the rope bridge... un_supercoin_0029 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Where the two boats are floating near the entrance...

On the bow of the left-hand boat... un_supercoin_0030 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Where you see many barrels on the left-hand side.

You climb onto something, rise to a high place, and find it atop a barrel. un_supercoin_0031 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the Pirate's Grotto... At the top of the stairs beyond the sluice gate...

You find the hidden block next to it first to get it. un_supercoin_0032 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Where there are many waves and many spikes...

It is on the left there.

You find the hidden block next to it first to get it... un_supercoin_0033 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the Pirate's Grotto... Where there are many waves and many spikes...

It is floating above the sea there. un_supercoin_0034 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On a beautiful, shiny train... It is in cabin 5. un_supercoin_0035 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On a beautiful, shiny train... The small Bob-omb in cabin 8 has it...

You fulfill his request to get it. un_supercoin_0036 I see...a Shine Sprite.

At the train-refueling depot... In the place outside where you can see the sunset...

Next to the stairs there... un_supercoin_0037 I see...a Shine Sprite.

At the train-refueling depot... At the top of the stairs that go up from left to right... un_supercoin_0038 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the town of wealth... Next to the sanctum... un_supercoin_0039 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the sanctum in the town of extraordinary wealth... In the room beyond the pipe...

It is in a high place near the entrance. un_supercoin_0040 I see...a Shine Sprite.

In the cold village... In the very back of the village, covered in snow... un_supercoin_0041 I see...a Shine Sprite.

On the cold village path... You go right from the pipe that leads to Rogueport...

You find it behind the tree on the left and in the front. un_supercoin_0042 un_badge_shop I see...a badge. It is called %s.

It is on sale in Rowf's shop in the plaza near the castle gate. un_badge_starmaniac I see...a badge. It is called %s.

Dazzle has it. un_badge_0000 I see the Close Call badge.

On the staircase from Cold Cold Mountain to the Sanctum...

You go to the back and find the red ? block there. You hit it to get the badge. un_badge_0001 I see an Attack FX A badge.

In the volcano, near the room with the hammer, you go down stairs from the dam.

The path blocked beyond the metal block... Hidden in the chest where the lava flows... un_badge_0002 I see a Flower Saver badge.

On the clouds above Flower Fields, at the top of the bean tree, on a cloud...

You reach the wide cloud and see it there. un_badge_0003 I see a Power Bounce badge.

In the volcano, near the room with the hammer, you go down stairs from the dam.

The path blocked beyond the metal block... Hidden in the chest where the lava flows... un_badge_0004 I see a Quake Hammer badge.

Down the pipe in Toad Town... Down below, to the right... Past the broken block.

It is in the chest there. I also see an enemy there that you must defeat. un_badge_0005 I see a Dizzy Stomp badge.

In the volcano, near the room with the hammer, you go down stairs from the dam.

The path blocked beyond the metal block... Hidden in the chest where the lava flows... un_badge_0006 msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. Folks say these are the ruins of a 1,000-year-old town.

Even though these buildings are crumbling, some seem safer than those above us.

The people living here mostly can't show their faces above for one reason or another.

Some have actually started successful businesses here, though! What a hardy bunch! 偆傜側偄巘 That's the fortune-teller, Merluvlee. She's kind of mysterious, as you'd expect...

She divines the locations of things, or where we should go. People say she's always right.

And...they say she's really cute under that veil. I hear some people even fall for her! 惎儅僯傾 That's Dazzle, the Star-Piece collector. He'll trade you badges for Star Pieces.

Once you collect a few Star Pieces, you should definitely come talk to him.

Hey, but why do you think he collects them, anyway? You think he bathes in them? 揦堳 That's the manager of the Deepdown Depot. She seems to be pretty courteous.

Hey, and there are some super-classy items on display here, huh?

But jeepers creepers, what sort of person buys gold bars, anyway? Freaks, that's who! 忣曬壆働僠 That's Wonky, the go-to guy for useful info. He looks nuts, but I think his tips are OK.

Just make sure you get your money's worth... Not that you'll know until you pay... 僋儕儃乕俆 That's a subterranean Goomba. I think he just moved down here recently.

Even so, he sure seems to know a lot about these ruins. What's he do for a living? 僠儏乕偝傫係 This Squeek seems to be an archaeologist...and she's here to research the underground.

But it sounds like she lost her partner down here... I feel like, SO bad for her... 儃儘僪乕俁 That's Eddie the Mask. He's some kinda health nut... Lots of nuts down here, huh?

This one's a health nut, though, so he knows about Stylish moves. Ask him! 儃儘僪乕係 That's a Bandit who lives underground. He seems to come by this shop often.

He must like talking to Wonky and the shop owner, huh? Go figure. 僺儞僋儃儉暫 This Bob-omb lives down here. That pink color's really cute... but I think this is a dude.

He's got his own ambitions of being an info guy like Wonky, selling tips for cash...

But his tips don't make even a tiny little bit of sense. Hello? Can you say "stupid"? 儅僗僞乕俀 That's the cola bar owner, Herb T. He's a middle-aged guy with a wild mustache.

He may look like just another glass-polisher, but he's an old-school cola bartender...

He's hilarious, but I'm sure he's heard his share of super- depressing stuff, too. mac_0_085_01_kur Machi #221 mac_0_085_02_kur Machi #222 mac_0_085_03_kur Machi#223 mac_0_085_04_kur Machi#224 mac_0_086 Hey! Hey, man! What's up? Who's the hottie you got there with you? mac_0_087 Wassup, baby? Why don't you hang with us for a while? We play real nice! mac_0_088 Man, what's a FINE-lookin' Goomba doin' with a tubby mustache man like that?!? mac_0_089_kur Oh, it is, like, SO sweet that you boys think I'm cute! Seriously!

Yeah, guys like you make me feel like TOTALLY BARFING! Now get out of our way! mac_0_090 Ouch! That was cold! mac_0_091 What, you're too good for us? Come off it, sister! mac_0_092 Nobody zings us like that! Nobody! Let's get 'em! mac_0_092_01 A Goomba, a Spiny Goomba, and a Paragoomba! My! The whole Goomba family tree! mac_0_092_02 The only one I should warn you about is that fellow in the middle: the Spiny Goomba.

See that spike on his head? Well, jump on that and you're the one who'll take damage! mac_0_092_03 The Paragoomba's airborne, so your hammer won't reach. You'll have to jump for him. mac_0_092_04 Always take your opponent's situation into consideration when fighting! Always! mac_0_092_05 ...Oh! That's right! I forgot to tell you something vital!

You can press to change the order you two attack in!

You can attack first if you feel like it, Goombella. Don't forget that! mac_0_092_06 Hey! What's the story, Mario? I TOLD you it'd hurt if you jumped on the Spiny Goomba! mac_0_092_07 Goombella! What was that? Didn't I tell you jumping on the Spiny Goomba was bad? mac_0_093 Oweeeeeeeeeeeeee! mac_0_094_kur Ha! Later on, losers! That felt AWESOME! mac_0_094_01 Are you ready, Mario?

There are plenty more where they came from, and they'll all have it in for us.

When they attack, try to hammer them or jump on them while in the field...

Attack successfully and you can perform a First Strike when you enter battle.

So if an enemy catches sight of you, be sure to thump him as you go into battle. lecture_badge_after_00 Hey, Mario! What's the deal? You didn't equip the badge Professor Frankly gave you.

If you don't equip a badge, it won't do anything for you. Equip it before you forget! msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. The current town was built on top of this ancient one.

Pretty surprising to find all this down here, right? It kinda blows my mind...

The ruins here are all crumbly and gnarly now, but it was once a great town, really. mac_0_124 That thing's kind of soggy... mac_0_125 Bloop! BLOOOOOOOOOOOOP! (Ouch! That HURT!) mac_0_126 BLUH-BLOOOOOOOP! tik_02_gs_01 Bloobloobloobloop! (Who just up and whacks someone's tootsies like that?)

Blooblooop! BLOOOP! (Somebody with some serious moxie, that's who!) tik_02_gs_02 Bloobloop! Bloobloobloop! (Would you look at that! It's some saucy mustached guy!)

Bloopity bloop! Blooooo! (He's in a WORLD of hurt!) tik_02_gs_03 BlooblooblooblooblooBLOOP! (I'll give him a taste of the old tentacle trample!) tik_02_gs_03_01 Hey, Mario! You remember what Professor Frankly told us, right?

You can press to change our attack order!

If your HP drops, you can press to put me in front! tik_02_gs_04_1 Bloop-oop! (Hey, mustache!) tik_02_gs_04_2 Bloobloobloooop? Bloooop! (You're thinking I'd taste good, aren't you? Admit it!)

Bloo-ooop oop bloobloooop? (Yeah, you want to snack on these tentacles, don't you?) tik_02_gs_04_3 Of course not! Guess again, nerd! mac_1_015

Noooooooo! Leave me alone, you big meanies! mac_1_016_kur Mario! How could you?!? Don't you say that to him! ...That wasn't very mature. mac_1_016_nok Um... Mario, that was uncool. Don't say stuff like that. I thought you were...nicer. mac_1_017_kur Hey, don't worry! Really! We're not here to be mean to you, honest. mac_1_017_nok Relax, relax, little guy. We're not bullies, I swear. mac_1_018 For real?

Phew! Boy, that's good. I thought for a second I might have an accident. mac_1_019

For real?

Phew! Boy, that's good. I thought for a second I might have an accident. mac_1_020_kur You're one of the creatures from Boggly Woods, right? What are you doing here? mac_1_020_nok Um... Aren't you one of the creatures from Boggly Woods? Why are you down here? mac_1_021 Wh-What?!? Why do you know about me?

NOOO! Y-You must be...

You guys are working for those X-Nauts, aren't you?!? You chased me here!

Noooooo! It's the end!!! mac_1_022_kur X-Nauts? Easy there, kid. What in the world are you freaking out about?

We're not gonna do anything to you, so chill for a sec'! Just tell us what's going on. mac_1_022_nok X-Nauts? What the heck are those? Sounds like tissues... to the extreme or something.

Look, we're not here to do ANYTHING to you, so relax. Tell us what's going on, OK? mac_1_023 Well...OK. This gang of bad guys who call themselves X-Nauts came to where I live.

They came inside our Great Tree and started tearing it apart and causing trouble.

So...I've come all the way here looking for help. mac_1_024_kur Mario! That sounds like those guys who attacked us in Rogueport. Right?

If they're the same guys, then they're definitely after the Crystal Star... mac_1_024_nok A bunch of bad guys in the Great Tree?

If those are the same guys who kidnapped the princess, they want the Crystal Star! mac_1_025 Now that you mention it, they did say something about some Crystal Star thingy...

But we Punies don't know anything about any crystals or stars... mac_1_026 Say, could you guys help us out? Maybe chase them off? If you do, we'll give you, uh...

What was it? The Crystal Star? If you do, we'll have the Puni elder give you that!

I don't know what it is, but if it'll help us reclaim our tree, I'm sure the elder will agree!

So what do you say? Let's not waste any more time. I'm begging you! mac_1_027 Really?!? You aren't joking?!? You'll do it?!? mac_1_028_kur I guess... I mean, we can't just ignore them, right?

And we do need to find the Crystal Star before those X-whatever guys do. mac_1_028_nok Um... I guess we should... I'd feel pretty bad if we didn't do anything.

Plus, we do need to get the Crystal Stars before those X-guys do. mac_1_029 Oh, thank you so much! This is great! I'm so happy!

My name is Punio. Pleased to meet you!

I'll take you to where I live. Follow me, OK? mac_1_029_00 It's this way. mac_1_029_01 Wait, hang on a second. mac_1_030 I'm sure the Puni elder said some button around here opened the secret entrance...

AH-HA! mac_1_031 You can get to the woods we Punies live in by going through that pipe there.

OK! Hurry! Hurry! msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. I never knew this room was connected like this...

If you see a similar entrance in another area, you should totally check it out. ƒKƒCƒh That's Punio, who lives in the Great Tree of Boggly Woods.

And hey, he must be the one we saw earlier, right? Yeah, totally! mac_0_094_01 This is what that box meant! Tilt Left and Right to steer your...um...paper airplane self...

You have to be a good pilot if you want to fly far! Try it once more! mac_0_094_01_1 It looks like if you tilt away from the way you're facing, the plane will rise.

But...if you tilt it for too long, you'll lose speed and crash. Time your tilts carefully! mac_1_011_kur Mario! Did you see that? That was one of the things Professor Frankly described! mac_1_011_nok Hey! Mario! You see that? That was one of the things Professor Frankly mentioned! msg_kuri_map Who knew the area under Rogueport extended so far? This place is a total maze!

You really feel the grandness of that ancient civilization when you're down here... mac_0_095_kur Oh! Mario! Goombella! Look...at...THAT! mac_0_096_kur It's the Thousand-Year Door spoken of in the legends! I can't believe it's real!

So the legends are all true! There it is, big as life! Come! Let's move closer! mac_0_097_kur Hey, what's the deal with this weird pedestal, huh? What could it be, you think? mac_0_098_kur Professor! What's going on? mac_0_099 The location of a Crystal Star has been recorded on your Magical Map!

And Mario has learned a special move! You can now use Sweet Treat!

Each time you get a Crystal Star, you'll learn a new special move! mac_0_100_kur Professor! The map!!!

And what was with all those crazy lights? mac_0_101 Hrmmm...

It appears that information related to the locations of the Crystal Stars appeared... mac_0_101_04 And that shining light... It looked as if a mysterious power was given to Mario...

Well... One way or another... We should return to my place and study the map closely. mac_1_001_kur OK, Mario! You ready? Hold that Crystal Star up! mac_1_001_nok Um... All right, Mario! Hold up that Crystal Star! mac_1_001_01 The location of a Crystal Star has been recorded on your Magical Map! mac_1_002_kur Ooh! Check it out, Mario! The location of the next Crystal Star has appeared.

But, I... I... I have NO idea where that is! mac_1_002_nok Hey, uh, Mario, look there. The next Crystal Star showed up on the map.

But... I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue where that is. mac_1_003_kur OK... I guess we oughta let Professor Frankly tell us where that place is. mac_1_003_nok Um... I think maybe we should take it to Professor Frankly and let him look at it. mac_2_001_kur Here we go again, Mario! Let's see that Crystal Star! mac_2_001_nok Um... Go for it, Mario! Break out the Crystal Star! mac_2_001_win Now, my little Mario! It's Crystal Star time! mac_2_001_01 The location of a Crystal Star has been recorded on your Magical Map! mac_2_002_kur There it is! The resting spot of the next Crystal Star! Totally awesome!

But it looks like it's pointing somewhere...up in the sky. Huh? What could that mean? mac_2_002_nok Cool! The next Crystal Star showed up on the map!

Hey, but...is it me, or is it up in the sky or something? Um... What could that mean? mac_2_002_win Oh, mercy me! The next Crystal Star has made an entrance! My, my, my!

But... Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it up in the sky? What does THAT mean? mac_3_000_01 The location of a Crystal Star has been recorded on your Magical Map! mac_3_001_kur There's the fourth Crystal Star. We're gonna have to show Professor Frankly again.

It's OK, we have to let him know what Princess Peach wrote in her e-mail anyway... mac_3_001_nok That's the fourth Crystal Star, all right. Professor Frankly better look at this.

Before he does, though, we oughta let him know what Princess Peach wrote... mac_3_001_win That's where the fourth Crystal Star is, but we'll need Frankly to translate.

I suppose we also should tell him what Princess Peach wrote in that recent e-mail... mac_3_001_yos Hey! That shows where the fourth Crystal Star is! Can't that Frankly guy read it?

That'd be cool, but first we better tell him what Princess Peach's e-mail said, right?!? mac_4_000_01 The location of a Crystal Star has been recorded on your Magical Map! mac_4_001_kur Come on! Let's go back to Professor Frankly's office, what do you say?

We have to tell him about Princess Peach's e-mail. mac_4_001_nok Quick! Let's go to the professor's office.

We have to let him know about Princess Peach's e-mail, right? Don't we? mac_4_001_win Quickly, now! Let's go to the professor's office.

We must advise him about Princess Peach's e-mail! mac_4_001_yos Quick! Let's cruise up to the prof's office!

We have to tell that guy about the princess's e-mail! mac_4_001_viv We'd better hurry, don't you think? We should go up to the professor's office!

We have to let him know about the princess's e-mail! mac_4_001_chu We must move quickly, love. Let's go to the professor's office, quick as a wink!

We have to speak to him of Princess Peach's e-mail. mac_5_000_01 The location of a Crystal Star was recorded on your Magical Map! mac_5_001_kur C'mon! Let's go talk to Professor Frankly. mac_5_001_nok All right! Let's go see the professor. mac_5_001_win Come, now! Let's go visit Frankly. mac_5_001_yos Cool! Let's cruise back and check in with the prof! mac_5_001_viv All set? Then let's go see Professor Frankly. mac_5_001_bom Right! Let's pop in on that professor fellow. mac_5_001_chu OK, then! Now we must go see Professor Frankly. mac_6_000_01 The location of a Crystal Star was recorded on your Magical Map! mac_6_001_kur Uh... OK, that is, like, a TOTAL typo or something...

Do you see that, Mario? The last Crystal Star... It can't be THERE... mac_6_001_nok Um... Are my eyes OK?

Is it me, or does that show the last Crystal Star is... No... It can't be there... mac_6_001_win Mmm? Impossible!

The last Crystal Star is all the way up... No! I shan't believe it... mac_6_001_yos Whoa! No way!

What's wrong with that map? The last Crystal Star is... That ain't right! mac_6_001_viv Hmm? Is that...right?

According to the map, the last Crystal Star is... It CAN'T be... mac_6_001_bom Eh? What's this balderdash?

Tell me, old boy, does that say the last Crystal Star is... No. Seems awfully unlikely... mac_6_001_chu My, my, what's this, now?

The last Crystal Star... It can't possibly be there... mac_7_008 What kept you, Mario?!?

...Well, it doesn't matter now. I don't think they're in the vicinity anymore.

They must have found another way to get through the door... mac_7_009 It's all come down to this! Hurry now, Mario! Hold aloft the last Crystal Star! mac_7_010_kur Look! The door!!! mac_7_010_nok Wow! Look! The door!!! mac_7_010_win Oh, my! Look! The door!!! mac_7_010_yos Whoa! Look! The door!!! mac_7_010_viv Eep! Look! The door!!! mac_7_010_bom Crackity! Look! The door!!! mac_7_010_chu Hmm! Look! The door!!! mac_7_011 At long last, the entrance to the Palace of Shadow has been opened!

Before Princess Peach falls victim to that fiend... Before he takes over the world...

You must rescue the princess and stop this cataclysm! mac_7_012 Machi #1176 mac_7_013_kur C'mon, Mario!!! mac_7_013_nok Let's roll, Mario!!! mac_7_013_win Let's go, Mario!!! mac_7_013_yos Let's rock, Gonzales!!! mac_7_013_viv I'm ready, Mario!!! mac_7_013_bom Into the breach, Mario!!! mac_7_013_chu I'm with you, Mario!!! mac_7_014 Me? I'd just get in the way. I'll wait here and, uh, watch the door. Yes, that's it.

It's all up to you, Mario. Stop their foul ambitions and save Princess Peach! mac_7_015 Machi #1186 msg_kuri_map This is the site of the famed Thousand-Year Door. The air ripples with power...

Behind that door sleeps the treasure that every rogue in Rogueport whispers about...

I also read this was where the palace at the center of the ancient town was.

Just a little fun fact, there... クリハカセ That's Professor Frankly, head of the archaeology department at U Goom.

He's researching the legendary treasure here. I totally respect him.

You know the famous Professor Kolorado? He was a student of Frankly's! tik_06_01 You can't enter from here! tik_06_02 DANGER!!! DO NOT ENTER! This pipe is the entrance to the Pit of 100 Trials!

First Attack and Bump Attack badges don't work, so BEWAAAAAAAAAAARE! irai_12_001_1 You took on my trouble? Ohhhhhh, thank the stars! This is just terrible!

My dad went into the Pit of 100 Trials, and he never came out!

He lost his job and said the only way to support us was the pit's treasure...

But I don't need treasure! I just want my dad back! Please help him! irai_12_001_2 Dad! Did...you find my dad? ...Not yet, then.

I know he didn't go all the way down. I mean, he'd never make it! Please, help my dad! irai_12_001_3 My dad's back! irai_12_001_4 Sorry for troubling you.

I guess health and family really are the most important things... You know...

I'll look for new work... I've got to be strong for my dear son! irai_12_001_5 Thank you so, SO much! I'll give you my treasure as a reward.

It's really important to me... But nothing's more important than my dad, so here... irai_12_001_6 Now if you'll excuse us... And really, thank you so very much. msg_kuri_map That's the entrance to the Pit of 100 Trials.

No one knows how far down that pipe goes, but...it keeps me awake at night. キーノ That's Pine T. Jr., who asked us to find his dad. Hey, guy! マッキノ That's Pine T. Sr., who fainted in the Pit of 100 Trials. I'm glad he's home safe now.

Parents shouldn't worry their kids like that, y'know? tik_07_mail4_00_kur Hey, Mario, you hear that? Sounds like an e-mail from Princess Peach! tik_07_mail4_00_nok Mario, your Mailbox SP! I bet you got an e-mail from Princess Peach! tik_07_mail4_00_win Mario, dear, listen! An e-mail from Princess Peach, perhaps? tik_07_mail4_00_yos Hey! Gonzales! Listen! That must be an e-mail from Princess Peach! tik_07_mail4_00_viv Oh my goodness, Mario! Would that be an e-mail from Princess Peach? tik_07_mail4_01 My dear Mario, I have finally learned what the legendary treasure is.

It is the spirit of a demon!

The X-Nauts plan to revive this thousand-year-old monster...

And use its power to take over the world!

They're collecting the Crystal Stars so they can open the Thousand-Year Door...

They'll find this demon's spirit...

But the only thing that can keep it locked away is the Crystal Stars themselves!

You must not let them get the Crystal Stars!

Please, Mario... You must put a stop to their horrible plans! -Princess Peach- tik_07_mail4_02_kur An...ancient demon's spirit?!? Jeepers creepers, it doesn't get much worse than that... tik_07_mail4_02_nok An...ancient demon's spirit?!? Well, golly, it doesn't get much worse than that! tik_07_mail4_02_win An...ancient demon's spirit?!? Mercy me, that sounds positively horrid... tik_07_mail4_02_yos An...ancient demon's spirit?!? Sheesh, that doesn't sound good at all... tik_07_mail4_02_viv An...ancient demon's spirit... msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. You could spend a lifetime studying secrets down here. tik_08_01 The pipe rejected you! tik_08_02 ³ To Twilight Town msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. There's a pipe here that connects to Twilight Town! powerdown_00 Hee hee hee! You've come quite a ways! This is Chet Rippo's Adjustment House.

If you think you want to change your abilities or your partners' ranks...

Then I can adjust those things for the low, low price of coin.

So... Who needs some adjustment, hmmm? powerdown_00_01 Hee hee hee hee hee! Welcome to Chet Rippo's Adjustment House.

So... Who needs some adjustment, hmmmm? You? Or your partner? powerdown_01 Who needs some adjustment? You? Or your partner? powerdown_02 Sounds great! Forget about it! powerdown_10 I'm all done.

You ran low on BP, so I removed all your badges.


Boogity boogity bee! Boogaba boogaba boo! Lippity skippity skoo! powerdown_12 HEEE-YAH! powerdown_13 I'm finished.

So... Unless you need anything else, get outta here! powerdown_14 Hee hee hee hee hee! Welcome to Chet Rippo's Adjustment House.

This is where you come to adjust your abilities or your partners' ranks.

If you want some adjustment done, talk to me from the other side of the table. msg_kuri_map This is the house of the level adjuster, Chet Rippo.

Whenever you want to adjust your levels or your partners' ranks, just come here, OK?

Seriously, though, how many customers do you think he gets, living down here? パワーダウン屋 That's Chet Rippo, the adjuster. He can adjust your stats or your partners' ranks.

Me, I wouldn't trust this guy with anything more complex than plucking back hair...

I know I always say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but still... majinaisi_00 We're under the folks up top! In my fortune-telling shop! I see your fortune...but stop!

If you wish to talk to me, across the table you must be. Thank you, really, golly, gee! majinaisi_01 Hello. Welcome. I'm Merlee. Underground, cute as can be! A fortune-teller, that is me.

Lucky for you, coming here. I tell fortunes, have no fear!

Let my mystic power tell of days to come...more, as well. For luck sits on my spells.

What do you say, Mr. Guy? Want to give it a try? majinaisi_02 Special Path 50 coins Normal Path 20 coins Cheap Path 5 coins majinaisi_06

Your coins! Where are they? Not enough to play! Oh, too bad! So sad!

Come again! Yes, bye-bye! I'll be waiting for you, guy! majinaisi_07

OK. That's fine by me! So, ready? Ready for me? OK... Here we go! majinaisi_08 My mystic power can make you smile! In battle, you'll win with style!

Even if nasty foes arrive, you'll be fine since my fortune will thrive!

OK! Come again! See you soon! See you then! Good-bye! irai_14_00 I really must know how to bake a yummy, tasty Heartful Cake!

To Petalburg you must go, ask Toce T. all she knows! irai_14_01 So, did you find the recipe for Heartful Cake for little old me? irai_14_02 Ah! I remember now! That's right! Of course! Wow!

Oh, no, what shall I do? I have no Cake Mix! Boo-hoo!

And I can't leave my shop here... Oh dear... Oh, dear... Oh, dear... Oh, dear...

I hate to ask, but could you please bring me some Cake Mix? I'm on my knees! irai_14_03 I really, really want to make a tasty, tasty Heartful Cake!

I hate to ask, but could you please bring me some Cake Mix? I'm on my knees! irai_14_04 Do you have Cake Mix for me? Do you have it? Let me see! irai_14_05 Thank you! You're the best! You passed my trouble test!

Cannot make a cake without Cake Mix, right? No doubt!

As you make a Heartful Cake, mix Ruin Powder well to make the Cake Mix properly bake!

I'm going to make it tonight! And it will be out of sight! Then I'll charm someone right!

Thanks so much to you, dear. Here is your reward. Here! msg_kuri_map This is Merlee the charmer's house. With her charms, you get random bonuses in battle.

It costs a few coins, but I hear it's totally worth it. ‚Ü‚¶‚È‚¢Žt That's the charmer, Merlee. She's bright and cheery, huh?

If you have her charm you, you'll receive various bonuses in battle.

They're super-helpful, so next time you have a chance, be sure to have her charm you!

Oh, AND I hear she's the twin sister of Merluvlee, the fortune-teller! msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. There's nobody here. Huh! I wonder where they went? msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. I think this is just your basic, garden-variety corridor.

This must've been a nice walk when the whole town was aboveground... msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. Y'know, this seems to be more than just a corridor...

Nothing's ever what it seems down here, huh? msg_kuri_map This is just another part of the underground corridor.

I bet tons of people passed through here a thousand years ago. Coooooooool. msg_kuri_map We're down below Rogueport. This corridor connects to the area above. Nice, huh?

By the way, you know you can pass through iron bars in Paper Mode, right? mac_majin_01 Whoa! mac_majin_02 Hey! You! Can you hear me?

You can?!? That must mean you're the hero of legend! mac_majin_03 Only the great hero of legend can hear my voice. Yeah! Everyone else...nothing. mac_majin_04 See, long ago, an evil spirit cast a curse on me, locking me in this box. I was bummed.

I've been here ever since, waiting a long, LONG time for the hero to come by!

...So, yeah, anyway, big guy... What brings a hero like you to a place like this? mac_majin_05 Er, Mario... A word with you? I'm not exactly confident that we can trust this...box.

I think it may be best not to mention that we're looking for the Crystal Stars.

...Well, drat.

I just said it out loud! What's wrong with me? mac_majin_06 Oh, yeah? Searching for the Crystal Stars, are you, now? So you really are a hero.

Well, you're DEFINITELY gonna need my help if you hope to get those bad boys.

So, first you should look for the key to this box. Then use it to let me out. Definitely.

By the way, the key looks like this: mac_majin_07_kur Well, what do you think we oughta do, Mario? mac_majin_08 Well, I know MY vote goes to you finding that key. I'm sure it's around here somewhere.

C'mon! Being stuck in a box is no picnic! I'm counting on you, O Great Legendary Hero! mac_majin_09 Oh, if only some great, cool, unselfish hero of legend would bring the key here...

Yeah... The key that looks like this: mac_majin_10 Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You brought the key! Yes! Oh, man, I owe you BIG! mac_majin_11 Ooh! C'mon! Don't taunt me! H-Hurry up and open it! mac_majin_12 YESSSSSSSSS! Thank... Ha! Thank NOTHING!

Whee hee!

Foooooools! mac_majin_13 Oh, BOY, did you fall for it! I BURNED you! What, you think I was gonna help you?!?

Instead, I'm gonna spread a little of the suffering I've endured in that stupid box!

Yeah! Sorry, but those are the breaks! I'm gonna cast an evil, terrible curse upon you!

Buggly-wuggly-WOOOOOOO! You're cursed! mac_majin_14 Whee hee hee hee hee! Enjoy that curse, sucker! You got what you deserved!!!

You wanna hear all about the sweet curse I just dropped? Then listen well!

From now on, if you press in certain areas, you'll turn into a paper airplane!

Whee hee! Trembling yet? Suffer the rest of your days under my terrible curse!

Whee hee hee hee hee hee! Oh, I can't help but chortle! You're DOOMED!!! mac_majin_15 This curse is pretty rough, I guess, so I suppose I owe it to you to explain it.

Ready? If you stand on an airplane panel like this one, the floor will start to glow. mac_majin_15_1

Yeah, OK, you're on the panel. Now try pressing ! And then, bam! You're a paper airplane! mac_majin_16

The worst part of this curse is that you must tilt Left and Right to control yourself.

I guess if you got good at it, you might fly a long way...but that's the ONLY good thing.

So, be honest. Isn't this curse just about the worst thing that's ever happened to you? mac_majin_17 Yes No stg3_tou_01 Very well, folks. Please watch your step as you board. stg3_tou_02

We know you have a choice of dirigibles, so we thank you for flying Cheep Blimps! stg3_tou_02_01 If I may, let me just check your ticket. stg3_tou_03_kur Well, no doubt about it: this is Glitzville! Can you believe it actually floats? stg3_tou_03_nok Ummm... Yeah, this would be Glitzville, all right... How do they make it float?

I mean, it hasn't ever, you know, plunged from the sky or anything, has it? stg3_tou_03_win My, my, my! Glitzville! I've heard that the Glitz Pit is just full of brawny brawls!

I must admit, the prospect of some hurly-burly gets me a touch piqued! stg3_tou_04_kur Well, let's get to it, huh, Mario? Let's find that Crystal Star as fast as we can! stg3_tou_04_nok Time to hunt down that Crystal Star, huh, Mario? I know I'm ready! stg3_tou_04_win Now, darling, let's find that Crystal Star, hmm? stg3_tou_241 No! Bad! So very bad! Behave yourself, egg! stg3_tou_242 No! Bad! Come back! Help! My imported egg escaped! Somebody, catch it! stg3_tou_243 So bad! It does not even have arms and legs, and still I cannot catch it!

My menu was going to have the Southern Fried Egg Dog of Tastiness, but now... Bad!

I ordered that naughty egg from an island in the south! I had to pay shipping, too!

Don't just stand there! Help catch it!!! stg3_tou_244 MOST AWFULLY BAD!

Come down from there, bad egg! How am I supposed to get it now? FLY there?!?

You! Don't just stand there with your mustache! Find a way to get up there! stg3_tou_245 ZZZZZZZZZZZ... ZZZZZZZZZZZ... stg3_tou_246 Come down from there, bad egg! How am I supposed to get it now? FLY there?!?

Oh... And I very much wanted to make that Southern Fried Egg Dog of Tastiness... stg3_tou_247_kur Huh? Did you hear that, Mario? You want us to help you, little eggy-weggy?

It's so ADORABLE! What should we do, Mario? stg3_tou_247_nok ...Hm? Is it just me, or do you think that egg... What? You want our help, egg?

Umm... Your call, Mario. What do you want to do? stg3_tou_247_win Hmmm, now? You wish for us to help you, you darling little egg?

Mario, hon, what do you think we ought to do? stg3_tou_247_yn OK, it can follow us. No. Jumping eggs bug me. stg3_tou_254_kur

You hear that, little guy? Just make sure not to get in our way, though, OK? stg3_tou_254_nok

That's great, Mario. You're in with us, little buddy! Stay out of the way, OK? stg3_tou_254_win

You're all clear, little one! But do try not to get underfoot, all right? stg3_tou_255_kur

Seriously, Mario, I wonder about you sometimes. We're taking him, and that's that.

You hear that, little guy? Just make sure not to get in our way, though, OK? stg3_tou_255_nok

Man! I had heard you were this nice guy, but...man. Wow. Anyway, we gotta take him.

Just ignore Mario. You're in with us, little buddy! Stay out of the way, OK? stg3_tou_255_win

Mario, you awful, awful man. Why must you torment him? We simply MUST take him in!

You're all clear, little one! But do try not to get underfoot, all right? stg3_tou_297_06 Oh, you're Mr. Gonzales! Yeah, that's the mustache I've been waiting for! stg3_tou_297_06_01 Actually, you're pretty late... Somebody left a package and a note by the door a bit ago.

The letter said: "Look for a thick-'stached man named Gonzales and give him this."

The "this" the letter was talking about is...this. stg3_tou_297_08 So far's I could tell, that hammer's a new model, the HAMMAWHACK 2005...

Real nice hammer all around. Solid craftsmanship, good grip, high bonkability.

The commercials for this thing say that the hammer chooses its user...

They aren't cheap, either, so whoever gave this to you must be a big fan.

But... Why leave it in this juice shop? Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd?

I mean, it's not like it's that hard to hand a gift to a pro fighter... stg3_tou_297_09 I still can't get over that gift from your fan...

You're really on your way now! Getting a stalker's a big step on the road to fame! stg3_tou_297_10_kur Mario! ANOTHER e-mail! stg3_tou_297_10_nok Wow, Mario! E-mails are coming fast and furious now! stg3_tou_297_10_win Mario, darling! E-mail call! stg3_tou_297_10_yos Gonzales! E-mail time! stg3_tou_297_11 SmAsH tHe BlOcKaDe In ThE mInOr-LeAgUe LoCkEr RoOm. FrOm X stg3_tou_297_12_kur "The blockade in the minor- league locker room," huh? What's behind it, you think? stg3_tou_297_12_nok "The blockade in the minor- league locker room," eh? What might be behind it? stg3_tou_297_12_win "The blockade in the minor- league locker room," hmm? What could be behind it? stg3_tou_297_12_yos "The blockade in the minor- league locker room," huh? Wonder what's behind it... stg3_tou_297_28 gO tO tHe StOrAgE rOoM nExT tO gRuBbA's OfFiCe. FrOm X stg3_tou_297_29_kur The storage room in the arena now?

Sheesh! What next? This guy's got us running all over! It's driving me totally nuts! stg3_tou_297_29_nok Now we have to go to some storage room?

Man... This seems like a lot of legwork. Is this guy just playing with us? stg3_tou_297_29_win Now we're to break into the storage room?

Mercy! This fellow seems to like making us run about... I can't say I approve. stg3_tou_297_29_yos What the heck is this guy's problem? The storage room?

I mean... Does he think we need the exercise? This dude is really cheesing me off. stg3_tou_479_kur Yes! We have three Crystal Stars now! We're rolling!

Let's head back to Rogueport, Mario! stg3_tou_479_nok All right! That makes three Crystal Stars!

We'd better get back to Rogueport, Mario! stg3_tou_479_win How marvelous! Now we have three of those Crystal Stars!

I suggest we make haste for Rogueport, wouldn't you say? stg3_tou_479_yos Sweet! Another Crystal Star! That's three, right?

We'd better roll back to Rogueport, don't you think? stg3_tou_05 Hey there, and welcome! Our doors are always open for thirsty fight fans!

So grab a frosty juice, take a load off, and enjoy! stg3_tou_06 Hey there, and welcome! Our doors are always open for thirsty fight fans!

This'll sound crazy, but I really wouldn't mind being the strongest guy alive.

I mean, sure, every guy dreams that once in awhile, but the thing is, I once...

No, wait... Never mind. Good luck out there. stg7_tou_01 General White? Oh... You must mean that white Bob-omb, huh?

Yeah, he used to come here all the time.

But I haven't seen him lately.

Now that I think about it, I think he headed off to some huge tree...or not. stg3_tou_re_144 I gotta thank you, buddy! Since your run to the top, business has been booming!

I'm looking forward to the day you make a dramatic comeback, big guy! stg3_tou_re_145 You planning on getting back in the ring? I can't wait to see your moves NOW! stg3_tou_re_146 Attaboy, Gonzales! Yeah! Back to being champion! You're a machine! stg3_tou_re_146_1 When you're a pro athlete, you gotta expect some bad times along with the good.

Just take it one step at a time and you'll be just fine. Good luck to you, buddy. stg3_npc_01_01_01 So this is Glitzville, hmm? Not a bad place, if a little on the tawdry side...

Perhaps I'll begin my stay here with a hostile buyout of that Hot Dog Stand... stg3_npc_01_01_02 Ah, you there! Tell me, sir, do you know the whereabouts of the Glitz Pit proprietor?

Why do I ask? Dear man, have you seen the crowds? This place is a gold mine!

I want to sign a plum sponsorship deal with this wonderful, vulgar place! stg3_npc_01_01_03 Well, I've done it. I am now an official sponsor of the Glitz Pit. Simply marvelous.

But what I do with my scads of cash is of little import... Best of luck to you, sir! stg3_npc_01_01_04 Why, if it isn't Gonzales! I enjoyed your fight earlier! Yes, you thrashed that lout!

I don't think you're quite Rawk Hawk caliber, but you have potential! Keep at it! stg3_npc_01_01_05 Ah, it's you, Gonzales! I should say you have Rawk Hawk's attention now, hmmm?

Yes, I've a feeling you might just become the champion one day not long from now! stg3_npc_01_01_06 The Great Gonzales! Ah! Congratulations, Champion! A prince among paupers!

Keep bringing in crowds like you have and I'll have to buy a bank to store my cash!

Perhaps you'd like me to back you as a sponsor, too? Not to worry! I have money! stg3_npc_01_01_07 I see. So. You're leaving. Everyone has their reasons. That is the way of things.

But hear me: when you do return, I expect the same caliber of thrashings, hm? stg3_npc_01_01_07_1 I should think we'll vacation here a bit longer...

Yes, the air here has a way of invigorating the lungs and stirring the wallet. stg3_npc_01_02_01 I find this floating-city concept quite fascinating! Yes, it intrigues me!

I wonder what sort of coinage one might shell out to build a vacation home here? stg3_npc_01_02_02 I must say, I find combat sports utterly barbarous! Oh, I need a hot steam...

Are there no saunas here? If there aren't, I shall just have my hubby install one!

Excuse me? Installing saunas on a floating city is against the fire code?

I...did not know that. You can't do it? Even for a disgusting amount of cash? stg3_npc_01_02_03 This is the first time in my life I've witnessed combat sports firsthand...

How repugnant! Boorish ogres grappling about, caterwauling! I find it utterly barbarous! stg3_npc_01_02_04 I can't say I approve of my little boy Bub witnessing these violent matches, but...

As long as he grows up and takes over the Golbobbington Corporation, I can't complain. stg3_npc_01_02_05 Combat sports do SO repel me, but my dear Bub WILL be a corporate VP one day...

I hear those boardrooms can get quite heated. Perhaps he SHOULD know self-defense...

I wonder if there are any reputable self-defense tutors around here... stg3_npc_01_02_06 You seem a savage sort... Would you like to become my sweet Bub's combat tutor?

Fighting is rather low-class, but the boy will be envied by all with a pro-champion tutor! stg3_npc_01_02_07 Oh, is that right? Ah... So you plan to travel...

I wished to ask you to consider being Bub's tutor, but alas... stg3_npc_01_02_07_1 Oh, is that right? Ah... So you plan to travel...

I wished to ask you to consider being Bub's tutor, but alas... stg3_npc_01_03_01 Daddy! I'm hungry and I wanna eat a Hot Dog and I wanna eat it RIGHT NOW! stg3_npc_01_03_02 Mommy says the air is thin here. I think thin air makes Mommy like to yell. stg3_npc_01_03_03 Aww...so LAME! This STINKS! I really, REALLY wanted to eat that super-whatever dog!

Where else can I get one? Daddy! Get me one! stg3_npc_01_03_04 I want that blimp...and I want that Hot Dog sign...and I want that battle poster... stg3_npc_01_03_05 Hey, I saw you in a fight! Yeah! You're real strong! My daddy was real happy!

People who my daddy likes become really great, mostly! You're gonna be great, too! stg3_npc_01_03_06 Hey, you became the champ! You can come to my house! Only celebrities get to visit! stg3_npc_01_03_07 So are you gonna give up the champ's belt now or what? Can I have it?

I told Daddy to buy it for me, but he said you can't buy a championship... What a rip. stg3_npc_01_03_07_1 Hey, you got a pretty cool life, there. You must make lots and lots of money.

I wonder if I'll have as cool a life as you do when I grow up... stg3_npc_01_04_01 You see that Hot Dog Stand over there? Best Hot Dog menu of all time, no joke.

Hey, but you look more into fighting than Hot Dogs... Are you a pro? I'll root for you! stg3_npc_01_04_02 Woo! The Great Gonzales! You're the coolest ever! I root for you all the time! stg3_npc_01_04_03 I made a couple quick coins the other day helping the juice shop guy fix his roof...

But I saw the weirdest design ever up there... It was this arrowlike thing...

Anyway, I bet you know, but I did a Spin Jump on that blue switch to get up there. stg3_npc_01_04_04 I'm always pulling for you out there, Gonzales! Yeah! Most merciless fighter ever! stg3_npc_01_04_05 You can probably TASTE that championship belt, huh? I'm pulling for you! stg3_npc_01_04_06 Congratulations, champ! I was with you from day ONE, Gonzales! I believed! stg3_npc_01_04_07 The greatest fighter ever... The man... Great Gonzales... You gotta fight again!

I'll wait for your comeback until the END OF TIME!!! stg3_npc_re_001 I believed! I believed! I knew you'd come back, Gonzales! I KNEW IT!!! stg3_npc_re_002 Still the greatest ever! The Great Gonzales! Champ! That didn't take you long! stg3_npc_re_002_1 You know, when I see the Great Gonzales out there scrapping, I get PUMPED!

Just goes to show, you gotta believe, no matter what! Never retire, Gonzales! stg3_npc_01_05_01 You rode the blimp here, didn't you?

Boy, I envy you. I'm dying to ride that thing, but air travel makes me yack. stg3_npc_01_05_02 It's so sad... I have an adventurous heart, but a queasy stomach... stg3_npc_01_05_03 Unless I cure my airsickness, I'll be stuck here forever... I have to find a way... stg3_npc_01_05_04 I don't know if you know... Besides the airsickness... I'm also afraid of heights... stg3_npc_01_05_05 I wonder... Do you think I can cure my airsickness by closing my eyes and chewing gum? stg3_npc_01_05_06 I've decided! Life's too short! Forget this airsickness! I'm riding that blimp!


I'm still nervous... I mean, you can't get off along the way... Are there parachutes? stg3_npc_01_05_07 I've decided! Life's too short! Forget this airsickness! I'm riding that blimp!


I'm still nervous... I mean, you can't get off along the way... Are there parachutes? stg3_npc_re_003 If they ever make a movie of my life, it'll be called "The Worrywart of Glitzville." stg3_npc_re_004 If they ever make a movie of my life, it'll be called "The Worrywart of Glitzville." stg3_npc_re_004_1 I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating, but I think I might never leave here. stg3_npc_01_06_01 Haven't seen your face around here...and I know I'd remember a 'stache like that.

Listen, guy, if you wanna see a match, head on inside. That's the Glitz Pit. stg3_npc_01_06_02 What's the word, guy? You really think you can make it as a pro fighter? stg3_npc_01_06_03 I hear you're pretty good, guy. Maybe you have a knack for beating people senseless. stg3_npc_01_06_04 Wow... I heard the good word, guy. So, you made it to the major league, huh?

Shoot, if you could make it... Maybe I oughta try my hand in the ring... stg3_npc_01_06_05 So... I heard you're ranked pretty high in the major league these days, guy...

Yeah, I definitely have to look into this pro-fighting racket. Must be simple... stg3_npc_01_06_06 You're the champion now?!? ...Oh, I have GOT to give pro fighting a shot now. stg3_npc_01_06_07 Ever hear of fighter's block? Someday...you'll realize it's tough to fight forever. stg3_npc_re_005 You're making a comeback? I wouldn't even bother, guy. Rawk Hawk's invincible now. stg3_npc_re_006 I gotta admit...that Rawk Hawk guy was overrated. You're the real deal! stg3_npc_re_006_1 Times always change, guy... Today's number one may be tomorrow's big loser! stg3_npc_01_07_01 Glitzville hangs out in the clouds... I'll give you two guesses why I like it here. stg3_npc_01_07_02 Y'know, people always accuse me of having my head in the clouds, but it's not true.

I'm actually quite well grounded. Just not literally. stg3_npc_01_07_03 Y'know how they say the sun hides behind the clouds? This "son" does that too! stg3_npc_01_07_04 See the sunglasses my bud has on? They're prescription. He has cloudy vision! stg3_npc_01_07_05 I know I have goggles on, but my eyesight is 20/20. They're what you call "fashion." stg3_npc_01_07_06 A lot of Lakitus tell me that I seem very down-to-earth. Is that an insult or what? stg3_npc_01_07_07 I used to try to trick people into thinking I could tell their fortunes...

I'd be like: "Dark clouds are massing on the horizon." Heh heh heh... Awesome. stg3_npc_re_007 Most people get sad when it's cloudy out, but not me... I'm cloudy every day! stg3_npc_re_008 Hey, I'm a pretty good storyteller, don't you think? Yeah, I want to be a writer...

A skywriter! Heh heh heh! stg3_npc_re_008_1 Hey, I'm a pretty good storyteller, don't you think? Yeah, I want to be a writer...

A skywriter! Heh heh heh! stg3_npc_01_08_01 We're the world-wanderers, the Traveling Sisters 3! Usually! stg3_npc_01_08_02 ...But here in Glitzville... stg3_npc_01_08_03 We're the Rough and Tumble, Battling AND Traveling Sisters 3! stg3_npc_01_08_04 We're the Rough and Tumble, Battling AND Traveling Sisters 3! stg3_npc_01_08_05 We watched a minor-league match, but it really wasn't all that. stg3_npc_01_08_06 Now, the major leagues, though... THAT is some hot fighting action! stg3_npc_01_08_07 We're the Rough and Tumble, Battling AND Traveling Sisters 3! stg3_npc_01_08_08 Boy, those major-league matches just get us so energized! stg3_npc_01_08_09 Our knuckles get white, our hearts start pounding, and we snack like no tomorrow! stg3_npc_01_08_10 We're the Rough and Tumble, Battling AND Traveling Sisters 3! stg3_npc_01_08_11 Omigosh, you're the Great Gonzales! From the magazine! This is too cool! stg3_npc_01_08_12 Oh, gee, it's "Gonzales"? I thought his name was Gorgonzola! stg3_npc_01_08_13 We're the Rough and Tumble, Battling AND Traveling Sisters 3! stg3_npc_01_08_14 Omigosh, that mustache is... The Great Gonzales! EEEEEE! Can I have an autograph? stg3_npc_01_08_15 EEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE! Let us touch your hat! stg3_npc_01_08_16 We're the Rough and Tumble, Battling AND Traveling Sisters 3! stg3_npc_01_08_17 Hey, you're the champion! EEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEE! Marry me! stg3_npc_01_08_18 EEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEE! Could I pluck a hair from your mustache? PLEASE! stg3_npc_01_08_19 Did you quit as the champ? stg3_npc_01_08_20 Hey, wanna get married? stg3_npc_01_08_21 Can I touch your mustache? stg3_npc_re_009 It's the champion! He's back! stg3_npc_re_010 Gonzales is the MAN! stg3_npc_re_011 Can I touch the 'stache? stg3_npc_re_012 Here comes the champ! stg3_npc_re_013 Let's get married...for real! stg3_npc_re_014 Please, that 'stache... stg3_npc_re_014_1 U0“0k0“0€0Y00ÿÿ stg3_npc_re_014_2 U0“0k0“0€0Y00ÿÿ stg3_npc_re_014_3 U0“0k0“0€0Y00ÿÿ stg3_npc_01_11_01 That fabulous mustache... I've seen it somewhere before, I know it...

Yes... Mario... That is definitely a name I've heard somewhere before... stg3_npc_01_11_02 The champion... Rawk Hawk... He's showy, but all that sparkles is not gold, they say.

Perhaps you know, but he is actually the second champion of the Glitz Pit...

The sparkle of the first champion... Prince Mush... Now THAT was real...

But... Such a tragedy... Prince Mush disappeared, never to return...

Many still believe Prince Mush may make a magnificent comeback someday... stg3_npc_01_11_03 Prince Mush... The first Glitz Pit champion... The fighter long since lost...

He shone truly and brightly. Many fans still hope that he may dramatically return...

Of course, I'm one of them... I long to see the poetry of his pure fighting style... stg3_npc_01_11_04 Watching you fight... You remind me of the first champion, Prince Mush... stg3_npc_01_11_05 Gonzales... It seems that no fighter can stop your momentum...

Your run reminds me of the glory days of Prince Mush, the first Glitz Pit champion... stg3_npc_01_11_06 The third Glitz Pit champion... The Great Gonzales... Congratulations.

I very much wish to see... In fact, I'm sure EVERYONE would love to see...

The spectacle of you facing off with the first champion, Prince Mush... stg3_npc_01_11_07 Thank you, Great Gonzales... No, thank you, MARIO...

You're a true champion. Huh? Who am I, you ask?

Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! You don't know? I'm someone you know quite well, actually.

When I go outside the arena, I like to cut loose and shed my other personality... stg3_npc_re_015 Welcome back, Gonzales... Everyone's been all atwitter waiting for your return...

We've all missed your fabulous moves... stg3_npc_re_016 Just what I'd expect from a legendary Glitz Pit champion... An overwhelming win...

I'm sure Prince Mush was duly impressed with your win, as well...

Yes, young Mush is doing quite well, all thanks to you. Thank you, Mario... stg3_npc_re_016_1 The beauty of a win streak... The beauty of battling on... The beauty of not giving up...

What we do in a battle is an echo of what we do in life... Don't forget that... stg3_npc_01_12_01 Bonjour, Monsieur Mustache. You also come to zees place, honh?

Right now I am crrrrazy over zat ravishing creature zere... Keep your 'ands off. stg3_npc_01_12_02 Right now I am crrrrazy over zat ravishing creature zere...but she eez coy.

But soon zat blazing 'eart will belong to Dupree, honh? She cannot resist me... stg3_npc_01_12_03 Bonjour, Monsieur Mustache. I wonder what flower zat beautiful mademoiselle likes?

She eez like a ravishing, but thorny, red rose, honh? Oui, she is thorny... stg3_npc_01_12_04 Ah, my lovely mademoiselle... She eez one tough cookie, as you would say, honh?

Oh! I cannot even sleep! Zee pink spots on zat 'ead invade my very dreams... stg3_npc_01_12_05 No matter 'ow many times I approach, zat mademoiselle recoils in 'orror...

Zat 'eart is a cold place, a black 'ole where my love goes to die...

Zee universe is a cold place sometimes, honh? Why must zis be? stg3_npc_01_12_06 I 'ave learned zat my dear mademoiselle loves a former champignon, Prince Mush.

Zat is why I must enter zee ring and prove to 'er zat I am a champion, as well.

Ah, Monsieur Mustache... You are a good fighter, honh? Lose one to me, honh? stg3_npc_01_12_07 Ah, Monsieur Le Moustache!

I do not know 'ow, but the hole in young mademoiselle's 'eart 'as already been filled...

How unfortunate that she eez so resistant to my fabulous charms... stg3_npc_01_13_01 Uh... You don't look very familiar. You on vacation?

Me? Just a Lakitu who digs on combat sports, dude. Nice meeting you. stg3_npc_01_13_02 Hey, what's shaking, dude?

I heard you're fighting. Here's hoping you can become a star like Prince Mush! stg3_npc_01_13_03 You wanna know something? That Rawk Hawk is actually a total coward, dude.

I heard this rumor that he rigged his fight with Prince Mush to make him withdraw. stg3_npc_01_13_04 Hey, what's shaking, dude? Keep it clean out there, OK? Prince Mush always did... stg3_npc_01_13_05 Hey, what's shaking, dude? Knock some heads today, OK? Prince Mush always did... stg3_npc_01_13_06 Hey, what's shaking, Champ? Know what? You may even be stronger than Prince Mush! stg3_npc_01_13_07 Hey, what's shaking, Champ? I can't believe you aren't gonna be in the Pit anymore... stg3_npc_re_019 Hey, what's shaking, Champ? Welcome back, dude! Ready to rock the Pit again? stg3_npc_re_020 Hey, what's shaking, Champ? Your name's gonna live forever here, dude! stg3_npc_re_020_1 Hey, what's shaking, Champ? You're always the champ to me, no matter what. stg3_npc_01_14_01 Today's main event will rule! I'm betting on Rawk Hawk, no matter who's fighting him! stg3_npc_01_14_02 Hey, Gonzales. Wassup? Go knock yourself out, man! stg3_npc_01_14_03 Huh? The Great Gonzales? No offense, man, but I don't follow minor-leaguers. stg3_npc_01_14_04 I could use a couple extra coins...so I'll just bet on Rawk Hawk again!

Rawk Hawk will never lose... unless Prince Mush suddenly appears, and that ain't likely! stg3_npc_01_14_05 Gonzales! I gotta tell you, man, even if you challenge the champion...

I'm still betting the farm on Rawk Hawk! 'Cause that guy is unstoppable! stg3_npc_01_14_06 Big, bad Great Gonzales! I gotta thank you, man! I made a killing on you!

What? Rawk Hawk? Who, me? What are you talking about? I've always been YOUR fan! stg3_npc_01_14_07 If you're out of the picture, Rawk Hawk will reign again! I'll be betting on him! stg3_npc_re_021 You came back? Wow, man! But even you can't beat the new, improved Rawk Hawk! stg3_npc_re_022 You still got it, man! I made a fortune betting on you, Gonzales!

Huh? Rawk Hawk? Who, me? Are you crazy? I've always been a Gonzales man! stg3_npc_re_022_1 If you always bet the favorite, you win a whole lot, even if you don't win much.

So, you'll know you made it big if I start betting on you, buddy! stg3_tou_13 Hello there, you customer!

The aroma of yum in the air is the specialty of Glitzville, Mr. Hoggle's famous Hot Dogs!

Only 10 coins for 1! You will buy one? stg3_tou_13_01 Hello there, you customer! That thing with you used to be my runaway egg, I think!

Yes, that hatched from that naughty egg! I guess it's good I didn't cook it...

Now, have a Hoggle Hot Dog? Still only 10 coins for 1! You will buy one? stg3_tou_13_yn I'm here to buy. I'm here to sell. I'm here to store. I'm here to withdraw. Just checking points... stg3_shop_24 Yes No irai_24_004

Alright, I'll say it again. irai_24_005

I know that's a lot to ask, but you've got to help me. irai_24_006 Did you find out the code for my briefcase? irai_24_007 0 1 2 3 4 More irai_24_011 0 1 2 3 4 More irai_24_014 0 1 2 3 4 More irai_24_017 0 1 2 3 4 More irai_24_020 Hot sauce me! No thanks. irai_24_032

Well, you'll have to pay for it! I mean, it's our best-seller, after all!

How about 10 coins? irai_24_033 One more time... No, I got it! lecture_s_hammer_10

Okeydokey, Mario! Let's try it again! lecture_s_hammer_11

OK! Great! You've mastered the Super Hammer! lecture_s_hammer_12 With the Super-Hammer move, you can break even big blocks like this! lecture_s_hammer_13

Oh, gee, I almost forgot! You can use the Super Hammer in battle, too! Try it!

See you later, Mario! Good luck with your quest! stg8_dark_03 What's all this?!?

The sky... It's turning dark... stg8_las_148_18 Gonzales...

I mean, Mario... stg8_las_148_19 I know you're fighting far away right now. For us... For all of us...

This Crystal Star has told us of your last, brave stand... stg8_las_148_20 Maybe we can't do much to help you...

But we're thinking of you. All our wishes are for you... For your victory... stg8_las_148_21 Unh! Yeah! Yeah! Feel it! Rawk out, Great Gonzales!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAWK! stg8_las_148_22 Listen to me, Gonzales! Anybody who's beat me is not ALLOWED to lose!!! stg8_las_148_23 That's right! You! Star! Tell that shrimp that beat us to never give in! stg8_las_148_24 FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!! stg8_las_148_24_01 We're sendin' you all our strength, G-man! You feelin' the love, my man?

GONZALES!!! stg8_las_148_25 Fight on, Mario... msg_kuri_map Yup, this is Glitzville. It's so exotic; it feels like we're in another country!

This is like an entertainment hub that attracts visitors from all over the world.

The Glitz Pit is, obviously, the main attraction. That's where fighters duke it out.

To the right: the Fresh Juice Shop. The Hot Dog Stand to the left. Where to first? ”ò‹ó‘D That's Stewart, the blimp conductor. He checks tickets for blimp passengers.

He's what you call a Cheep-Cheep. Normally they don't hang out on land, but...

They've actually been around for quite a while in the Mario Bros. series, you know.

Oh, gosh, I just broke through the fourth wall, there, didn't I? Sorry. Just forget it. Ž♥ê“XŽå That's the manager of the Glitzville Fresh Juice Shop. His name is Podler.

Looks like a lot of fight fans gather here since the Glitz Pit is so close.

Oh, hey, and by the way... Podler is a huge hammer fan. He totally LOVES hammers. ƒpƒp That's Goldbob the Bob-omb. He's the head of a wealthy business, Goldbobbington's.

He's got buckets of ducats, they say. I guess some folks are just good with money! ƒ}ƒ} That's Sylvia the Bob-omb. She's super-wealthy.

She's got a real high-society air around her... Even her perfume smells like money. ƒRƒiƒŠƒLƒ“ That's Bub the Bob-omb. He's from a very rich family, so he's kind of spoiled.

Still, kids are kids, no matter how big their trust fund is... Aren't they? “Xˆõ This is the Toad that runs the Glitzville souvenir shop. They've got great stuff here.

Tourists shop here a lot, but I hear that a lot of fighters do, too. ƒzƒbƒgƒhƒbƒO That's Mr. Hoggle from the Hot Dog Stand. He's sold dogs for like, 30 years!

Nobody's as hot for Hot Dogs as him. He's always looking for the next miracle Hot Dog!

Anyway, his dogs are famous. Nobody comes to visit here without having one. ‚Rl–º‚P These are the Traveling Sisters 3. They seem to go everywhere together.

They seem so ditzy, though. Do they even notice each new place they wind up in? ‚Rl–º‚Q These are the Traveling Sisters 3. It looks like they're having fun.

They seem to just flit off to each new place without really exploring anywhere. ‚Rl–º‚R These are the Traveling Sisters 3. They seem to go everywhere together.

Sounds nice. Y'know, traveling. I wish I had time to travel with friends from school... ‚½‚Ü‚² Gosh, what a colorful egg! Must be a good one, huh? I mean, look at it jump!

But jeepers creepers, I sure wouldn't want to try to eat it... I mean, EWWWWWW!

I don't eat moving things. Let's hurry up, grab it, and give it back to Mr. Hoggle. ƒLƒmƒsƒI1 That's a Toad from Glitzville. I think he works here.

I don't know why, but he seems to be cheering for us. Hey, more power to ya! ƒLƒmƒsƒI2 That's a Toad from Glitzville. She really wants to travel, but she's terrified of flying.

...So my question is, how in the heck do you think she got here? Ponder THAT! ƒƒeƒ“1 That's a Doogan. He's really into pro fights. Obviously, he loves the Glitz Pit.

You can always tell true fight fans by how totally rabid their opinions are. ƒWƒ…ƒQƒ€1 That's a Lakitu. He's come here for the atmosphere... Get it? Atmosphere? Ha!

Anyway, he seems to think jokes like that beauty are totally hilarious. ”ü— Wow, this lady is so pretty! I wonder what her name is.

As far as I can tell, she always quietly enjoys her juice in the corner, alone.

What is it that mysterious women do to become so mysterious? What a mystery! ƒLƒU–ì˜Y Awww, it's that gross guy, Dupree! What's he doing in Glitzville? How annoying!

You don't think he thinks he's on an adventure with us... Do you? ƒWƒ…ƒQƒ€2 That's a Lakitu fight fan. Apparently he thinks Prince Mush is the bomb.

Prince Mush must've been a pretty big deal, sounds like. I wish I'd seen him just once. ƒƒeƒ“2 That's a Doogan fight fan. He seems to be a totally huge Rawk Hawk fan.

Know what I think, though? He mostly just wants to win his bets. ƒTƒ‰ƒŠ[ƒ}ƒ“ That's the business Ratooey who was on the train with us.

I don't know why, but I just feel like crying when I think of the lives of businessmen. stg3_tou_24 Sorry, bub, but authorized people only past this point.

If you're looking to see a match, head on through those main doors. stg3_tou_33_kur What do you think we oughta do? We can't just steal that nutcase's belt, can we?

This stinks. What do we do? stg3_tou_33_nok Boy... I don't know, Mario. It's not like we can just steal that guy's belt...

...Or can we? What should be our move here? stg3_tou_33_win Oh, whatever shall we do? I don't fancy the idea of stealing that fellow's belt...

What shall we do, Mario? stg3_tou_33_yn That battle was savage! Eh. It was OK, I guess. That fight? What a joke. stg3_tou_88

I'll tell you what I just saw, folks: a whuppin'! This kid's got skills!

We got ourselves a new hero! Let's hear it for him, folks! Yeah! The Great Gonzales! stg3_tou_257 And now...today's main event! The major league awaits the 11th-ranked Great Gonzales...

But only if he can beat the 10th-ranked powerhouses... The Iron Adonis Twins! stg3_tou_258_00 First, let's get the Merciless Executioner in here, folks! THE GRRRREAT GONZALES! stg3_tou_258_01 GOOONZALES! stg3_tou_258_02 Kick their iron tails! stg3_tou_258_03 Don't you dare lose, dude! stg3_tou_258_04 Love that mustache! stg3_tou_259 Hooooooooo-WEEEEEEEEEE! The Great Gonzales! How're you feelin'? stg3_tou_259_yn Yeah, totally! Not really. What do you care? stg3_tou_128_02

I hear you talkin', man! Awesome! stg3_tou_129 WOOHOOOO! DECK HIM!

When I watch a good fight, sometimes I feel like I'm actually IN it, don't you? stg3_tou_129_01 Yeah, totally! No, never. What do you care? stg3_tou_130_02

I hear you loud and clear, man! You know it! stg3_tou_131 Lemme tell you, fans like fighters to grandstand a bit! It drives us NUUUUUUUUTS! stg3_tou_132 Lemme tell you, fans just love wild brawls! And when we see special moves, we go NUUUTS! stg3_tou_133 Cold-sweating, death-gripping action drives us NUUUUUUTS! Give us more, more, MORE! stg3_tou_134 You ever watch minor-league fights? I do. You sometimes find diamonds in that rough... stg3_tou_135 Hey! I know you! I was just trying to think up a cool nickname for you...

Let's see, here... How about... "The Mustachioed Mangler"? Hmm... Doesn't quite flow... stg3_tou_136 Hey! What's up? I was just trying to think up a cool nickname for you...

Let's see, here... How about... "The Red Raging Plumber"? ...Sorta nerdy, huh? stg3_tou_137 When I get a little older, I'm definitely gonna be a pro fighter and make the LOOT!

I'll be wearing that belt in five years, max! I KNOW it! Believe it! stg3_tou_138 When I get a little older, I'm definitely gonna be a pro fighter and make the LOOT!

I'll be wearing that belt in five years, max! I KNOW it! Trust me! stg3_tou_139 When I get a little older, I'm definitely gonna be a pro fighter and make the LOOT!

I'll be wearing that belt in five years, max! I KNOW it! Uh...maybe. stg3_tou_140 I know a surefire way to avoid losing in the ring! Wanna hear it? stg3_tou_140_01 Yes, definitely! No thanks. Whatever... stg3_tou_141_02

Sorry, I didn't hear that... This place is LOUD, y'know? Anyway, to get popular...

Keep winning.

...C'mon, am I not the smartest guy of all time? Pearls of wisdom, here! stg3_tou_142 I know the way to become an unbeatable champion here! Wanna hear it? stg3_tou_142_01 Sure! Nah... stg3_tou_hushigi_03 Hey there, Gonzales. How's it going?

You're looking curious... Want to hear about the Seven Wonders? stg3_tou_hushigi_04 One of the Seven Wonders of the Arena... I think I'm getting close to it now...

Oh, hey, speaking of which... You want to hear about the Seven Wonders of the Arena? stg3_tou_hushigi_05

Heh heh heh heh heh! Let's see... Which one do you want to hear about? stg3_tou_hushigi_list_1 The Sealed Wall stg3_tou_hushigi_list_2 The Man-Eating Toilet stg3_tou_hushigi_list_3 The Stairs of Mystery stg3_tou_hushigi_list_4 The Haunted Boudoir stg3_tou_hushigi_list_5 The Spooky Ring-Lights stg3_tou_hushigi_list_6 The Missing Ones stg3_tou_hushigi_list_7 Grubba and Jolene stg3_tou_hushigi_06

You know, it's possible that the Seven Wonders are just gossip and rumors...

But I've got to tell you... I think they're real, and I think they're sketchy.

I smell a rat behind all of this, and someday, I'll solve ALL of these mysteries.

Hey, if you ever want to hear more about this stuff, just say the word, OK? stg3_tou_hushigi_07

Oh, yeah? Fine, whatever. If you ever want to learn some stuff, just holler. stg3_tou_hushigi_08 If you ever want to learn some stuff, just holler. stg3_tou_hushigi_09 He he he. It wouldn't be fun telling you everything all at once.

I will tell you a new story as your ranking goes up a notch. stg3_tou_hushigi_11 They say...there's a sealed wall in the minor-league locker room...

Some say...the remains of fallen athletes are stored in there... stg3_tou_hushigi_12 They say...in one of the arena's bathrooms, a man-eating toilet lurks...

Some say...that anyone who sees this toilet never sees anything again... stg3_tou_hushigi_13 They say...there's a room in the Glitz Pit with a second floor but no stairs...

They say...no one has ever gone upstairs...

And some say...that groaning voices sometimes come from that second floor... stg3_tou_hushigi_14 They say...that the champion's room is haunted...

Some say...if you keep still in the room, you'll hear voices whispering from nowhere.

Some even say...the voices are athletes who lost to the champion... stg3_tou_hushigi_15 My friend's friend's friend told me this one...

He said...he saw a strange light leaking under the ring doors when no one was there.

He couldn't see inside since the doors were locked. I plan to investigate this myself... stg3_tou_hushigi_16 They say...sometimes fighters disappear for no reason, never to return...

Some say...that the very first champion, Prince Mush, was spirited away in this way... stg3_tou_hushigi_17 Grubba is a strange one... His body is incredibly toned, even though he's past 60.

He must have an exceptional training regimen.

Then, there's the matter of Ms. Jolene.

They say...she suddenly vanishes at times.

Some say...a fighter saw her go into the bathroom and waited for her to come out.

...But she never did.

...Huh? You think it's stranger that someone staked out her bathroom? Good point. stg3_tou_240_02 So you're telling me that you have no idea who got inside? What do we pay you for? stg3_tou_240_03 I'm awful sorry, Ms. Jolene. I heard a noise in there, but I couldn't find nothing... stg3_tou_240_04 Hmph. Fine, leave the rest of this matter to me. Go back to your post.

And listen to me carefully: do not EVER tell anyone of this or I'll have your job. stg3_tou_240_05 You! Mr. Gonzales, this is highly inappropriate! What business do you have here?

Please, I must ask you to stay out of places where you have no business being. stg3_tou_297_13 Ah. Gonzales, isn't it?

I got the word that you wanted to move back down to the minor league again.

Can't say I understand why. Anyway, go on in. stg3_tou_297_27_00 Gonzales!

Good timing, you pudgy little punk. Uncle Rawk Hawk's got some advice for ya.

If you keep stealing the spotlight from me, you're gonna enter a world of hurt!

Quit making such a splash, if you value your puny life! Harharharharharharhar! stg3_tou_297_27_01_kur What...a...CREEP! How DARE he threaten us like that? Talk about low-class!

Wait... He threatened us! You think that hate mail came from old chicken-legs?

Well, who knows? One thing's for sure: we gotta watch our step from here on out. stg3_tou_297_27_01_nok Hey! Who does that guy think he is, threatening us?

But wait... Threatening us... Maybe that hate mail came from Rawk Hawk!

Well, one way or the other, we need to be really careful from now on. stg3_tou_297_27_01_win That chicken is rather rude. I hardly think it's necessary to resort to threats...

But wait a moment... Could it be that the nasty e-mail came from him?

I suppose we can't know. And regardless of who sent it, we must be more careful. stg3_tou_297_27_01_yos Yeah, you BETTER keep walking, you punk chicken! YOU HEAR ME TALKING?!?

Hey! Wait! I wonder... You think THAT idiot sent us that hate mail?

I guess it doesn't matter. SOMEBODY hates us, so we better watch our steps. stg3_tou_407_kur Hey! Where do you think YOU'RE going, pal? Huh? The ring's this way! stg3_tou_407_nok Ummm... Mr. Security Guy? Isn't the ring this way? stg3_tou_407_win Pardon me, sir, but I do believe you're taking us the wrong way... stg3_tou_407_yos Hold up, dude! Where are you heading? That ain't the way to the arena! stg3_tou_408 Yeah, uh, you go this way this time 'cause it's a special match. stg3_tou_408_01_kur Slow down, will ya, buddy? WHY are we going this weird way again? stg3_tou_408_01_nok Hey, listen, wait up! Where are you taking us? stg3_tou_408_01_win Sir, I really must protest... Where are we off to? stg3_tou_408_01_yos Hey, hold it, meathead! This doesn't seem right... stg3_tou_423_01 You're late, Mr. Gonzales. You'd better get in there. The crowd is going berserk. stg3_tou_423_02 What'd you just call me? How dare you say that! I did NOT trick you!

I have no idea what you're talking about, but you'd better check yourself. stg3_tou_423_03 Pardon me? Mr. Gonzales, you're supposed to make your entrance on the other side. stg3_tou_462_01 The door refuses to budge. It seems to be locked. stg3_tou_38 Sorry, fighters only, bub. No one else admitted. stg3_tou_39 This is a minor-league locker room, bub. Sorry. You can't go in there. stg3_tou_40 This is a major-league locker room, bub. Sorry. You can't go in there. stg3_tou_41 This is the champ's room. You can't go in. stg3_tou_42 What's that? You want to be a fighter, bub?

Oh, all right, go on in. Mr. Grubba's just inside. stg3_tou_re_310 Oh, it's you! You're gonna fight again? That's great!

Hey, go right on in, OK? Our new promoter, Ms. Jolene, is right inside. stg3_tou_re_311 What's that? You need to talk to Ms. Jolene?

Go on in. She's waiting. stg3_tou_42_01 If you want to be a fighter, you gotta talk to Mr. Grubba.

He's just inside. stg3_tou_re_312 If you want to be a fighter, you gotta talk to Ms. Jolene.

She's just inside. stg3_tou_re_313 Ms. Jolene is just inside. stg3_tou_94 No one goes in here unless they're signed up for an official match. stg3_tou_94_01 Mr. Grubba? Yeah, actually, he headed through here a minute ago. He was wigging. stg3_tou_95 This is a minor-league locker room.

You're the Great Gonzales, right? Head on in. stg3_tou_96 This is a minor-league locker room.

You can only enter your designated locker room. Sorry, regulations. stg3_tou_96_01 Mr. Grubba? Yeah, I saw him heading toward the ring. He looked FURIOUS, too! stg3_tou_97 This is a minor-league locker room.

You can only enter your designated locker room. Sorry, regulations. stg3_tou_97_01 Mr. Grubba? He just flew by. I think he went to the ring, and boy, was he mad! stg3_tou_98 This is a major-league locker room.

You're the Great Gonzales, right? Head on in. stg3_tou_99 This is a major-league locker room.

You can only enter your designated locker room. Sorry, regulations. stg3_tou_99_01 Mr. Grubba? Yeah, I saw him heading for the ring in a tizzy... stg3_tou_100 This is a major-league locker room.

You can only enter your designated locker room. Sorry, regulations. stg3_tou_100_01 Mr. Grubba? Yeah, he just ran for the ring like his pants were on fire. stg3_tou_101 This is the champion's room. Go right in, sir. stg3_tou_102 This is the champion's room. Only the champion may enter. Sorry, regulations. stg3_tou_102_00 Mr. Grubba? Yeah, I saw him heading for the ring in a state of panic... stg3_tou_102_01 This is Mr. Grubba's office. You may only enter when called by Mr. Grubba. stg3_tou_re_314 This is Ms. Jolene's office. You may only enter when called by Ms. Jolene. stg3_tou_102_02 Mr. Grubba? He just ran by at about Mach 6. I think he went to the ring... stg3_tou_102_03 Where are you going, bub? The fans are waiting for you out there. stg3_tou_102_04 Mr. Grubba? No, I haven't seen him. stg3_tou_76 Go on in, bub. stg3_tou_328 Right in there. stg3_tou_454 Right inside, sir. msg_kuri_map This is a backstage corridor. Compared to the Glitz Pit, this is so...businesslike.

There's security all OVER, so you can't just wander around wherever you want... ガードマン1 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

Muscles here definitely hits the weights. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン2 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

Boy, this guy must work out all the time, huh? I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン3 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy must do like, a million sit-ups daily. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン4 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy has arms as big as your thighs, Mario. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン6 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy probably works out eight hours a day. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン7 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy could probably bench our whole party. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン8 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy must be a former Mr. Mushroom Kingdom. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン9 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy must eat nothing but protein shakes. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン10 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

Ten to one this guy has a professional trainer. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ガードマン11 This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

Now THERE is a man who's lifted a few weights. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. ブロッツ That's Bandy Andy. He's always wandering around "investigating" stuff.

Who knows if it'll help us, but I'm sure he's got plenty of info to share. stg3_tou_43 Who in tarnation are you, son? And who let you in?!? This is Grubba's office!

Yep, that's me, Grubba! An' you, yer one rude dude, comin' in without knockin'! stg3_tou_44 What, now? An athlete, huh? You wanna be a fighter? stg3_tou_45 Hoo-WEE! That do change a thing or two, son! I always got time for an up-an'-comer!

Yep, this place is packed to the gills with young fighters, all primed and a-rarin' to go!

I gotta say, son, yer a bit skinny fer my tastes, but I'm willin' to give you a shot.

Now, play me straight, son: you wanna live the glamorous life of a champ, don'tcha? stg3_tou_45_yn Sign me up! I don't think so. stg3_tou_53

What in the hey? You lose yer taste for glory, son?

Well, I can't say I understand yer change of heart, but... ain't nothin' I can do.

I like yer style, though, so if you ever change yer mind... Just come on back, you hear? stg3_tou_54 Hey, it's the future champ! So, you got yer nerve back up, did you, son?

All right, then: how about you just gimme yer autograph on this here contract? stg3_tou_55 You signed the contract! stg3_tou_55_01 Best thing you ever done, son! Now, yer Mario? Ain't a bad handle...

Still, I gotta say, pard, it lacks a little punch as a fighter's name, get me? stg3_tou_56 Lemme see, here...

Bam! Hoooooo-WEEEEEEEEE! I got it!!!

From now on, yer gonna be... the Great Gonzales! Hoo! Ain't that a beaut?

Dang if that ain't a stroke of genius! A name that good comes 'round once a lifetime!

Yep, everyone will soon bow before the Great Gonzales! Make me proud, son! stg3_tou_57 Well, now that we got the business side outta the way...

Jolene? Could you come in a minute, darlin'? stg3_tou_58 Yes, sir? You wished to see me? stg3_tou_59 Sure did, hon. Jolene, this is the Great Gonzales, our newest risin' star.

Be a peach and take him on down to the minor-league locker room, all righty? stg3_tou_60 Right away, sir. stg3_tou_61 Mr. Gonzales? If you would be so kind, please follow me. stg3_tou_re_003 Yes, yes, who is it? It's customary to knock before entering... stg3_tou_re_004 Oh! Why...it's the Great Gonzales! It's been too long! How've you been? stg3_tou_re_005 I must tell you, we've seen a big drop-off in attendance since you returned the belt...

I was a touch worried... Our financials didn't look too good for a while, but...

Luckily, Rawk Hawk made a dramatic comeback and is reigning supreme again.

Yes, it's been a whirlwind of activity every day since I became a promoter...

Wait just a moment! Are you back to fight?!? Great Gonzales's return?!?

You must be! Right? Yes! Yes, you must be!!! Come on!!! Tell me it's true!!! stg3_tou_re_005_1 ...What?!? You want to un-retire and battle again?!?

Ah ha ha ha! I always knew this day would come! stg3_tou_re_005_1_1 Let me just find your old registration so we can... Huh? stg3_tou_re_005_2 Ooh. Ouch. I'm so sorry... but all of our records of you seem to be gone... stg3_tou_re_005_3 ...So our only option, sadly... is to start you in the minor leagues again. Sorry! stg3_tou_re_006 Sorry, but rules are rules. We can't bend them, even for an ex-champ. stg3_tou_re_007 I'll just go ahead and put you on as a minor-league fighter again, then.

When you want to fight, you know the deal: use the locker room communicator.

I will not be going over the arena rules again, of course. 'Bye for now! stg3_tou_re_008 ...

Please, Mr. Gonzales, I'm very busy these days. Fight promotion is not easy!

Please see yourself out. And have a nice day! stg3_tou_287 Mr. Grubba... I've brought Mr. Gonzales, as you requested. stg3_tou_288 Muh-Muh-Ms. Jolene! You mind yer manners, now! We KNOCK 'round here, missy! stg3_tou_289 I apologize, Mr. Grubba. stg3_tou_290 Don't you worry yer pretty li'l head about it none. Now, what'd I want again?

Somethin' 'bout Gonzales... Oh, yeah! stg3_tou_291 Gonzales, you ol' so-an'-so! Lemme congratulate you, son! Major league already, huh?

I had a feelin' you were goin' places, and DANG, I love it when I'm right!

You just keep on puttin' tuckuses in them seats! I'm countin' on you, son.

I got a special li'l somethin'-somethin' for you. Go on! Take it! stg3_tou_292_02 You got 30 coins! stg3_tou_292 So, yeah, somethin' else that's been on my mind... Yer costume ain't cool.

No big deal, son, but hey. Someday, if you become champ, I'll get you a new one.

Somethin' hot pink, maybe with some frills or somethin'. You'll look a sight, son!

Anyway, that's somethin' fer another day, pard. Take a powder, OK? stg3_tou_293 Mr. Gonzales, please follow me, if you would. stg3_tou_316_03 ............................ stg3_tou_316_04 ............................ stg3_tou_316_05 ...So you didn't find hide or hair of nobody in the storage room, that what yer sayin'? stg3_tou_316_06 Yes, Mr. Grubba. It appeared to be secure.

Don't worry about it, sir. I've taken the necessary precautions.

It was most likely just a rat or something. stg3_tou_316_07 Well, no big deal either way. Ain't nothin' in there we'd miss too much anyway.

Thanks fer stayin' on top of this, Jolene. Hey, an' by the way, any word on King K? stg3_tou_316_08 I'm afraid we still don't know the whereabouts of King K, Mr. Grubba.

And so... I deleted his spot on our roster per regulations.

The Glitz Pit no longer has any official connection to KP Pete, a.k.a. King K.

I have, of course, taken the same steps with all fighters who have gone missing. stg3_tou_316_09 Hoo, fighters have sure been goin' missin' a lot lately! That's the fifth this year!

What in tarnation's goin' on? I even heard some security ijit sayin' the Pit's cursed! stg3_tou_316_10 I doubt that, sir, but I certainly don't understand the disappearances. stg3_tou_316_11 Well, fer the time bein', tell the other fellas that King K headed on home for a spell.

If word gets out about missin' fighters, it sure ain't gonna be good for business, no siree!

Nasty rumors have a way of sendin' folks runnin' to the hills, know what I mean? stg3_tou_316_12 I understand completely, Mr. Grubba. I'll take care of everything, sir. stg3_tou_316_13 Y'know, Jolene... Yer a dang fine manager, but you just plumb disappear sometimes...

I gotta know! Where in the world do you go, darlin'? stg3_tou_316_14 Uh... Th-That's...

Mr. Grubba, I know you're my boss, but I don't believe that's any of your business. stg3_tou_316_15 Easy! Didn't mean to pry, now! How 'bout this, then... Heard of the Crystal Star? stg3_tou_316_16 !

N-No... I've never heard of such a thing, Mr. Grubba. stg3_tou_316_17 Okeydoke, well, I 'preciate yer time, Ms. Jolene.

You go ahead an' run along, now, y'hear? stg3_tou_320 Well, if this ain't a fine how- do-you-do! Seems like good fighters are a dyin' breed.

That wild child Gonzales is just about the only draw I still got 'round here. stg3_tou_321_kur Pssst! Mario! You listening to this?!?

This whole missing fighter thing stinks of funny business!

And here I just thought that King K retired and headed back to his hometown... stg3_tou_321_nok Mario! Did you get all that?

Fighters are going missing! Talk about scary!

I figured King K just took an early retirement and headed home... stg3_tou_321_win Good gracious me! Did you hear what I just heard?

Missing fighters? How absolutely heartrending!

That poor, sweet King K... I just assumed he had retired to his hometown... stg3_tou_321_yos Whoa, Gonzales! WHOA! Did you hear that?!?

Fighters are going missing, dude! That ain't cool!

Was that guy talking about King K, the minor-leaguer? I thought he retired! stg3_tou_322 What in the hey?!?

Dang ceilin' is spookin' me! HEY! Somebody up there? stg3_tou_322_yn Reserve a Match View Rankings stg3_tou_477_01 Your match is now reserved.

Your opponent will be %s.

The promoter asks that you [%s]. stg3_tou_478 Your next opponent is %s. stg3_tou_sensyu_00 Rawk Hawk stg3_tou_sensyu_01 The Koopinator stg3_tou_sensyu_02 Chomp Country stg3_tou_sensyu_03 Hamma, Bamma, and Flare stg3_tou_sensyu_04 Craw-Daddy stg3_tou_sensyu_05 The Magikoopa Masters stg3_tou_sensyu_06 The Fuzz stg3_tou_sensyu_07 The Shellshockers stg3_tou_sensyu_08 The Poker Faces stg3_tou_sensyu_09 The Tiny Spinies stg3_tou_sensyu_10 The Armored Harriers stg3_tou_sensyu_11 The Hand-It-Overs stg3_tou_sensyu_12 The Bob-omb Squad stg3_tou_sensyu_13 The Punk Rocks stg3_tou_sensyu_14 The Mind-Bogglers stg3_tou_sensyu_15 Spike Storm stg3_tou_sensyu_16 The Dead Bones stg3_tou_sensyu_17 The Pokey Triplets stg3_tou_sensyu_18 The KP Koopas stg3_tou_sensyu_19 The Goomba Bros. stg3_tou_sensyu_20 The Great Gonzales stg3_tou_sensyu_21 Wings of Night stg3_tou_sensyu_22 The Destructors stg3_tou_re_315 Rawk Hawk stg3_tou_re_316 The Koopinator stg3_tou_re_317 Chomp Country stg3_tou_re_318 Hamma, Bamma, and Flare stg3_tou_re_319 Craw-Daddy stg3_tou_re_320 The Magikoopa Masters stg3_tou_re_321 The Fuzz stg3_tou_re_322 The Shellshockers stg3_tou_re_323 The Poker Faces stg3_tou_re_324 The Tiny Spinies stg3_tou_re_325 The Armored Harriers stg3_tou_re_326 The Hand-It-Overs stg3_tou_re_327 The Bob-omb Squad stg3_tou_re_328 The Punk Rocks stg3_tou_re_329 The Mind-Bogglers stg3_tou_re_330 Spike Storm stg3_tou_re_331 The Dead Bones stg3_tou_re_332 The Pokey Triplets stg3_tou_re_333 The KP Koopas stg3_tou_re_334 The Goomba Bros. stg3_tou_re_335 The Great Gonzales stg3_tou_re_336 Wings of Night stg3_tou_re_337 The Destructors stg3_tou_107_00 Well, boy howdy, Gonzales! Fixin' for a fight, huh?

Well, all righty, then! Lemme just see here... Yer next opponent will be...

Ranked %d in the Glitz Pit... %s! stg3_tou_107_00_01 The Great Gonzales! Howdy! Fixin' for a fight, huh?

Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! Well, guess what? Your next match is...THE TITLE MATCH!

Hoooo-WEEEEE! Darn tootin'! You're up against the champ, %s!

Now, I wanna see a fair an' excitin' match, so don't you let me down, now, you hear? stg3_tou_107_01

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to let yer enemy damage you five times, OK?

It's just so dang borin' when a match is too one-sided, you hear what I'm sayin' to you?

Now get in there an' kick some behind! stg3_tou_107_02

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' yer jump. No jumpin' whatsoever.

I wanna see a pure test of power without none of that flouncin' around. You get me?

Now get in there an' hand out a whuppin' or two! stg3_tou_107_03

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' yer hammer! Not even once, son!

I wanna see how you do when you ain't got somethin' to beat a fella with.

Now get in there an' let's see some acrobatifyin'! stg3_tou_107_04

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' any of them there Flower Points!

Yeah, you heard me! Let's see how you do without none of them fancy-pants moves!

Now get in there an' show me somethin', son! stg3_tou_107_05

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' any of them there special moves!

I think the crowd's cravin' a nice, long battle at its simplest and finest!

Now get in there an' don't go a-grandstandin'! stg3_tou_107_06

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' any items! Empty them pockets!

Real men don't need no trinkets to help 'em hand out a proper whuppin', you hear?

Now get in there an' knock some heads the old-fashioned way, will ya? stg3_tou_107_07

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid switchin' partners out!

Gotta go with who brung you! A fight to the end, side by side! Now THAT'S drama!

Now get in there an' stand by yer pard! stg3_tou_107_08

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to wrap it up in five turns or less!

I got a date with a cute little chickadee in just a few, an' I don't wanna be late!

Now get in there an' bring this puppy home quick! stg3_tou_107_10

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to win after yer HP goes down to 5!

Crowds do love a comeback, don't they! You better diggety-dang believe it!

Now get in there an' take a beatin' for ol' Grubba! stg3_tou_107_12

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to use at least one special move, OK?

The crowd needs somethin' flashy, you catch my drift? Give 'em a good show.

Now get in there an' blow the roof off, son! stg3_tou_107_13

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to win BEFORE you take 20 HP of pain!

Our fans don't wanna see a battered hero win by the skin of his teeth, son!

Now get in there an' show me some grit, pard! stg3_tou_107_16

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to appeal to the crowd at least three times!

These fans eat that stuff up. A little grandstandin' from their hero, an' they go nuts!

Now get in there an' get 'em riled up, son! stg3_tou_107_17

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you not to attack fer the first three turns, OK?

Fans love it when their heroes make 'em sweat a bit, am I right or am I right?

Now get in there an' bring home the bacon! stg3_tou_107_19

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to keep that pard of yers from attackin'!

You hear me? Keep that li'l firebrand in check, got it? Only you attack.

Now get in there and show 'em who's boss, now! stg3_tou_107_20

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to stand pat, OK? Do...not...attack...at all.

The crowd loves yer partner, so give 'em what they want! Drive 'em bonkers!

Now get in there and share that spotlight! stg3_tou_cp_010 Take damage from your opponent at least five times! stg3_tou_cp_011 Don't use your jump! stg3_tou_cp_012 Don't use your hammer! stg3_tou_cp_013 Don't use any FP! stg3_tou_cp_014 Don't use special moves! stg3_tou_cp_015 Don't use any items! stg3_tou_cp_016 Don't change partners! stg3_tou_cp_017 Defeat your opponent in five turns or less! stg3_tou_cp_018 Win after your HP drops to 5! stg3_tou_cp_019 Use a special move at least once. stg3_tou_cp_020 Win before taking 20 HP of damage! stg3_tou_cp_021 Appeal to the crowd at least three times! stg3_tou_cp_022 Don't attack in the first three turns! stg3_tou_cp_023 Don't ever let your partner attack! stg3_tou_cp_024 Only let your partner attack! stg3_tou_re_361 Hello there, Mr. Gonzales. Ready for a fight, are you?

Well, all right, then! Let me just check here... Your next opponent will be...

Ranked %d in the Glitz Pit... %s! stg3_tou_re_361_01 Hello there, Mr. Gonzales. Ready for a fight, are you?

Well, all right, then! Let me just check here... Your next opponent will be...

Current Champion in the Glitz Pit... %s! stg3_tou_re_362

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to let your foe damage you five times, OK?

It's awfully boring when a match is too one-sided, wouldn't you agree?

Now get in there and kick some behinds, all right? stg3_tou_re_363

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using your jump, all right?

The crowd's getting sick of seeing you bounce around like a demented pogo freak.

Now get in there and hand out a beating or two! stg3_tou_re_364

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using your hammer, all right?

The press is ruining me over kids bonking each other with sticks, pretending to be you!

Now get in there and let's see some acrobatics! stg3_tou_re_365

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using any of your Flower Points!

The crowd needs traditional, easy-to-follow fighting right now. No frills!

Now get in there and show me something, all right? stg3_tou_re_366

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using any of your special moves!

Don't get me wrong, I love the flashy stuff, but it just takes a little too long.

Now get in there and don't go grandstanding, all right? stg3_tou_re_367

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using any items! Empty your pockets!

People distrust a man who's always digging in his pockets, wouldn't you agree?

Now get in there and knock some heads the old-fashioned way, all right? stg3_tou_re_368

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid switching partners out!

What are you teaching kids about loyalty, always swapping partners out?

Now get in there and stand by your friend! stg3_tou_re_369

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to wrap it up in five turns or less!

I have a very important meeting in just a little bit, and I can't be late!

Now get in there and bring this fight home quickly! stg3_tou_re_370

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to win after your HP goes down to 5!

How exciting is THAT gonna be, hmm? The crowd will go berserk, I'm telling you!

Now get in there and take a beating for me, all right? stg3_tou_re_371

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to use at least one special move, OK?

You need to show my paying customers all that fancy ninja stuff you've been hiding.

Now get in there and blow the roof off, all right? stg3_tou_re_372

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to win BEFORE you take 20 HP of pain!

Close matches are exciting, but hardcore fans want a real blowout once in a while, son.

Now get in there and show me some grit, all right? stg3_tou_re_373

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to appeal to the crowd at least three times!

I want to see these people standing on their seats, screaming their heads off!

Now get in there and get them riled up, all right? stg3_tou_re_374

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you not to attack for the first three turns, OK?

You have sort of a wild-man reputation, so let's make them beg for it, OK?

Now get in there and bring home the bacon, all right? stg3_tou_re_375

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to keep that ally of yours from attacking!

You're the only one I want to see attack out there, OK? Are we clear?

Now get in there and show them who's boss, all right? stg3_tou_re_376

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to NOT fight, OK? Do...not...attack...at all.

Your partner's quite popular with this crowd, so throw them a bone, all right?

Now get in there and share that spotlight! stg3_tou_cp_040 Take damage from your opponent at least five times! stg3_tou_cp_041 Don't use your jump! stg3_tou_cp_042 Don't use your hammer! stg3_tou_cp_043 Don't use any FP! stg3_tou_cp_044 Don't use special moves! stg3_tou_cp_045 Don't use any items! stg3_tou_cp_046 Don't change partners! stg3_tou_cp_047 Defeat your opponent in five turns or less! stg3_tou_cp_048 Win after your HP drops to 5! stg3_tou_cp_049 Use a special move at least once. stg3_tou_cp_050 Win before taking 20 HP of damage! stg3_tou_cp_051 Appeal to the crowd at least three times! stg3_tou_cp_052 Don't attack in the first three turns! stg3_tou_cp_053 Don't ever let your partner attack! stg3_tou_cp_054 Only let your partner attack! stg3_rank_01

Mario's ranking rose to %d! stg3_rank_02

Mario's ranking remains at %d. stg3_rank_03

Mario defends his rank at %d. stg3_rank_04

Mario's ranking has fallen to %d. stg3_rank_05

Mario is the new champion!!! stg3_rank_06

Mario has successfully defended his Champ's Belt! stg3_tou_453 Mr. Champion, sir... It's time for your match. Please come this way. stg3_tou_181_00 Here's your fight money, Mr. Champion. stg3_tou_181_01 You received coin! stg3_tou_181_02 Now, if you'll excuse me... I must be going. stg3_tou_365_04_00 Congratulations on fighting your way back, Mr. Gonzales. Please enjoy this room again...

Here's your fight money, Mr. Champion. stg3_tou_365_04_01 You received coin! stg3_tou_365_04_02 Now, if you'll excuse me... I must be going. stg3_tou_365_04_03_kur We did it, Mario! We did it! We're champs again! stg3_tou_365_04_03_nok We pulled it off, Mario! We're champs again! stg3_tou_365_04_03_win We've reached the top, dear! We're champs again! stg3_tou_365_04_03_yos YESSSS! We did it, Gonzales! We're champs again! stg3_tou_365_04_03_viv Why, we did it, Mario! We're champs again! stg3_tou_365_04_03_bom We've done it, old boy! We're champs again! stg3_tou_365_04_03_chu We did it, love! Well done! We're champs again! stg3_yado_00 Do you want to take a rest? stg3_yado_01 Heck, yeah! No, I'm on a diet! stg3_tou_298_kur Wow, are you like, watching your weight or something? I could NOT say no to that... stg3_tou_298_nok Really? Boy, you have some willpower, Mario. It looks so delicious... stg3_tou_298_win Well, if you say so, dear. I suppose cake isn't exactly the ideal athlete's food. stg3_tou_298_yos What's up with you, Gonzales? Who says no to free cake? You're insane! stg3_tou_299_kur Yeah! Let's eat! stg3_tou_299_nok All right! Cake time! stg3_tou_299_win Good-bye, diet! stg3_tou_299_yos Yeah! Let's chow down! stg3_tou_297_1 You fully recovered! stg3_tou_297_2 Hey. You. Gonzales.

Since you didn't want that cake, I ate it.

Best cake I ever had, man. Sprinkles, frosting, the works. You're an idiot. stg3_tou_403_11_kur Wow! That was Bowser, right? Jeepers, who woulda thought he'd show his face HERE? stg3_tou_403_11_nok Umm... Was that King Bowser? What was he doing here? That...kinda freaks me out. stg3_tou_403_11_win My word! Who would expect THAT lout to show up here? My goodness gracious! stg3_tou_403_11_yos Wow! That was the king of the Koopas, wasn't it? WOW! That guy's insane! stg3_tou_297_25_kur Mario! Here we go again! Another mail! stg3_tou_297_25_nok Ummm... Mario? Your pocket's beeping. Mail time! stg3_tou_297_25_win Mail call, dearie! stg3_tou_297_25_yos Gonzales! Sounds like another mail, huh? stg3_tou_297_26 gO tO tHe TeLePhOnE bOoTh OuT oN tHe PaViLiOn. FrOm X stg3_tou_297_27_kur Oh, it's our X pal again. The telephone booth out on the pavilion, huh?

I remember seeing that outside somewhere...but where? Let's check it out. stg3_tou_297_27_nok Oh! It's from X again, huh? Telephone booth? Pavilion? Does he mean outside?

You remember seeing a phone booth? Well, we better go look around. stg3_tou_297_27_win Ah, our mysterious friend! Where to this time? A telephone booth outside?

Yes, I believe I saw a booth out there somewhere... Let's take a stroll. stg3_tou_297_27_yos Old X dude surfaced again! We gotta go to some phone booth outside now?

Where was that thing? Aw, we'll find it. Let's head outside! stg3_tou_326_01 This is your last warning! Stop snooping around about the Crystal Star!

If you don't, you'll suffer the same fate as the others who have gone missing... stg3_tou_326_02_kur Great. Our angry pen pal again. He sure seems to have a lot of information...

I mean, if he knows about the Crystal Star AND the missing fighters...

Then this guy is totally holding the key to this entire mystery!

But like, who is it? WHO?!? stg3_tou_326_02_nok Oh, goody, this guy again. He really seems to know a whole lot of stuff...

Those missing fighters... The Crystal Star...

You know, if we find this guy, we'll have all the answers!

But who could it be? stg3_tou_326_02_win Oh, dear, our surly friend... For such a pill, he does seem to know a fair bit.

Between the Crystal Star and those poor, missing fighters...

This fellow seems to know everything we've been trying to find out!

But who is he? stg3_tou_326_02_yos This guy really needs to take a chill pill. He sure knows a lot, though...

He's going on about the Crystal Star, the missing fighters, all that stuff...

I tell you what, we find this guy, we'll have all the answers we need!

But who is this psycho? stg3_tou_295_doku Pardon me, Mr. Gonzales. Another gift arrived from one of your admirers.

I'll just leave it over here, if that's OK? Do with it what you will. stg3_tou_296_doku_kur Wow, looks totally yummy! I can NOT say no to cake! Let's scarf that thing! stg3_tou_296_doku_nok Wow, that looks pretty darn good, doesn't it, Mario? Let's eat it, huh? stg3_tou_296_doku_win My, my, that DOES look good! Why don't we just go ahead and have ourselves a bite! stg3_tou_296_doku_yos Whoa! Free cake is where it's AT! Let's chow down! stg3_tou_297_doku Eat the cake? stg3_tou_297_yn_doku Reserve a Match View Rankings stg3_tou_106_01 Your match is now reserved.

Your opponent will be %s.

The promoter asks that you [%s]. stg3_tou_106_02 Match-reservation privileges for the Great Gonzales are currently suspended. stg3_tou_106_03_kur What's the story here?

Is this X's doing? stg3_tou_106_03_nok Umm... What's all this about?

Is this also the work of X? stg3_tou_106_03_win What's this nonsense, now?

Is this the work of that X? stg3_tou_106_03_yos What's this crazy talk, huh?

Did X do this, too? stg3_tou_476 Welcome to the automated match-reservation system. What is your command? stg3_tou_sensyu_00 Rawk Hawk stg3_tou_sensyu_01 The Koopinator stg3_tou_sensyu_02 Chomp Country stg3_tou_sensyu_03 Hamma, Bamma, and Flare stg3_tou_sensyu_04 Craw-Daddy stg3_tou_sensyu_05 The Magikoopa Masters stg3_tou_sensyu_06 The Fuzz stg3_tou_sensyu_07 The Shellshockers stg3_tou_sensyu_08 The Poker Faces stg3_tou_sensyu_09 The Tiny Spinies stg3_tou_sensyu_10 The Armored Harriers stg3_tou_sensyu_11 The Hand-It-Overs stg3_tou_sensyu_12 The Bob-omb Squad stg3_tou_sensyu_13 The Punk Rocks stg3_tou_sensyu_14 The Mind-Bogglers stg3_tou_sensyu_15 Spike Storm stg3_tou_sensyu_16 The Dead Bones stg3_tou_sensyu_17 The Pokey Triplets stg3_tou_sensyu_18 The KP Koopas stg3_tou_sensyu_19 The Goomba Bros. stg3_tou_sensyu_20 The Great Gonzales stg3_tou_sensyu_21 Wings of Night stg3_tou_sensyu_22 The Destructors stg3_tou_re_315 Rawk Hawk stg3_tou_re_316 The Koopinator stg3_tou_re_317 Chomp Country stg3_tou_re_318 Hamma, Bamma, and Flare stg3_tou_re_319 Craw-Daddy stg3_tou_re_320 The Magikoopa Masters stg3_tou_re_321 The Fuzz stg3_tou_re_322 The Shellshockers stg3_tou_re_323 The Poker Faces stg3_tou_re_324 The Tiny Spinies stg3_tou_re_325 The Armored Harriers stg3_tou_re_326 The Hand-It-Overs stg3_tou_re_327 The Bob-omb Squad stg3_tou_re_328 The Punk Rocks stg3_tou_re_329 The Mind-Bogglers stg3_tou_re_330 Spike Storm stg3_tou_re_331 The Dead Bones stg3_tou_re_332 The Pokey Triplets stg3_tou_re_333 The KP Koopas stg3_tou_re_334 The Goomba Bros. stg3_tou_re_335 The Great Gonzales stg3_tou_re_336 Wings of Night stg3_tou_re_337 The Destructors stg3_tou_107_00 Well, boy howdy, Gonzales! Fixin' for a fight, huh?

Well, all righty, then! Lemme just see here... Yer next opponent will be...

Ranked %d in the Glitz Pit... %s! stg3_tou_107_00_01 The Great Gonzales! Howdy! Fixin' for a fight, huh?

Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! Well, guess what? Your next match is...THE TITLE MATCH!

Hoooo-WEEEEE! Darn tootin'! You're up against the champ, %s!

Now, I wanna see a fair an' excitin' match, so don't you let me down, now, you hear? stg3_tou_107_01

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to let yer enemy damage you five times, OK?

It's just so dang borin' when a match is too one-sided, you hear what I'm sayin' to you?

Now get in there an' kick some behind! stg3_tou_107_02

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' yer jump. No jumpin' whatsoever.

I wanna see a pure test of power without none of that flouncin' around. You get me?

Now get in there an' hand out a whuppin' or two! stg3_tou_107_03

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' yer hammer! Not even once, son!

I wanna see how you do when you ain't got somethin' to beat a fella with.

Now get in there an' let's see some acrobatifyin'! stg3_tou_107_04

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' any of them there Flower Points!

Yeah, you heard me! Let's see how you do without none of them fancy-pants moves!

Now get in there an' show me somethin', son! stg3_tou_107_05

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' any of them there special moves!

I think the crowd's cravin' a nice, long battle at its simplest and finest!

Now get in there an' don't go a-grandstandin'! stg3_tou_107_06

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid usin' any items! Empty them pockets!

Real men don't need no trinkets to help 'em hand out a proper whuppin', you hear?

Now get in there an' knock some heads the old-fashioned way, will ya? stg3_tou_107_07

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to avoid switchin' partners out!

Gotta go with who brung you! A fight to the end, side by side! Now THAT'S drama!

Now get in there an' stand by yer pard! stg3_tou_107_08

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to wrap it up in five turns or less!

I got a date with a cute little chickadee in just a few, an' I don't wanna be late!

Now get in there an' bring this puppy home quick! stg3_tou_107_10

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to win after yer HP goes down to 5!

Crowds do love a comeback, don't they! You better diggety-dang believe it!

Now get in there an' take a beatin' for ol' Grubba! stg3_tou_107_12

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to use at least one special move, OK?

The crowd needs somethin' flashy, you catch my drift? Give 'em a good show.

Now get in there an' blow the roof off, son! stg3_tou_107_13

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to win BEFORE you take 20 HP of pain!

Our fans don't wanna see a battered hero win by the skin of his teeth, son!

Now get in there an' show me some grit, pard! stg3_tou_107_16

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to appeal to the crowd at least three times!

These fans eat that stuff up. A little grandstandin' from their hero, an' they go nuts!

Now get in there an' get 'em riled up, son! stg3_tou_107_17

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you not to attack fer the first three turns, OK?

Fans love it when their heroes make 'em sweat a bit, am I right or am I right?

Now get in there an' bring home the bacon! stg3_tou_107_19

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to keep that pard of yers from attackin'!

You hear me? Keep that li'l firebrand in check, got it? Only you attack.

Now get in there and show 'em who's boss, now! stg3_tou_107_20

Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to stand pat, OK? Do...not...attack...at all.

The crowd loves yer partner, so give 'em what they want! Drive 'em bonkers!

Now get in there and share that spotlight! stg3_tou_cp_010 Take damage from your opponent at least five times! stg3_tou_cp_011 Don't use your jump! stg3_tou_cp_012 Don't use your hammer! stg3_tou_cp_013 Don't use any FP! stg3_tou_cp_014 Don't use special moves! stg3_tou_cp_015 Don't use any items! stg3_tou_cp_016 Don't change partners! stg3_tou_cp_017 Defeat your opponent in five turns or less! stg3_tou_cp_018 Win after your HP drops to 5! stg3_tou_cp_019 Use a special move at least once. stg3_tou_cp_020 Win before taking 20 HP of damage! stg3_tou_cp_021 Appeal to the crowd at least three times! stg3_tou_cp_022 Don't attack in the first three turns! stg3_tou_cp_023 Don't ever let your partner attack! stg3_tou_cp_024 Only let your partner attack! stg3_tou_re_361 Hello there, Mr. Gonzales. Ready for a fight, are you?

Well, all right, then! Let me just check here... Your next opponent will be...

Ranked %d in the Glitz Pit... %s! stg3_tou_re_361_01 Hello there, Mr. Gonzales. Ready for a fight, are you?

Well, all right, then! Let me just check here... Your next opponent will be...

Current Champion in the Glitz Pit... %s! stg3_tou_re_362

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to let your foe damage you five times, OK?

It's awfully boring when a match is too one-sided, wouldn't you agree?

Now get in there and kick some behinds, all right? stg3_tou_re_363

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using your jump, all right?

The crowd's getting sick of seeing you bounce around like a demented pogo freak.

Now get in there and hand out a beating or two! stg3_tou_re_364

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using your hammer, all right?

The press is ruining me over kids bonking each other with sticks, pretending to be you!

Now get in there and let's see some acrobatics! stg3_tou_re_365

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using any of your Flower Points!

The crowd needs traditional, easy-to-follow fighting right now. No frills!

Now get in there and show me something, all right? stg3_tou_re_366

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using any of your special moves!

Don't get me wrong, I love the flashy stuff, but it just takes a little too long.

Now get in there and don't go grandstanding, all right? stg3_tou_re_367

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid using any items! Empty your pockets!

People distrust a man who's always digging in his pockets, wouldn't you agree?

Now get in there and knock some heads the old-fashioned way, all right? stg3_tou_re_368

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to avoid switching partners out!

What are you teaching kids about loyalty, always swapping partners out?

Now get in there and stand by your friend! stg3_tou_re_369

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to wrap it up in five turns or less!

I have a very important meeting in just a little bit, and I can't be late!

Now get in there and bring this fight home quickly! stg3_tou_re_370

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to win after your HP goes down to 5!

How exciting is THAT gonna be, hmm? The crowd will go berserk, I'm telling you!

Now get in there and take a beating for me, all right? stg3_tou_re_371

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to use at least one special move, OK?

You need to show my paying customers all that fancy ninja stuff you've been hiding.

Now get in there and blow the roof off, all right? stg3_tou_re_372

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to win BEFORE you take 20 HP of pain!

Close matches are exciting, but hardcore fans want a real blowout once in a while, son.

Now get in there and show me some grit, all right? stg3_tou_re_373

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to appeal to the crowd at least three times!

I want to see these people standing on their seats, screaming their heads off!

Now get in there and get them riled up, all right? stg3_tou_re_374

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you not to attack for the first three turns, OK?

You have sort of a wild-man reputation, so let's make them beg for it, OK?

Now get in there and bring home the bacon, all right? stg3_tou_re_375

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to keep that ally of yours from attacking!

You're the only one I want to see attack out there, OK? Are we clear?

Now get in there and show them who's boss, all right? stg3_tou_re_376

Pay attention: in this battle, I want you to NOT fight, OK? Do...not...attack...at all.

Your partner's quite popular with this crowd, so throw them a bone, all right?

Now get in there and share that spotlight! stg3_tou_cp_040 Take damage from your opponent at least five times! stg3_tou_cp_041 Don't use your jump! stg3_tou_cp_042 Don't use your hammer! stg3_tou_cp_043 Don't use any FP! stg3_tou_cp_044 Don't use special moves! stg3_tou_cp_045 Don't use any items! stg3_tou_cp_046 Don't change partners! stg3_tou_cp_047 Defeat your opponent in five turns or less! stg3_tou_cp_048 Win after your HP drops to 5! stg3_tou_cp_049 Use a special move at least once. stg3_tou_cp_050 Win before taking 20 HP of damage! stg3_tou_cp_051 Appeal to the crowd at least three times! stg3_tou_cp_052 Don't attack in the first three turns! stg3_tou_cp_053 Don't ever let your partner attack! stg3_tou_cp_054 Only let your partner attack! stg3_rank_01

Mario's ranking rose to %d! stg3_rank_02

Mario's ranking remains at %d. stg3_rank_03

Mario defends his rank at %d. stg3_rank_04

Mario's ranking has fallen to %d. stg3_rank_05

Mario is the new champion!!! stg3_rank_06

Mario has successfully defended his Champ's Belt! stg3_tou_327 Mr. Gonzales, it's time for your next match. Come with me. stg3_tou_180_00 Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_180_01 You received coin! stg3_tou_180_02 Now, if you'll excuse me... I must be going. stg3_tou_365_00 Your ranking's fallen to 1st, so you'll have to return to the major league, I'm afraid.

Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_365_01 You received coin! stg3_tou_365_02 Now, if you'll excuse me... I must be going. stg3_tou_365_kur We lost, huh? Well, no biggie. Let's just fight our way back to the top! stg3_tou_365_nok Weak... We lost. I guess it's not so bad. We can just fight back to the top! stg3_tou_365_win Oh, my... We lost? Well, don't despair, darling. We can fight back to the top. stg3_tou_365_yos Shoot! We lost! Well, who cares? Let's just fight right back to the top! stg3_tou_365_viv Ohhh... We lost. Don't worry, though, we can always fight back to the top. stg3_tou_365_bom We lost, eh, mate? No bother. Let's just fight our way back to the top, eh? stg3_tou_365_chu Mmmm... We lost. Don't worry, though, love. We'll just fight back to the top. stg3_tou_365_03_00 Your ranking's risen to 10th, so you may return to the major league.

Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_365_03_01 You received coin! stg3_tou_365_03_02 Now, if you'll excuse me... I must be going. stg3_tou_365_03_03_kur We did it, Mario! Sweet! We're back in the major league! Awesome! stg3_tou_365_03_03_nok Yaaaay! We did it, Mario! We're back in the major league! Cool! stg3_tou_365_03_03_win Oh, mercy, we've done it! We're back in the major league, Mario! Delightful! stg3_tou_365_03_03_yos YESSS! We did it, Gonzales! We're back in the major league! Yahoo! stg3_tou_365_03_03_viv We pulled it off, Mario! We're back in the major league! How nice! stg3_tou_365_03_03_bom We've done it, old boy! We're back in the major league! Smashing! stg3_tou_365_03_03_chu Mmmm... We did it, love! We're back in the major league! Well done! stg3_yado_00 Do you want to take a rest? stg3_yado_01 Yup. Not exactly... stg3_tou_71

But it's not complicated... You're just another dumb meathead, aren't you?

Oh, I'm too busy for this... Well, forget it, I guess. Listen carefully this time. stg3_tou_72

OK, good. For now, just wait until Security comes to get you, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_73 What is it, Mr. Gonzales? I don't date fighters. stg3_tou_73_01 I'm sorry, Mr. Gonzales, but you may not leave the room without a Security escort. stg3_tou_73_02 Not that it matters right now, but you rank at the very bottom: 20th place. stg3_tou_75 OK, Security's here to escort you to the ring.

Try not to get completely destroyed out there. stg3_tou_89 Well, Gonzales, that fight wasn't a total loss...

But listen, son, fighters gotta play to the crowd! You know, pump 'em up more!

I'm hopin' you'll gimme more razzle-dazzle next time, huh? We understand each other?

Good. I'll be on my way, then. Ms. Jolene here'll give you yer fight money. See ya! stg3_tou_90 Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_91 You got coin! stg3_tou_92 The next fight will not be set up until you select "Reserve a Match" on the terminal.

You can also check your current ranking on the terminal's screen.

Feel free to do whatever you like until your next fight. stg3_tou_93 You have a nice day, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_93_1 Gonzales, that wasn't pretty. Gettin' whupped by a buncha pushovers like that...

You won't even make the majors, let alone become champ, fightin' like that!

Hey, but never give up, you hear? Now I gotta go, son. Jolene's got yer fight money. stg3_tou_93_2 Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_93_3 You got coin! stg3_tou_93_3_00 The next fight will not be set up until you select "Reserve a Match" on the terminal.

You can also check your current ranking on the terminal's screen.

Feel free to do whatever you like until your next fight. stg3_tou_93_4 You have a nice day, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_93_5 Yo, Rook! How was your first fight, dog? stg3_tou_93_6 I'm King K, man. Just a bush-league scrub like you.

Good meetin' you, man. You look like a stand-up dude. I think I can hang with you. stg3_tou_93_7 Hey, so, why don't you meet the gang, huh? This guy here's Master Crash. stg3_tou_93_8 Nice to meet you BOMB!

Well. Now that we've gotten to know each other, I will give you advice BOMB!

As Ms. Jolene was saying, you'd better BOMB obey Mr. Grubba's conditions.

If you clear the conditions and win, you get to fight higher-ranked foes BOMB!

If you can't clear them, you BOMB end up battling a lower-ranked fighter BOMB!

You can't climb the BOMB ranks fighting the bottom of the barrel BOMB-BOMB! stg3_tou_93_9 Yeah. My man's got, you know, some speech issues, but he's got good advice sometimes. stg3_tou_93_10 Not just sometimes BOMB! Advice is ALWAYS useful BOMB-BOMB! stg3_tou_93_11 Riiiight, man, whatever. Anyway, this lean machine over here is Bandy Andy. stg3_tou_93_12 Heh. Nice to meet you. I'm not in here too often, but if you see me around, say hi.

...Oh yeah. If you sleep in the bed over there, your HP and FP will fully recover.

It's not like the cushy bed in the champ's room, though: it doesn't refill Star Power. stg3_tou_93_13 OK, cool, and this last guy with the sweet purple kicks is known as Cleftor. stg3_tou_93_14 Grack! Cleftor no like make friend with mustache. stg3_tou_93_15 Easy there, Cleft-dog! Dude ain't the friendliest guy, but you get used to him. stg3_tou_93_16 Anyway, that's the core minor-league crew, man! You need something, ask us.

Oh, yeah... I almost forgot. You and me gotta eventually square off, so good luck, man. stg3_tou_re_028 That was a pretty decent battle, it being your first comeback fight and all...

Still, the crowd didn't really get very into it, you know? Try to pump them up, OK? stg3_tou_re_029 Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_re_030 You got coin! stg3_tou_re_031 You have a nice day, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_re_032 Boy, losing like that... You've been out of the game for too long, I guess.

You need to choose: either retire once and for all or work to reclaim your glory! stg3_tou_re_033 Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_re_034 You got coin! stg3_tou_re_035 You have a nice day, Mr. Gonzales. stg3_tou_93_17 Hey, what's crackin', G-man? stg3_tou_93_18 You just finish beatin' down some poor fools or what? You lookin' good, man.

The old King K wouldn't mind a little bit of your luck, man. Yeah, that'd be nice. stg3_tou_93_19 Get in there, you! stg3_tou_93_20 How many times do I have to tell you: that room is absolutely OFF-LIMITS!

If you want to remain on our fight roster, you must follow the rules.

And don't think I haven't noticed you following me. Stop that, too. It's creepy.

If you don't obey the rules, we'll ban you from the Glitz Pit. Understood? stg3_tou_93_21 Again, dude? Man, you just a MAGNET for trouble! stg3_tou_93_22 Heh heh heh heh heh... Sorry, King K. Didn't mean to bring Queen Nag in here. stg3_tou_93_23 Aw, don't sweat it, B-money. Jolene can take that 'tude and shove it up her nose.

Why you always chasin' that girl, anyway, man? You got a little thing for her? stg3_tou_93_23_01 Shut up, K!

...Now... If you folks will pardon me, I must be off. stg3_tou_93_24 Man, I heard you just KNOCKED some blocks off! Not bad, Double-G-dog.

You're the real deal, man. The realest I ever seen. Keep bustin' heads!

An' if anyone gives you lip, you just tell 'em King K said to back it up! Biz-OWWWW! stg3_tou_93_24_01 AIGH! HURTS! stg3_tou_93_24_02 Keep quiet. stg3_tou_93_24_03 MY FOOOOOT! stg3_tou_93_24_04 Oh, you're fine. Just shut up. stg3_tou_93_24_05 Apply pressure right there. stg3_tou_93_24_06 OOOOOOOUCH! stg3_tou_93_24_07 Do we have a gag, maybe? stg3_tou_93_24_08 C'mon, get a grip, will you? stg3_tou_93_24_09 MOMMMMMMY! stg3_tou_93_24_10 Outta the way up there! stg3_tou_93_24_11 Whoa. Sounds like some poor sucker just earned himself a trip to the hospital. stg3_tou_93_24_12 Hey, man, this is a brutal sport, sometimes, you know? This stuff happens. stg3_tou_93_25 Hey, man, check this: I heard the Hot Dog Stand outside's gettin' a new menu item.

Yeah, sounds like it's some crazy Hot Dog made with an egg from a southern island.

Some fool was even sayin' the Hot Dog'll help you win fights! You oughta snack out on one! stg3_tou_93_26 Hey, you hear the latest, G-dog?

My boys said they saw a STUNNIN' babe havin' a juice at the Fresh Juice Shop.

King K could use a little shortie in his life, dig?

Check her out for me, man! stg3_tou_93_27 Listen, man... Keep it under your hat, but I'm thinkin' 'bout retirin' soon.

If I stay any longer...well, my future might get shorter, dig? After next match, I'm gone.

It ain't cool, man, that's for sure, but you know what? That's life, Double-G-dog.

Listen... You be cool, man. Promise me you won't forget you once knew the King K! stg3_tou_93_28 It is quite lonely without King K around BOMB... stg3_tou_93_29 No lonely... Him too weak... Now him not here. Sound normal to Cleftor. stg3_tou_93_30 You are in BOMB denial, Cleftor. I saw you weeping in that locker BOMB-BOMB! stg3_tou_93_31 Right this way, Sir Swoop. This is your dressing room. stg3_tou_93_32 You're starting in the minor league, of course, as you've just now started your career.

If you don't like this dingy room, I suggest you work your way up through the ranks. stg3_tou_93_33 When you're ready to fight, you just log on to this computer terminal here.

Mr. Grubba will then decide who you'll match up against. You will have no say in this.

Why don't you try it once? Walk up to the screen and log on with .

Then pick "Reserve a Match." stg3_tou_93_34 Use the terminal now. Don't you understand basic instructions, Sir Swoop? stg3_tou_93_35 Well, howdy, Sir Swoop! Ready to get yer wings dirty, huh? There you go, son!

I got a treat fer you: yer first battle's gonna be against the Goomba Bros.!

Don't you worry 'bout them... They'll be a piece of cake! Just mop 'em up, OK, son?

Hey, we wanna get the crowd fired up, so do a move where you do a triple flip and meow!

You got any questions about detailed rules, just ask the lovely Ms. Jolene, OK, son?

Well, good luck, pard! stg3_tou_93_36 OK, your battle is reserved. At this point, you just wait until Security comes for you.

Fighting is pretty basic. The team that drops the opponent's HP to 0 first, wins.

If you beat an opponent who ranks above you, your ranking will go up.

Then again, if you lose to a lower-ranking opponent, your ranking will go down.

Simply winning is not enough. When Mr. Grubba sets fight conditions, follow them.

In this case, the condition is to do a triple flip and then meow. Fairly easy.

If you satisfy the condition and win, you can battle a higher-ranked opponent next.

If you can get your rank up to 11th, you'll get a shot at the major league.

That's about all you need to know for now. Did you understand all that? stg3_tou_93_37

OK, good. For now, just wait until Security comes to get you, Sir Swoop. stg3_tou_93_38 Ummm... Hi guys. Yeah... My name's Swoop. SIR Swoop, I mean. Nice to meet you. stg3_tou_93_38_00 You. Yes, you. Sir Swoop. Time for your battle, bub. Follow me. stg3_tou_93_39 OK, Security's here to escort you to the ring.

Try not to get completely destroyed out there. stg3_tou_255_01 Hey, tough luck, Mister. Hey, maybe walking around Glitzville will cheer you up!

Yeah, eat one of those Hot Dogs and you'll feel great! They might help you win! stg3_tou_256_kur Boy, Mario... I don't know. Those hardheads are serious.

But hey! We gotta beat 'em! We just GOTTA! Let's keep challenging 'em! stg3_tou_256_nok Oooh... Boy, oh boy, Mario. How are we supposed to beat those two monsters?

I mean, they just owned us. Still, I guess all we can do is keep challenging them! stg3_tou_256_win Mario, darling, we must use our heads! There simply has to be a way to beat them!

Those iron brutes must have a weakness, so let's keep at it until we prevail! stg3_tou_278_kur Heyyy... Check it out! Our little eggy friend is gone. What a bummer!

Where do you think the little guy took off to? stg3_tou_278_nok Umm... Hey, uh, Mario? Did you notice that the little bouncy egg isn't here?

Where do you think it went? stg3_tou_278_win Oh, mercy me! Mario... That adorable little egg seems to have disappeared.

Where could the little fellow have gotten himself to? stg3_tou_279 Yo! stg3_tou_280 Gonzales!

Check me out! Thanks to you, I hatched safe and sound! Thanks, man! stg3_tou_281_kur What?!? You...were in that cute little eggy-weggy? Whoa! That's wild! stg3_tou_281_nok Ummm...WHAT?!? You hatched out of that egg? That's nuts... So you're a Yoshi, huh? stg3_tou_281_win Why, you little rapscallion! You hatched from that egg? Well, aren't you precious! stg3_tou_282 Yeah, but who cares? You guys wanna be champs, right? You want a Crystal Star?

I heard all about it while I was in the egg! Yeah!

Anyway, I gotta repay you for saving me from old Hoggle out there, so I'll fight for you!

I can hold my own! I'll swallow any opponent whole, honest! Just leave it to me! stg3_tou_283 Huh? My name?

Lessee... I just came outta that egg, so I guess I don't have a name yet.

You seem fired up about it, so why don't you gimme one? Make it cool, OK? stg3_tou_284 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... %s, huh?

Not too bad, dude. Not too bad at all. Yeah... I like it.

OK, Gonzales... Let's get out there and do some damage! stg3_tou_286 And Mr. Gonzales... Mr. Grubba wishes to see you in his office. Follow me. stg3_tou_re_085 Mr. Gonzales, you will battle in the major league from this moment on.

I haven't the time to explain everything again. Go to the major-league locker room.

I am very busy, so please... Have a nice day. stg3_tou_297_14_kur Mario! Do you believe what that is? It's a scientific report on the Crystal Stars!

Someone was researching the Crystal Stars! And they even have pictures! stg3_tou_297_14_nok Wow, Mario! That's a research document on the Crystal Stars! Unbelievable!

Someone commissioned a report on the Crystal Stars! A report with pictures! stg3_tou_297_14_win Good gracious! That's a report investigating the Crystal Stars!

Someone was doing scientific studies on the Crystal Stars. My, it even has pictures! stg3_tou_297_14_yos Whoa, Gonzales! That's some kinda scientific paper on the Crystal Stars!

Who'd be investigating those things besides us? They even took pictures! stg3_tou_297_15_kur Y'know, it's REALLY weird that someone would just leave this lying around... stg3_tou_297_15_nok Ummm... Maybe I'm being paranoid, but it seems odd that someone would lose this. stg3_tou_297_15_win I have to wonder about why someone would leave this out for us to find... stg3_tou_297_15_yos Who'd leave something like this lying around? This just REEKS of funny business! stg3_tou_297_16 You again... Mr. Gonzales, what are you doing in here? stg3_tou_297_17 This is the minor-league locker room. Major-league athletes are forbidden.

Even if they weren't, it's hardly appropriate to bash down our walls, hmmmmm? stg3_tou_297_19 I'll just be confiscating THIS, thank you very much. stg3_tou_297_20_kur What's that chick's beef? It was totally hard work getting that info! stg3_tou_297_20_nok Oh... Well, there she goes... Taking that document we worked so hard to get... stg3_tou_297_20_win Oh, my, she doesn't like us, does she? And we worked so hard getting that paper... stg3_tou_297_20_yos Dang, what's with her?!? We busted our humps getting that information! stg3_tou_297_21_kur Well, whatever. At least it sounds like the Crystal Star is somewhere in here. stg3_tou_297_21_nok Well... I guess we know that the Crystal Star is in the arena, at least. stg3_tou_297_21_win It's not a total loss, dear. At the very least, we know the Crystal Star is nearby. stg3_tou_297_21_yos Some people just gotta rain on parades! Well, at least we know the Crystal Star's here! stg3_tou_103 Welcome to the automated match-reservation system. What is your command? stg3_tou_103_yn Yes No stg3_npc_10_01_01 Hey, dog... Looks like your next match is against me. Good luck, man...to both of us. stg3_npc_10_01_02 Hey, way to hand out a beatdown out there, man. You beat me, straight up.

Could swing the other way next time, though, you know what I'm sayin'? stg3_npc_10_01_03 Hey, man, don't sweat that beatin' me an' the boys gave you. You got skills, dude.

Next time, it could be you servin' my crew up a double helpin' of pain! stg3_npc_10_01_03_1 You the new rookie, dog? New mugs in here all the dang time, I'm tellin' you. stg3_npc_10_01_04 Take care of yourself, dog. And don't make any rookie mistakes, know what I mean? stg3_npc_10_01_05 That jump of yours is just INSANE, double-G-money! You got MAD timing! stg3_npc_10_01_06 Man, you see them three super-fine shorties out there in the front?

You oughta talk to them, dog! Get some digits! stg3_npc_10_01_07 Man, you know that cute little Toad who's workin' a part-time gig in the lobby?

I think girlfriend's got a little thing for me, dog...

Every time I cruise past her, she's swoonin'! stg3_npc_10_01_08 Hey, I meant to say it earlier, but your hammer rocks, dog. Think I need a weapon, too?

...Naw. King K's posse knows I'm all about tonin' the bod into the ultimate weapon!

If I changed it up now, my peeps would just call me a sellout, know what I mean? stg3_npc_10_01_09 The way things are going... I just don't feel like I got it anymore, know what I mean? stg3_npc_10_01_10 I tell you, man, with all the young talent like you comin' up in the ranks...

I just keep feelin' older and older, know what I mean? King K ain't gettin' younger! stg3_npc_10_01_11 I'm bummed that we won't hang no more, but hey, that's life, you know, G-dog? stg3_npc_re_060 Wassup, dog? Good seein' you again finally, man, for real! Me, I UNretired!

Let's rock this joint! stg3_npc_re_061 Man, ain't nothin' better than fightin' here in the Glitz Pit! Nothin'!

Fightin' to climb the ranks just makes me feel ALIVE, know what I'm sayin'?

Little stuff don't get me down no more, ain't that the way to live, G-dog? stg3_npc_10_02_01 Don't go easy on me because I am a rookie, BOMB-BOMB! Just come BOMB at me! stg3_npc_10_02_02 I totally bombed BOMB! Maybe...I'm not the BOMB... But I'll win next BOMB time! stg3_npc_10_02_03 Who's the bomb? BOMB! That's what BOMB you get! Come back for more BOMB! stg3_npc_10_02_03_1 What do you have ticking in your BOMB chest? I have the heart of a champion BOMB! stg3_npc_10_02_04 If you have any questions, feel free to BOMB ask me. I outrank you, after all BOMB! stg3_npc_10_02_05 I am always looking for the best BOMB-BOMB way to blow myself up in the ring.

You should think of how to make your moves look BOMB cool as well, Gonzales.

As fighters, our job is to entertain the crowd BOMB! stg3_npc_10_02_06 Do you always follow the conditions BOMB set by the promoter?

If you don't, you'll never get any BOMB matches with higher-ranked fighters! stg3_npc_10_02_07 You should always adjust your badges and partners according to your foe BOMB!

And do I even really need to BOMB mention napping to heal your BOMB HP and FP? stg3_npc_10_02_08 Teamwork is important BOMB! The match is not just for your personal glory BOMB!

If you want to win, you need to know how BOMB your partner fights! stg3_npc_10_02_09 Using items correctly is very important, too BOMB!

You can buy items at the store outside the Glitz Pit, so take BOMB a look. stg3_npc_10_02_10 Following the promoter's conditions is not easy, but it's BOMB the only way up!

So act like a professional and you'll be on your way up in BOMB no time! stg3_npc_10_02_11 Even if you're not feeling your best, you must put on a BOMB-BOMB good show!

It's hard when you're not into it, but that is what being a BOMB pro is about! stg3_npc_10_02_12 Developing a reliable style is good, but don't forget to try new things BOMB!

That's the way you make new discoveries and really grow as a BOMB fighter. stg3_npc_10_02_13 Teamwork is important BOMB! The match is not just for your personal glory BOMB!

If you want to win, you need to know how BOMB your partner fights! stg3_npc_10_02_14 You're BOMB back in the minor league? But you were our brightest hope BOMB! stg3_npc_10_02_15 ...What's the matter BOMB? Did you leave something in here BOMB? stg3_npc_re_065 Gonzales is back BOMB! It's an honor to BOMB fight in the same arena again! stg3_npc_re_066 Gonzales, why BOMB are you spinning your wheels here? Go blow up some fools BOMB!

But watch out BOMB! Because I'll be gunning for you BOMB soon! stg3_npc_10_03_01 Grack! Mustache will regret messing with Cleftor. stg3_npc_10_03_02 Grack! Mustache got lucky. stg3_npc_10_03_03 Grack! Mustache weak. stg3_npc_10_03_03_1 Grack! stg3_npc_10_03_04 Grack! Mustache is a fighter? stg3_npc_10_03_05 Grack! No closer. stg3_npc_10_03_06 Grack! So that is all Mustache got. stg3_npc_10_03_07 Grack! Mustache is not bad. stg3_npc_10_03_08 Grack! Mustache is OK. stg3_npc_10_03_09 Grack! Mustache is good. stg3_npc_10_03_10 Grack! Mustache must work out. stg3_npc_10_03_11 Grack! Mustache got game. stg3_npc_10_03_12 Grack! Cleftor can't think of criticism for Mustache. stg3_npc_10_03_13 Grack! Cleftor admits Mustache is strong. stg3_npc_10_03_14 Grack! That not like Mustache. stg3_npc_10_03_15 Grack! Is Mustache here to laugh at Cleftor? GRACK! stg3_npc_re_070 Grack! Mustache better than Cleftor when Cleftor was Mustache's age. stg3_npc_re_071 Grack! Mustache must take care of business.

Mustache is only fighter Cleftor ever respect. stg3_npc_10_04_03_1 Heh heh heh heh heh heh! Debut battle for you, huh? Pretty exciting! stg3_npc_10_04_04 Heh heh heh heh heh heh! I do believe I'll go out for my regular stroll soon... stg3_npc_re_075 Hey, how're you, Gonzales? You're looking pretty good. Glad to see it. stg3_npc_re_076 Heh heh heh heh heh heh! Take it easy, now. Losing your cool never helps anything. stg3_npc_10_05_01 Hey! Will you spar with me? Please, please! stg3_npc_10_05_02 You sure are strong, Mister! I need to get strong, too! Thanks for the inspiration! stg3_npc_10_05_03 What's the matter, Mister? You were going easy on me! Next time fight for real! stg3_npc_10_05_12 I'm a rookie, so I don't know my right from my left! Just show me the ropes! stg3_npc_10_05_13 Those Hot Dogs outside are amazing! If you have trouble winning, DEFINITELY try one! stg3_npc_10_05_14 Hey, hey, Mr. Gonzales! I've been taking notes every time you fight! stg3_npc_10_05_15 Mr. Gonzales! You're back in the minor league? stg3_npc_10_06_01 Gonzales! Our armored bods get tougher every day! stg3_npc_10_06_02 We've perfected our attack and our defense just so we could send you to hurt city! stg3_npc_10_06_03 Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurph! Curses... stg3_npc_10_06_04 Why can't we win? Crud... stg3_npc_10_06_05 Huff huff huff huff huff... Now you see what we're really made of! stg3_npc_10_06_06 It'll take you a few thousand years to find a chink in our armor, Stinkwad! stg3_npc_10_06_07 Hey, it's Mr. Stinkwad! What are you doing here?!? stg3_npc_10_06_08 If you wanna fight outside the ring, I'll give you a fight, you big jerk! stg3_npc_re_080 I've been waiting, Gonzales! Today's the day you join the head trauma ward! stg3_npc_re_081 So you're back, Gonzales! I'll make sure you never get back to the majors!! lecture_friends_09 The Yoshi is now your friend! He'll answer to "%s"! lecture_friends_09_0_1 Yoshi's Abilities: A Primer lecture_friends_09_1 Press to get on and off the Yoshi! lecture_friends_09_1_1

While riding the Yoshi, you'll move much faster! lecture_friends_10

Also, while on the Yoshi, if you press , you'll float briefly in the air! lecture_friends_11

In battle, you can repeatedly bounce on enemies using his Ground Pound move or...

You can use Gulp to inhale enemies whole and spit them out for massive damage! msg_kuri_map This is a minor-league locker room. It's kind of, uh... Well, it's pretty disgusting.

It's totally different from the first room they showed. The old bait-and-switch...

You think they make it totally gross so fighters will try harder to advance? キノシコワ That's Grubba's manager, Jolene. She strikes me as a very driven young woman.

She's a little cold, though... I mean, would it kill her to be a little nicer sometimes? ガードマン This guy is Glitz Pit Security. He has to keep watch on this particular area.

This guy looks like he could turn folks into pretzels. I bet he's buffer than the fighters. マイケル That's King K, a fighter. His shell's yellow, but I think he's just a basic Koopa.

He seems like a genuinely good guy, Mario. Plus, I dig the way he talks! オクトール That's Master Crash, the Bob-omb. He gives really good advice most of the time.

Isn't it like, so totally nice to have a mentor who cares about you? ガンガン That's Cleftor. He might sound a bit gruff...

But I think he's actually nicer than he sounds, y'know? Maybe he's just a little shy. ブロッツ That's Bandy Andy. He's a competitor in this league, but he's never here.

Maybe he just doesn't care about being champion... ポグ That's Sir Swoop. He just got on board here. Hey, now HE'S the newbie!

You definitely notice how quick the turnaround is when new people come in... アイアン That's the older of the Iron Adonis Twins. You can tell he's older by his red shoes.

I don't think they took their loss to you too well, Mario. I'd be careful around them... アイアン2 That's the younger of the Iron Adonis Twins. He and his brother totally hate you.

Is it a rule that older brothers wear red shoes and younger brothers wear green? stg3_tou_409 You two wait here. stg3_tou_409_01_kur But this is a minor-league locker room! And speaking of which, where is everybody?

I know he said to wait here... But, Mario, we're gonna miss our fight against the champ! stg3_tou_409_01_nok Umm... Why are we in a minor-league locker room? And where is everybody?

He said to wait here, but... I don't know, Mario. We're gonna miss our big fight! stg3_tou_409_01_win Mercy me, we're back in a minor-league locker room! And it's deserted!

He DID say to wait here... But, darling, I can't help but think we'll miss our match! stg3_tou_409_01_yos Hey! This ain't the ring! It's a minor-league locker room! And it's empty!

That guy said to wait... But, dude, we're missing our title bout! This stinks! stg3_tou_409_02_kur OK, they are like, totally, ridiculously late now! I'm gonna find out what's up. stg3_tou_409_02_nok Look, no two ways about it, we're gonna miss this match. We better find somebody. stg3_tou_409_02_win Well, my dear, I'd say we're now officially VERY late. Let's find out what's what. stg3_tou_409_02_yos OK, that is IT! Nobody's coming for us, man! Hear me? Let's go kick some tail! stg3_tou_410_kur Omigosh! Omigosh! Mario! It's locked! The door's locked! We're totally trapped! stg3_tou_410_nok Ohhh...crud. Bad news, Mario. This door's been locked. We're trapped in here! stg3_tou_410_win Oh, my goodness gracious! We've been locked in, Mario! We're trapped here! stg3_tou_410_yos Awwwwwwwwwwwww... WEAK! Some punk's locked us in! We're trapped in here! stg3_tou_421_01_kur Mario, if we don't do something soon, we're gonna forfeit that match!

We gotta get out of here! stg3_tou_421_01_nok Ummm... I'm pretty sure that we forfeit if we don't show up at the match, Mario.

We have to figure out a way to get out of here! And quick! stg3_tou_421_01_win Correct me if I'm wrong, darling, but won't we forfeit if we don't show up?

There simply MUST be a way out of this place! stg3_tou_421_01_yos Man, this is the WORST! We're gonna forfeit our match if we don't show!

We gotta break outta here, man! Right now! stg3_tou_421_02_kur I already tried that, Mario! It's locked! stg3_tou_421_02_nok Nope! Still locked! stg3_tou_421_02_win Darling, I tried it earlier. It's quite firmly locked. stg3_tou_421_02_yos Crud! It still won't open! msg_kuri_map This is a minor-league locker room. It's just as gnarly as the one we were in.

If you check the lockers or behind the posters, I bet there are stains and graffiti. stg3_tou_307_10_kur OMIGOSH!

W-What happened here?!?

Bandy Andy! And King K! stg3_tou_307_10_nok WHAT THE HECK?!?

H-How could this happen?!?

Bandy Andy! And King K! stg3_tou_307_10_win OH, MY WORD!

What on earth is this?!?

Bandy Andy, you poor dear! And King K! How awful! stg3_tou_307_10_yos WHOOOOOOAAAAA!

You gotta be kidding me!

Bandy Andy! And King K! stg3_tou_307_11 Oooooooooog... stg3_tou_307_12 Gon... Gon... Gonzales...

Listen...to me...URK!...man... Don't...get...near...the...ring... when...no...one...is...around...

Ohhhhhhh... stg3_tou_307_13_kur Andy! Stay with us, OK? What do you mean, don't get near the ring?!? stg3_tou_307_13_nok Andy! We're gonna get through this! Why shouldn't we go near the ring? stg3_tou_307_13_win Andy, honey, just hang on! Why would we have to avoid the ring, now? stg3_tou_307_13_yos C'mon, shake it off, buddy! What do you mean, don't go near the ring? stg3_tou_307_14 I...I...don't...think...I'm...gonna... make...it...

Aaaaaaargh... stg3_tou_307_14_01 .................. stg3_tou_307_13_00_kur Whoa! Did you see that, Mario? Was that...Jolene?

What the heck is going on? stg3_tou_307_13_00_nok Hey! Mario! You see that? Wasn't that...Ms. Jolene?

My brain is starting to hurt trying to figure all this out. What is going ON?!? stg3_tou_307_13_00_win My word, did you see that? I do believe that was young Ms. Jolene!

What in the world is going on here? stg3_tou_307_13_00_yos Gonzales! You see that?!? That was Jolene!

This is craziness! What is going ON in here? msg_kuri_map This is the storeroom. There are lots of wooden crates here, that's for sure.

But it doesn't seem to be in use now, does it? I mean, it's COVERED in dust! マイケルダミー Awww, poor King K! What happened here?!? ブロッツダミー Bandy Andy looks terrible! Who could have done this?!? stg3_tou_455_kur This is the air duct, right? Where does it lead to? stg3_tou_455_nok Ummm... Is this the air duct? Where does it lead to? stg3_tou_455_win Isn't this the air duct? Where does it lead? stg3_tou_455_yos We're in the air duct, right? Where does it lead? stg3_tou_455_01 ... .... .. .. . ....... stg3_tou_455_02 Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! Well, THAT'S in perfect condition, as usual!

Yep, long as I got THAT baby workin' fer me, this ol' bod ain't NEVER gonna get weak!

But I'm gonna have to watch my tootsies here fer a little bit...

First I let that King K ijit walk in on me when I was with...THAT...

An' now I can't shake the feelin' that Jolene an' Gonzales are onto me...

Well, I guess I'll burn that bridge when the time comes. I'll just disappear 'em!

Yep, just like I did to them others...like I did to Prince Mush, the first champ! stg3_tou_455_05_kur That's GRUBBA! You think he could've made all those fighters disappear? stg3_tou_455_05_nok Hey... That's Mr. Grubba! Could he really have made those fighters disappear? stg3_tou_455_05_win Why, that voice belongs to Grubba! Could he have made those poor souls disappear? stg3_tou_455_05_yos That voice... It's Grubba! So HE'S behind all those missing fighters? stg3_tou_455_03 I better lock this room up tighter 'n a peanut butter jar at a squirrel convention.

An' I'll just go ahead an' hide the paper relatin' to THAT in the desk drawer... stg3_tou_455_04 There we go! Y'know what, though? Since I'm thinkin' aloud, here...

Good fighters ain't nothin' to mess with. Even Rawk Hawk lost to Gonzales.

This new champ might have to disappear purty soon. For my sake... msg_kuri_map We're in the ventilation duct. It's really cramped in here. And musty. And dank. stg4_usu_00_0_kur Wow, is it twilight already? Oh wait, I know what's up... This must be Twilight Town! stg4_usu_00_0_nok Isn't it a bit early for twilight? Hey, wait a minute! Think this is Twilight Town? stg4_usu_00_0_win This place has a mysterious air to it... Might it be... Is this Twilight Town? stg4_usu_00_0_yos Ugh, this place gives me the creeps. Is this Twilight Town? stg4_usu_00 Hey... stg4_usu_01 It's been a long time since anyone's come from...outside. You've come from far away? stg4_usu_02 Yeah, those clothes of yours... I'm pretty sure you guys must be...adventurers! Right?

This is a bad time to arrive. Wait, but you're adventurers! ...Maybe it's the perfect time. stg4_usu_03_kur Whoa, whoa, whoa, Creepy! What the heck do you mean, a "bad time"? stg4_usu_03_nok Um... That middle part about it being a "bad time"... What's that mean? stg4_usu_03_win I beg your pardon? Something about a "bad time," you say? Whatever do you mean? stg4_usu_03_yos Wait, what? "A bad time"? What do you mean by that? C'mon! Tell me! stg4_usu_04 Oh, gee whiz, I dunno... It's a scary tale to hear. And scary to tell, too. stg4_usu_05 Oh no! The bell rang again!

Oh... This is so awful... Who could it be now? stg4_usu_06 Oink oink oink! stg4_usu_07_kur What?!? What?!? What?!? Omigosh, WHAT'S going on?!? stg4_usu_07_nok Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa!! What just happened? stg4_usu_07_win Goodness, gracious me! What might THAT mean? stg4_usu_07_yos Whoa! That was the craziest thing I've ever seen! What's going on in this weirdo town? stg4_usu_08 Oh, badness... Now poor Freddy got turned into a pig... Not good. stg4_usu_09_kur Hey, who are you? stg4_usu_09_nok Who are you, sir? stg4_usu_09_win And who might you be? stg4_usu_09_yos Who are you, Gramps? stg4_usu_10 I'm the mayor of this poor town. Some call me Dour.

I'm not exactly the sharpest fellow, but I do believe you're adventurers, right?

This isn't the place for the telling of tales, sadly. Come. Come to my home. stg4_usu_11 My traveling friends... Welcome to Twilight Town. Well, I'd LIKE to welcome you...

But "welcoming" people is generally a good thing, and it's nothing but bad here. stg4_usu_12 As you may have guessed... our town has been cursed. stg4_usu_13_kur Cursed?!? stg4_usu_13_nok Ummm... Cursed?! stg4_usu_13_win Oh, my! Cursed?!? stg4_usu_13_yos Whoa! Cursed?!? stg4_usu_14 Yes, cursed. That is the right word, right? Yes, of course it is. You see...

Beyond town is a forest, and in its heart is an ancient building, the Creepy Steeple.

The dark creature who lives there... Its curse ordains that when the steeple bell rings...

One of the Twilighters living here in the village... becomes a pig. stg4_usu_15 Will my loved ones become swine? Will I, too, become a curly-tailed oinker?

I'm so worried, I can't sleep at night. Of course, night and day are pretty similar here...

If this keeps up...well... the village will be one giant pigpen. Which would be bad.

Let me give you some advice. Leave us! Leave before you, too, get...piggified! stg4_usu_16_kur We can't do that, Mr. Mayor. We're hunting for something.

Have you ever heard of a Crystal Star? A star-shaped rock that's all glittery? stg4_usu_16_nok Uh, see, we can't do that, Mayor Dour. See, we're looking for something important.

It's called a Crystal Star. It's this star-shaped rock thing. Have you heard of it? stg4_usu_16_win Sadly, Mr. Mayor, we simply cannot do that. We must find something, you see.

It's a star-shaped rock that is called a Crystal Star. Do you know of it? stg4_usu_16_yos Not gonna happen, Gramps. We're looking for something really important.

Maybe you've heard of it. It's a star-shaped rock called a Crystal Star. stg4_usu_17 Uh... I don't know about any Crystal Star thing... but in Creepy Steeple...

There's a glittery red stone shaped like a star... stg4_usu_18_kur For real? That totally must be the Crystal Star! stg4_usu_18_nok Wow, really?!? I bet that's the Crystal Star! stg4_usu_18_win You don't say! That surely must be the Crystal Star! stg4_usu_18_yos Whoa, are you serious? That's gotta be the Crystal Star! Gotta be! stg4_usu_19 Uh... You people... You aren't thinking of going to Creepy Steeple, are you?!?

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Unthinkable... stg4_usu_20 My...

My family and friends have all been turned into pigs. That's...not a good thing.

This is the village where we all were born, after all. We can't just leave. stg4_usu_21_kur Hey! You don't think this pig...is the mayor, do you?

What do we do now, huh? We can't get his permission to pass through the gate! stg4_usu_21_nok Oh, man... You think this pig... is Mayor Dour?

This is awful! What do we do? We need his permission to get through that gate! stg4_usu_21_win Oh, mercy me! You don't suppose this little piggie... is that poor mayor?

Whatever shall we do now? We shan't be getting his permission to pass the gate! stg4_usu_21_yos Whoa! This ain't good! Don't you think this pig... is the mayor!

What're we gonna do now? We needed that dude's OK to pass through the gate! stg4_usu_22 Oinkie oinkie! stg4_usu_23 Oh, thank you, thank you! We owe you so much, Mario!

Please take this as a token of our thanks. Eat up! stg4_usu_24 Now, who might you be? I don't remember inviting any shadows to my house...

Sorry, but Mario is visiting today! If you don't need anything, please leave. stg4_usu_25 You, huh? You know how there aren't many shadows at twilight? Take a hint... stg4_usu_25_01 Hey! Ha! Whoa! Hee! Wa! Look at me! Look at me! It's-a me, Mario!

Wahahahahahahahahahaha! stg4_usu_25_02 Boy, Mario, you sure got chatty all of a sudden... I mean, you, like, NEVER talk.

Oh well, I guess it's not too totally weird or anything... stg4_usu_25_03 Um, Mario... You seem kind of different.

I mean, you're sort of like the life of the party now, so I guess that's cool... stg4_usu_25_04 My, my, my, Mario! You're rather dramatic of late, aren't you?

To be honest, dear, I rather enjoyed your quiet dignity and strength of character... stg4_usu_25_05 Uh... Gonzales, what's up with you lately? You're kind of freaking me out...

I mean... I'm all for acting like a complete loon, but it's not exactly in your character... stg4_usu_29 Oinkity oinkity! stg4_usu_30 Uh, what? A guy with a red cap and some blue overalls? That sounds familiar...

C'mon, brain! Oh, yeah! That's Mario! He's this adventurer who saved our village.

Are you an adventurer, too? ...I like adventures... stg4_usu_31 You know, I always used to love pork chops, but now I think about the poor pig...

Hmmm... Hey! You don't think maybe I was a pig in a past life, do you? What a concept! stg4_usu_31_1 Ah... You, uh... You... You're Mario, our hero! Yahoo for you! Mario!

...It'd be awesome if someone said that about you, huh? Yeah, that'd be sweet. stg4_usu_31_1_1 Ah... You, uh... You... You're Mario, our hero! Yahoo for you! Mario!

...It'd be awesome if someone said that about you, huh? Yeah, that'd be sweet. stg4_usu_32 Living in this dark place... It's so depressing... You know...

I don't really care if I turn into a pig or not... stg4_usu_33 Oink! Oink oink? Oink.

I'm practicing for pig-time. If I go to the swine side, I'm going to be more positive.

There's no more pig curse? You're kidding... Could you... give me some time alone? stg4_usu_34 You're a real hero, huh? That's great for you...

You really shine out in a dark place like this... How depressing... stg4_usu_34_1 Good day... I mean, uh... Good dusk, or whatever...

I never know what time it is in this weird light...

Then again, I don't even know what day it is because I never leave this room... stg4_usu_34_1_1 Good day... I mean, uh... Good dusk, or whatever...

I never know what time it is in this weird light...

Then again, I don't even know what day it is because I never leave this room... stg4_usu_35 Will it feel weird to turn into a pig? Do pigs feel stuff? ...I'm not looking forward to this. stg4_usu_36 You know, people often say that my shadow is faint...

But yours is really something. I mean you ARE a shadow! No offense or anything. stg4_usu_37 It's so dark here, I wake up and think it's still night sometimes. So...yeah. stg4_usu_37_1 We used to use the bell at Creepy Steeple as our clock.

But we haven't been doing that since the whole pig thing started happening.

I wouldn't mind getting back to that system after we settle all this, though. stg4_usu_37_1_1 We used to use the bell at Creepy Steeple as our clock.

But we haven't been doing that since the whole pig thing started happening.

I wouldn't mind getting back to that system after we settle all this, though. stg4_usu_38 Berrzzoink! stg4_usu_39 We're free! Yesssssssssss! We're no longer pigs!

I say YOINK! No more OINK! I just wanna sing! stg4_usu_40 Big bright sun goes down, big pale moon comes up! ♪ I like moonlight, yup! ♪ stg4_usu_40_1 Hey, listen to my new song! ...Ahem!

Love that steeple bell! ♪ And pale moonlight as well! ♪ Twilight sure is...swell. ♪ stg4_usu_40_1_1 Hey, listen to my new song! ...Ahem!

Steeple bell, unh, yes! ♪ Moonlight's cool, I guess! ♪ At twilight, I...play chess. ♪ stg7_usu_01 Huh? General White?

Yeah, I know that old guy. He's a white Bob-omb, right? He was here until recently.

What? Where did he go? What am I, his secretary? He looked tired, I know that. stg4_usu_41 Grrrrrrroink! stg4_usu_42 You know... You can get through anything if you have good memories to cling to...

Now, if I can just figure out how my days as a pig qualify as good memories... stg4_usu_43 This place is our home, no matter how dreary it is. It's brighter in memories... stg4_usu_43_1 You know... You can get through anything if you have good memories to cling to...

But...the problem is, not all memories are good.

What do you do about things you want to forget? Can't you dump those somehow? stg4_usu_43_1_1 You know... You can get through anything if you have good memories to cling to...

But...the problem is, not all memories are good.

What do you do about things you want to forget? Can't you dump those somehow? stg4_usu_43_01 Yoink yoink! stg4_usu_43_02 You oughta move in here! A shadow like you, you'd fit right in, know what I mean? stg4_usu_43_03 It's so nice to be back in my body! It's so hard to get around when you're piggy...

Huh? WHAT did you just say? Why, that's just rude! stg4_usu_43_03_1 Hey, you! You must really like this place, huh?

No, not really? Well then... You must have come to see me, then, right?

Gosh, if that's the case... I don't know how to say this... But you're just not my type. stg4_usu_43_03_1_1 Hey, you! You must really like this place, huh?

No, not really? Well then... You must have come to see me, then, right?

Gosh, if that's the case... I don't know how to say this... But you're just not my type. usu_00_aed_01 u0“0c0ÿ B0_0W0ƒ00B0“0_0h00j0K0ˆ0W0S0ˆ0W0j0“0^0 ´0á0ó0`0m0 usu_00_aed_02 “0B0^ÿ usu_00_aed_viv_01 ☆0ê0ª0ÿ ~0_00B0j0_0k00B0H0‹0j0“0f0 æ0á00_0D0`00ÿ usu_00_aed_viv_02 ‚0a00“00D0c0W0‡0k00D0O00 B0j0_0k0j0‰00i0S0x0g0‚00d0D0f0D0O00 usu_00_aed_viv_03 Ó0Ó0¢0ó0L00j0K0~0k00j0c0_0ÿ usu_00_aed_viv_04 ~0_0~0_00è0í0·0¯0m0 stg4_usu_97 Mwee hee hee hee hee... Yes... This time we'll take that Mario and get his map! stg4_usu_97_01 With this Superbombomb here, there's no way we can fail. No, not likely... stg4_usu_98 Guhhhhhhh... stg4_usu_99 Vivian! Hand me that glorious Superbombomb! stg4_usu_100 Huh? stg4_usu_101 Vivian... Don't you dare... Does that "Huh?" mean what I think it does? stg4_usu_102 I... I never had it! You were holding it just two seconds ago!

You said it was too important to trust me with! stg4_usu_103 Oh, you terrible LIAR! Stop making up stories to cover for yourself!

If I don't have it, then OBVIOUSLY you must have it! And OBVIOUSLY you lost it!

Or... Are you trying to imply that I lost it, you little lollygagging worm? stg4_usu_103_02 I... No, of course not, Beldam... stg4_usu_104 Well, we can't do much without it, now can we?!? Oh, you are SUCH an idiot...

Very well... I'm sure you must have dropped it around here somewhere...

So why don't you look for it while Marilyn and I go take a well-earned siesta.

And if you don't find it... Well, you know what'll happen, don't you? stg4_usu_105 I... I get punished... stg4_usu_106 That's right, you little twit, so get cracking!

Come, Marilyn. Let's leave this useless little fool to her chore. stg4_usu_107 Guh-huh... stg4_usu_108 Sniff... Sniff... Sniff... What'll I do? What'll I do? Poor me... stg4_usu_109 Sniff... I'm looking for something very important.

If I don't find it, my sister's going to punish me again...

But it's just not here... stg4_usu_110 What?!? You found it? stg4_usu_111 Oh... Oh, thank you so much... Thank goodness... At least I won't get punished now... stg4_usu_112 OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's... It's broken! stg4_usu_113 It must have broken when my sister dropped it...

What'll I do? What'll I do? I guess I was just meant to be punished for life... stg4_usu_113_select Yes, I'll stay. No, thank you. usugurayado_07

Sir, you have an Inn Coupon. Would you like to use it? usugurayado_08 Nah, not really. Maybe a little... stg4_usu_154

You're a bigger man than I, Mario! Such fortitude! You're a true hero!

You've brought a shining ray of light to our dim little town! Twilight Town thanks you! stg4_usu_155


Er... Well, all right, it's OK to be in touch with your feelings. So then!

You've brought a shining ray of light to our dim little town! Twilight Town thanks you! stg4_usu_156_kur All right, Mario! Let's get back to Rogueport, OK? stg4_usu_156_nok Well, Mario... Let's head back to Rogueport, huh? stg4_usu_156_win Are you quite ready, Mario? Let's get back to Rogueport. stg4_usu_156_yos Okeydokey, Gonzales! Let's kick it back to Rogueport! stg4_usu_156_viv Hey, Mario... We need to get back to Rogueport, right? Let's go. stg4_usu_157 Please come back to visit anytime you like! stg4_usu_157_1 Uhhhhh...

Hey, it's the savior of our town! It's Mario!

Ever since that pig business, we're on constant guard!

But don't think for a second that we forgot about you... stg4_usu_157_1_00 Why, it's the savior of our town! It's Mario!

Yes, actually, there WAS a General White around here for a little while...

He seemed to be puzzled about something after his short stay, and soon left.

I'm afraid I don't know where. He was mumbling something or other about a cannon... stg4_usu_157_1_1 Uhhhhh...

Hey, it's the savior of our town! It's Mario!

Ever since that pig business, we're on constant guard!

But don't think for a second that we forgot about you... irai_17_00 Mario, you accepted my trouble request... My, my. Now THAT'S something.

I hoped you'd deliver this Silver Club newsletter routing slip to the Great Tree elder...

I used to bring it myself, but this hip is REALLY growling at me.

Would you take it for me? irai_17_01 I was hoping you'd deliver this Silver Club newsletter routing slip to the Great Tree elder.

I'd sure appreciate it. irai_17_02 The elder has a hernia? Well that's sure something, isn't it?

It's not like she needs a Life Shroom or anything, but still...

Now, can you deliver this next newsletter to the mayor of Petalburg? Thanks! irai_17_03 Hello, Mario. Did you deliver that last newsletter routing slip or what? irai_17_04 The mayor of Petalburg has a cold? Well, tarnations and diddley-dangits...

Oh! But you brought this back with you? Why, thanks! You sure are a lifesaver!

Oh, and before I forget... Here's your reward, Mario. Please take it. irai_17_05 We Silver Clubbers have been going strong for 20 years with our slogan: "Age? What?"

We discuss longevity secrets and the like, you know...

Maybe you'll join us in 20 years? Haaaaaaaaaaaar... lecture_friends_12 Vivian has joined your party! lecture_friends_12_0_1 Vivian's Abilities: A Primer lecture_friends_12_1 Press to have Vivian pull Mario into the shadows, where they can hide! lecture_friends_13

When hiding in the shadows, press to reemerge! lecture_friends_14

In battle, Vivian can set enemies on fire with her Shade Fist...

Or she and Mario can hide in the shadows to avoid damage with her Veil move! kpa_stg5_000 Bleck! What is this place? Why is the light so weird here? It's spooking me out! kpa_stg5_001 The light's odd because this is Twilight Town, my lord. Should be treasure here...

Let's put the screws to one of these creepy things and find the Crystal Star! kpa_stg5_002 Sounds good to me, Haggy! Let's go to it! kpa_stg5_003 Oh, man... kpa_stg5_004 I give up... kpa_stg5_005 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Shuh-Shuh... Whuh-Whuh... kpa_stg5_006 Nuh-Nuh-No... Nuh-No... Am I going to be turned into a pig again? kpa_stg5_007 Puh-Puh-Puh... Muh-Muh...

Hu-Huh? Cuh-Crystal Star? I-I have no idea! Really! Puh-Please spare me! kpa_stg5_008 ...

I'm dreaming. Yup. Juuuuuust a bad dream...

Gonna wake up ANY second... kpa_stg5_009 EEEEEEEK! ...Hafff... AAAAAAACK! ...Hoooff... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! kpa_stg5_009_1 Y'know, I bet the laundry never dries around here... Oh! Hmm? What is it?

Oh, just catch one of these weirdos and make him tell where the Crystal Star is! kpa_stg5_009_4 Nobody's home! Really! Everyone left for the day! Pleasepleasepleaseplease... kpa_stg5_009_5 The mayor is OUT!

He's most certainly not scared out of his mind! He's just...out! kpa_stg5_009_6 Umm... Today's a holiday...

Really! It is! Honest! It's National Not-Get- Eaten-by-Monsters Day! kpa_stg5_009_7 Huh? What? Whuzzat? There's something in the grass! Yes, right there!

I got the Twilight Blade!


I'm just joking. Sucker. kpa_stg5_009_7_1 Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! kpa_stg5_009_7_2 Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! kpa_stg5_010_00 Oh, man...

I'm pretty sure Beldam said... she lost her Superbombomb somewhere around here...

This...stinks. Really. This whole deal is exTREMELY BAD! BAD! BAD! BAAAD!

I gotta cowboy up and make a serious comeback here. Or else... kpa_stg5_010 Bam! Got it! I am the MAN!

Now we can crush Mario and get the Crystal Stars in one fell swoop! Hot-diggety-DOG!

Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! The luck of the moon is still riding shotgun with me! kpa_stg5_011 You there! Suspicious guy! You know something about the Crystal Stars, don't you? kpa_stg5_012 Buh? Somebody there? Hey! What's the big idea, Turtle Boy?

You looking for the Crystal Stars, too? Sweet! This'll help the Crump comeback!

Now, then! Let's get to it! You'll be telling me everything you know. Now. kpa_stg5_013 Uh, actually, it's YOU who's gonna spill every bit of info out of your big, ugly head!

Yeah. Sorry about that. And if you hesitate at all, I'll show you no mercy! kpa_stg5_014 Wh-Whoa there, big guy... I mean...NO! Wait! What am I afraid of? You?

Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! If you think you can take me, then try it, Chubby!

All troops, REPORT! kpa_stg5_015 Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh!

Yeah? You like that? Kind of a lot of dudes, huh? You feel like talking yet? kpa_stg5_016 Mweh heh heh heh heh! You dare scoff at us?!? Koopa Clan...FORM UP! kpa_stg5_017 Whoa! Well played! kpa_stg5_018 Mweh heh heh heh heh! So, what's it gonna be, tough guy? kpa_stg5_019 Buh huh! Oh, I gotta laugh! THIS is why I keep one of these around! Sorry, suckers!

Eat this, turtle dorks! SUPERBOMBOMB! kpa_stg5_020 INCOMING!!! kpa_stg5_021 Huh? That was it? That was your big weapon? It didn't even go off!

GWA HA HA HA HA HA HA! This is how you do it, amateur! Watch and learn! kpa_stg5_022 Oh, crud... stg8_dark_05 Ungh... YEEEEEEEEEEEEK! stg8_las_148_26 Don't you give up, Mario! stg8_las_148_27 Give it to 'em! stg8_las_148_28 Fight! Fight! stg8_las_148_29 Yeah! Never give in! stg8_las_148_30 Yes! Believe in yourself! stg8_las_148_31 FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! stg8_las_148_32 Mario... You may feel like it's going rough...like the tides have shifted against you...

But if you lose, the world will be plunged into darkness forever... Please, don't give in. stg8_las_148_33 Vivian was her name, right?

I'm a bit worried about the girl that was with Mario... She seemed so innocent... stg8_las_148_34 They'll be fine, all of you. Mario will never give up. Mario will stand true.

I... I still remember how easily he took care of that monster who had cursed us.

We must have faith in him. We must believe...that light will return to our world. stg8_las_148_35 Fight, Mario! stg8_las_148_36 Fiiiiiiiight on! stg8_las_148_37 FIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! ep_41 Vivian's gone back to hang out with her sisters. Family is important, after all...

Now that the Shadow Queen has been defeated, I don't think Beldam's into evil.

Oh, and Beldam also promised me she would never be mean to Vivian ever again.

Yup, I think the three sirens are going to live pretty peacefully from now on...

But you should totally go visit her sometime. msg_kuri_map This is Twilight Town. It's twilight here, which I guess makes sense, huh?

That big moon gives me the heebie-jeebies. I guess the sky here is always the same...

No morning, noon, or night... Wouldn't perpetual dusk get a little like, boring? h“Xˆõ That's the guy who runs the Twilight Town inn. Be sure to rest here when you're down.

Just remember, when you wake up in the morning, it's still gonna be dusk! ‘ºl‚` That's Gloomer of Twilight Town. I'm so stoked that he's back to normal!

If it had taken any longer, he might've ended up as a pork chop! ‘ºl‚a That's a local Twilighter. I have no idea if he or she's gloomy or jolly or what.

I mean, I GUESS that's a pretty optimistic-looking person, but what do I know? ‘ºl‚b That's another Twilighter. I hope we can save him from that piggie fate.

Hopefully he won't have a nervous breakdown about becoming a pig in the interim. ‘ºl‚c That's a Twilighter. He sure is gloomy, though.

We got him back to normal, but I'm not sure he really cared about being a pig. ‘ºl‚d That's a local Twilighter. He sounds like he's totally bumming, though.

You think maybe he wanted to stay a pig? ‘ºl‚j This Twilighter's still a pig! ...Whoops! Maybe not!

Omigosh, you CAN'T tell her I said that! I'm so serious! Take it to the grave... ‘º’· That's the Twilight Town mayor. He doesn't seem too reliable, though.

I guess he's been through a lot, though, so maybe I oughta cut him some slack. ƒuƒ^‘ºl‚` That's Freddy the pig... I mean...Freddy, the guy who got turned into a pig.

When I think of him having to live like this, I get oinked up... I mean, choked up... ƒuƒ^‘ºl‚c That's a Twilighter who got turned into a pig.

Do you think that this guy was so gloomy that he's even a gloomy pig? ...That's crazy! ƒuƒ^‘ºl‚d That's a Twilighter who got turned into a pig.

This guy... I bet he didn't think he'd ever be forced to sniff out truffles, huh? ƒuƒ^‘ºl‚j This pig also used to be a Twilighter. This is all just so totally tragic... ƒuƒ^‘º’· Even the mayor got turned into a pig! At this rate, they'll all be pigs soon.

And then...maybe even us...

NO WAY! stg4_usu_44 A nasty monster lives in the woods past here. I'm serious. That's what somebody said.

If you still want to go through even after hearing that, you need the mayor's permission. stg4_usu_45_kur Ha! We've heard that one before! Nasty monster... Please.

Well, whatever, gate guy. Let's go ask, Mario. stg4_usu_45_nok Right, right, the old nasty monster beyond the gate. That sounds familiar.

Well, you know what we have to do, Mario. Let's go ask Mayor Dour for permission. stg4_usu_45_win Mmmm, yes, a nasty monster beyond the town's borders. That does NOT surprise me.

Well, I suppose we must go ask this mayor for permission. stg4_usu_45_yos Oh, man, the old monster beyond the town gate thing? Isn't that kinda cliched?

You gotta be kidding me. Fine, let's go ask. stg4_usu_45_01 A nasty monster lives in the woods past here. I'm serious. That's what somebody said.

If you still want to go through even after hearing that, you need the mayor's permission. stg4_usu_45_02 I can't let you pass without the mayor's permission. Sorry. I don't make the rules. stg4_usu_46 What? The mayor's a pig?!? Oh no! What'll we do? Govern ourselves?

Well, there's just no way I can let you through now! It's marshal-law time!

Just forget about it! stg4_usu_47_kur Huh? The gatekeeper's gone...

...No, not gone! He turned into a pig!

Well, not to be insensitive, but that works out for us. We can just cruise through! stg4_usu_47_nok Ummm... Where do you think the gatekeeper went?

...Oh! He turned into a pig!

I feel bad for saying this, but that's good for us, Mario. We can just walk through! stg4_usu_47_win Oh, my! The gatekeeper's gone missing...

...Or rather, his body has! He seems to have taken a turn for the swine!

Well, not to be callous, but this helps our cause, dear. We can just saunter through! stg4_usu_47_yos Whoa! The gate guy's gone!

...Oops! Nope! Not gone! The stubborn dude's a pig!

Well, hey, that's actually pretty sweet for us! No pig's gonna get in our way! stg4_usu_48 Broink broink! stg4_usu_49 Now that Mario took care of that curse-monster, I don't have to guard the gate!

But here I am, doing it anyway. Yeah. Just to keep the weirdos out, you know...

Yeah, you look kind of weird... If I had to classify you... you'd be a bad guy. stg4_usu_49_1 Did you see a suspicious- looking shadow pass through here recently?

What? It was you? C'mon! I'm not going to believe that baloney!

What? It really was? Care to explain HOW, then? Sounds VERY suspicious... stg4_usu_49_2 Well, tell me if you see anything suspicious.

You know, like... A shadow walking around, or a weirdo in a bed sheet.

I don't need to be turned into a pig again, that's for darn sure. stg4_usu_49_2_1 Well, tell me if you see anything suspicious.

You know, like... A shadow walking around, or a weirdo in a bed sheet.

I don't need to be turned into a pig again, that's for darn sure. stg4_usu_50_kur Oh, the bell rang, Mario! That means someone's gonna...

Whew... At least it's not me this time. stg4_usu_50_nok The bell, Mario... The bell! That must mean someone's going to...

Phew... I hate to say it, but I'm glad it wasn't me... stg4_usu_50_win Oh, that cursed bell rang! Someone's going to...

My... I must say, I'm relieved the curse didn't strike me... stg4_usu_50_yos Whoa! The bell rang, Mario! Doesn't that mean someone's gonna...

Boy... I'm psyched it wasn't my turn to get pigged. stg4_usu_51 Sniff... Sniff... stg4_usu_52 Oh, a customer... Sniff...

I'm sorry... We're not open right now. Sniff... stg4_usu_53 Huh? Why am I crying?

Sniff... My husband's been turned into a pig.

A pig... stg4_usu_54 Sniff... My husband went to the woods yesterday to collect herbs...

But no husband came home... Instead, a pig returned! This pig!

We got in a fight before he left, and I had called him a chauvinist pig...

And now he really is a pig... Sniff...

But he has a sweet side, too, like cooking my favorite food on my birthday, y'know?

And when shoppers get rude, my husband escorts them out in such a manly way, y'know?

He's just got so many wonderful things going for him, y'know?

I wish he wouldn't dip into the till for cola money, but boys will be boys, y'know?

And I could really do without him drying his underwear on the radiator, y'know?

And no matter how often I tell him, he drinks milk from the carton, y'know?

I don't think it'd be tough for him to change his socks once in a while, y'know?

But I have my faults too, y'know?

Like, maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on him all the time, y'know?

I should've told him how I felt about him when I could, y'know?

Oh, how could he leave me and turn into a pig like this, y'know?


So, ummmmmmm... Are you even listening? stg4_usu_55 So, hey... Could you figure out some way to restore my husband to normal?

I'll do whatever I can to help.

You can even take anything in the storeroom that might help you, y'know? stg4_usu_56 Please help me!

You can even take anything in the storeroom that might help you restore my husband. stg4_usu_57 What's that? It's locked?

My husband must've taken the key with him and lost it in the woods. Sniff... stg4_usu_58 Ah, you brought the key! Well, go ahead and open the storeroom, if you want.

Feel free to take whatever you want out of there.

That's a good trade for getting my husband back, I think. stg4_usu_58_01 You opened the storeroom, I see. Me, I have to get the store ready for business.

I sure wish I had my husband back in normal form to help me run the place, y'know? stg4_usu_59 Oh, please help my husband return to normal form so he can help me run the place...

Sniff... stg4_usu_60 Oh, this is awkward... I guess that pig wasn't my husband at all.

This guy is younger and cuter than my husband, actually...

What a strapping fellow... Perhaps it's time I traded in for a new husband!

Oh, I'm only fooling! stg4_usu_61_00 L'oink l'oink! stg4_usu_61 Honh? I do not understand zis madness... No! No! I just do not get eet!

I remember coming 'ere by zat pipe...

But eet all gets fuzzy after zat, an' now I do not know why I am 'ere...

Not zat eet ees a problem. Zis leetle filly ees tres fetching, honh? stg4_usu_61_1 ......! stg4_usu_61_2 ...! ...!!! stg4_usu_61_3 Non! Untrue!


When I awoke...

I was here...

in zis shop.

I swear eet!

I do not lie.


Say something!


I meant you...

no 'arm!

I promise!

Believe me! stg4_usu_61_4 You cad!

Why were you...

in here while...

I was gone?

Answer me!


I don't want...

to know... No!

I do! Tell me!

Be honest!

It's MY shop!

She's MY wife!

I don't wanna...

have to use...

a ninja punch...

to blast you...

out of here!

Now, speak! stg4_usu_61_5 I collect the goods, and she sells 'em. Simple.

A good shop, like a good marriage, is dependant on teamwork, my friend!

So show your support and buy something! stg4_usu_61_6 I collect the goods, and she sells 'em. Simple.

A good shop, like a good marriage, is dependant on teamwork, my friend!

So show your support and buy something! stg4_usu_61_7 I collect the goods, and she sells 'em. Simple.

A good shop, like a good marriage, is dependant on teamwork, my friend!

So show your support and buy something! stg4_usu_majin3_01 Hold up! Hey! Who's there? I just heard a voice! stg4_usu_majin3_02 There's no way that people could be here! Seriously, that's just so unlikely! stg4_usu_majin3_03 ...Huh? What's that you say? You've seen a chest like this before? Get outta here! stg4_usu_majin3_04 No, no, no! I'm not like those chests, I promise! Look at my eyes. Tell me I'm lying. stg4_usu_majin3_05 I'm not, seriously! Just get me out of here! You'll see! Don't make me beg! stg4_usu_majin3_06 ...What? Come on. You know how ridiculous you sound right now? I'm laughing in here.

You honestly think I'm going to curse you when I get out? CURSE you?

Well, I did plan on doing SOMETHING to you, but it's not so much a curse as a...

Well, a really wonderful new ability that will allow you to go special places...

Doesn't that sound nice? stg4_usu_majin3_07 Aw, come on, please? Just find the key and open the chest, OK?

I know it's here somewhere, I just can't go look for it myself. 'Cause I'm in here.

So pretty, pretty please? stg4_usu_majin3_08 Please! Pretty please? Find the key and let me out! Come on! Come on! Come on!

I know it's around here somewhere, I just can't go look for it myself.

I'm counting on you! Pretty please! stg4_usu_majin3_09 Oh! Thank goodness!!! You're going to let me out! Oh, happy day! stg4_usu_majin3_10 What? No way! stg4_usu_majin3_11 WHEE HEE!

FOOOOOLS! stg4_usu_majin3_12 What were you expecting? Did you think a lovely lady would pop out or something?

Now I'm going to hit you with the king of curses, the cursiest curse ever!

Fear my terrible power! You will know the pain of having your body roll up!

BE CUUUUUUUURSED! stg4_usu_majin3_13 Whee hee hee hee hee! Now you're cursed, loser! Savor your suffering!

When this curse strikes you, you won't even be able to walk! That's how awful it is!

Whee hee hee hee hee! Your suffering amuses me! And so I laugh! stg4_usu_majin3_14

Now show me your cursed plight so I can laugh all the more!

Just press and hold , then rotate repeatedly! stg4_usu_majin3_18 Whee hee hee hee hee! Your pathetic misery thrills me to the core!

You must roll around like a silly cardboard tube! Oh, how you'll be laughed at!

Now... Do you understand the depth of your own agony? stg4_usu_majin3_19 Of course! Sorry, all out. stg4_usu_67 I don't think that's edible. stg4_usu_68 Oh, thank you so much. You've made my children very happy...and me, as well.

It's not much, but please take this as thanks. stg4_usu_69 Oh, and kind traveler... Where do you hail... stg4_usu_70 Oh, of course, I understand. Please don't worry about it...

Oh, by the way, traveler... Where do you hail... stg4_usu_71 EEEEEEEK! stg4_usu_72 NOOOOOOO! stg4_usu_73 WAAAAAAH! stg4_usu_73_01 Moink moink! stg4_usu_74 Mommy... You're a piggy... stg4_usu_75 Hey! Fix my mommy! stg4_usu_76 Hey... Are pigs good eatin'? stg4_usu_77 Thanks to Mario, our village is back to normal at last.

If you see Mario, you should thank him, too! stg4_usu_78 Mario, congratulations on finding your Crystal Star.

These kids are MY treasures. Nothing could replace them. And nothing ever will.

I hope you'll find something that you can feel the same way about someday. stg4_usu_79 Mommy... stg4_usu_80 I'm hungry... stg4_usu_81 Pork chops... stg4_usu_81_1 Ah, Mario. Did you find what you were looking for?

Keep looking, no matter where the road takes you. Never, never give up.

But don't wear yourself out, either. You must keep body and mind healthy.

Feel free to visit anytime. The children are always happy to see you...as am I. stg4_usu_81_2 Hey, Mario! stg4_usu_81_3 You're back! stg4_usu_81_4 Gift for me? stg4_usu_81_4_1 Ah, Mario. You seem to have found what you were looking for, correct?

Feel free to visit anytime. The children are always happy to see you...as am I. stg4_usu_81_4_2 Hey, Mario! stg4_usu_81_4_3 You're back! stg4_usu_81_4_4 Gift for me? stg4_usu_82 Yes, I'm a novelist, and I read several books a day. Not all pop-up books, either.

I wonder if pigs can read... I'm a bit concerned about it, to be honest. stg4_usu_30 Yes, I'm a novelist. It's not all that easy on the eyes, but I read by moonlight.

So what kind of books do you like, anyway? stg4_usu_30_yn Little Green Men Princess Peach stg4_usu_86_00

Ha ha ha! Too funny! You must be a dreamer... What an imagination! stg4_usu_87 I had this weird dream... Yeah, you were on the moon. Hey, if it ever comes true...

Could you check to see who really lives up there? stg4_usu_87_1 In this village, the moon is really all we can rely on. It can even grant wishes!

I wish that Twilight Town will always be peaceful and ever so dim... stg4_usu_87_1_1 In this village, the moon is really all we can rely on. It can even grant wishes!

I wish that Twilight Town will always be peaceful and ever so dim... stg4_usu_88 I've been thinking lately... If I'm gonna turn into a pig... I wanna be a big ol' FAT one.

'Cause what's the point in being a skinny pig, right? Gotta embrace the pigginess! stg4_usu_89 I've been thinking lately... I don't really wanna be a pig... but being a crow could be OK.

Because then I could fly. No one's ever heard of a flying pig... stg4_usu_90 I've been thinking lately... Maybe being a human is best.

If I wasn't human, we wouldn't be having this conversation... And that would be too sad. stg4_usu_90_1 I've been thinking lately... In my next life...

I wanna be a strong person like you who helps people everywhere...

What's that? I should start now? Oh well, you know... I'd rather do it next life... stg4_usu_90_1_1 I've been thinking lately... In my next life...

I wanna be a strong person like you who helps people everywhere...

What's that? I should start now? Oh well, you know... I'd rather do it next life... stg4_usu_91 Noink noink! stg4_usu_92 The curse was OINK lifted. That Mario sure was OINK something, wasn't he?

Ahhh... I can't stop oinking. What should I OINK do? stg4_usu_93 What OINK? Mario's not Mario, and Mario was the OINK bad guy?

I'm confused. That means... Ummm... Mario's OINK a bad guy? Are you oinking me?

OINK! stg4_usu_93_1 Oink oink oink oink... Mario wasn't OINK Mario. Mario was the OINK bad guy...

So Mario was really the OINK hero of our village...

Oink oink oink oink! I'm just not OINK getting this at all... stg4_usu_93_1_1 Oink oink oink oink... Mario wasn't OINK Mario. Mario was the OINK bad guy...

So Mario was really the OINK hero of our village...

Oink oink oink oink! I'm just not OINK getting this at all... stg4_usu_94 Oinkle oinkle! stg4_usu_95 The curse has been lifted since Mario beat that bad, bad ghost!

Ah, that perfect red cap! Those scuffed blue overalls! He's the absolute best!

Why don't you do something about your appearance and spiff up like Mario, huh? stg4_usu_96 Hey, how are you, Mario? Nice weather, isn't it?

You can't tell, you say? Well, take my word for it. It's nice today. stg4_usu_96_1 Hey, how are you, Mario? You look extra-nice today, as usual.

I mean, no one in this village would ever wear that hat with those overalls.

I mean that in a nice way, of course... You're a total trendsetter, seriously! stg4_usu_96_1_1 Hey, how are you, Mario? You look extra-nice today, as usual.

I mean, no one in this village would ever wear that hat with those overalls.

I mean that in a nice way, of course... You're a total trendsetter, seriously! stg4_usu_137 So that Mario guy meeting with the mayor, he's actually the bad guy, right?

And nobody even knows. Humans are so dumb, it makes me want to peck their noses. stg4_usu_138 The only soul that knows the bad guy's name is locked under Creepy Steeple, I hear.

Because, you know, if no one knows your name, then you can use unstoppable magic. stg4_usu_139 But if someone says your real name to you, then your magic will stop working... stg4_usu_140 So...I wonder how all this is going to end up, then? stg4_usu_141 A little birdie told me that the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom got kidnapped again.

They must have her locked up safe and sound somewhere far away, huh?

But still... stg4_usu_142 That Peach is cute and all, but come ON...

Any girl that gets kidnapped every weekend is just going to break your heart, y'know...

Not that Mario ever gets sick of saving her. That guy is a total glutton for punishment... stg4_usu_142_1 A little birdie told me that the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom got kidnapped again.

They must have her locked up safe and sound somewhere far away, huh?

But still... stg4_usu_142_2 That Peach is cute and all, but come ON...

Any girl that gets kidnapped every weekend is just going to break your heart, y'know...

Not that Mario ever gets sick of saving her. That guy is a total glutton for punishment... stg4_usu_142_2_1 A little birdie told me that the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom got kidnapped again.

They must have her locked up safe and sound somewhere far away, huh?

But still... stg4_usu_142_2_2 That Peach is cute and all, but come ON...

Any girl that gets kidnapped every weekend is just going to break your heart, y'know...

Not that Mario ever gets sick of saving her. That guy is a total glutton for punishment... stg4_usu_143 Hey, Maude, listen to this! Ronnie, my oldest, is taking his SATs this year. stg4_usu_144 Oh, is little Ronnie that age already? Well, bless my feathers, Flo! stg4_usu_145 He sure is! And he's even going to one of those test prep centers.

I say it's all worth it if he gets into Crowhall University or somewhere else good. stg4_usu_146 My, my! Perhaps Bob and I should start saving for our little Billy's college fund? stg4_usu_146_1 Oh, Maude, you won't believe it... My little Ronnie did very poorly on his SATs...

And he tried so very hard... And we spent so very much... stg4_usu_146_2 Now, Flo, don't you get down on yourself, now. He can try again, can't he?

...Can't he? Flo, are you listening to me?

Flo... You look peaked... stg4_usu_146_2_1 Oh, Maude, you won't believe it... My little Ronnie did very poorly on his SATs...

And he tried so very hard... And we spent so very much... stg4_usu_146_2_2 Now, Flo, don't you get down on yourself, now. He can try again, can't he?

...Can't he? Flo, are you listening to me?

Flo... You look peaked... stg4_usu_147 Alas, this twilit world is too full of pain and contradiction, too full of broken dreams.

Perhaps I was only given wings so that I could flee the terror of mundanity... stg4_usu_148 And yet, tiny sparks of hope gleam in this dim existence, like pearls in the murk.

The smallest glow of kindness shines so brightly in this infinite darkness...

Perhaps I have wings so that I may fly to this small light... stg4_usu_148_1 Yea, verily, I have decided! I will go on an epic journey! I will gather what light I can!

Though I am a mere crow... I cannot embark on such a quest in this darkness...

Very well, I will fly at dawn... Will dawn ever come? stg4_usu_148_1_1 Yea, verily, I have decided! I will go on an epic journey! I will gather what light I can!

Though I am a mere crow... I cannot embark on such a quest in this darkness...

Very well, I will fly at dawn... Will dawn ever come? stg4_usu_149_viv Did you hear that?

If we search under Creepy Steeple, maybe we can find out that guy's real name! stg4_usu_150_viv Let's go! To Creepy Steeple! stg4_usu_148_1_01 Smoink bloink! stg4_usu_148_1_02 B-Boink! stg4_usu_148_1_03 Croink oink! stg4_usu_148_1_04 Hey, we are the Traveling Sisters 3! stg4_usu_148_1_05 Hey, I think we were pigs until a moment ago! stg4_usu_148_1_06 No way! We're not pigs...

But if we were, we'd be such cute ones, huh? stg4_jin_153 Caw caw caw caw! usugurashop_00 That'll be coin for that . You looking to buy? usugurashop_01

Yikes! You need more coins. usugurashop_02

Your inventory is full.

Why don't you sell, store, or drop something? usugurashop_03

Thanks for that!

You now have...let's see... %d shop points. usugurashop_04 Greetings! Welcome to the Twilight Shop!

Whatcha need? usugurashop_04_1 Greetings, folks! Welcome to the Twilight Shop! Buy something!

We're having a double-point special, so buy up! What can I get you? usugurashop_05

If you want to buy something, just press in front of the item you want, got it? usugurashop_06

Huh? You don't have anything to sell, now, do you? usugurashop_07

Which do you want to sell? usugurashop_08

Hmmmm, that ... I'll buy it for coin! We got a deal? usugurashop_09

Oh, is that a fact? OK. You want to sell something else, maybe? usugurashop_10

Thanks for that!

You want to sell something else, maybe? usugurashop_11

Thanks for that! usugurashop_12

Huh? You don't have anything to store, now, do you? usugurashop_13

Oh, I'm awfully sorry, but... I can't store any more. usugurashop_14

I can store up to item. What should I store? usugurashop_15

Then I'll just grab that... usugurashop_16

Then I'll just grab that...

Anything else you'd like me to stash for you right now? usugurashop_17

Hey! I don't have anything stored for you! usugurashop_18

Your inventory is full!

Why don't you sell, store, or drop something? usugurashop_19

What would you like to withdraw? usugurashop_20

Then I'll just hand that over. usugurashop_21

Then I'll just hand that over.

Anything else you're looking to withdraw? usugurashop_22

Thanks for that! usugurashop_23 Yes No usugurashop_25

Let's see here... You currently have shop point! usugurashop_26 Hey, look at all those shop points you got!

How about I set you up with this ! usugurashop_27 Your inventory is full!

Why don't you sell, store, or drop something? usugurashop_28 Hey, look at all those shop points you got!

How about I set you up with this ! usugurashop_29 You have enough shop points to qualify for a nice gift, but you have too many items.

Sorry about that. Anyway, is there anything else I can do for you? usugurashop_34 Wow! You've amassed the maximum number of shop points: 300! Nice!

Where could you possibly go from here?

I'll tell you: you get to start over from nothing again! Isn't that great?

And you get this amazing 300-point bonus gift! A Gold Bar x 3! usugurashop_30 Greetings, and welcome! Wait... Is this your first time in a shop? EVER?

Yeah, you had that first-time customer look... Let me tell you about shop points. usugurashop_31 You collect 1 shop point each time you buy something.

Collect enough points and I'll give you a bonus gift, OK? Some are really rare!

I put all the bonus-gift details up on the wall over there, so take a look.

Well, that's my spiel on shop points. Do you want to hear all that again? usugurashop_32

Well, OK... The customer's always right, I guess... But pay attention this time. usugurashop_33

Browse all you want! irai_20_001 Oh, Mario, you've accepted my trouble request?

Well... It's hard to talk about in front of the children. Can we step outside? irai_20_002 I need you to help me to meet someone... His name is Podley...my former love.

We had the same dream: to be stars of the musical stage.

We shared our dreams, and we shared a wonderful love for a time.

In that cramped little apartment, we huddled together, poor but happy.

But when I finally got a part in a Broadshroom play as the leading lady...

Podley left me.

He left a quickly scrawled note that said only this:

"My dear, I would only dim your bright future. Farewell." Oh, Podley! WHY?

My dream was always to be with you, not to be a star that shines alone!

I wanted only to shine with him... Success was nothing without him.

I left the production while it was in rehearsal. I forgot about Podley and my dreams.

I got married and lived the life of a housewife, happy in its quiet comforts...

And now... I'm surrounded by beautiful children.

My happiness is so complete now, I had forgotten about those days...

But then I heard a rumor that Podley was running a Chuckola shop in Rogueport!

Could you please tell him that I would like to see him again?

Tell him that Purehearted Eve has not forgotten her first love! irai_20_003 Yes, "Purehearted Eve" was my stage name...

Please meet with Podley and ask how he feels about me. Please, Mario! irai_20_004 Have you met with Podley? Not yet, I see...

Please meet with Podley and ask how he feels about me. Please, Mario! irai_20_005 Have you met with Podley? Really... What did he say? irai_20_006 Sure. Nah. stg2_win_e05_00_13 Great! It's decided, then! Let's go find it! stg2_win_e05_00_14 Huh? Did you just say "nah"? Uh... What's wrong with you? Let's go find her necklace! stg2_win_e05_00_15 I'm sorry to trouble you so. stg2_win_e05_19 Please! You must find my precious necklace! I'm counting on you! stg2_win_e09_00_01 Ohhh... Poor, poor me... When, oh when, will I see my precious necklace again? stg2_win_e09_00 Oh! You delightful fellow! You've found my necklace! I'm beside myself, truly!

But...you still mustn't see me. Please, leave the necklace by the door and wait a moment. stg2_win_e09_01 Oh, splendid, SPLENDID! My oh-so-ravishing necklace! I'm awash in joy! ♪ stg2_win_e09_02 Oh! Oh...my...word! Mario, isn't it? Are YOU my heroic little necklace hunter?

Well! My, my, my... Aren't you a FINE specimen of a man! Yes, indeed! stg2_win_e09_03 I simply MUST thank you for your graciousness!

But how to do it? Hmmm... Perhaps if I...grabbed you and gave you a little sugar? stg2_win_e09_05 Here I come, handsome! Time to give you a proper thank-you! Pucker up! stg2_win_e09_06 Oh, Mario, you are just the CUTEST little thing I've ever laid eyes on! stg2_win_e09_07 Yes, you are, and that's that. So tell me, are you truly looking for the Crystal Stars?

The very same Crystal Stars spoken of by all the lowlifes in Rogueport?

Mmmm... A danger-filled search for beautiful jewels... How absolutely marvelous!

And here I was thinking how frightfully bored I was! It's time for a change! stg2_win_e09_07_01 And besides, I do declare... That plush mustache of yours has completely swooned me!

A man as manly as you must attract all sorts of trouble, and I want to keep you safe!

So, I daresay I'll be joining you on this little adventure. I assume that's fine, Mario? stg2_win_e09_09 This is wonderful! It's so nice that Flurrie likes you, Mario. Really, it's great!

And even more importantly, Flurrie's chosen to join us! Let's go to the Great Tree! lecture_friends_07 Flurrie joined your party! lecture_friends_07_0_1 Flurrie's Abilities: A Primer lecture_friends_07_1 Press and Flurrie will exhale strong gusts of wind that can blow things away!

If she blows in the direction of an enemy, she can make its head spin for a bit!

Hold down to make Flurrie exhale continuously! lecture_friends_08

She can also do a Body Slam in battle, squashing enemies with her...stage presence.

She can also aid Mario by using her Gale Force attack to blow enemies away! gor_02_aed_win_01 Oh, Mario! Mario! Long time no see, sweetie!

I've finished my latest performance, and I'm enjoying a well-earned vacation! gor_02_aed_win_02 Are you going on another adventure? Well, if you are, I will SURELY come along!

After all, I must continue to improve upon my talents. gor_02_aed_win_03 Flurrie joined your party! gor_02_aed_win_04 I wonder what kind of drama awaits us this time! msg_kuri_map What a totally nice house! Super coordination between the red walls and furniture.

I'm so jealous it's not even funny. I have like, NO sense of interior decoration. stg2_win_e04_00_04 It's settled, then. I shall rise again! But...before I make my stage comeback...

I simply must whip my body and mind into shape.

I'll just have to put on some makeup and make my beauty even more beautiful.

Wait a moment... msg_kuri_map Ooh, AND a canopy bed! I'm sooo jealous! Argh! I'd DIE to have one!

And all the furniture here is so stylish! It's like, TEARING ME APART!

Interior decoration is all about balance, and this... place...has...got it! stg2_win_e01_00_00_kur These are the Boggly Woods... They sure look...boggling. Ooh! I've got butterflies! stg2_win_e01_00_00_nok So, the Boggly Woods, huh? Looks mysterious, all right. What'll we run into next? stg2_win_e00_00 Um, OK, just a bit further and we should be able to see the Great Tree.

The elder and her friends are waiting for us there... Oh, and my little sister, too!

Come on, let's go! msg_kuri_map These are the Boggly Woods. Pretty surreal, huh? Looks like it's out of a picture book.

It's pretty...but in an eerie sort of way, y'know? sysyuu_00_00 I quit! I'll continue. sysyuu_01_00 I quit! I'll continue. sysyuu_02_00 I quit! I'll continue. sysyuu_03_00 I quit! I'll continue.